Classification of the tomes.

A few practice runs on other types of fabric before screwing around with the threads of the universe is smart idea. Learning how the iron a silk tie for a work uniform or as part of regiment like for clubs, scout groups or cadets is highly important life lesson. James was used to having only a few poeple teach him the basics and has been expected to repeat them without fail.

It seems that the mask of damned wasn't a part of any sort of life at all. It didn't have this chance to learn manners like this. It's no wonder the human side was needed as a sort of context for it to know why doing things was wrong or would break laws of interaction in the first place.

You would think the partner whom shared the masks title as final reaper would be perfect to teach morals. However the syth was only really meant to judge where souls belonged in the tome of souls (aka tome of universes, now). It too has some flaws of human basics. You can't expect a morphic metal weapon with soul judging morals to know what tastes, smell or temperature is.

The mask is very much as lost toddler and the syth being is the equivalent of a soul powered tool with no need to care for the masks flaws. The pair of them would most totally destroy all of existence without a living human mind directly warning consequences. Through the length of time I have been stuck with them both, I see why the universe needed to choose someone to keep this under moral check.

I have not even really started explaining the madness of the tome thsee two are in control of.

It's worse the the book of vile darkness or Dantes inferno. Scarier the any fictional or nonfiction books of existence. It does indeed contain a clump of soul fragments that make up myself and the mask. But its also where every soul erased from current time space is 'resting'. A more imbalanced issue of it is that it now several tomes of souls. Broken, completed or fragments of lost sections of other timelines. They also have souls containing them too. The balance of scales: sanity or insanity, justice or injustice, life or death or between them... right or wrong. Doesn't cut it for the logic of this soul book. It is simple a book of logic phrases and soul names and everything. Literally everything: the start and end and the erased moments of all times recorded and not recorded.

This is why folks like 'gods' mistaken or misunderstand about the collection of being called Ender. The name Ender is a mistranslation from Damned language, meaning Savior. The thing whom should be protecting time and space is look down on as a broken mess of a soul without a place within time space. Somewhat also true but not exactly. Ender isn't they only monster mythical being with this sort of misunderstood placement of the universe.

The very embodiment of universe aspects are all considered gods, they are also misunderstood freaks. Folks like the lady of summons aka lady of space isn't actually what her names suggest. Her soul purpose is the keep souls flowing through worlds being ignored or forgotten. She kidnaps souls from high density areas to prevent universe collapse. A constant flow is needed it the dream worlds... that will take to long to explain why. Her job is exactly like the soul of the river Styx.

Places or things can contain enough memories, energy and powers to have souls of their own. Styx runs through not the many versions of hell but through many purgatory areas and places of sanctuary such as versions of heaven. The name is from the most famous stretch of water in one particular section. It doesn't capsule all of it. They have very similar soul names with is why they are brother and sister.

This sort of information isn't to be shared with anyone. Not even the gods whom deal in souls are actually not allowed to know soul names. As the myth goes, having someone name is allowing anyone else to have total control over that being. Birth names or given names aren't counted in the tome of souls. Those are written in subsections like tomes of life, death and compendium of soulless creatures.

Everything have a name. This it best understood by how humans give names to creatures they know. This entire book of souls is sort of the same category table but in all known and unknown languages.

Human known is as domain, kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species. Hunter of oath or even the race that angels and demons come from have added categories like; status (sort of answering the life, dead, neither or both part), veil (answering what adaptations needed to interaction with them), realm type ( this a generalized ask of what balance system does this being come from. Examples include living realms like where humans come from or undying worlds like demons come from).

Some words are interchangeable inspite of having some varied meaning behind them. The biggest misunderstanding is the difference of veil, realm, world and reality. As these are to individualized for all realms to share meaning. Some words aren't in the living language that have no meaning of translation. Those terms are often used by the 'unliving', those from dead state restoring to become a living state. These terms are often disturbing without context.

Like one of those folks talking about growing back organs, they get very gore and detailed about it. They have words for their issues, like a incomplete stomaches leaking into their liver or kidneys. Its a uncomfortable problem that living folks don't have normally.

This is why the hunter of oath guide books are personalized by blood pacts. The restriction of anyone accessing abnormal information is to only explain within their individual understanding. No single hunter knows the same as the other.

Back a more important posing important facts with the soul tomes... since going off topic about other systems. The new version of soul tomes has now a timeline category, status of timeline notation, soul density counters and acknowledgement status. The first three are obvious but the acknowledgement status is about how favored souls are about things. Those with title of ender are base 0. The more soul popular the being is the higher that counter. Negative numbers mean there is a broken section in that timeline or tomes subsection. It self manages this number constantly as the density of soul status changes.

Soul status is something the ender has made for itself to qualify any other soul. A sort of non-judgmental assessment of how weird the soul is and how likely it will get what it wants from inside time space. The ender has already choosen itself as base comparison for now.

But then again, that not really a good idea. As the soul of this ender is the equivalent of entire planet full desert. Partials of soul being grains of sand clumped as one entire planet. This is why his soul name is Nothingness... its so much everything as it gets.

So, to summarize the identity of Ender or this final reaper. The category system of the compendium of universes is this being. The soul sand grains are hidden in all know and unknown. Its all statuses of life and death and object. It is split as sub version's bodies, including the living human James, the object book, the materials that make that book and a fragement on loan to the syth. It also has placed its soul into universe creation tools in order to destroy or repair the time spaces it interacts with. It can get more horrific the longer the list of things that its put soul into goes.

This highlights the issue that other souls have against him. He broken their normal for what a souls should be for his universe. Yet they are also thankful for something to clarify what is the boundary for existence or nonexistence. As the objectification of where souls stand is what holds the universe together within a chaotic order of time space.

It does not help the ignorance of souls, because thanks to being a part of a multiverse. There are things souls refuse to all as existence. Things not in range of time space laws. Yes there things outside the boundaries of time space that are accessible knowledge for souls in a universe to comprehend. Souls actually fear these unknown things and is the objective of why a universe creates a Ender.

Its then the task of a Ender to non-judgmental placement these unknown things from outside time space into agreement with things inside time space. That is essentially the duty of a ender. There is no doubt a war among souls of what to label things and this unstable manner is what causes universe disaster. The why other timelines can be found exploded from inside out. Its a annoyance to be fighting young ingrorant souls from accepting basic rules.