Troubles through the local worlds

"My Lady goddess, its as you had said. Those peaceful and passive are missing with those whom hadn't belonged to your realm." The follower in full bow with their goddess. This pair aren't totally comfortably trusting as Raven and the lord of Omens are. Here it were a as a human assumes to treat a goddess.

"Continue seeking, my follower. I had not authorised such a massacre of my realm and that this as a attack. Go..." She blessed them with wards of protection and of tracking, "Do not fall victim to such acts. Find whom it is and come back to my side."

The follower stands and was about to leave at request. They however reacted quick to evading a weapon attack, casting magic to block and doing at told by their goddess commands. To stand at her side.

"It seems that the trouble came to us instead." She stood with blocking her follower from harm, "Who are you and how dare you cause a mess of my home!" Her influence of energy surged around and alters the room. Figures pulled out the walls, guardsmen made of the realm around them.

The military uniforms of this pair were black with silver fittings. They had matching symbols on the breast pocket and arm bands of navy blue. One uses circular weapons to fight and the other stands back in chant. It were simply not talk just into the thick of dismantling the very walls around. A fight that lasted the length of one chant, kept busy with the weapon holder. The goddess last breath, had summons take her follower back home. Tears of asking to be forgive to not protect them any better. To warn the others of this attack.

Many faiths were under fire, whole pocket realms of where these faiths are based are being wiped clean. It only took a pair per realm. However these strangers had to be cautious of living worlds too... like they knew the living people can't be targeted like they were for other places.

"I have my last word of advice to you, leader of undertakers." Death too and his realm being taken over, "This universe has something that you will come to fear. I suggest not upsetting the tomes... They are sentiment and they know of what you are doing." The bones burned into the flames of purple hues, the whole tower having only been constructed recently falls.

The only book was sitting protected by a metal cat, on the only spot that was protected. A tomb that blocked the metal trap door to unclaimed syths.

"If that were the god of death for this hold universe, this was a cake walk." The adviser stops chanting, he hadn't needed it. His ladyship was more then enough for this realm.

"But we should heed their words. You can't ignore what high gods warn you of." She walks softly in a tight Victorian royal dress. Complete with wood loops to plum her lower half out and make her waist appear like a twig. Pale skin, she rose a hand of purple flame, "This tomes might be under here. It couldn't be the books lost in the fire."

"You may want to look around the rubble before you assume that." The cat tail clatters the stone lid, a echo that put out her magic and had made the advicer drop to his knees. She looks in study of how weak that was and sighed. She gave nod to he advicer... whom started looking through rubble.

"Not a page in sight." He reports, He can't cast magic as if the energy was taken from him. He forced himself to stand as a low set of noises from a distance was becoming apparent.

From time to time, it was a breif scuffle and then a clank of a wood board slammed into something else. Then something with it, muttering. No. Someone with a bad singing voice. This voice not able to pitch high notes of some song.

"Where is the death records?" Her ladyship asks with walking to the cat.

"You're called undertakers. The books have you in a new section. Your a trade agreement with the clothus. To our time space, you are breaking our rules. Right?" The cat asked the book as a page torn and then folded itself into a bird. This page bird sits on the cats head, the noise wasnt nature. A ear flicks to listen to the distance to, "What a terrible attempt to sing, just what is that kid up to?" the bird danced a bit, "You did? oh, but his..." the bird jumps about, "If you believe so."

The skater jumps rails and flips mid air. He landed right beside the remains of Death, lowers to respect them... He turned off the music playing in a headphone. Laments some random book quotes. He picked the soul from among the ashes and holds them close. The skateboard back down and he rides past the advicer and his ladyship. Hops with making the board lean to the tomb.

"I am just as unimpressed here with the what happened as the two of you. This world isn't the only ones too. I had to stop by for the goddess of life and her tome keepers section." Putting the book and that soul to there. Puts deaths soul with the death record, "Just how many worlds are in chaos because of them?"

"My lady, six elties haven't returned. As always Riddle has disobeyed your orders." The lady stares with hold close she is to taking her goals.

Her mind jolts with knowing the ex-advicer to the one previously in her place would ignore orders. Her issues was that she trusted her next in line to watch over the trouble maker. Riddle falls what orders alighting to his own agenda, clearly there is much more about this universe then just being a request from her trade partners of the masked kind.

She has her own powers to free travel, making a gate to wherever she had anchored to. It wasnt any surprises that such place on the other side was in combat. She moved only slightly to avoid the five rolling heads. Her advicer confirmed them.

"Cut our looses..." She orders and her advicer bows. Jumps through with make quick work. She lingers in studying what the enemy looks like, only for the cold to brush her. Eyes flick to the boy, the talking ornament and the sentiment books. Narrows with just triple checking, retreated into the voids of voilet flames.

"Perpare for full out war." An army of damned stand behind the main three, "It seems the clothus have choosen violence over words." This was a tome command, its expreinced awareness from being the hive of all the collections of timelines.

"No peace when there is trouble makers." the group among the shadows broke apart for this being to pass in. This is ender whom was in deep sleep, whose universe has came and past its existence. A Elder in their own ways. These types tend to be completed soul tomes of peaceful souls. They dislike war and being awoken for it. But... The clothus has been crossed many times. Many other worlds have fallen due to them, a tome that fought back was now a burnt scrap.

It must be said that this ender whom spoke comes from a universe experienced in what it truly meant by all souls hold the title. Weirdly this crimson scaled beast of 12 hand limbs is the last to take this title, and would understandable be the one to awaken from his soul tome request. They have a famed name, the crimson slayer of clothus.

These undertakers might be the answer... and why it wasnt warned before. The destruction of soul tomes was like erasing everything that those souls learned and experience. This was as bad as the existence eaters that are currently tamed in dream worlds.

A new threat has its challenges, because it was never a Enders motivation to war monger. All Enders held a shared wish to please souls, because breaking those relationships was worse. Even the souls of their enemies had to be respected and held with the values that made them exist. Hate and love were equal value. Not to be erased and shunned.

"What of your time space?" This was Raven, but not of this time and as you knew him. No, this was a copy timeline a slightly diverse of this one. This where Raven kept the title of Ender and history took a twist. He had his timelines death as a partner. The two were in the middle of repairing their tome with inspecting name mirroring of this current tome time space. They had unpleasant encounters with Clothus.

"Compromise for now." Sean answered, "So it seems my history will repeat." Sean soul path was abnormal which was why he was reincarnated as a syth. When something when wrong the first run through history, he is the only soul whom remembers it. In fact, he was one the oldest enders if things hadn't smoothed to James. Sean having just seen a Undertaker has made him remember it all, the trigger warning about falling to his events of time.

"But there is hope and peace in the future. We just have to make do with forced hands." They agreed, "Let's hope that her next in line isn't war hunger."

They twisted with how the gloops holds two sleeping undertakers. They were protected and treated as people should be. Any wounds were aided. They likely were sleeping as a side affect living entering a death realm in visit.

"Then we take whom we can, protect them from the Clothus. Teach them of the wrongs Clothus leave behind when they are done recording worlds." James knew just how exactly what to do... His other parts were delighted by this idea.

Enders of other books leave to do the foot work, to bring them into human society or prevent the loss of lives by more threat attacks from undertakers and clothus. There was even awareness that hunters of oath can turn on them. They are just hands for hire.