No Big Deal

Just as the commotion was going on, Gabriel was at Janice's side at this moment, like a student asking questions with his teacher. The moment the scream was heard, the two turned and saw Arthur standing with the ball in his hand.

"Is his hand bleeding?" Janice had a watchful eye and asked Gabriel softly.

"Yes. Grab some first aid kit and take it to the bathroom, I'll be there with him." Gabriel replied as he grabbed a bottle of alcohol from the secretary halfway. 'Why do I always have to help him? I don't even want to, but it seems like it's automatic! He was once my subordinate, and he's also a child, so it's okay...'

Arthur at that moment noticed Gabriel and noticed his indicative look towards the bathroom. He quickly understood that Gabriel had already seen the blood, and started walking towards the bathroom as well. He continued with the ball in his hand.

The people around him woke up as soon as Arthur stirred and they were all talking about his feat.

"Hey, man! Give it back!" Charles stepped in Arthur's way and said with a hint of arrogance. His voice was low so that no one else would hear.

"Get out." Arthur spoke as he continued walking.

"Give the fucking ball back!" Charles still stood in front of Arthur and even reached out to take it.

Arthur didn't have the patience to deal with this shit right now and was about to punch the bastard in the face. Just then a hand appeared between them and grabbed Arthur's right wrist.

When he saw who it was, the anger immediately vented. It was Beatrice.

"Are you okay? Your hand…" Beatrice spoke quietly as she looked at the tiny drops of blood on the ball. The people around her didn't seem to notice them, but she did.

Before Arthur could respond, someone else appeared on the other side of him and gently touched his shoulder.

"Are you okay? Why don't you drop the ball and— My God!" Emily was the one who had arrived. She was wanting to resolve the conflict, but her hand covered her mouth as she looked at the lines of blood on the ball.

Arthur felt really good with the warmth of Beatrice's hand and Emily's concern. He was a little embarrassed to be thinking about both of them at the same time now. But since the two don't seem to have bothered with each other, he wouldn't raise a flag now either.

"It was just a stupid thing. I was injured yesterday and I think the impact opened the wound. I'll be right back, just a moment!" Arthur looked at the two gratefully and went to the men's room. They followed him to the door. They could see the movement inside from the door.

"What's up! You look younger today. Moisturizing your skin?" Arthur spoke to Gabriel normally, as if his hand wasn't bleeding.

"What's up my ass! Come!" Gabriel was almost ready to punch Arthur. Despite now being the lightest of them all, Arthur always leaves a big problem for him to solve, and his body is always in terrible condition. Even if he didn't want to admit it, Arthur was a nice, good-natured guy, so he wasn't someone you'd hate. Not to mention that he had had an upward growth rate in the Guild. It was for these and other reasons that Gabriel still hadn't given up and let Arthur die before.

Arthur just smiled and glanced at the open door before sighing. Did he see the concern in Emily's eyes…and in Beatrice's, too? He didn't know that their relationship had already reached this level.

He placed the cakes on a counter and dropped the already bloodied ball onto the floor. He pulled up the sleeves of his coat and placed his hand over the sink. Only now did he see the bloody wounds better. They looked like lines that connected the five fingers to the center of the palm. The blood also looked a little dirty.

'Is this that goo?' Doubt arose immediately when Arthur saw that. Not to mention that the pattern of the cuts was very unique and he remembered that these were the mana output lines.

In an attempt at curiosity, he tried to move the mana towards his hand again. With his practice, the speed was much higher and soon reached the hand before the mana ran out. Now he felt that pulse again. But unlike before, which didn't cause pain, now it was like a mini explosion that made more blood come out of the wound.

Gabriel immediately adopted a serious look on his face at the sight of those lines and left the shocked look on Arthur for later. He opened the cap of the alcohol bottle and threw it on the wounds.

His hand immediately took hold of Arthur's right wrist and channeled an unknown energy that temporarily stopped Arthur's flow of mana to that area.

It was now that the surprised looks of the two collided. Gabriel for having felt that energy in Arthur's body, while Arthur for feeling a different energy, but with almost the same properties in Gabriel's body.

Arthur didn't feel much from the sting of the alcohol in contact with the wound, so his expression didn't change. But for the people watching from the sidelines, it was completely impossible not to make a face at such a situation.

Looking at the door and seeing everyone's shocked expression, Arthur realized that his expression was indeed very calm.

"Oh my God! What a pain! I wanna die! Cut off my hand, but don't put me through this suffering! I'm going to pass out!" Arthur placed his left hand on his forehead and pretended to scream in pain.

His performance immediately allayed Emily and Beatrice's concern, making them laugh. The audience that thought it was a big deal also thought it was nothing and just a wound. One by one they started to leave and only Emily and Beatrice were left at the door. Sara and Madison were a little further back.

When everyone had dispersed, Janice came in with a first-aid kit. In tow was also another teacher and the principal. It was very unusual for a student to be injured at school, and the principal needed to know what happened. The other professor was a professor of the nursing course. He was handsome and his hair well done.

Arthur was looking at everyone who entered as he held Gabriel's handprint on his wrist, trying to expel that strange energy. His gaze was focused on the teacher. As he walked through the door, he had touched and caressed Emily's arm when she was caught off guard. She pulled away with a smile, but the disgust in her eyes couldn't be hidden from Arthur.

"What happened here?" This professor approached Arthur and took his hand, not even an ounce of kindness. Not that he needed to, they were both men. But Arthur's hand was kind of hurt, so a brute touch is unnecessary.

"Wound reopened. I spent the day yesterday moving house and ended up hurting myself in the process. That's why I was late today." Arthur didn't look at the professor, but at the principal. He was already explaining the reason for the delay.

"Pass me the antiseptic. It wasn't deep, so you don't need to take it to the hospital. Just make a bandage and in three days you can remove it." The professor assessed the situation and asked to Janice. His voice held a bit of haughtiness that made Gabriel frown.

Arthur realized this and almost laughed with glee. 'Looks like I'm not the only one who's going to hit him later!'

After a while, a bandage was already wrapped around Arthur's hand.

"Your delay is not justifiable! You're suspended for today!" The principal spoke smugly as Janice and the rest left.

"Your kid kicking a ball towards me it? Not to mention I lost money on it!" Arthur's playful gaze faded and was replaced by a serious, cold one. He pointed to the broken phone on the counter.

"What do you mean by that? There's no evidence!" The director was angry at the way she was treated. As a principal, she was used to treating everyone as inferior at school, especially the students. She didn't make it apparent, as she could be removed from office, but she still did.

"Look, it looks like you really don't know the size of the world. So I'll let you try. Suspend me, and I don't know if you'll have food until the middle of the year!" Arthur walked right past her without waiting for an answer, leaving her alone there in the bathroom. He was already carrying the cakes.

As soon as he left, it was still break, even though it was almost over. Emily and Beatrice were still waiting for him at the door, with the addition of Aline, who only found out later.

"Hi, how are you?" Arthur waved his bandaged hand.

"What happened?" Emily was the one who asked, still worried.

Arthur quickly made the same excuse that he spent all day yesterday busy with a move and got injured. It was vague but explainable.

He noticed that Emily looked a little embarrassed after hearing the story, but he didn't know why. Beatrice also nodded and her expression returned to normal.

Emily was of course embarrassed, as she was complaining that Arthur hadn't spoken to her yesterday, when in fact he was too busy to focus on it.

Before they parted ways for their classes, Arthur said goodbye to Emily and the girls, returning to his own room with Beatrice and Aline.

"Go to my office at the Guild the day after tomorrow. I want to talk about it." Gabriel looked at where the mark was on Arthur's wrist. It was obvious what he wanted to talk about.

Agreeing, Arthur finally went to his own room.

Unexpectedly, the teacher was Janice. Unexpected as Arthur hadn't read the class schedule yet, nailed to the wall next to the blackboard.

"Let's schedule a work in trios! Form your groups, matters will be separated later! We will be talking, or rather you will be talking about topics from the discovery to the independence of Brazil."