
As they walked to the food court, the couple, Arthur and Emily, drew a lot of attention and attracted many looks. The girls were blown away by how handsome Arthur looked, and the boys had their eyes glazed over Emily, as if she was going to disappear at any moment.

Arthur was used to getting attention, whether it was good or bad, so he just ignored it. On the other hand, Emily, despite always attracting attention for being very beautiful, still felt uncomfortable with this.

Realizing this, Arthur decided to start talking to her.

"You are very beautiful! I see you prepared a lot for today? "Arthur said as he smiled and looked ahead.

Blushing at Arthur's praise, as if it wasn't enough he'd already given, Emily's full attention was drawn to him. The best way to get attention is to be very exaggerated by repeating things and bringing up new ones or just hitting someone. The first option was more viable at that time.

"Thanks! I just did a few things... how about you?" She asked back. She really did find Arthur handsome, and even in the car she could already smell him good. He was well dressed and everything about him managed to attract her somehow, so he must have prepared well.

"Well, I took a shower. That's enough, right?" Arthur asked as he looked at her with a silly smile.

Emily laughed at Arthur's joke. She was wanting to talk to him, but she didn't know how to do that. She decided to continue the subject.

"So can you say everything I've done? Or at least what I changed from the usual." Looking straight at Arthur, she got closer to him.

"And what do I get out of it?" He asked back with a smile.

"Could it be a surprise?" Emily thought before answering. She was pretty sure Arthur wouldn't get everything right, and she didn't have anything in mind, as it was just a joke.

"That could be it!" Arthur nodded and began: "Your gloss is different than usual, it's brighter, has a red tone that makes your mouth sexy and, in my opinion, irresistible. You can also see that you used a very basic blush to define your face more, eyeliner, curlier lashes and a little more mascara than usual. I even liked it a lot. Next would be your newly done toenails and fingernails and I would say I like the color and design, you really are really good with combinations. Another thing you've changed is the perfume you usually go to school with, and you've also straightened your hair to make it look better with your clothes."

Arthur looked at her again: "Am I right?"

Emily was more shocked with every word that came out of Arthur's mouth. Everything he's saying was absolutely right. She'd had her nails done a few hours ago and also had her hair straightened. The makeup was so basic that it only served to enhance her, but he still noticed. Even the perfume he noticed!

"H-how did you notice all this??" She asked, still shocked and very curious.

"I have a good memory. Look, there's a free table!" Arthur replied quickly before drawing her attention forward.

Arthur looked everywhere they went and the food court as well. He looked at every place and face and he hadn't found the other girls. So it would be better to wait for them.

They walked over to the table, with Emily still distracted by what Arthur had said. After all, either he had an excellent memory, or he liked her to know so much about her.

The table they got had a basic couch with the table at the front, with three chairs opposite the sofa. Emily and Arthur sat together on the couch, and their vision was at a point where they could see whoever walked in through the mall door or whoever walked down the escalator.

"How did you do that?" Emily asked Arthur again. She was wanting to see if her suggestion was correct.

"I told you, I have a good memory. And you smell good, do you want me to forget easily?" Arthur asked as he smiled at her. They were almost together, so he just looked sideways a little and turned his face away.

"Idiot! I doubt you have a good memory..." Emily tapped Arthur's shoulder with her own and blushed.

"It's up to you whether you believe it or not. The important thing is that I want my reward!" Arthur looked at her and fixed his gaze.

"I-I don't know, I didn't think any..." Emily spoke softly as she looked away from Arthur, as if she didn't know anything.

"Ah, come on! Did I have so much work without reward? Okay then, I'm used to it. But I release you on one condition!" Arthur pretended to be stabbed in the heart. But he soon recovered.

"What condition?" Emily asked, curious and laughing at Arthur's performance.

"If you guess this trick, I'll let you go!"

As soon as he finished talking, Arthur put his hand up to Emily's ear and when he took it off, to Emily's surprise, a bonbon came with it.

"Hey! But your hand was empty!" Emily looked at him in shock. Her vision alternated between Arthur and the candy.

Arthur placed the candy on the table in front of Emily. He placed the palm of his right hand on top and closed it tightly. He then opened his left palm and the chocolate was there.

He was obviously not doing magic, but playing with the system's inventory. To put something in the Inventory, Arthur needed to touch it, but taking it out could be done with a single thought.

Emily was rendered speechless by this, and kept staring at Arthur with her mouth open.

"I give up! You won!" She gave up thinking about how he did it. She knew it might be a trick, but she couldn't explain it.

"Since you don't know the reward, I'll ask you later. Here, it's for you!" Arthur smiled and handed her the candy.

"Thanks!" Emily returned the smile and took the candy. She didn't even ask what reward Arthur was thinking of.

After waiting for a while, Arthur got impatient and was already getting hungry. He didn't want to talk openly, but he really wanted to eat something.

"Do you want something to eat? I'll get it for you since someone has to guard the table." Arthur offered as he stood up.

"Okay… can it be a strawberry milkshake?" Emily asked while thinking about it. She also opened her purse.

"Alright, I was going to get the same!" Arthur waved and turned to go, but Emily called out from behind.

"Won't you take the money? I pay my share!" Emily spoke as she looked into Arthur's eyes. She looked like she was doing something that should be done, and Arthur was a little impressed.

"No need." Arthur said while laughing a little. "It's cheap anyway, so don't worry!"

After that he went to a screen next to BK (Burguer King). He ordered the milkshakes and paid with his card. The line was long in front of the counter, with people already waiting for their orders. He put his name to be called.

Meanwhile, with Arthur some distance away, at Emily's table, Sara and Madison appeared from behind, apparently coming from the back entrance of the mall.

"Hey, girl!" Madison called out to Emily as soon as she saw her alone at the table. She was wearing a black crop top, trendy black pants and white sneakers. She was also wearing a burgundy sweater coat, but it was kind of loose.

"Hi, honey!" Sara walked over to Emily and kissed her on the cheeks, sitting next to her. Sara was modest and wore a white shirt with strappy denim overalls and white sneakers.

"Hii, why did you take so long?" Emily asked, not realizing that she was the one who came quickly because of Arthur.

"You who came fast! Your brother brought you, right? We both came with my father and yet you arrived faster." Sara spoke as she sat next to Emily, taking Arthur's seat. Emily was a little lost, but she didn't have time to say anything.

"What time will Arthur arrive? Is he walking over here?" Madison asked, looking around. She sat down on the other side of Emily, leaving the couch completely occupied.

"In fact-" Emily tried to say that Arthur was nearby, but Madison interrupted again.

"By the way, we met up with some people at the entrance. I hope you don't have any problems that we brought them with us." She spoke and called some boys who appeared in front of them.

It was Cesar and two of his friends. All three had athletic physiques, and wore clothes that stood out, attracting some looks. Cesar looked the prettiest, and he had a natural feeling of being a leader.

But Emily didn't even give them a second glance before replying, "Nothing to say." She wasn't the type of person who cared much about a person's physique or money. And even more after seeing Arthur shirtless, the physiques of these boys in front of her looked like children who didn't know how to exercise.

Hearing Emily's nonchalant response, it was as if a knife had been plunged into Cesar's chest.

"Don't be like that. As long as you hang out with us tonight, I promise you'll have a great time!" He spoke with a flattering smile. He was trying hard to look like a nice guy.

Emily was silent, as was Sara. They didn't have good impressions of these people, or they just didn't care about them. But Madison didn't, she offered the chairs in front of the table, and the boys sat down. The table was now completely occupied, and there was no more free space.

As soon as she saw this, Emily said, "But what about Arthur? There's no room for him anymore!"

"Arthur?!" A fire burned in Cesar's eyes as he continued, "That guy must still be coming up on his feet. He must surely live far away from here and he doesn't even have money for a taxi! As soon as he arrives, we've already left for another place." Cesar spoke with mockery and hidden anger in his voice.

The two next to him started laughing too. Sara and Madison didn't say anything or laugh. But Emily narrowed her eyes in anger. She didn't like the attitude of these people, and she was wanting to get out of there. She didn't want Arthur to run out of place to sit, so it would be better to go to another table.

"Hey, how's it going? I heard you talking about me and I was really walking! Sorry for the delay, but who is alive always shows up!" Arthur spoke as he appeared behind the boys. He gave a symbolic look to Emily, who understood and fell silent with a bright smile on her face.