Two Types of Enemies

1. Level Up

| The System needs energy to break the seal and cleanse the impurities completely! |

[Level (5/10)]

'Just like I imagined, the system will break the seal on its own and cleanse these impurities, and I just need to level up. Man, if it hadn't been for that asshole, I might have died. Okay, one leg and one arm is already a good size, and also the jaw, for talking a lot of shit!' With a lot of happiness inside, Arthur has decided Cesar's fate in his hands for now.

'It seems that this one doesn't have rewards and punishments... is the system saying it's my obligation? But if I don't level up anyway, I'm still going to die in 5 days, and suffer these shitty reactions. I need to go home!'

While lost in his own thoughts, Cesar rose from the floor while shaking a little, his chest slightly sunken and his shirt soiled with a foot print.

"Give me back my rod, you fucker! I'm going to kill you!!" In immense anger, Cesar lunged at Arthur with bare fists. He was now regretting not bringing a real gun and ending this bastard's race.

"Come get it!" Arthur swung the rod, as if toying with it. He was wondering what he was going to do with the staff, as it was now his property. After all, Cesar delivered it so tactfully just now.

Cesar's fist had already come close to Arthur's face when he dodged it and lightly kicked the outside of his right knee, causing Cesar's leg to collapse and involuntarily kneeling. Holding the rod like a spear, Arthur thrust the point straight into his jaw.


A crack sounded as Cesar dropped to the floor clutching his chin.

"Now, enjoy it..." Arthur pointed his arms towards the sky and surroundings. "The silence!"

Getting close to Cesar, Arthur lifted his leg and was about to step on his knee, with the aim of crushing him completely.

But before he could step, a thin, metallic-cold dagger was near his throat.

"Finally, huh... I was already worried that you weren't going to do anything." Arthur said with a smile on his face.

"As I suspected, you are not weak at all..." Who was there was the tall black man who had accompanied Cesar until now.

As he held his dagger to Arthur's neck, the same was happening to him as well. A bone white dagger was in Arthur's left hand and the point was about to plunge into his throat.

"Let's get serious here. You don't want to be here, and that dick in the ass just badmouthed my girlfriend. Do you think it's fair that I just let it go?" Arthur pointed at Cesar with the rod and then spoke for everyone to hear, including the guys back there.

"I do not mind. What we hate most are rapists and we like to play with them to death." One of the guys, who appeared to be the leader of the group, spoke with a coquettish smile that sent shivers down Arthur's spine.

'I shouldn't have talked to them, it gives me the shivers...' As he tried to get this scene out of his head, Arthur looked at the tall guy again.

"Sorry, I'm getting paid..."

"How much am I worth?"


"Hell, I must be really good, but that's not enough money for you to risk your life." Arthur even wanted to make a joke that this number is chasing him, but no one else would understand.

"I've been working with his family for a few years now..."

"HMM!HMMM!" On the floor, Cesar's jaw prevented him from speaking. But he was listening to the entire conversation and saw that it wasn't going in his favor. He soon interrupted the conversation between Arthur and the tall guy.

"Shut up!" Arthur kicked Cesar's stomach, not at all afraid of the dagger in his throat. "What's your name?" he asked the tall guy.

"I can't too..."

An odd smile appeared on Arthur's face as he spoke again in a low voice only the two of them could hear: "I'm talking about the mercenary..."

The man was alert for a moment, then relaxed: "You too?"

"My name is kind of embarrassing, so call me Arthur."

"OK. Mine too, as I was a young man in love at the time. You can just call me Knight." A smile appeared on his face as he spoke to Arthur. 'If this damn child was like this boy here, I wouldn't have so many problems now!'

Arthur then lifted the screaming Cesar with one arm and hit him in the neck, knocking him unconscious. He then threw him towards the lawn by the side of the road.

"Let's do it like this, fair fight? Three attacks and whoever loses takes him without more damage. But I have to demand at least one arm, and if you win, he leaves without a broken leg and you don't have that many problems with his family!" Arthur spoke as he walked away towards the car.

He took off his jacket and placed it over the car's spoiler, along with the rod. "I like that jacket, you know? It doesn't go well with a knife fight."

"Shall we?" Arthur opened his arms and called the guy.

A smile formed on Knight's lips, a fighting intent building inside him. He hadn't felt that for many years.


The two's figure blurred for a few seconds before they appeared in the center of the illuminated area.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

The daggers met several times, without one being able to find an opening in the other. Arthur was relying on his agility and fighting instinct, as he had never trained in the use of daggers. The man, on the other hand, seemed quite proficient and was fighting calmly, but with increasing speed.

Arthur soon couldn't keep up with the dizzying speed of Knight's movements and revealed an opening. Knight's dagger and arm suddenly disappeared and reappeared in front of Arthur's face.

Arthur wasn't going to let that happen easily, so he turned his face as far as he could to the side, the knife cutting a thin line across his cheek. His dagger didn't stop moving either.


The two moved away to about 2 meters.

Knight looked down at his shirt, where a large tear ran from his wrist to near his shoulder. A thin line of blood was on the side of the elbow, which was the most prominent part of the side of the arm.

"Your knife is sharp!" Knight praised sincerely. It looked like it was just an exchange of wounds, but only those who were in the fight knew what happened. Arthur, even in danger, had an excellent battle instinct and managed to wound him. And a dagger that wasn't sharp enough wouldn't have made such a clean cut with the least amount of force as it did now.

"Your knife is fast!" Arthur returned the compliment. He realized that this guy in front of him must already be a Level A mercenary. What he didn't understand was how he managed to get so strong. But it wasn't a matter of concern now, so he left it for later.

After a short rest, the two advanced again.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

The daggers clashed with impressive speed, and the shadows of their arms were the only thing that could be seen.

This exchange of blows was longer than the previous one, and Arthur could keep up with the speed more accurately.

'This bastard is copying me... no, wait! It's different, but it's still my moves!' In the midst of the fight, Knight noticed that the movement of Arthur's arms and hand muscles moved in a similar way to him. The dagger seemed to be floating in Arthur's hands as it fought his own.

With great battle instincts, Arthur unwittingly analyzed Knight's every move and copied them until he was in the same rhythm as his body. After all, all bodies are different, and the same technique for one person is different for another.

Tear! Tear!

While a huge vertical rip appeared in Arthur's shirt on his chest, a horizontal rip appeared in Knight's chest.

With a few more exchanges, Knight suddenly shoved the dagger into Arthur's shoulder at an opportune moment. It was impossible to dodge the blow completely, and there was no way to move down or up without him following along.

"Got you!" Arthur said with a smile on his face.

The opportune moment was actually created by him to trick Knight. Putting strength into his left foot, Arthur spun around quickly and used his right foot to step forward as soon as he touched the ground.


"I won!" As he held his dagger to Knight's neck, Arthur flashed a victorious smile.

With a shocked expression on his face, Knight could not understand this sequence of actions. After all, he was already too far from experienced to avoid falling for cheap tricks, but he still did. But, his pride as a mercenary and a fighter wouldn't allow him to ask that question.

"All good! Go ahead!" Knight just gave up and let Arthur do what he wanted.

With a smile on his face, Arthur walked over to Cesar and lifted him off the ground, still unconscious. After some consideration, Arthur knocked him to the ground hard. He positioned Cesar's left arm down.


"Aaaargh!" Cesar's scream echoed through the night.

"I'll give you a gift this time. See you later!" Arthur did nothing more to Cesar and nodded to Knight. He soon walked over to Black.

"What's your name?" Knight asked suddenly.

"God of Fight!" Arthur gave an awkward smile, thanks to his bad choice of names, and got in the car.

"No wonder..." Knight whispered under his breath before walking over to Cesar, who was squealing like a pig. He hit him on the neck again and knocked him unconscious.

Taking the car keys from his pocket, he went to his own car and put him in the back seat to take him to the hospital.

"These young people these days are getting more and more idiotic or fantastic!" Looking in the rearview mirror at the pathetic Cesar, he only sighed as he compared him to Arthur. 'And the guy was still thinking he had a chance against him...' he thought ambiguously.

The cars soon pulled out, leaving only the BMW M4 behind, which Knight parked in a nearby bush to pick up later.


"Finally, after so long!" In Black, Arthur was stomping the gas as he drove home. In the back of the car, the black rod sat silently.

Looking at the time on his cell phone, Arthur estimated that it was about 30 minutes before another reaction came. That made him step even deeper on the accelerator.