Like a Pregnant Woman

Arthur was already inside the car and heading towards the city hall. Gabriel had talked him into going to the Guild as he had some things to talk about.

'Maybe he knows something about these things happening to me that I don't. He seems to be in this crazy world for a long time, so he might clear up some doubts for me.' Remembering that mysterious energy that ended his mana connection in his hand, Arthur began to worry a little more about Gabriel's existence. After all, he had already lost in the fight against him, and even his mana had been cut off like it was nothing. Being on the bad side of this type of person could cause instant death.

While taking his time to drive calmly, Arthur also took a look at the skills that had leveled up. The messages were constant, warning him, but he tried to ignore them. He had to admit that even though this training made him want to die, it was still making him strong very quickly. And that was very satisfying.

Cold Blood

•Rank: C•

•Level: 4 (0/5000)•

•Passive Skill•


Your analysis of things is colder, killing a person is not going to stir up any negative feelings, let alone positive ones. You become a cold-blooded killer.


•Stay sane in the face of atrocities

•Colder and more rational analysis



•Rank: C+•

•Level: 5 (3000/6000)•

•Passive/Active Skill•

•Can Evolve•


Developed by the user's desire to live. Your will rules over the weakest and confronts the strongest.

[Passive Effects]

Your presence is more marked, being able to influence others.

[Active Effects]

All those with a weaker will than yours within a radius of 500m will be completely subdued.



•Rank: C+•

•Level: 7 (5000/8000)•

•Active Skill•

•Can Evolve•


Indicative of magical awakening. A type of mental energy controlled by high-level warriors that can awaken magic in their bodies. Controlled only by the mind, using the force of the mind alone.


In addition to better body control, Force also increases your Strength and Agility by 200% while in use.


'It was a good level up!' In just two days, many levels of these skills have gone up. After all, Arthur constantly made use of them, both actively and passively.

When he realized, he had already arrived at the city hall. Taking the usual path, he arrived at the Guild. Searching his memory for where Gabriel's office was, Arthur followed in his footsteps.

What he didn't notice was that a pair of purple eyes stuck to him and refused to look away until he was gone. Since it wasn't with murderous intent or anything like that, his instincts didn't inform him of any danger.

"What a cute kitty..." A half female and half male voice came along with that look.


"Where's Gabriel?" Arthur had already sat in the armchair and spoke to Janice, who was typing on her laptop in the distance.

"He went to work out a few things. Just wait a moment and he'll come!" She spoke without even turning her head.

"You don't like me very much, do you? I can see that. You avoid me and always frown when you see me. I don't mind too much, but your boyfriend is always helping me out, so it's impossible for me not to like you a little bit. It's bad luck!" Arthur was looking around the room, speaking as if he was thinking aloud.

Janice stopped typing on her laptop. "We're not a couple. I just work for him." Her voice didn't carry many emotions, but Arthur felt something different.

"So he really is an asshole, for leaving his woman alone with another man..." Arthur slowly got up from his chair. He looked ready to do something.

"Don't speak ill of him, and I ask you to remain seated, or I will shoot!" Janice had already pulled a large pistol from under the table and was pointing it straight at Arthur.

"Do you think that serves to threaten me?" He felt no fear and looked straight into her eyes.

The atmosphere in the room became tense, and Arthur had already prepared to "jump".

"Maybe not, but I can..." Gabriel came out of the shadows without any warning and was already on Arthur's back. A sharp point of a katar was already threatening to pierce his back.

"That's what I thought. Just kidding, just kidding! Oh man, let me be the best man when you guys get married?" Arthur chuckled as the atmosphere tensed and turned to clap Gabriel on the shoulder.

"You don't change moods very easily?" Gabriel shrugged off Arthur's hand, and also quickly changed the subject.

"Like a pregnant woman!"

'Asshole...' Arthur thought to himself as he realized this change of subject. It was clear that Gabriel didn't want to talk about his relationship. He put that matter out of his mind and answered.

"Okay so. I hear you've earned an approval to be a Level A. Only two to go now. It's almost there!" Gabriel had already sat down in the armchair opposite Arthur.

"Am I that irresistible? Who was? I hadn't checked it out yet." Arthur asked, a little surprised. He hadn't thought of anything that merited approval from another Level A mercenary.

"Love Knight. That's the name he registered. He is said to be a great assassin, with impeccable missions in history. Did you meet him from somewhere?"

"Why do you ask if you already know? Also, where's my soda? Last time you gave me one, huh!" Arthur came to a sudden realization and almost laughed a little. Did he have to fight knives with that guy to get approval? If I beat the shit out of everyone then, can I become the guild owner?

Looking outside, with the few fights going on on the stages, he realized that it made a bit of sense. After all, the world is still in a cruel jungle. What has changed is that the weapon is no longer fists, but money for the smaller fish and powerful weapons for the big fish. Have what no one else has, but everyone wants to have, and you will know what true power is.

"You talk as if I'm watching your life constantly. Why would I do that?" Gabriel tossed a can to Arthur which appeared in his hand out of nowhere.

Ignoring that fact, Arthur just opened the can and drank. "Are you going to tell me you stopped? Why? Have you lost interest or have you already fulfilled some kind of purpose? You look like a kid asking that kind of stupid question." With a belch at the end, Arthur tossed the can straight into the basket across the room. It was a perfect throw.

"Aren't we nearly the same age?" Gabriel asked with a rare smile.

"I would have to agree with you if it was a while ago. When you told me you were only 15, I almost believed you. I don't really like looking at men, but this well-groomed beard..." Arthur's gaze stopped on Janice and her hands for a moment, almost indicating something. He continued afterwards: "Your experience of the world, your complex view, the way you kept living here probably without support. You must be older by now, but you can hide yourself well with that youthful appearance. How many? 18 years old, I guess." Arthur returned his gaze to Gabriel.

"And you? Only 14 years old too?" Gabriel tossed some documents onto the table. He had neither denied nor confirmed the claim.

Arthur was confused for some time, clearly doubting Gabriel's words, as if he couldn't understand. He took the documents and began to read.

"16 years? Damn, you stole my blood at that time just for that? I wouldn't be too impressed. You know I'm an orphan, I can be 21 and still not know. But thanks, now I know!" Arthur looked at the suspicious age on the document. There was no way to accurately measure age, but there was an estimate, and he was far from 14. He suspected that too, considering his childhood, but he never thought too far ahead. He wouldn't have much trouble after all.

"You're strangely calm about everything. But let's change the subject to a more interesting one. Are you sick?" Gabriel looked at Arthur's right wrist at that moment.

"You really are a bastard. Do you have a fetish about investigating people? Why don't you go investigate your girlfriend's panties?" Arthur waved his hands at him. He realized that Gabriel had noticed the strangeness in his mana channels.

What Arthur said was not very well received by Gabriel, and his killing intent instantly pressed on Arthur.

"Did you get stressed? What are you going to do?" If it was like the first time they'd met, Arthur had probably already wet his pants. No matter how strong your mind is, your body will not respond to reason, but to instincts.

But now it was different. His eyes gleamed for a moment as an overwhelming and powerful Will clashed with cold and cruel Killing Intent.

"Apologize!" Gabriel had already stood up. His black eyes were cold and gleaming menacingly.

"Or what? Is she your girlfriend by any chance? Why do you care about it then? Or are you admitting something?" Arthur didn't come out on the bottom and had already stood up too.

The air around them began to get sharp, almost cutting. Janice was already walking away and she seemed to have grabbed something to protect herself. An invisible barrier appeared around her. Her cheeks were also slightly flushed as she listened to the conversation.

"You're too weak to try to challenge me!" Gabriel increased the intensity of his Killing Intent.

"I don't want to challenge you. I just want to know if I'm going to be the best man at the wedding or not!" Arthur said with a smile on his face.

"What?" That sentence completely broke the menacing mood of the conversation, and the tension collapsed as they both stopped using their powers at the same time.

Arthur spoke very quietly, almost inaudibly, "Listen, you asshole. I'm really grateful for all the times you've helped me, and I consider you a friend. I'll help you if you ever need it, and I can see you already need it. Don't be an idiot like me and let the girl next to you suffer day and night just because of stupid hesitation!"

"And also I want to buy cars with you. I even have a list!" Arthur spoke up later. It seemed that what he said just now was an illusion.

Gabriel was still trying to process the information when Arthur shoved a list at him.