C3- Trades

It's beginning to already start, you see. It is too late now. Look how the tips of them lush freedom wings smoulder ever so slow and painfully. Yes you are safe from the fire. Those little wings aren't going to keep you high above death forever. That cat has every rightful moment to pounce a strike when the slower you become or when those little wings are smouldered ashes. Delaying what is coming to you; but it's never going to be total escape. Go dance you last little moth, death is there in your shadows always.

Such a nightmare, I had forgotten to hang a dream catcher over my new bed. All so wounded from fighting those throned spiked plants; here held in prison of a ruined house. Laid around the corsped bones of whom thought this were a safe spot too. So tired… thrones were covered in fluids. So very tired. Burns my wounds and sizzles in my pool of blacken blood. I still fight to stay away from that terrible threatening grim. How he dare point his syth at me when I breath another thanking day!

I must clean up and keep awake now… must stay alive and away from them scary things. Scary evil things that want my corpse, soul or both. Scared to die or face that grim. Scared of the empty unknowned darkness in those boney socket areas where eyes should be. Scared of being taken without my remorses filled out. Scared of facing near misses. Straving… but wounded down to bones.

Smouldering wings is what my dream told me. I need water to put it out and not drown me. Snow to cool and smooth my wary wounds. Hope it may not freeze me.

Stay alive, stay awake, stay safe. So alone I am. Never have I felt so darken by this isolation. My voice isn't working and failing to keep me motivated. Failing to keep me company or call out for help.

No… don't close them. Don't take me from my life. My loving life.

"Hush you pretty little mind… let them thought drift off and pass you by." Not my inner voice and not any grim I knew at all. Not a kind voice of a feathery angel, "Wow, festy." I snap my tail around me and weakly backed as much possible in my condition from this… demon. Human? Mock human? I can't see. Where is my sight? Have they tricked me? where am I being moved, how? I will not play for you, damn mind reader. I will fight for all my life that is all it has left. I will not die and I will not be tainted or touched by you. Leave me be. Leave me alone.

I broke out or off this moving thing. I will scamper around for any walls and dig for any exits. Climb any wall. Not will contain me. I will not be defected to this emptiness.

"You really not going anywhere, weakened lizard of the colour of night." You a werido or does you speech have to sound like it was written in the wrong century?, "Foul mood is not going to let us help you."

"Let the thing die and takes it's stuff after."

"Where exactly do you think it has any room to carry anything?"

"You not see the gem and ring stuck on the back jaws?"

I will not be ignored if you daring to try and 'help' me. What game are you playing at here? Why are you daring to help me? A lizard thing?

"You have a good point but you hearts in the right place in the wrong body. A human mind so sweet stuck in a monster that makes a demon shiver."

"What exactly are you talking about and are you mind reading their thoughts?" You comrade stranger has a good question. Be a good freak and get out of my head. I will consider eating you.

"Eating me? You are a joke."

From what I have left of my myself, I dare shifted to a human like form and dare waste my strength in holding out on a incantation… something overheard to summon a fitting weapon for the given feo. The fact that this worked, in my weak state isn't just what pulled them away from me. It's my starved look and careless jaw formation… drool that dripped in aiming for the heart. A gun right through the heart… it's how this will work… ate them. They sure look edible enough, meat is meat. No matter how you slice it from them tiny little bones. Eat them.

"I could eat you… you sure seem ever so nice. Them thick thighs and arms… blood gravy." My incantation is shattered to the floor and I backed away to look for a way out of here. Away from this mind reader and run from death. Death is coming. I dare not face the grim of evil again.

"Interesting." The mind reader pointed some spot with then forming a sort of door out of thin air. I may have poked it but also flee from that doors darkness. Another route that was lodgical. Not some mystious magic door from air leading through to nothing or a void. Not me. This has to be a sort of hell in disgues… I don't like it here anymore. Run. Flee. Out from the sight and mind of this creep and allies. They aren't human, angel, demon or thing of my living knowledge.

"So you figured that out… very human minded. Ever so scared of everything. Death and all." That door is gone and I am left with plenty space to breath or be left alone, "Aren't you curious?"

I wish not to be but I am always. What killed the cat from all nine lives? Curiosity into the unknown and the ever need for more answers. Yet answers are tricky; most times leaving questions and never finishing look of answers for more questions. Get the Hell out of my head and I will be serious to take your life.

"If I weren't to read your mind then you going to have to speak, and speaking of you condition… You think you could mutter all or any to murder me?"

"I am not afraid of murdering you or facing that damn grim again. It's the cry of one's soul and that pleading to wish not to take one's life that scares me the most. A sorrowed sound, scary one to fear for all of my lives."

"You a cat or something?" I ingored this comment and keep a blink whiteness in my imagination…. How the white confused the mind reader to no end, twisted inhumanly at all sorts of angle to read anything further then white.

"What is that? Why is that? How are you doing that?"

"I am done with playing little sick games with you creeps. What do you want of me? Why are you here? Where is out?"

"Out is death." That one was punched in the arm as there is a whole lot of confusion spreading about how I keep such white nothing in my mind, just words I am reading. No thinking to deep. Just white nothing. I seeped slower into the background without much certienty of being sure around here. A slower blank white stillness. The patience of waiting and acting as nothing but stone.

Oddly the imagines of rock formations and stones were what filled my mind over taking the white blank nothingness. Consuming and confusing the mind reader ever so more or are they acting for my benefit? Stones in water. Stones in the mountain face. Stones like pebbles along the shores. Stones around a fire pit. Stone walls. Stone buildings. Man made stones and stones of compressed refined sand. Stones with odd shapes. stones in art.

"Right, you made this mind game yours now. Have you not?" Stoning you would be great… so would have stone massage… relaxing stone massage. Stone of many types colours. Clarity of stones. Pretty or not. Stone centre piece and stone castles mosic flooring arching up the walls.

"It's so still that I wonder if that is living or not." Stone. Like a stone ordment statue. Stone foundtains. Stone slate roofing. Stone.

They stepped around me in a circle with wondering how I wish to react. Stone is all I think but now I see stones at the finest of tragdic horror. Climb slip ups and those mistke bits of stone being bones. The what seems a good climb is a slippy pace from death.

The mind reader backs away so much and with a weapon drawn out. He so lost in the worlds of death in my mind that he was ticking with others around him. Scared and death. The distracted from me so they may settle him were perfect for my drop to hide in shadow. Here as flat as possible I act a lizard stain on the floor in shadows way.

"Where is that… that gore minded sick reptile?" Let me leave, leave me be, "Leave you? A little sliver piece of work you are. I will have you mounted on my wall when I am done with…" The last thing he will ever see before losing one eye is my sudden and no warned claw pick it from their skull… sunk instantly into shadow and lost into a sterile water jar. The agony, the pain and fear from the act backed them to a corner and out a door. My shadow slides the gap and on out to the night sky I knew.

I have my sight back here and here is a forest I haven't seen the parts of yet. To be up a real normal tree. Hiding there to sew up, patch up and clean up my nasty cuts. Here I am sure to still hear the shouting of the crew that failed to murder or kidnap me totally. They were answering to someone much greater or higher in status. Like above prince or king or priest. This were the fact of speaking to a grim, but a grim with respected status.

I looked at my marks and many arms. None of them have that death mark as I can see it. Maybe it is still there. Maybe they are able to track me, since they sound to get louder around here.

"They really did take the eye out the socket..." I stayed so still and blended into the tree, "Not unusual for trapped creatures to do anything to get out. It's odd that they speak bit still resorted to taking a piece of you." Not sitting alone, "Maybe you offended them to point of desperation."

"They made a mess of the place… blood everywhere." This group of five takes a seats in a circle the tree. This grim leader sort sat closes to the tree and was clearly aware that I am here. Often watching for a change of reaction from me, the moment they walked up here. This grim is very different from those normal ones, robs for a start and the three rings on the left hand.

"So already wounded, not being sure of where they are and met with a rude conversation. I see why they have done that." Being almost seen right through is unnerving, being glass to a grim repear just makes things harder to settle with, "The feat of a living to wound the afterliving is instreseting side-effect. Not the only creature to have this quality that shouldn't be. Yet I guess the sentient mind of this example is more telling then those others before it."

"Sentient or not, I will have it mounted on a wall."

"Or it hang your guts up the tree. Your being inconsiderate of how they view things. You tell me if you like being blinded, kidnapped into someplace meanwhile rudely awakened the need of recovery." They stopped staring so much through me and on those around them, "I had word from a minor that this being were abnormal to turn down immortality."

That conversation was not how that sounded to be. In fact, the whole living undead asptect sounded nothing like living immortal way. In hind sight, it seemed fitting warning to be offered immortality. Dispite being a thing of unknown orgin. My drifted thinking as me ignoring their conversation. I have a sense I just missed something from them.

"I don't think it be wise for that thing to become one of the collective." Dead set on not having being of some sort of status to them, "What if this creature were to savage the courts?" What courts of what govern body?

I am more confused then I am worried of my current stance. Cruse being wounded.

"What the heck?" someone is dripped with it. Such blood drip burned on their skin like an acid. They instantly having to leave and move from the path. Leaving just a sorached patch of cloth melt. The leading grim looking back up around my branch… peered for a while.

"Excuse me and forgive my suddenness." Direct towards me in a confused tilt, "Do you have a name?"

"Why would I tell a grim? It be like saling myself to a demon or clothus."

"A name to go by without issue."

"Twlight." My tail swept the blood from dripping on anyone, "What would a reaper want of me? besides marking my death, I see no reason of conversation."

"Would you trade your knowledge of this land with me in exchange of immortality?"

"A interesting request that brings more curiosity then understanding. What of my knowledge is what you seek? This land and history is long, longer of how it became and little of how it seemed gone. Unless you too seek tombs, something I ill adviced the last grim of doing." a long pause of air gasping.

"I were one whom knows of the deeds done to humanity, the price made by the kull of the vaults." I altered some colour and changed place… so I may speak to them at their eye level but far from soul blade, "I heard that you made the bold claim to be the raven that guided them."

"The soul forced into the raven as guide to the vaults. Such a terrible impact does not without pain. I have a hunch that this isn't what you wanted to know from me. So let us get back to what you really wanted." The study of seeing that I were hung around a little lower and slow moving of the fools backing away; excluding the grim. This respected grim just met in my glancing with this odd angled forwards tilt, it's almost like my colouring confused them.

"does this mean your accepting the offer?"

"No quite but I find that most knowdelge that I know isn't always worth the price of my life. I rather bleat out what simple things you want to know, so that the overall offer can suit around the price of immotality… Such gifted cruse isn't something to give away without reason. It sounds dangerous." I tilted in mimicking them and slowly turning back to my natural colouring, "A question of knowledge must be worth the price of sale. Nothing in life is ever free. Something has always got this string of issues to follow."

There was a slow backing reaction with this reaper, not so comfortable with how close I were and how I dared meeting gaze.

"Aren't you scared of death?"

"There has to be the point where death has to be accepted with living. Without death there wouldn't be living. It's the one natural fear rooted in every living, that all wishes to run away from but there is no evading death. Death is a natural state of decay in breeds life around."

"You're very theosophical and the warning seems fitting." I lifted back up to the tree, so I may climb down from the other side. Well, It were the plan; but I don't feel as strong as I though. I mostly ended up daze staring down at the ground bellow me, "Are you leaving?"

"I was thinking of joining you…" I coiled around the branch and tightly enough to comfortable hang back around to head high, "I weren't leaving and I don't think I am able to leave for now."

I will not be able to evade any attack. I am too out of it or weak to move from it all. My wounds have added up on me. My intent in wanting to get down is well noticed, moving them all back around. Not to close around me, evading the blood dripping.

"I am mostly interested in how a thing like you recalls about human life and technology."

"Whom knows why I do, but I sense it were a lifetime or three. Knowing how to fly these skys around skyscrapers. Sharing my view with those in metal planes. They made things that hung around like stars in the sky, some rumours were that they sent things further past our moon and solar system. Metal machines that lifted walls, moved house, were houses. Fast dangerous metal things… scared the land of roads. Bits of tech to speak to someone across the world at a moment notice, networks for pocket devices. Nosiy things for social dependant humans."

"Very against this technology aren't you."

"the resources needed to get things to work like the good days is beyond what this planet can provide. Need fuel to boil water, the steam turns the turbines and they move the magnets. Magnets make the change in current in metal… this make electricity to run it. Zappy sparks." The grim took something from his pocket and offered to me. I have no arm reach to touch that. So I gave a curious twist instead. He continues to be vague in offering it at me.

"It's that sort of knowledge I willing to given more breath for." I slide with backing away, "I promise you this isn't enslavement to some master or anything like that." My peer of doubt were clear, "You're an ex-slave, no?"

"A lifetime before this… well. I don't know. It's a possibility that it could be why I am so bias… but you afterlife lot are tricky folks. Speaking to the afterlife, unheard of before the ruin. So different now, mad nut case is what they would label. Now a land so lacked of humanity, all that does judge is personal perceptions. That if it were able to think alike." My tail does the whip around that gem and I peer at it. It smells of posion. Into the shadow of storage it goes, "Phones, laptops, computers… machines that built machines. Cars that drove themselves. Monstrous machines to construct ever more confusing buildings. Ruined. All lost with one button press. All gone in the radiation. All killed by grims and pointed down the grave by me."

He listened so intentally but looking about me on what I did with that vile or crystal thing. His friends of stranger kind had their own sneers at me. Rambling on and on; ticking off the nerve. Patience was wearing thin with them.

"You hold a grudge on yourself about that helping my anscestors." The repear were changing subject. So history was his personal interest or my history was his intent.

"It were bound to be needed. The first three vaults were slaughter houses of madness of caged humans. It were the later few I wished they left alone… or those monster labs from wars. You should have left them alone. I should have never showed you." I am tired, "What a group of strange you bunch are? Such odd fellows for afterliving. None winged men or women. Clothus sort of for you few. You a respected grim. But none of them demon scaled afterlife. Your not scary but your not here. Not living."

"You speak your mind all the time?"

"I am sick of you reading it. Taking another organ or limb would have been a consideration, regardless of whom before lost there eye." I arched around to directly face that person. My tail returning the jarred eye back to them, "I hope you have a good health care system to get that organ back in." They take this back from me, with opening the jar, taking the eye out and back in the socket it goes. The perlonged watching of this guy's eye going back in, distracted me from those that inched closer around my tree. From what seems a shock to others, this exchange back of an eye must be a rare watch to see.

I blurred with sight, my light thoughts of wonder if this were my grave or not. A emotional flex of emotions that ranged with small smiple memories I held about this life. It had the mind reader in tears… he must be a empathic too.

"Are you alright?" His ally beside him asked and he directed about me without ability to speak words. Toren with how hollowed I became with feeling anything. I wanted to continue as I am and I am not a fool to be someone servant.

"Right, regardless of your chooses. I have to do something about you, twilight." That grim took a swep and took the soul of the tree first and then myself. I felt like I were dreaming, floating around on the spot around his hand. I watched my body from the inside dust. My scale arrange back around me as a shell. My storage of things kept here around me. Cold now… nothingness.

"This ceature should not have belonged here but by the laws of this earth – it does. This is a shapeshifter, that of god slaying property. It's interesting how the laws made this one sentient then the rest of those I seen before." The stone and partner ring is still tangled around me and is put to storage safely, "Whatever should I do with you twilight? You don't bargin like the others before you; refused immotrality." He was walking some sort of direction but found I weren't able to got there. Stuck to stay on this land, "This land of living is unnatural and untamed as you are." Back out and around, "I mark you with this gifted curse, and expect nothing more then advice or knowledge in a range of subject about this land."

The sense of be cut open with a thin sheet of ice. Then my insides painted with a symbol. It was all a scary, embaresssing, and I wish I had legs to flee moment. Out this paint grow something that hooked all around my core, a feeling the doesn't feel it will be going anytime soon. Colder now, not able to do anything. Tired doesn't fit what I felt yet it the closet I can think of saying what it was. No light at the end of a tunnel. Being kidnapped elsewhere new again. No sight, no sense but the small jolts of steps. Being placed to something or someone. Rolled around and stillness. Not a breath around me, not a living around me.

"Hey reptile, you ever going to wake up?" the rude soured voice hissed towards me, "If you don't I will eat you." An empty threat… it has no impact with how cold I felt. It's so cold in here. ever so unforgiving, "If you don't in 12 second move, I will axe you tail off." Good luck through my scales… it just chip the axe. This threat is met with a attempt at a few small things then aclick on my tail. Followed by some cursing over breaking a nail, Are they a woman or something?

"Maybe giving them some moments to adjust would be wiser. It's the equalivent of being reborn again. It's going to be confusing to them, if that they mind were erased by birth." My fall from egg shape and into snake coil happened in a matter of seconds. But I have eye lids, and I continued to keep them closed.

"Maybe that the sign there is still a concise left."

"Animal or civil or blank." I slowly blinked about, study the 'ground' I am on. Study the table of folks beyond this 'ground'. Notice the cage aspect about it, sliding around the square glass cage edges to work out the dimensions. Being blank acting. I may study the few hands around in passing. Then the shadows around here; that would be a alright escape route. I can't see where I am and comperend why I am here. I went up only one time so that I may shapeshift into a object of living. A blank mask.

"That's not at all creepy." They were about to open this but were stopped by this grim, "What?"

"That's a living thing that could murder. I really do mean it when I say murder. Whom knows the side-effects on such a race when forced in a place mixed of both living and dead souls."

"We not even sure if it's able to speak, understand us or be sentient like a human minded thing." I know that voice and so my shadow swept the stone to the side of me, "You remember me?" He commented, "Where did you hide that?" I sunk into entire shadow, free formed into a better mock clothus shape. Walked around my storage for poking about my collections of trades here. Hand that pets the gems.

"I haven't a clue…" that cage was partly opened with the gem picked out. Lid closed back up, "Is it really is the gem you gave it?"

"Without any doubt, kept on her by holding between jaws." He linging in a moment then sprung up, "Sir."

"I did eventually receive your letter about the living trader that has something of my interest." That ring spit out and tossed to be noticed, "How did you come by that?" Instantly right here moved the box cover completely and picked up the ring. I slide shadow to be at the floor on the side, stepped out as if walking up stairs. Just as a cloak and darkness. I stared on this prince and clasped the ring with cloth, preventing him stealing it, "You would be the trader whom said you have a look for it… but you're in your realm anymore." I directed to the grim, "Lost of life then?"

"More immortalized and free travel… You really sure this figure is whom you say?"

"They took a stall in a ghost town around the living side… A wasp nest made it impossible for other to take that prime spot. I were in passing when I noticed the female mock of a human doing trades of crafted items there. In curiosity to find out if they were a fluke or assaisin, I find instead a living mock thing trading like it were a normal part of its life. I asked about finding the partner ring of the one I have, aware of the murder attempt that took place to the order of the partner ring."

"She said she would look for it if it were around the living." That original ring was shown to me as proof that this is in fact that prince. My clear stare at him was why he did that gesture, to satifiy this being the correct clothus.

"You treat any Cothus the same, regardless of our laws and status." I gave him the right with being confidet this being that prince. He put it on to a smaller finger, due to the size difference. Offered a bag of something.

"Worthless value, I say." He blinked at me with others moving away, "A priceless item with sentimental connections over one's heart. No money is worth that and no body or soul would pay that. Marriage rings a old tradion but speaks volumes to whom wear of these." I hummed at the end and thought about it, "I was never interested in such human like things. Such a long time ago now. Do promise that the next one to wear such a worthless ring is someone you would put before yourself and world carwl the ends of the afterlife with you. You might find that the owner like that would never beytray you." I tapped their cheek, "there there, don't think of me anymore. I am a nothing."

"Wise crack with a odd choose of words." He noted.

"Worthless could be both something that can't be valued out the worth being above anything meanwhile being worthless could be taken as something so useless that it's means very little to trade with." This prince looked at the rings and were stuck in a long thought. Backing away and off where ever this is. I hopped into a nightmare of a winged reptile form and nested to the edge of the table. My tap at poking game of hands that try to touch me, slapping them if needed.

"You do remember and you do talk. A very fast recovery for something that died."

"I hadn't died…" I corrected, "I reduced shape so I may continue to live." I huffed and that spooked them all.

"Servants belong to the…"

"I wish to order a meal of raw meat and a drink suitable of that nature." I voiced and stare right through the waiteress or seems to be the owner of this bar, "I have gold angel rings and several bone carving charms."

"Fine… did you read the rules?"

"I am no servant and I weren't able to before, so forgive me. I were dragged here without will to."

They looked at the grim, made some dark glares and went off. I seep the ring and charms to the table. Listening to the rants going on around here. My tail whipped the thief, they pout about how that hurt. Those around here had to settle and attempt to annoy me go without reaction.

"Would you know how to fix a car?"

"I can give it a go. I seen the inside of them enough times to know what parts should look like." Blinked several times, "How would one power it is the… never mind."

"What? What language are you speaking in?" my meal and drink was here. The trade was made and I tucked in. Eating the only ways possible in this shape, tear the chucks as bites at a time. I have a sip of the drink so I may speak clearly. My tail at a slap for anyone daring to touch my trade or me. Being small has the poor side of being man handled by total freaks. Freaks that don't know better.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." This sounded as if a warning from the reaper to somebody around me. But I were then seeing those floating around this table in joining – some sorts of weapons that shoot like guns. Those weapons look nothing like the tech I knew it. New stuff with shiny bits.

"I dare to do anything." This fool is a leader and takes the seat right behind me with is were my plate of food and drink is. He dared pick up my drink, inspect it and puts it down a moment. He glanced at how I followed him intently, but I wonder if he were clever or a blind morn.

"This isn't one of you plains you rule at."

"The dead lands that everyone evades all the time but travels through without a scar. So infamous in being werid." He were about to reach around me but choose my meat instead, stole the rest of it. He frown about the flavour and does so test.

"I highly recommend not killing them." This made the fool pause.

"Me kill this?" He joked.

"I wasn't talking to you, cheats." Is that a inform nickname or the name of this sucker, "The best I would say is do one of you disappearing acts and see where that takes you. The order of life and death isn't how it works here."

I whipped the hand away from me and coiled up the glass. Finishing my drink, then with full force of my entirely throw it at the freak. Shatter across there head. I gave a finishing glare around them, stepped into shadow instantly. This fool stood up and back in reaction to the glass over his head. Dazed out by the force of that; that gun out and shot one his own crew for it.

"The next time you fools play pranks in the middle of a conversation with the order of Death. I will draw out all your end trails and toss you over to hell. Soul in damned and all. You already know what I do with you freak that come back from that."

"I personally would like to use you skull for a display piece, your tigh bones for two crafted walking cane, your soul for a laugh and maybe if you like scrony arms are worth the length for a tooth pick." I have walked around in a mock of a human shape stood towering over this freak, "But for now, how about a pound of meat since you just ate mine."

"Mad lady, who the hell you think you are?" I grabbed his arms, and have my own extra snapping arm joints out.

"Have you ever seen a venus fly trap the size of a man play with it's food? The damned little human in that horror last 2 weeks. Even then the plant thought it fun to snap a bone at a time. Would you like to play that game with me? It were quite enteraning. More so then the battle between the lizard, the faluse tree and the well… corpse walker."

"That's a leader of one of these places, if the fool were to creak his spin you have his parents over in hell to talk to."

"Interesting." I snapped the joints back and picked up the freak to eye leave. Stare study his pety reaction and tossed him over the table, "Then it wasn't worth the pound of meat I wanted. I say a pound of that is to rotten for my pallet."

"The laws of life and dead took a detour compare to your realm." I blinked at the reaper and took a seat. The odd confusion is painted over me, seeing a grim with flesh. All grims are just bone in my realm. My slide to the Clothus folks that are backing away from me, mock humans in cloak and mask. They look like humans dressed for some sort of tribe rain dance. There isn't any winged beings around; unless servants forced on real silver collars. They look easy to get off, so my not understanding of why they can is my next mind wonderment.

"Hey!" the gun was shot at me but the blast was like being flung water in my face. I wipped my face in checking why that seem wet. No… just a feeling. They look horrified or something. The one left on this table that isn't me; is the reaper.

"I wonder if that waitress will come back around for another trade or bargin. I could fix a few things or do something very productive about that poor lighting." I take my conversation to continue with just the reaper, "I mean, look at the scrap wiring you got here. A few changes would make a big difference."

"Some folks like it dark in here."

"The mood lighting." I shrug, "Like have it dial to change the lumens. Before you ask, lumens is the measurement of light brightness."

"I know… But you know how to do that?"

"I think I got an old set of electrian guides on it. Something I was reading out of boredom."

"Boredom only happens to things that don't know what to do with their time."

"I love to see you try living and tell me what is the definition of boredom."

The bigger fuss around us has be long ignored, a long time of them doing that watery effect.

"Aren't you not in pain or anything?"

"Feels like being splashed with a bucket of water."


"Like being… you know. never mind." I sigh, "I don't think you have the senses I do to understand that." I stood up and did my trade with a real bucket full of water, "See, like that." I directed to those I soaked in water, "Being soaked in water."

"That's what you feel when they are shooting you?"

"Yeah, what are they using anyways." I pry out of of there arms and looked at the make and pieces. Breaking it into bits and playing with it on the table, "The construct of this is complicated but crap. You never gonna do jack all with this. Wave of eletricy. No. You need to reinvet the tazer."

"Tazer?" I took out out and demo on a dry fool. Have the twitched on the floor for a bit, "Where are you getting all you stuff from?"

"I for one love my little trade secerts." I show it, "This does a good job of protecting me from the stupid plants or people. But not normal you afterlife folks. Nah, you lot don't exist in our sight."

"Wait, what do you mean by that?"

"I don't know how to describe that. That's like natural law and them natural laws are just impossible to understand. Not like written agreement laws. Heck, nothing bargins with nature. Nature is what is."

"You're confusing again." I pouted for a length of time and took out a book, wrote some note out walked around fools. More notes about this place and a bunch of skipping about with staring at things I wanted to do or have. Looping back around to the idiot on the floor. Checking his heart rate, none. Noted in the book. Kick to the gut, they squirm… they still have no heart rate. Interesting.

"So where are we exactly and can I go home now?" Putting my stuff away and deep trading the odd glare of the reaper, "This isn't exact the land of the living I know. You stars are all wrong here." I pointed up, "Unless you lot have a strange living ceiling or being inside gut of something… Whom the heck knows."

He pointed to a door, I inspected it. Knock about it had that unnatural one side existence where it's one dimensional from one view angle.

"Hey, if you need to talk to me or find me…" I tossed the reaper a scale, "I am sure you weridos know the old wives tale." Out to a morning light sky. In a forest not far off track from the old trade post I when to. That door was gone when I walked through it. I shifted out of this mock human shape an take my little dancing pelt out to the any clearing.