Jump over the pond

"If your looking for your son, he asked that you find him next door. There is a penny arcade. He didnt want you panicking if you were looking for him. He had even left this..." A folded notepad of paper with a phone number, "He is a very polite kid." the receptionist smiled with being helpful. Rose was at a moment of panic, Catherine warned her. This kids a runner, three tries to finally get the kid into temporarily accommodation.

"Next door, right?" Asking to be sure and followed with a agreeing nod, a finger pointing which way. Rose was back out very quickly and was fast to start searching each of the children around here. She studies groups and loners.

It would be when a coin splashed in her leg as she notice the frist machine set walking in. He leaned on the glass and was trying hard for a bigger coin drop with real cash attached. She was literally stood next to him and she didn't realize it. A relief of knowing his ok and picking the coin up. It was a good way to bond and she was going to take that. A empty cup from a coin converter was picked up and she sliced the cash to the cup, placing it at his way.

"Welcome back. I guess the receptionist told you." She nods and looks at the line up stacked pennies. He goes back to penny dropping for a little while. The crowds here was a lively and the dodgy speaker tuning carnival songs. It was a place to pick pocketing, so James made sure that rose was about to be picked. There was a few good throws in by them both and they managed to get the prize. He kept the toy keyring connected to the money but gave her the note of money. She kept it for him, so it would be used for something it shouldn't.

"Dinner is on me, so is there anywhere in particular you want to eat at?" She makes sure to have everything, "Or would you like to go on another one these penny machines?" She looks around, "Any parent in the USA would call this gambling and would made this place a 16s only area." James hums at that.

"It's the same arcade just without the joystick and TV screens. Paying money for that high score chance." She nods in seeing it that way too, its the same satisfaction affect on those playing games, "I dislike restaurants personally. I prefer the huanted pubs with the more interesting people." She thinks about that, "One of my favorite places is the old trip Jerusalem in Nottingham under the castle. Not totally haunted but the passing folks are interesting. A lot of tourist go for the history."

"Pubs, huh. You're very settled into the culture here."

"I dont drink alcohol. I am not a smoker. I not actually into gambling. I dislike normal folks. They all wear the same brand clothing, cheap and tacky. They do stupid stuff in thinking its cool. I dislike modern music that they listen to." He gives his reasons and looks around the penny machines a last time. Anything else was not on his list from the notebook, "I know I never fit in if I acted myself in front of others. When I do, the only crowd of folks whom would, are folks like myself. Folks whom are outcasts of sorts." He was back around to the front but sees she wasn't following. He walks back around to her side and studies if she was breathing or if things weren't as they seem around him.

"Will." She looks right at him, "Do you trust me?"

"That depends on if you trust me. I am not one to like play folks for fools. Unless it was in order to protect them." She stares odd for that, "A shorter answer is, yes. I do trust you, Mrs Rose. You have genuine meaning behind your words."

"Then can I hold you hand and not be asked to many questions." He looks at her a moment, she is stressing about something.

Its not related to right now but its going to be. In good faith, he does as he is told. Takes her hand and be whisked by her spell casting. She was stood right here because of the cctv blind spot. The desk over looking was busy and that camera is blocked by a group talking to the staff there. No one was paying mind. If they were, they would have assumed anything odd.

James took hold of her bag as she throw it over and rushed behind a surrounding of statues. Sliding her knees on cobbled surface to her husband's side, checking him over. She holds his hand. Staring into him for every moment longer that she can. He groans in waking up and looking to her.

There are statues of things that were walking around here a moment ago, the very skin was petrified into mummy like leather. The dark alley was more then normal, snaking clouds of static improperly use power latched onto every surface. Rose seemed to have this protective ability to scare away this cloud.

A clear glass pannel of information floating annoyingly in the way. A telling sign of where this place is. It mostly was welcoming James back and reporting this is the work is what borrowing powers of a god follower does. That this place will be fine without his inferences. He moved the pannel out of sight of those two, stepping up to watch them carefully.

"He did that thing again." She sighed in hugging around. He sits up, thankful to see her. It was then a little mushy for a bit as they properly greet each other. It was her turn as she fell asleep from spell overuse.

James knew exactly where this was and whom could be around them. The cause was told to him by the system here. But he wasn't going to make any show of knowing it. He also wasn't going to do anything to upset both this realm or cause alarm with Josh. Only that he walked forward to help Josh move her gently.

"She took you with... no wonder she's exhausted." James shrugged about everything, "Got any questions?"

"She asked that I shouldn't. I am sure it doesn't actually matter." He to short and weak to carry her. He did his part to make she her head isn't banged into anything. Josh carries her just fine over shoulder, "I think I have everything from the inn. Not any plans of running away but just always expecting the unexpected. You never know of you get chases out the house for no reason or blamed for stealing when not the culprit." Josh guided the way around this area. Making back to the living normal world, to a street in a chill autumnal area.

The morning dew was lifted off long blades of unkempt lawn. Golden leaves sprinkle on the surface. Stepping up the porch, through the mosquito netting then a second front door. The light morning chatter between four kids doing exam style questions added with the donut box and fresh coffee pot. Each their own mug that was done in thier preferences.

"Josh's back." they look up and study how he puts her on the couch in the living half. The middle was the stairs up. The other side of the house is a dinner table area through a large kitchen. The far back wall has a net and glass sliding door that enters to a back platform balcony through to a decent backyard. Mostly open plan living if ignore the stairs and three chimneys.

"I dont think we met." The joker of the four came forwards to test James, "I am Sam." James didn't take the buzzer hidden handshake. In fact, he simply ignored them entirely. He took out a notebook with some long study, took a pen out from no where. He wrote stuff and makes it disappear. He steps around and pours his own coffee. He added to it with invisible things. Sipping it in watching everything.

"Rose is looking after him. I have yet even got to know him that well either." Josh noses in the class work they were doing. Pointing out mistakes and helping the words that was misunderstood. James looked beside him with a fifth kid... more like a spirit whom is nosing in the class work too. There was a ghost in the corner whom was rearranging the mugs in a cabinet top. The few folks had luck spirits sitting on thier shoulders helping.

"Do you think they realise that missed question 7?" the kid spirit asked.

"Question 7 is about the civil war. Its sounded to vague to be answered without help. But I guess in context of the question above, it was the American and British civil war." He spoke softly in a casual tone back to the spirit. The table looked up at him, "I was answering a question you couldn't hear." he nervously sips the coffee.

"Youre gifted with some sort of curse." One of the girls makes a stab on a eraser and has a unwelcomed stare at him.

"Something like that. I don't consider it a good or bad thing. It how its is used. Like most ways you consider how the English language. It's not good or bad; its how we choose to use it." He sips coffee again.

They were all feeling awkward about it but a good mood breaker was that a bird slammed into the window, cling on the ledge. The most sensible of the four was getting up to help, however it was already to late to help. It pulls the window up and danced into the room. Some laughed about it and other sighed. A mix of relief and annoyance. The birds got reputation among them.

"The Paris treaty. September 3rd. 1783." James helped the one in most stress, "I think you're going to be alright for the exam test. Giving it ago is better then never trying at all. It doesnt matter if your reading ability slows you down. You're going to be OK."

"You're a very polite guy." they wrote the answer into a proper sentence, "Where are you from?"

"Everywhere. I had my share of sight seeing. I was picked up by Rose in England. It was getting late over there. She got all seriously worried and whisked us over to find Josh. A panic that was worth plenty for them both but in term of health or anything else... not anything at all." The drink was finished and he politely goes to wash it himself.

"Seriously, England? a whole different country and you didn't seem worried." They talked about him behind his back and even with this being the loudest excliamed while he was returning back. They got all silent, wondering his reaction to their bird friend.

"I guess the joke of phone apps can be applied to the culture. There a thing for that." James walking back into the conversation with the other kids. He continued ignoring the birds. As now there was three. No surprise of god and his follower. Its just unnerving about the one without eyes, 'staring' at him.

Given he just subdued the craving for poison because that is his the downside of being damned. This death marker bird wasnt a threat at all to his knowledge.

"I guess your right but we don't joke like that around here." The most unhappy towards James was the eldest, whom feels like being the parent when Josh or Rose isn't around.

"Sorry for joking. I just not a socialize person. I have avoided people all the time. So being unprepared to be interacting with folks isn't my strongest common sense. Plus, it should be..." stops to look at several different watches and noted there is two new ones. He click the smart watch, "It would be late evening."

"You have quite a watch collection." Josh noted.

"Yeah, the timezones get confusing. They are important places to keep an eye on." Josh tilted about that, being confused with what time had to do with places. It was npt obvious that the watches were for different places.

"What are you doing here?" One bird asked, "Why are you, younger or older? You dont make sense." James looked the next bird along whom fluffed. He follows birds along, studies the eyeless one. it became uncomfortable enough to leave him alone. He back to look at the god again, not saying anything.

"This bird is Raven. He is a god follower. He believes in omens and the predictions of the future. He normally helps us with work or checking on these four." Josh introduced the bird to James.

"You were asked a question. I know you heard him ask." The unease and rudeness had taken some folks back. They often thought Raven as a nice man in bird shape. It was put of character to the four kids to see this reaction. The bets was off the table as this wasn't expected. Raven had mirrored tine used by his god.

"Its hard to answer that sort of question without sounding like an idiot. I mean no disrespect towards you both. I would have to ask more strange questions to understand the meaning. Its hard to answer vague questions with the lack of context."

"I get it. Your sense is not just able to see dead people or hear what they are saying. You can see what God followers see." Josh thinks as he muttering that. It answers why Rose picked James so quickly and trusted him with worlds walking so fast.

"Its not the weirdest thing someone assumed of me." James noted too with watching the reactions. He tilted with how there a message carrier sitting on the counter in front of him.

It been very patient with him, as it choose him personally. He lowered his hand. It looked about his hand, it points him with checking. Once sure, it broke into a stack of vellum paper. He pets the paper in working out what it was. The pages gave a flick at him for doing that, giving him the instant of knowing what they are. Putting them to his skin, letting them return to where they belonged.

"Honestly that wasn't at all creepy." The closest sitting to him moved away, they moved the study books a seat over. Eyeing him suspiciously. Most did other then Josh and the birds.

"Most times that what I expect someone to say about me." James finds no offense in the comment, "I put up with a lot of unseen strangers. My actions are most times to do with it." He took out his notebook list for American exclusive products, sighing in frustration how would he even get his hands on this stuff. Putting the notebook away to thin air once more.

"So I have a question, are you a god follower?" Raven asked. The dance of walking over and inspecting him closely, head turning to watch the area of paper skin was.

"Not exactly. He is too complicated. Even the language he uses isn't from here." James sighed in frustration, "I would not want to disturb them without it being important. It would have to be something catastrophic for him to bother, or his already fixing it."

"Fixing?" Raven asked on. Lifting and lowering, a sort of dance about and twisting with inspecting James more and more. Raven was tempted to jump onto the shoulder, however it was his gods low coo that had Raven back away. The bird language of warning about finding James a little off.

"Its his business or should considered it a hobby. He asked me to do the same, where sensible and to find stuff. He always on my cade about finding stuff. Very against breaking the rules, a hypocrite really." James waved that all away, "None of that matters."

Rose wakes up from the sofa, groaning. Josh was right to her side instantly. The four living paid up some sort of bet between them. Raven walked around classwork papers, stamping for attention and teaching it to them. Wings gesture and feathers used a pointing instruments. James leaned back to a dish storage dresser, listening to Ravens teaching. The spirit of the kid passed a new drink to James. He studies it now, since the look and smell wasn't right.

"Sheesh, never seen Kool aid before?" Punching harmlessly in his arm. He still felt it and pouted. Folks are focused in other business to not notice the interactions.

"The powdered sugar stuff you add to water, right? Its a American thing." He muttered quietly to not be a disturbing the rest, "So much artificial flavoring."

He still didn't want to drink it. In case the spirit wasn't telling the truth. Putting the glass into storage very carefully. He still ended up with this same drink in his hand, with a feather balanced across the rim. James wasn't going to argue with the other side of him or the death marker bird. Drinking the whole thing in one go. It wasn't just Kool aid but clearly it matters. The feather tucked on him closely, a rare and special feather.

The learning around the table is at different paces, as they were coming to the last few questions.

"JJ, did you leave anything at the hotel?" Rose asked, she had a headache from how she was massaging pressure points. A little shaky and unstable.

"No, and I have your stuff too." She stares blankly through him, "I didn't look through it if that's your worry." She crosses her arms with a deeper stare, "It wasnt my idea. Someone asked me to. She said something like always wasting hard hours of sweat and cloth."

"You're likely right, my mother would. She would be annoyed that I keep leaving hotels without my things." She sighed and stood less strict with him, "Can you follow me so I can put it away?" James nod and make stop to wash his drinking glass. He makes sure to follow her up the stairs. She was very unsteady. He didnt want her harmed by any mischievous spirits. They make it up to the largest master bedroom to drop stuff on the bed.

She looks through it and paused it seeing other things she lost even longer ago. James pointed to the whole lot of culprits and she smiled painful. Not gifted with any sort of ability to know what he meant to be pointing at.

"How does living near here sound? Living on USA soil and getting a small job. You can do the exams you need too." they folded everything or tossed laundry to a basket, "This house is to full but we can help you get a flat. I will stop by keeping tabs or you can visit here when needed."

He nods with that. It will help him with all that other stuff he needed on the list, a excuse to buy kitchen sets and construction materials like slate shingles. He didn't have to strictly be this location in terms of sleeping but he could settle some stuff here.

"I like the st Augustine area. Its a nice looking area." She hums in his comment, "The market there is full of really nice old style bowls that are perfect for salads and baking."

"But if you live alone, you have to be old enough to." She tells him. He thinks about it, checking watches and being triple sure with taking out his personal information file. Skimming through. This sort of magic trick of making paperwork appear was strange. She was confused o. why he had to check his age at all. Kids should know how old they are. Kids like birthday parties and stuff.

"Can I lie?" He asked in putting the file away. It just puffed out of existence the second of him letting it go.

"Sure... but then you have be serious with me."

"I want to be 16. I am only 10." She thinks about this. Its convincing lie but he medical report from being checked in would be lie too.

He would be underweight, heavy malnutrition and a have a grow stunt. It report was all health for him being younger. Lean and not health issues. The estate based on teeth, average BMI and cell blood count: younger then 10, older then 5.

"Good lie, so?" she tilted with trying not feel convinced by the lie. They sorted clothes slowly together. Piles of shirts, dress, lingerie and other pants, skirts and shorts. The guess work of if it was clean or dirty.

"I don't look or act 8... do I?" she dropped something. She had to fold it again, "I look older because its a illusion. I asked the spirits. If I would help them in small favors, they help me blend in or teach me things. So many different beings, ways of life and what they assume as common knowledge. I got into a lot of trouble for the not so nice ones... and found the real folks them were much better at helping had really different requests."

He folded shirts carefully with sitting on the bed. Stretching across for the next one. He caught his eye on the large mirror, as it reflected that his mask shadow was staring at someone at the room door. It would seem Josh was waiting for a moment to walk in and overheard some this conversation. The shadow makes the door open wider, curling itself around James in a protective manner.

"Sorry for listening in." Josh directly stares at the shadow, "Is everything OK in here?"

"They wouldn't harm anyone, they can't really. They are just misunderstood." James defending his shadows actions with a little lie. His personal shadow can do things that other shadow beings can't.

"We totally fine in here." Rose makes Josh stop staring, "Is there something the matter?"

Since they been folding clothes and talking. She hasn't been affect badly by any unseen spirits. Maybe these spirits were helping her recover, as her headache was easing now. Plus, if the spirits are protective of James - it be rude to give the spirits a reason to distrust them.

"I am taking Sam and Lizzie to the store. Joel, Amy and Raven are downstairs working hard. I was going to ask if you needed anything?" Josh stares in how the shadow passed over the notebook the kid uses constantly. For Rose the book just appeared in James hands.

"It be to much to ask for... it be rude to ask for all of this." James muttering to the shadow. The mask without any facial features tilts in directing to something. Flicking pages for him, "I am not asking for that." he argued and it points, "Mmm... what an odd place to list that here." looking up to the two adults, "Maybe a large amount of table salt, please. A 12 pack of bottled water and any assortment of fruit."

"Is that entire notebook a list?" Josh asked and James pouts a little in thinkng about how to answer, "Why do you have a list?"

"It mostly assets of things I will or already have. I sometimes forget what I own and what I need. Some of it was requested by spirits and some stuff makes sense. Although he also asks for even stranger items... a sort of trade off." James closed the book and ponder handing it over or not. The shadow makes a few gestures with formed mist hand, clearly talking to the kid but not in hearing for Josh. Rose stares at the softer body language of how James is reacting to being spoken to. She can't see what or whom his listening to.

"Table salt, pack of water and a mix of fruit?" Josh knows the use for the salt as a warding spirits barrier. The pack of water and fruit isn't that strange of a request, "alright, I pick some up. Its no problem." James took out a wallet and was skimming through the different money bills. 100 dollar note passed over eventually, "Is this stolen money?" Josh asked.

"I assume not... They find ways earning money like anyone else. We aren't desperate cash wise." Putting the wallet away, "Keep the change." Josh frowned with how weird it was to use 'we'. He glares to the masked being, whom waves Josh away.

"If I go fetch stuff, how about I have a look at your list? 100 is a lot for what your asking for. Bottled water is about 3 dollars a pack where I going." It's not storm season just yet so there isnt any inflation. James passed the notebook over, in a light disagreement.

"Their language is hard to read." James muttered. Josh flicks through and paused at how there is digrams for how to store, collect and at a guess what uses somethings have. The language was runic yet scribbling. No one letter looks like the same. Some things digrams weren't normal creatures or from this world. There was a entire floor place of a building with assumed measurements. He passed the book back, "I dont always collect things from the book, they use it for thier own assets and reminders."

"You're freind isn't human... you understand that, right?" Josh asked to be sure.

"Clearly you misunderstand them too." James paused with listening, "That isnt something to bring up on them. In fact, that doesn't help them liking you." He pouts, "Thats really rude to be going through other people's stuff. Your nosing in their business."

"Well you can tell us anything. Now that we have established how things are." Rose also looks into the notebook, skims through even quicker then Josh did. She placed it the notebook in James hand, holding his hands too, "I dont want you to feel like you can't trust us. As you realize, we arent normal either. Raven is one of many strange folks we work with. You and your friends are not the weirdest." she stares into James more and more. Wanting him to talk.

James gets what she is trying to do and he knows the information is going to be helpful. He still felt awkward about how nosy his shadow is being in their triple agent spy stuff.

"They said that blood can often trace not just the DNA of someone. In cases of those whom travel other worlds or have abilities to bend elements; this leaves a lasting imprint in blood too. It's referred as adapting to realms by Hunters." He pauses, "Does that break the rules? I thought we cant talk about this stuff to innocent people." He looks at how it waved cards about, "Stop snooping in their stuff."

"I really did catch you just in time." Rose sighed with seeing Josh out. Following with taking James to the only free room left which was a small office study.

A camping cot was set up and she give some basic house rules. Josh was already shouting downstairs about two foster kids bickering over homework. James does his best to not feel isolated... listening to every corner of the place. Sensitive hearing that could make out the drop of a pen on the dinner table area onto a rug.

"Things are to much here... I realize how hard it is." She grabbed his focus again, "You're not going to cope well alone either. No one likes being left out. I am sure this is a much better place then where you were sleep out on the streets. I would imagine the spirits would appreciate you being healthier too."

James had room for argument about what she just said. However it wouldn't matter, it would be a surprise if he was forgotten by them. As the many foster families whom had to many did. Worse thoughts in his mind weren't helping, as the very all to realistic memory of seeing everyone dead, dismembered or well... bones and blacken soup. It bothers him that he seen the best and worse in everyone he mets. Those whom tried to murder him and those same folks whom said they loved him. Being torn by these side affects of foul perception.

Looking at Rose, he sees her all spectrums. The horror pain and malice if her husband was ever ti actual die in her arms. The happier relaxe her if or when she retired from MAC. The lifeless gaze or just a skull.

"There is always another day." James softly reels in with how she looks confused with him. He may have pulled a lot of strange expressions for a long pause, "Beleive in what you want because it drives all to reaching understanding of what we have to appreciate."

"Very philosophical. I really do agree with what you said. You dont act or even talk your age." She pinched his nose, "Got some sleep. You were struggling towards the end of cloth sorting." He nods and she closed the door. It was a good time to rest and recuperate from the long exhausting day.

The late evening has set in, Josh was back from the store. Nothing was falling apart or wrong about the house. It was only now that Amy had forgotten to print something and needed to use the main computer in the upstairs office. Inspite of being told to not disturb the new kid, the homework was due first thing on Monday which was after tonight.

"sorry..." She very quietly poked in and seen that no one was actually in here. She opened the door wider, perplexed. She still stayed quiet, and hoped the computer would be loud. Doing all she needed, ignoring the discomfort of feeling watched.

She got the printer working and has it all sorted. Turned it off and left... forgetting the door. She turned back mid way and froze with how a figure on the other side of the door dripping ink everywhere on the floor.

Faceless grey oval plate in place of a face. It tilts in making a silent question at her, she smiled nervously and bows in thanks. It tilts the other direction and closed the door silently.

She stands unsure of what to do, as that wasnt at all normal and it was enough to make a horror film documentary.

"Amy, your standing in the way." Sam complained and she hushed him... tilting to be sure it wasn't to disturb. Sam annoyed also looks that way and inspected what she was all shivering about, "Scared of ghosts or something?" Sam moved her out of the way, "Did the new kid get mad for waking him? I guessed since that fresh print paper of homework you forgot."

"Well... I did wake something up when I printed the paper. I didn't see the newbie in there." She jumps as Raven landed on her shoulder, "Gah, you really need to not do that unannounced." She pouts and the three of them stared at the office door. Josh was now watching them, frowning with this commotion, "Doesn't ink stain the floor?" She asks.

"Well unless what your talking about was not made of ink. Did it have a mask?" Raven asked softly in a coo.

"It was grey and no features. The main body was like floating ink. Sort of like a licorice candy mushed into human shape." She frowns, "What was it?"

"Just another spirit to the house. This place is huanted enough without this one. Clearly William is close linked with that one. It went as far as protecting him from us. Which isn't normal behaviour."

Josh walks up and makes those two kids go to bed. Raven hops to Josh's shoulder, watching the office. A wing posed in front of the beak, almost petting himself. Josh walks with checking all the doors of each room when for sure everyone was sleeping. He had even trying the office... being faced with the grey being stood in the middle of the room watching back. A light gesture of showing no harm by Josh. The shadow steps to the side showing James sleeping just fine. It tilts and Josh sighs in some relief. He gave another nod and goes to close the door.

"You're the servant of Mark Ashlem... well thats his real last name. All the royals preferred the perfect image of Glader. Never the less. You would make a good messenger." It pryed the door open but it was soft with Josh, placing a thick letter, "You give this to him when he becomes frustrated with being unable to seek..." It tilts and then straightens, "The family cursed soul. You give this letter to him and tell him that I am not disappointed. He not going to understand until her reads this pack of letters. As much as he may love to see gods crawl like maggots and thrown the many worlds into chaos by gutting them into this reality - he failed to see the what he has ignored and hated others for having. Envy of bonding with others and misunderstood it as being praised all the time." It tilts with looking to Raven, "As for you, follower or god incognito, stop asking me stupid questions. It is not my business to make worlds end, it's my duty to order souls or make souls take a break from be recycled to often. I have to much of a headache with other things to care for what goes on in this." It was making a lot of gestures and not speaking. It makes a crackle of a jaw being slowly opened. It closed instantly with sensing things going a werid. It straightens up, "I am highly protective of the lad, but I see why they trusted you and your wife. I see why a strange bird made a perfect adviser for the royal family. Most of all, I want to thank you for being a good hearted role model. You sold everything you could to protect what you make of what little you truly own. No amount of horror and pain will take away those feelings of love. For now, consider me envious."

"That's highly rude... If your any form of a god, you would know looking into people memories and hearts is frowned upon." Raven hissed, a inky set of finger closed the beak.

"I was given that title by outsiders and only with outsiders does that title mean anything. I am no god. I am less then anything." It tilts in listening behind, "However this title does still have strings attached, I had to choose someone. I have waited a long time. I appreciate giving the lad what he needs to learn. I have taught him everything but it not means little without learning context. Something he taught me, really. How the roles change... Its almost like... well... it doesn't matter." It gives a soft bow, "Sleep well. The meetings tomorrow are life changing enough. Can't be exhausted for it." It closes the door and then made a strange noise. The door is opened all the way and it inspects the door. It took chalk out and wrote stuff... the wood of door flexed, "Tsk..." the chalk is throw into the sudden open mouth and it stares at the door. Almost glaring at it. A nice gentle close.

Josh looks at how the letter disappeared. He looked about himself, tucked into a random pocket. He backs away from the study. Raven sets place in a normal nest spot, a eye always on the study. No doubt this will be a private conversation between Josh and his wife later.

A unrestful night for most passed, some stressing about school tests and being prepared for a unease meeting. The all night watching of the study for a feather buddy lead to total ignoring all of it around 4am.