Skimming the surface

Rose and Josh had not forgotten about incident with Grey and William. So they were strict about him going anywhere. They did however understand that he had to learn about people and have some freedom. So it was a balancing act between them both to look after him. The office room did end up as his bedroom with help of Grey, it worked out. The school made a divisive choose of what to do with someone ahead of his age.

More importantly was the result of the end of grade exam. Lizzie, Joel, Sam and Amy graduated to the next grade just fine. As stated, the school wasn't about to loose its prized fish. William was accepted into a teaching assistant role with a backing of scholarship. This was what he did up until he turned 16.

The chairman of the state public school had signed a secret agreement to allow exceptional students of a unknown origin. As it turned out, the man was a former mage whom escape. The man was a fugitive from the late kings order for the education of non‐mage science. Such man was someone that routed ways to escape the island from the gateways and realm boarder. MAC clamped down on the man and used the school as a place of resources to teach others.

This was very helpful for the MAC taking care of the crisis of fled mage children. A perfect out of place location to set out making a official mage school. This helps the new branch director representing North American MAC. He had gained favor in talks with testing this experiment of school.

This new Boss has became the perfect opportunity to Rose. Her secret DNA testing with children and comparing to royalty has flagged up potential. About a month ago, she finally told Josh about the DNA tests. Josh had supported her even if it hurt that she could have tell him sooner. She didn't reveal how she obtained the DNA of the late king and queen. Not even the new boss knew how she obtained sampling however he already knew of her DNA files. He gave her a better place and the equipment for her to continue this endeavor.

This past year William had officially turned 16. This was around when things resettled. The school had a management make over, new rules and introduction of school uniform. The inflex of oddly older and younger students among the grade categories was this year too - meaning that all students were now officially Mages. Some unaware of their magic talents and others from the island itself. They tend to be nobility and riches.

William wasn't wasting his time doing all of this. There was a sense of time flowing between his fingers, aware of MAC corporation movement. He thankful to Rose and Josh in this regard. He knows that his dead soul half was feeling weakness. Aware that the being connect to himself was oddly silent and weaker of powers lately. To help both sides, he was harvesting magic energy to be strength this shortage. Furthermore was that he knew he could do more with gathering fragements.

Due to a series of memories, things his father told him as a child - James had worked out there was more to his problems of being weakend of magic. He had peiced together that both his parents did separate things to him which had lead to his soul being highly interesting to this cursed mask guy.

A secret mission that he told no one else of doing. During term holidays, he had been gathering the other fragments of his and that other guys soul. He finally got to an aged enough look to no longer rely on a illusion to age him. The travelling to other worlds had made him look the age he lied about being.

Such journeys across to other worlds were tests set by his own father, insurance of being a reliable mage to the country and a honour of his royal bloodline. He had came across many Oath hunters, other types of life, life after death and worlds without humanities knowledge. Along the way there was strange request by damned and things that needed fixing like how his other self taught him about.

To James's fear, his mage royal uncle had worked out these trials too. Mark has been spending these few years doing this too. He has sent his trusted Josh to do some of them on his behalf. Unlucky for the adults, there was measurements in place to prevent the wrong person from stealing James's soul fragments. Every trial brought James to being whole. Worse he knew he is stepping to close around grim reapers.

Some trials were putting him in direct issue with oath hunters and grim reapers. But its thanks to those types that Josh or Mark was unable to finish those trails. James became fearless of being injured, in near death experiences or flinching at the sight of gore. It dehumanised and desensitization James from things he would find the mask guy doing in the dreamscape cottage. It had made him cope with the things he witnessed as a child, from what his father did to his uncles experiment of borrowing god powers.

James had found peace with remembering about his mother. To him, she was a good woman with no serious crime to her name. She asked the Ender, the mask freak, to look after him and take him as a apprentice. She didn't realize what the mask being was or its real duty. She could now, in her afterlife.

His father and uncle were nasty work, they werent good people. They had allowed or been direct causes of suffering. However with some long debate, reflection and realization of what he was remembering. It was his father and uncle whom were considered cursed royals. They were as the damned society called, living damned.

Damned form after death, normally. Not those two... they were alive and had the abilities of being damned from birth. They were teaching James about his own cursed existence, aware that he would inherit it. A fact that Mark has forgotten about or overlooked this far.

The classroom was ready and students were taking seats. The white board had the date, the name 'Mr JJ' and class topic on the board. The eldest sat at the back talking about differences since moving countries. The youngest were at the front talking about tv shows or favorites toys. The students whom were the average age for this grade level were lottering in freinds groups. Some groups mixed ages but overall were normal.

The ones that are considered popular was the foster siblings whom were on subject about why thier youngest didn't join them in class today. Its of their promise with Josh and Rose that they watch over him. The room goes silent with the bell and everyone moving to their seats. In following the American pledge, they took part and sat down at second bell. The door into the classroom opens. James kicked the skateboard up and sets it to the wall behind the desk. He stands at the front with making a book appear and doing name check.

"Right, good morning everyone. Frist off, yes I am the teacher. I get that my age isn't normal for my profession." He was clear voice and could be heard from the back of the room, a booming voice that shook everyone to pay attention, "This class was perfectly choosen because you dont have to be explained or taught about Mage culture." The class looks between and back to him, "So when I do things like this," he lifted hand and a note someone was writting was confiscated, "You're not going to over react." Nodding heads and some few bodged eyes, "Before I can even begin to make any head way to the learning for this lesson. I have a few public announcements for us all to catch up with. Some of it is old news but to others they haven't been told or informed." He was breezy with making the board clean. He bullet point highlights of these public mage announcements. From the death of the known reign monarchy, the investigation connect with, the possibility of mage royalty being among the fled and most importantly a update of current status of how things work."So, I am taking pause for any questions right here. Let you take in what I told you."

The class did talk amongst themselves over these points some reading the mage language to those not able. The more older set finally had someone raise a hand to ask.

"Where is all this information sourced from?"

"The mages have been aware of the developments of other countries for centuries and had their way of interaction without full awareness to those innocent. In fact some medicines were imports and nobility had gained a source tax evade income by such services. You might have heard of them and had once evaded them. In all fairness I dont blame you, I was like that too." He goes onto small business talk and waved everyone a brochure each, "They are mage customs with a twist. They are independent from the country, not puppets for the country. They do however recognise that royalty or royal connections have some say in some matters. Like the investigation into the murders of the previous royals and this recent investigation into fled. There are a lot of rumors that is slowing down everything. So telling any facts from rumors has been difficult."

He has the whiteboard wiped and the class it settled once again. Some others came in which caused mix reactions of the whole room. Mostly it was from the foster group whom gasped the loudest.

"These three will be the schools reps for any concerns, enquire or just someone to report any information. Mr and Mrs Weaver are agents of the corporation. While Sir Raven was and still is a trusted ranking among mage nobility. I wish to encourage you to talk to them if you or family are having any problems. Those problems could be personal, financial or home based. They are professional and highly regarded. Its a honour to have them around." James waved gesture with one nobility student, "Mr Smith, you are not high and might as you wish to believe. You will respect those of higher title then your entire family put together."

"Yeah right." The young man among the oldest of the class and sees James as a joke. He wasnt one for politics, so he didn't know or understand how those three adults were higher.

"Then I expect a 200 word assignment about the nobility prymind and social mobility. I expect it tomorrow on my desk. You are free to ask your gem crafting father or you talented gold smith mother anything you don't learn here. The paper is about opinions and will not be marked as right or wrong." James wrote a note and made a bird appear. This bird took the paper and flew through the glass of a class window, "I have informed your parents of such class homework. Do not make me issue you another assignment. You will become to exhausted to keep up."

"Did he just use a royal bird message carrier?" A spoken out of turn by another older student.

"Royalty aren't the only ones whom use them, Fletcher. Those with close ties to royalty are also able. Please do not speak out of turn." James gives a little throat clear, "Now, was there anything else to bring up?" He asked the three adults.

"Eight royal or connected to royalty have gone missing as a result of the murder investigation into the late king and queen." Rose steps slightly forward with speaking, "They fled among your age group whom managed to survive crossing to the none mage based countries. It is a unconfirmed 48, you are a third of them. We have found 19 whom parished in their trip. More importantly, there is 20 living whom we're highly interested in coming forward to speak to us. If you are such people, your going to know exactly what we want to ask about."

There is a small set that shivered just then, they knew exactly what it was and they happened to know each other too. Someone suddenly stood up.

"We can't tell you because our lives and others depend on it." This encourages a few others to stand too. It was pattern among this set that was apparent, they werent from nobility, riches or even have any known family.

"I think it be OK to tell them if they know the password." Someone else voiced. The sudden development has them debating in looks and the odd hand gesture.

"Street workers, its not a surprise." James shurgs with Raven looking right to James, "You all can sit down. We will have a group discussion in a more suitable private location. After all, its about trade. From your words to mine." That was the password and they became relaxed with understanding James was likely one of them. They found respect in him as he knew their way of life and what it took for them to be here, "Actually, a little bird told me that a even smaller set among you will know what the Sewage plan is." For that only one person did shot out their seat and jump for the window. They were knocked out by their panic and attended to by Josh. He picked up the kid and straight to the nurse office.

"What was that about?" Raven asked.

"Its why I know. Its a street credit thing. You wouldn't know with being part of the monastery." James waved, "Does anyone here know or have heard about it?" He asked.

"Its a public project funded the people. Its a recent thing, suddenly emerged from investigations." A noble kid speaks up, "My servant was talking about how there been a young mage pretending to be poor that been using the project to teach street kids magic chants." James makes that written on the whiteboard, "They had fled when I did but we were separated along the way. I would imagine they are among 20 your looking for."

"So, it seems royalty was hiding among rats like us." James hummed, "What werid kids would do that? Its unheard of by society standards."

"This means that the royal children had a way of leaving without detection." Raven suddenly shouted. James pouts with having that added to the whiteboard.

"The sewage project been going since mage winter solstice." this noble with talk about his servant adds, "If your implied that royal kids have been running it, well... they could have fled at anytime." That point is added to the board and it gave Rose a sudden thought.

"Alright we should go back to main topic. Mrs Weaver, may you please continue with your news." She pins thought to the side and looks back to the class.

"We are providing free healthcare, future employment and scholarships inexchange for DNA samples. We are already protecting you and your families from laws by the USA government or other countries. We can return you back to the Island or help find any family left behind. We are negotiating the release of those trapped on the island to come live here with you. The current situation of politics prevents anyone of low status to being able to make the trip legally. We have stopped the order of forced return on your behalf and prevented any execution orders." A pencil slammed the floor loudly, the sound had even carried three classrooms over.

"Those with family would have been informed or told that you had broken mage laws by fleeing the island. It was already a risk of execution for them and yoursleves. You would have realized this issue when encountering MAC for the first time. Fear of execution. This was why one of you shot up and nearly ran out the window when I asked about the sewage project. That is also a illegal break of law which would have meant execution. Its been a gamble of trust to tell MAC but it wasnt helpful at the time."

"You're looking for royalty among us?" The French speaking set whom was among the foster freinds.

"Correct. We are hoping to prevent their execution too." This bust of sudden quick questions among themselves until they stood collectively.

"We are blood sister's and have indirect blood tie with the Dark royals. We all wish to come forward to take that offer if it means we can finally live together." Amy is actually among them.

"I am not dyslexic. I just struggle with English language." She admitted.

James makes a note of that. They are asked to sit once more by Rose now. Josh returns with giving a sick note of excuse and a extra tell to not ask for that students return. He is informed about the French groups connection and he directs them out the room. Those of the class left was a normal class sizing average. James listens to anyone else with questions. Rose didn't have anything else to add with royal information. So she broke down how things are for the people.

"What of the kings brother? Is he on the throne?" among the sea of conversation, this was asked.

"No one has publicly stated they are on the throne. However there is a royal whom continues to be doing so from the shadows. We haven't had any confirmation for whom that is, only that we could assume it's not Mark." She had made many sigh at relief. The class had soon changed language, being confident to speak as mages. Those whom couldn't read it could speak fluently fine.

Rose and Raven took spare seats, wishing to assess James's teaching ability or learn the language too. As the previous class topic was just a lie. He used magic to reach the board for space and was quick to make introduction into what the whole semester was going to be.

He added how his studies weren't official with any sort of exam but assured that he making head way to making this a school subject for all to learn, foreigner or for illiterate. Around second period, he got everyone trying to write the basic letters of the alphabet. Josh returns with taking seat. James catches him up to speed.

"What letter is everyone having difficulty with most?" He asks and there is a mix of about three different answers. However its similar looking letters.

"I can understand why those are different." He makes room on the whiteboard, "The mage alphabet has some history. Like other languages, it has mutates with time and tends. The three letters your all having issues with are special. They are drawn differently depending the values of the letters after them." He draws them simply at frist, "They are the English equivalent of vowels." He wrote noun examples, "They are used in people's names. Objects of importance. And... spell casting or religious blessings." He didnt write spells on the board, "Before you ask, yes I do know how to. The problem of writing spells on a reading format is very specialized. Those whom have families of that trade understand the life energy costs and effort."

"Its off topic but, who taught you?" Nobility asked. James did drop his poker face a little and look back at the board.

"My best friend. We were considered brothers if we were from opposite ends of the island." He shook out of it, "I have him to thank for a lot of things. I hope to make it up to him someday." He moved to the board, "It reminds me. There a little secret to the mage language. These letters are just randomly chosen. They also represent the primordial gods. Its why any mage religions prefer this language over Latin or other old languages. Some letters you may recognize if drawn upside-down or at a 90 degree turn. Some letters can be rearrange to the Modern faith symbols."

The class were highly fascinated. It caused motivation for the subject to be studied at depth.

"Given that you can use royal messenger birds and know the language adaptivly. Would you know the royals version too?" Raven prying into it.

"I thought that was obvious." James doesn't given any attention to Raven as he was writing another exorcize for the class to try, "Alright everyone, there a fun part about this language that your really going to like. Due to the powers behind the alphabet, when you write certain words and focus with knowing what the word looks like in reality. So too does the word adjust to looking like subject." He looks with the whole class. He give pause with gauging reaction and checked a watch to be sure of no funny business. He look beside to Grey, sitting on air... also studying the language class, "Mr Grey, I would appreciate that you do not upset people while I am teaching. Be considerate of your appearance, please." The being huffs and changed to a mock human. It stood and took seat amongst the class, "As I was saying. When you are writing, you can't be distracted. As you can see a example. I was distracted and the word changed meaning, thus its appearance." He shows and now erased that, "There a old saying about how names work. No matter it being your name, the name of an object or the very element that embodiment of our known universe. Names have power and can often be immortality. Not that anyone live had proven that." He puts the pen down, "You all can take a break and talk amongst yourselves. Ask any reasonable questions. We have 12 minutes before lunch. I cant let you go early, because I be told off otherwise. So this is compromised agreement. Catch up for anyone needing it."

"You're very good at teaching and I dare say, very educated on the subject. You rival myself." Raven coos, although his human at the moment. The strange angle tilting as he was expressive of the examples on the board.

"Mr JJ, how are you royalty connected all this? I had never seem to realize this before."

"Mostly street credit. I am not actually allowed to disclose any information. It not putting any life on the line of I did. Its about keeping promises. They trusted me and I wish to hold that." James leaned back on the wall behind his front desk, "But my biggest clue is the sewage project. Any royal but alone would have not been trusted by rats. I was among team that managed it without being executed. As you know by know with how I am, what sight I have. I think you can work it from there."

"You're a blessed sight?" a normal student asked.

"Its more a gift. Good or bad depends on what I am able to see. Grey is a example of this."

"Right back at you, moron." Grey hissed.

"Smooth for someone older then time." James tuts, "My personal life can't be fully disclosed for many reasons. A example being that I am your teacher. Promises are to be kept unless its a determent to everything otherwise. I have more personal matters to still graze over before I could explain it all to the corporation." James listens around at everyone, makes some notes and was at focus once again, "Speaking of which Grey, its not like you to be around in visible sight to many. You have something of a requests, for sure. You personally have been... well, I noticed. What can I can I do for you, my friends?"

Josh looks around confused as he can't see what James can. Rose being aware how that its possibly something with Raven. The bird man was acting out very... odd for standard.

"Promises, as you stated." Grey gestures to the many stood, "Waiting for you."

"They will get what justice their looking for eventually. We both know how much there is left. I haven't ignored them nor have I ever forgotten." James stands properly. His voice from next line was exactly as a royal would have said, "The bell will toll and another head will roll. Maybe two if I get things right."

Josh and Raven stared with discomfort with understanding that. The many hunters and grim that lined classroom walls lifted up in recognizing just whom James is.

"Would you believe that your other half has been mistaken ask me? I continue to find it amusing. Not even own blood." Grey retorted this in royal language, "I guess without being whole, you couldn't give these folks what they wanted. Just how pricey is this going to be?"

"I guess the tome didn't inform you either." James shrugs, "I do sometimes wonder if your the same soul, but whatever." That was a private language to only Grey and James. Grey took out the book with checking through, Several middle names and some false news James used were used in the Death Tome. His two frist names were faint.

"Why was I not included?" Grey pouts putting the book away. The school rings lunchtime, folks stood with leaving. Some can privately to flood Josh, Rose, Raven and James with students personal question. Some took the deals and others were redirected to other student services or MAC services. Raven took in religious questions or enquiries to direct to the mage government. James is flooded with language questions as he helps those struggling. He showed this little group paper guidelines of what ruler measures. This drastically made it better understanding and improved attempts to make letters legible.

"What are you doing?" Finally for the frist time being caught red handed but just due to disabling the traps then it was setting it. It were of a matter of time that the weakness made him visible to even Erebus. Adding to which a wonder wny the god wasn't with his follower, was interestingly helpful, "I realized that I can't hear you and since I am able to see means your not doing so well. Yet you can still nod to me." Quick to make arrangements, "I also know demons can translate too." Snaps a hire here, "You not going anywhere else, are you?" The demon muttered about how it wasn't speaking at all, "Mmm... Are you a dead fella?"

"I am not a normal spirit. I am both status." The demon wavered in speaking this translation. Erebus hums with recognizing the mask.

"You're the cursed adviser but you have changed." The silence and staring. Coldness passed but would mean nothing to the demon or Erebus. The long taps on lips echoing the ringing of hamster wheels.

"I was mistaken as them. That being is no longer on the island. Although my heed about moving royal corpses isn't wrong. Soon the wounds that should have died to will catch up with me, when I am whole and chaos erupts." The demon faithfully translated properly, "The tone used was one given by someone ready to face grim reapers. That collected tone that smooths and shivers."

"So what is your name?"

"I not going to fall for that. Instead recognize that these many pranks were my little game of revenge to my beloved messed up uncle. He stabbed me through the chest having fooled me. I made my deal when the heads of my parents stared from the throne seats. Their warm bodies that weighed me down from running away. You're not one to care about your follower being a murderer or not. Yet you will understand that he will become part of the hellish abyss. When its all over, I may have you begging me to not steal his life. So this is my warning, faith will bind me to die. I plan on sharing it. You will not stop me."

"How come then you haven't lied about having a duty when not distracted?" Erebus catch fast.

"The real advicer was that something you met in a world opposite of here. Dead becoming alive, a fall of tower and empty shelving." Erebus showed a very good poker face, "Go find the final reaper. Take your follower with you if you want him alive and away out of my reach."

The demon was snatched away by a spell which causes any contract of hiring to break. Erebus had stayed as he did, maybe to stunned to stop the shadows escape. He sent a bird to inform Mark of this, as its only the thing a god can do in visitation to this world. This lord of all darkness hovers with things just how a child came to make a deal with such a monster and what Erebus missed out on when his follower chooses to go rogue.

A different hire came in bow to the lord, speaking to inform of a changing situation back at the gods domain. A disturbance of items appearing and vanishing. The vanish act goes to the god whom must find out why there is any distance at all.

"I hope my other side is ready. There is only so much I can do to hold back the god of darkness and his demon hunter hires. I have been so busy with them, I do not know of what my uncle has been up to and how long time is passing for the living." The hands hold their chest, "I need more... or else the damned will become my next meals." Scrunched up with pain the jolts throughout from chest spreading over all of the skins, "Promises." A memory came to mind. Dragging itself towards a new room or to someone unlikely to help him now.