I Want To Give You Something

Total silence. Everyone looked at the figure standing in the center of the mat with shocked eyes. Did the clown who was doing all those funny things really hit a stroke of luck and manage to kick his opponent off the mat?


The screaming that followed this silence was almost deafening. People were excited about what had happened, that fact exposed in their eyes that they couldn't believe it. Many cameras were recording everything that happened, and many bet that it would be difficult not to go viral after that.

Still standing in the center of the mat, Arthur reached out and grabbed Cesar's black staff, which was yet to fall. As Arthur hit from the bottom and right in the center, the force made it go up. This scene left people even more shocked.

Emily could no longer explain what she was feeling. This heroic figure standing like a great fighter made her heart beat so much faster. And he still had that playful smile on his face, which made her heart finally melt for him.

Even with all of Arthur's actions during this meeting, Emily couldn't quite identify what she felt for him. And even with everything he made her feel, she didn't want to admit that she'd fallen in love so quickly. But now she's given up trying to control herself. She was really in love. She really fell in love with this boy younger than her that she'd only known for a month.

Arthur then threw the black staff and his own to the side of the mat at the judge's feet. He'd already seen what he wanted to see, so he just walked back to Emily.

He noticed the different look from her, with her hands clasped on her chest and her legs slightly trembling at the sight of him. He had to admit she was a one in a million beauty. Truly worthy of having him give up any thoughts of abandoning love and living like a lone wolf. Well, it was the stupid thoughts of a heartbroken teenager, but they still have a force in it.

"Hi?" Arthur smiled at her and brought his face closer to hers.

"Eh! Hi!" Emily already knew what she had to know, but even so she couldn't contain her heart from beating faster at the sight of Arthur's face so close. 'So handsome...'

"Let's get the prizes. You there, come too." Arthur sensed Emily's unease and didn't want to provoke her... for now. He called the girls too.

They soon went to the referee, who was still a little shocked. He seemed to be the manager of this event and Arthur kind of noticed that.

"Y-yes, the prizes! Come with me!" The manager's eyes were still a little shocked by Arthur's performance. 'Damn, that guy asked me to steal it for him, but he still lost in less than 5 minutes! I even ignored all the times he wanted to hit him on the head!'

After they walked to a store, the manager presented the prize choices. The bear was for sure, but the winner had the choice on their cell phone.

Only now did Arthur realize that it was probably the bear that was the official prize, while the cell phone was a last-minute bonus. As things were going, apparently it was the idiot Cesar with his money that offered. After all, if the competition was worth a cell phone, it wouldn't be so simple.

"You can choose the cell phone and keep the teddy bear too. I changed mine some time ago..." Emily told Arthur in a gentle voice. Right after she spoke, he was startled a little by the involuntary tone of her voice.

"It won't work like that. We both win, so the prize is split. As much as you beg me, I won't give you the teddy bear!" Arthur put on a tight front and hugged the bear.

"Goofy!" Emily laughed a little and her heart was more willing to accept.

After a few more attempts by Arthur, she was finally convinced and ended up choosing an iPhone 11. The settings were good, despite its bad reputation in Brazil, mainly for its battery.

"My mom always wanted one of these, but she never had the time for it. I think I'll save it and give it as a gift for her birthday..." Emily looked at the cell phone with glee, but not a hint of desire. She had already decided to give it to her mother, and so it would be.

Arthur didn't say anything and just smiled at that. His vision of Emily was getting better and better.

'Personality, breasts, butt, eyes, face, attitude, intelligence... I think she must have a big flaw, or something to hide...' He saw that everything about Emily was too beautiful not to be flawed. But not that he cared too much about it. They still didn't have a relationship, so the problems weren't his either. 'Still?...'

Sara and Madison were already numb and didn't even want to ask how Arthur managed to fight Cesar. They had the interest, but they must have been expecting a crazy answer from Arthur.

Holding the giant bear, which was about 1.5m, brown and with very cute details, Arthur walked through the mall with the girls. This sight attracted many eyes, and some who were there at the event had already spread the word.

Arriving at the Taekwondo dojo on the first floor, Arthur waited outside with the girls while they had a snack of some snacks like pastries, coxinhas, etc. They were really hungry and tired, and Sara said that her father would be coming any minute now. Madison was going to ride with her too, while Emily was going with Arthur.

After a few moments of waiting, Priscilla, Renata and Julia finally left as they closed the dojo. As soon as she saw Arthur, Julia already ran to him, accompanied by Priscilla.

"Hi princess!" Arthur instinctively hugged her.

"Hi hero!" Julia spoke in a cute way.

"Look what I brought you!" Arthur showed Julia the giant bear. It had a big red bow around its neck, as if to indicate it was a gift.

"Wow!" Julia fell in love instantly.

Playing a little and talking to Renata, they soon said goodbye. Arthur paid attention to every detail he could, like the brand of the car key, etc. He wanted to make sure Julia had a safe trip home.

Then it was the girls' turn to say goodbye. They were at the mall's front door, and a white corolla pulled up outside to pick up Sara and Madison. The two sat in the back seat. The front door windows opened and Arthur's gaze clashed with the driver's.

'A really pleasant surprise!' Sara's father was actually the mercenary who had done a mission with him not long ago: Blaze.

It was a one-sided understanding, as he doesn't seem to have recognized Arthur.

As soon as they said goodbye, Emily and Arthur walked to the elevator together. Alone there while they waited to reach the underground floor, Arthur stared at Emily without looking away.

"What is it?" Emily asked, trying to maintain her composure. But her flushed cheeks were trying to spoil that interpretation.

"You're beautiful..." Arthur dropped a heartfelt compliment. He really was finding Emily very beautiful, and she was only compared to a few figures in his memory, people he hadn't seen in quite some time.

"T-thank you... so are you..." Not knowing what to say next, Emily returned the compliment. But that only made her blush even more.

Arthur was silent as he watched her with a smile. He soon looked away and continued to wait. After a while, they had already arrived in the car.

Suddenly, as if sensing something, Arthur stopped. Without waiting too long, he continued walking.

"I thought I missed something!" Arthur threw an excuse at Emily, who was looking at him oddly for stopping.

Taking the car back to Emily's house, Arthur didn't try anything different. He didn't accelerate to enjoy the thrill, but drove slowly there.

Emily noticed this, but she didn't have any complaints. In fact, she was quite enjoying it as the wind calmly blew across her face. Her mind was filled with doubts as to whether this car really was Arthur's, where he learned to fight and everything else about him. But she also had her secrets, and it wouldn't be right to ask any questions with nothing else happening between them.

Stopping in front of Emily's house, Arthur got out of the car, as did Emily on the other side. They stood by the car to say goodbye.

"So I guess that's it... see you at school the day after tomorrow..." Emily spoke with a feeling of loss in her heart. She didn't understand why she was feeling this.

"We'll definitely see each other!" Arthur said with a smile.

"Good night..." Emily was already ready to leave. But before she could, she felt a strong but warm hand tugging on hers.

"I remember someone promising me something a while ago..." Arthur spoke mysteriously as he looked directly into Emily's eyes. His hands massaged Emily's hands slowly, almost imperceptibly.

"Eh! What are you…a…" Emily's heart was pounding as she watched him tug on her hand, but it was so gentle that she even wanted to intertwine her fingers with his. Hearing what he said, she remembered their conversation as soon as they arrived at the mall. "What you want?" Her voice was low and embarrassed.

Arthur suddenly pulled her closer, but gently, and pointed at his cheek. He felt that a kiss of her own will was better than a kiss of joy.

Emily understood what he wanted but was too embarrassed to do it. But at the same time, when he pulled her closer, she felt a pleasant warmth and a sense of comfort like she'd never felt before. She unconsciously leaned into him. She already knew there was no way out, so she moved her red lips towards his cheek.

One kiss, two kisses, three kisses… Feeling the heat of Arthur's body, Emily's mouth didn't stop kissing his cheek, and each kiss was closer and closer to his mouth. Her hands were already unconsciously passing through his strong chest and reaching for his neck, ready to hug him and give herself to what she couldn't resist. She could also feel Athur's hands grabbing her waist and pulling her closer and closer.

When their waists touched, she felt something hard in Arthur. She thought it was something he carried in his pockets, but it really was too big to be something like that...

Suddenly, Arthur's hand lifted her chin, and their eyes met. Her heart was almost out of her chest and she was blushing as irresistibly as possible. She could already feel his sweet breath, and he hers.

Just as their lips were about to meet again, a cough came from Emily's house.

"Coff! Good night, have you come to drop off my daughter?" Who was there was Emily's mom, who heard the noise of the car and was already waiting for her. She had just arrived at that moment, and almost caught her daughter having her first kiss.

"Eh!" Emily was immediately startled and escaped from Arthur's arms. "Mom!"

"Good night ma'am!" Arthur quickly composed himself and gave Emily's mother a smile. He really was being cheeky, but he didn't care at all. In fact, he was already a little angry at these intrusions when he was about to kiss Emily. He was already dying in here!

"Glad you arrived. I'll give you some time to say goodbye..." In a smart way, Emily's mother made room for her daughter. She knew she'd already spoiled the mood, so she didn't worry about anything else. She also noticed Arthur's car and was pleased that her daughter had a good eye.

'You could have given this time sooner!' Emily screamed internally. She looked at Arthur with an apologetic look, "Sorry about that. Anyway, good night and see you Monday!"

"See you on Monday!"

He watched Emily go, but before she got very far, she turned around and kissed him on the cheek again.

"Today was amazing!"

She soon entered the house in panic with her face flushed. She was nervous as she tried to close the door, and Arthur could see through the window. He stood there watching her until she finally walked in.

Adjusting his pants, Arthur had a smile on his face as he got into the car.

He checked the rearview mirror and looked at the rear camera. His gaze seemed to be focused on a car in the distance.

"I'm really not in the mood for this, but since you want to get spanked so badly, there's nothing I can do to stop me!"