Unspeakable Longing

"What is he to you?" One of Ella's friends, Joana asked curiously. They were eating some fries and other light snacks.

"He took care of us. We met at school. He was quite aloof and very quiet, usually asleep. His grades were so-so, but he didn't care. Basically, everyone didn't want to do anything to him, and he cared even less about it. Once the teacher asked for pairs and we ended up together. It was then that I found out that he was also an orphan, but he was still living in the orphanage while I was already living with my sister. Then we became friends!" Ella told it as if she remembered good scenes from the past. That weak, quiet boy in the back of the room who didn't talk to anyone, but didn't bother either.

"And then? How did he meet your sister and all?" Victoria asked also with interest.

"It was at a school event. My sister was still in high school and there was some cultural event there. We already got along well together, but he was always distant for some reason. But there was a certain moment there when an accident happened and I fell from a high place. Then like he was a hero, he jumped up and grabbed me, but he ended up breaking his right hand. My sister thanked him and we started walking together eventually." With bright eyes, Ella recalled and recounted Arthur's heroic deeds.

"Wow, he really is awesome... uh, where is he? And your sister?" Joana exclaimed shocked to hear the whole story, but when she looked in the direction they were, she realized they weren't there anymore.

"I don't know... maybe they found a private place to talk? The way my sister is, I have no doubt she took him somewhere to beat him up!" Ella put her hand over her mouth to keep from laughing. Her sister was always quite aggressive, especially with Arthur.

"Poor him... But why did he disappear?"

Almost ignoring the disappearance of the two, they continued talking about Arthur.


"Who are you? How do you know these things?" With an obviously annoyed look on her face, Clarice squinted at Arthur. They were currently in the bathroom, which was perfectly clean and even a little luxurious. She had locked the door so he wouldn't come out.

"Nice to meet you! My name is Arthur! Have we met before? such beauty would surely be unforgettable..." Arthur held out his hand to her with a smile on his face.


But all he got was a slap on the hand.

"Keep those hands off of me. Say it soon! Who are you?" Clarice still had a very suspicious look on her face and she didn't want to accept anything he said.

"A black dot on the left ankle, scratch on the back, your foot still hurts a little from the last time it broke. And I can tell you have a little stretch mark on the right side of your as-"


The slap this time came straight to Arthur's face, which he didn't avoid. He only accepted while trying to soften his own face so her hand wouldn't hurt.

"Why did you leave!?" Clarice's hand was still red, and it was not known if the tears that came out of her eyes were from anger, pain or sadness. Or a mixture of all these emotions.

"I had to..." Arthur spoke quietly as he looked at this heartbreaking scene.

"No! You didn't have to go! You didn't have to say those things! You didn't have to..." Clarice went for him and started punching him with all her strength. She knew it wasn't working, and her eyes didn't want to look at this big, strong figure.

Tears welled up in her eyes, with memories of old times surfacing and making her punch him even harder. Arthur just stood there while he received everything she wanted to give. Just by looking at her beautiful blue eyes, one could feel all the pain and resentment.

When she was already getting weak, Arthur grabbed her wrists and hugged her while continuing to hold her. This immobilized her, but she still didn't give up and bit his shoulder hard, as if to discount something.

"Do you think I wanted to say those things? Do you think I wish I had left..." His words seemed to have a magical effect on her, so her bite got weaker, but more tears came down. He then lifted her face, saying, "Do you think I wanted to leave you?"

More tears fell on that beautiful face as he frowned, then relaxed. It was clear that she was in an internal battle over whether or not she would accept this fact imposed on her.

The fact that that stupid, weak boy who constantly pestered her about being in love with her and who was constantly refused, came back. After all, despite the small age difference at the time, it was still a lot for a high school girl who was going through puberty and a little boy who was far from it.

But still, time after time, he insisted in the most romantic way possible, almost doing unimaginable things just to see her smile. Gradually this wall was breaking, then, in the final hammer blow... did he disappear? And gone with painful words left behind, almost like a venomous dagger digging into the maiden's breast in love.

"You have a very beautiful necklace..." Arthur suddenly commented as he lightly tugged a silver thread from her neck and unearthed a beautiful necklace with a lush stone from her breasts. It looked delicately made and had a great finish. He looked impeccable, so you could see the care the owner had for it.

"Let go of me..." She spoke as she looked straight into his eyes. Before, he was the one who had to look up when talking to her, but now the scene was reversed. Even though those were her words, her body seemed to have softened as she leaned against him.

"So, after all my efforts, finally?" Arthur gave an almost victorious smile, and they could both hear the sounds of their hearts beating loudly as they were together.

Avoiding his gleeful gaze, Clarice snorted as she pinched his hand and said, "My sister likes you, Mister Hero!"

"I should then ask... who do you like?" He lifted her chin gently as he returned the necklace to its place. Even though he was showering her with touches in the process, she did nothing to stop him.

"It sure isn't you!" She stomped on his foot hard and broke free of his grip. "I haven't forgiven you for everything you've done..." Like an angry girlfriend, she crossed her arms and didn't look at him anymore. She walked to the door and unlocked it, putting the key in her pocket.

But then, as she was about to open the door, a strong hand suddenly slammed it shut with a slight clatter, but it made a draft pass over her face.

"You know, since a long time ago I watched you with that imposing and strong way of yours, always thinking that I would have to obey you to win your heart. Imaginations of a child in love..."

As Arthur spoke, he moved closer to her back, slowly bringing their bodies together. His breath on her neck made her blush immediately as their hearts started to race even faster. Even more so when Arthur suddenly tangled his fingers in her short hair and tugged lightly, making their eyes meet.

"But that's not what you like, is it?" With a teasing smile, Arthur turned her body so they were facing each other. His hand went to the lock and closed it with mana. His concentration wasn't even on that, but totally on her.

From the first time he met her at the event, Arthur was completely engrossed in her beauty and smile. When he saved Ella in that event, the pain of his broken hand wasn't even felt, thanks to her reaching out and thanking him.

It was then that they started to get to know each other better. As a street kid, Arthur soon discovered that she hung around with certain folks, who he soon infiltrated. All of them were orphans, and they walked together because they came from the same place and tried to make a living by supporting themselves. Arthur joined that group as well and they soon hit it off.

In less than two years, he could already be said to be the head of the group, as they all seemed to be stupid children, only old. Despite not having the strength, Arthur was smarter than all of them put together. But there was only one person he couldn't outsmart. Clarice. Also a street girl who had to fight to get something better for her sister.

He was obviously in love with her, so that earned him a few nicknames. But after a certain event, everything had to change. He had to give it up for everyone's sake, and surrender to whatever happened.

"You can't do this to me..." Looking at Arthur's mouth, ecstatic, her heart pounding and her red cheeks and sexy gaze made Arthur want to devour her.

"I do what I want..." With that final line, Arthur took the initiative.

With a light kiss, Arthur left the job to Clarice. His attitude didn't let him down as she searched for more. A light kiss turned into a long kiss, which soon turned into a tongue kiss.

Even though it tasted like alcohol, it was still sweet as honey and Arthur didn't care about anything anymore. He only surrendered at the moment he always wanted to have.

He'd abandoned everything and tried to rebuild his life with the addictions he'd developed, only to end up screwing himself on the first try. But this failed attempt led to a series of events that now allowed him to have everything he wanted.

Arthur's hands didn't stay still and he soon lifted her with his arms and placed her on top of the marble sink, big enough to lie down on. Touching her more and more, the two surrendered to the feeling of being together.

Clarice's heart, conquered by an idiot child and which she had sealed with a lot of alcohol and tears, was finally breaking free. But breaking free for the same idiot child, who was now a strong man.

Her hands went through his silky hair, then his neck and finally came to his torso. She lifted his shirt with more than curiosity. So when he took off his shirt and grinned at her, her mouth dropped open instantly.

"What happened to you?" She was still shocked and couldn't believe the scene in front of her. Had that weakling really developed that quality of muscle? He even looked like those Greek statues.


Arthur didn't want to waste his time talking and soon went back to her mouth.

Time passed slowly as they indulged in the pleasurable feeling of being together. With his nimble fingers, Arthur didn't let it go and took off her shirt and jacket. Eye for an eye.

Looking at him in the sexiest way she could manage, she allowed him to take her clothes off and soon her bra fell off too. She tried to avoid it, but Arthur refused, pulling her hair and biting her ear.

'Could it be...' Looking at those tall peaks now exposed in front of him, Arthur caressed them carefully. Then, he put his finger in and sent some mana inside, stimulating the nerve channels.

With a few occasional moanings and then one louder than all of them combined, Clarice pushed him away, but it was no use. She just took a moment and looked at him, her nether parts feeling strange and wet.

"What the hell did you do?" She was feeling really intense pleasure she'd never felt before, and it felt really good.

"I gave you what I always wanted to give..." He gave a victorious smile as he saw that his mana had very... special functions. He looked at those erect, very sensitive peaks now, desire clear in his eyes.

At the same time, he leaned closer to her as he returned to the kisses and continued his training activities... Pure mana control training.

This yielded a few more moans, and Clarice began to feel like she was in heaven. But then her crotch brushed against Arthur's and she felt something strange. Adjusting her position, she groped with her hands and soon her heart didn't know whether to feel fear or excitement from the long grope. But it made her realize where they were and that a long time had passed.

"Hey Arthur- we- have- hhng- to go!" Amidst kisses and moans, she found a chance and bit his tongue.

"Did you?" Arthur stuck out his tongue as a tear threatened to fall from his eyes.

Clarice laughed a little pityingly and then did something to be forgiven. They engaged in a quick tongue kiss again.

"People will start to suspect that the bathroom has been locked for so long. We have to go!" She tugged at his ear as she realized she'd fallen for the trap.

"You're too insistent..." Arthur lightly pinched her ass as he made room for them to get dressed.

He picked up her clothes and carefully put them on, looking like she hadn't even taken them off in the first place. She did the same to him and took the chance to touch and look at his body more with gentle, happy eyes.

'This is what I call puberty...'

She then went to one of the bathroom stalls.

"What are you going to do?" Arthur asked curiously

"Clean me up, you idiot..." She replied, a little embarrassed and angry. She couldn't let so much moisture stay in that part. 'We didn't even do anything much, but he still left me like this! Humph, you bastard! Who did he learn from??'

When they were ready to leave, she pulled on him.

"We can't let anyone know... My sister... She still likes you, so I don't want to break her expectations like that." She didn't know how to look at Arthur anymore, so she looked kind of weird. She didn't know if she acted like a girlfriend, aloof or angry.

"Whatever you want, honey!" Arthur nodded and went for another kiss on her.

But his cheeks soon got a pinch.

"I'm still very angry, so you're going to have to give me a really good excuse for being gone!"