C5 - Faithful meeting

Being left abandoned to pure wildness, left to only acting with the wills of living. I grew to in this life hidden from life around me, being a plague to the locals which has not means of understanding or fighting me. None spoken words of a language to snap me out of this. No after living came to seek me out anytime. I had digressed in speech but sharpened to the impossible of skills.

Perfecting the transitions between shapes and perfect methods of hunting in them. In total mimic any living thing around me. I can even swarm like a cloud of winged vampire hell butterflies. I can be the Venus fly trap or the mock of a mock tree. I am curios enough to hunted down the vaults and read everything I could find. To had learned how to fix technology and make them work again. I have made one my permeant hidden home.

One of the few that still had living humans in a cryno-status. I learned from the droids that protect them. As much possible, I made sure that I could speak to them and made them my friends. I would always make my hunts for gold supply for them. I repair things where they can't or protect them if there were a break in of something that should be there.

The only important things I have is one normal gem I have locked in my jaw, a feather wore around as a pendant necklace and of my one uncut cloth dress. I fix the material around me in wearing it. everything else I may carry isn't something a not to bothered losing. Or is obviously replaceable. With my current age, I am much more advanced then I were in my last lives. They were cut short, to short. As of lately, I had lead to believe the truth of them lives seemed a fluke or false memory. Then again, the nightmares of being a servant is very real. It is as if I haven't escaped my fate from being chained to the afterlife by some way.

That aside, tonight hunt for rations and matiral is nothing new. None of the corpses have been here any recent time. Time looking at they of ashes and scattered bones. Just in the most gentle of touch, they came to life in my mind. My mind pulled back to when they lived and how this all came to be here. How the Clothus that collared the raven of death's guide was excuted on the grounds of conspiring against their leaders city.

Something very confusing to me now as it were then. I watched the axe fall on this one and their head roll. My life drained with them. The bird skull unpicked by anything. Nothing was touched since. Those that came out live from this just left these corpses here.

Ring of my last master, the skull of that life – now added to my necklance and tucked away from sight. The rings of others added in my pocket. The bits of gems laying around, a bag spilt in front of a ash pile. Tokens of after life currency. Bits of bones of other things – make curse charms. No feathers here.

"Not untouched." I heard beyond myself and off I blend into the seen as fitting section of tree, "Uh, ok. Between finding this place and going to find you; something took things."

"Just a scavager, likely them reptiles. See the foot work." They dance about how I just had been, "Something about how they are made isn't adding up."

"To delicate?"

"Very unlike them cat corpse movers. Clumsy movement is all that is of them unless…"


"This is uncharted lands here, whose to say the local corpse carrier is a vetrain or not." They kneel down on places, "It took something around hands, some stuff spilt across here… the head of the bird and a few bones out the demon corpses."


"Disturded dirt. I say rings and gems are shiny for their interest to take. Free for all when left abandoned on the floor."

Today we have a group of on the surface value of eight – three leading important titles which the golden one is the leader. The trackers a demon meta-humaniod dog. Sniffing around. Some weak titled clothus and servant round up the amount I see the most of. None seem interesting. Not one bothered to be looking for me. They took words of the one that found this place trusting this to be the grave site of the one where the pout of gems and tokens to be.

"The bird corpse next to this one." One deeply peered into it, "It had to be a servant to the one person excuted here. I don't think this is the grave of Mayan. This is older… much older."


"Living are made of flesh and bone and when it decays. It decays in a order and slowly over time. Flesh goes first, then the bones shrink starting discolour a little. Bones age by getting yellow and in some rare cases blackened. This set, are quite yellowed." This mouthy dog tracker picked about my bones finding my old collar and bird tag. It would have just the crest of the family, "A Clothus status family."

"Let us see." Tossed over and handed to the only one that will know best. The posy were starting to pitch up blankets around branches for shade for the oncoming morning that approached them. None of them were going to pick around me. Just this one jerk underneath me that was satisfied to peer up at me. It made my breathing harder to control now.

"Why is one of them out here? How would one like them be here of all…" they stopped, "You said those bones have been around a very long time."


"This were the execution of the what should have became king; Maxium Relonend. He were a mad man and owned a death bird. A bird that lead humanity to die within tombs that should have protected them."

The one underneath me stood with looking at me but edged around to those talking.

"The wannabe king that never been crowned, excuted here. Why was he stuck here anyways?"

"Some say it were the curse of the servant to trap him here and other say he went mad to stay here to long."

"Do branch convulge?"

"No. Unless…" I shifted silently into false butterflys which wing mimic my mock of breathing, "Crap." Backed them in safety, "Them horrid things are blood suckers."

"These?" One of my butterfly were being unsuccessful with being peeled off. They backed off with knowing how strong they are to what a butterfly should. Flame was set on this tree, allowing me escape without further notice. To sleek out from a shadow of a new further tree; peer at them from a more safer and less hearing distance.

To track my away out of this area; hoping my way out of my dean of human keeping goes not touched. To further insure of my worrries, I will not return there tonight. I spin around with picking the second spare home I made, that I can do those things not in front of the droids. Like eating meat or weaving cloth. The noise or show of raw meat make them be to defensive.

That group were looking for a corpse… there were new corpses under my sewing tree. Picked of it's interesting bits. The patch of these corpses were made in a recent time, being within the last month during a time I wasn't here. Listening out there to the air, breathing with the trees and watching stars. Mosaic into the patter of the tree.

"Some fresher dust about here, this what I original smelt but clearly the savanger of the other set were one whom took things here too." The dog's on all fours nose down and pattering about, "The cloth around here is untouched." Picking up their skins and even degrading masks that dust slowed then the inner clothus bodies. Pattering around in circles, clawing up a few roots in testing for fake tree types. In crossing near me, I low pitched growled in a light warning. The dog moved with respecting it – draw a line that he isn't crossing and equally I will not near him. He studies around where I made my ground; likely look for what I am.

"Hey you the scavager?" I knocked in taps, "Not learned to talk." Double knock, "Not enough speaking folks here." double, "Are you among the dead like me?" one knock, "gifted sight?" double, "Do you trade?" double knock with a few basics dropped down from the tree, "rings, charms, cloth and anything else?"

I hung lightly down to being a face and eyes to track. Clicking with how mad I am with so many folks around here.

"None of them will threat you if you don't them." I slowed my clicking and play about with unrolling a cloth and dropping trade around spots. He crossed to pick about the items, replacing things with items he didn't need. My tail crossed a line with wanted better trade for one of the status rings. He put down a few plain demon metal rings. Backed with understanding it a fair trade there. The dog go back around giving the bits to the clothus. Someone to close to me gets a tail creak by there feet. Backing them in shock.

"They like their personal space and I don't blame them. We be the first since this lot to talk around them." The dog guided the folks back from the line, "Unless you trading, don't cross the line by the tree."

"I want it dead." One hissed and I snapped a branch to prove my strength, "Or…" they were shut up quite quickly. Punished with a harsh smack across there back. They complained with how painful it were. My eyes scanned on this prince that scanned about the trades. Seeing that I took away things always and replaced with trading items. Picking about with looking at bits and putting them back.

"Do you trade information?" I hummed in thought and dropped a notepad of paper and pen.

Written on the paper were a short message 'I can write things to you as infromations trade. Ask and place payment'. They do know how to read human language.

"Very good writer for a reptile. This group right here that are of ash. Do you know or have heard anything?" they see my climb of adjusting to write my message, how I would take my writing seriously to focus and with pauses to check on folks around me. A good ear out on the further land.

'I wasn't here for when they died but I crossed them a few times in my hunting. Talking nonsense of votes, someone forcing votes to pole stations and something about one among them being a wanted for a court summons something. I didn't really understand it all and did miss a lot of conversation due to it being my keen interest to live then to die by them.'

"That's a fair comment." He had already paid in few rings which is why the detail were jucy. I dropped another note.

'nicknames or names; Payna, Christopher, Jacks, and of course what were the servants. Minor pety names. I did pity the servants – cruelly dusted beside the corpses of their masters. They were one servant and two that lived past this. They're names were something like sir Franklin and Mad Zem. Something like that. One a clothus like you and one a demon wing scale. Clearly whom planned this.'

"Juicy with working out the names. So you understand our native language." I double knock, "Hmm, you would have known about the older set?"

'whom and what exactly are you asking about. Are you sure such nosy Clothus wants to be reminded of a terrible past? You are aware these you asked about were alive several generations before yourself?'

"Oh, I like you." He snickered and placed payment, "What was left by them?"

"terrible history." I spoke in comment, "terrible bird. Misunderstood owner. Stuck between death, dying and title snatchers."

"Holy crap! You do speak." I rolled around the tree with fixing up a weave set. Then putting away trades and with laying cloth to shade any wishing to stay under my protection and tree. The prince sticks around underneath, grudgingly as do the protectors and adviser.

"I am not becoming pet. But nice talk for once. Rare in dust land. Not many talk. Most dust away by wind or sun." I get on with a few set up clicks, they peered up about that but can't work it all out. The long silence moved my weaving with silence, "you really want to know about them?"

"the bird group, yes."

"You must have heard the story of the bird that brought grim reapers over humanity; dispiste humanity choose of being sealed in tin underground boxes." My worked in rhythm with my speaking having to from my words in my mind before speaking but even then there were words that I could click out with, "Big status clothus came to fool the death bird. Bird gave up freedom un… uh.. not aware of do so." I changed threads and hummed with word choosing, "the brid was among the living. A no for you clothus. No slaving living things. They can't cross over until death. But this bird has a long life then the clothus whom wanted to go home." Click to fix the threads and back to a rhythm, "clothus made a mistake, the bird were clever and it made the deal with some harsh… difficult… words the birds added in agreement that couldn't be met. Trapped here was bird and clothus wanted home. Bird locked them here. life for a life. So they say." I pause to look at the work, "clothus on the run from debt. From money issue or bad beings. Bird can't protect a fool." I clicked in the thought, "they were run. Run out of sight of eye. Eye sight? Eye? Focus? Something."

"Really?" they were very keen.

"Cursed souls now. trapped here still. Ghost whispering in the last things they touched in dying. It's why I know. Hear them. haunting." The rhythmic sway of weaving was back to swing, "The greed of the double crossed killer, the guilt of a lady whom loved the owner, the owner hating his choose, and the servant hating the owner for tricking them. They all collectively sneer towards them that left alive. Hissed for revenege. Hate. Sad. Lost. Locked here."

The light of the early moring shined brightly and makes my work be something to be proud of. The piece still has a long time yet to be finished. I pet my newly done cloth.

"You hear voices of those that died?"

"their fragments of soul and thought linger inside items." I noted that I lack enough to finish this project, "they scream and curse."

"You have the items?"

"I promised them I keep them safe. If I hurt or let hurt come; punishment. Nasty curse."

"Oh, right." The dog muttered, "they are revenge souls – they don't break until satisfied."

"yes. Steal out the pocket of the greedy living ones, pay in blood or deem some sort of acceptance. Unclear they are – mixed voices. Mixed emotions. Mix beings."

They muttered into new rolls of conversation, talking over related smuck that followed from this legend and how they knew of it being twisted from what happened. That there were other key people here and they too died. Without names being realized. That souls weren't collected in this death case. No one knows of has ever collected here in a long time. They talked of collecting the dust here and the items of people. But is aware that since the curse is on me – a complex thing as is without realizing I am not human.

"We should ask the advise of a reaper." I hissed, "Wow, shesh. I meant in removing your curse without killing you." Gurgled but not a hiss as such, "What is with the living avoiding grims for?"

"Life means everything to us." I spoken lightly, "means more then you think. To be alive here is a complex working of animal kingdoms clashing at each other. There is sorrow pity anger but there is beauty love happy."

"I don't think I seen anything pretty to be worthy of that last part."

"tainted eyes, you are. You see what you think. I see more. See is look without tainted ideals. No good. No evil. No bad. No greats. No labels."

"No labels?"

"No titles. I don't say sir or miss to tree. I don't say prince or king or queen to fellow scaled things. No leaders. Not really law here. law is more what land makes us live by. Law like moon and sun always crosses sky; like it or not. No changing it. not vote. It happens."

"Wow, really?" someone that didn't know, "You can't control your sky?"

"control, funny word. No command over anything. Only like minded things think like control. No telling off the reptile for eating the tree fake. That life and not murder. You talky lot, one kill you; you call murder. But mindless them things are – not law maker like humans. humans made order and now there gone."

"Wait, you know about humans?"

"what doesn't. scar the lands. Metal bits of car or flashy mirror bits or tools. Ruined sturcutres make ghost citys. Trade post towns are standing ruin. Delicate things. They made and thought of clothes. Clothes good trade around west west north."

"You're clever compared to your poor language skills."

"Poor… poor? What poor? Pour? Like flow fuilds out cup?"

"No. Poor the opposite of having a lot of something."

"A lot is being rich." I hummed, "poor. Poor health meaning lack of strength. Mmm… yeah, that makes sense. Thank you." Zipping along with the cloth making. Slowing with running low of my threads.

Hummed of my issue. Coming to a point of having to untie it and store it away. The sky's edge cutting close but blocked from the dark cloth. I rested lightly with watching them bellow me. Watching the things out there. The shuffling of leaves that rustle with the wind. The odd call of the cat crawllers from distant ends of the compass directions. The snapping twig conversation between the elder ents. The hollow echo of lost souls seeking blood. Echoes of those that are hunters and hunted. Restless moves of stomping little feet of bugs or tapping of wings.

"What is out there?"

"many things." I commented, "We all fight to live, a food chain that feeds other food chains. To fight to breath and prey on weak it doesn't worsen."

"That's not when I was asking." I hummed then lifted to listen more intently slowly myself so I may hear what they do. Walking? No. Echoed steps of that of a after dweller. I want to say grim or demon. But there is a lot of them that walk on two… well no. It's more a limped walker dragging something larger.

"Gregor?" Among those bellow announced to the grim which dragged a bag for a body. Like he carries a corpse around over the rough floor, "Still haven't been fixed up with more advanced motor?"

"Very funny." They have a vague tone about them that rings my mind about something, "What's so special about that tree?"

"There's a not so talkative reptile."

"How many arms?" I wasn't showing them off and I wasn't easy to identity, "Colouring?"

"Like a tree." The reaper hummed and pointed a weapon to me and find only silence, "You haven't crossed that line to seem a threat." They look about the floor and step onto it. I snarled in a deep grumble. He backed away, "Not a cat crawller if that's what your testing."

"Ok, so what is it? You are aware of my search of a reptile that means well but could kill gods. Although, the grand master grim said he left them be after plaguing it for so long in shorts amont of living time." He shows to put his weapon away and stepped back across. I may grumble a little but let him be. That bag is my next grumble motive, "Sheesh, you a life detector?" he makes sure the bag stays across the line but in close sight. I were in full silence, "Just a bag of souls, crused items and skulls." It doesn't seem buldged in that sort of shape. Looks like a body bag to me.

"You're a death senser. Where's the next possible death?"

"The thing above us killing something or it dying." Looked at me, "I don't know how old you are to make a fair judgement of to short or to long."



"Well if if its not something out there anytime soon, then we are safer then I thought."

They nattered a while of catch up, talking of the good old days. Nothing seems the same anymore. Nothing to label normal to be abnormal news. A lot of sounds were tearing up over ahead, like this grim were followed here by things. That worries me more then anything else in this existence.

Things huntering grim. Death god eaters or death grim for shorter and confusing conversations. Monsters of heartless soulless nature, born from the negativity and supernatural energy build by the imbalances of the afterlife beings. Basically with those of the afterlife creating supernational energy. The land is make things to balance this energy. Soul concentrations is why that happens and explains why reapers are a targeted the most.

"terrible things follow a bag full of souls and revenge crused items." I commented, "A land reacting to a innocent mistakened attack."

"Excuse you?"

"Your bag is attracting things that want to eat it." the dog servant pouted, "Law of the lands, soul consintraction can lead to terrible gathering of power. Power is used to make monsters that hungry for souls."

"You part animal or something?"

"Learn on the jobs, that thing speaks more broken human then it does animal. Harshly worded human no less."

"If I protect my guests, I expect nothing back." I hop from branch and landed into cat on the bag on the floor. Sitting on the chest area of this body bag shape. I eyed one area while my ear twisted else where. I about ready to take ponce and jumped into a enlarge figure of a worse version of a mutant zoo pet. Tore the flesh of these nasty grim eaters; eating them as I prey around. Snapping necks of them that come closer then I wanted them. I ate a lot of them until they all got the message; gone they went with me pacing them. back to drip of bloods back over to my tree; seated at the bag. My morphed tail poking the bag.

"Hunt you." Something muttered its last with how it was gut spiked through by my shadows tail.

"The hunters are hunted." I corrected, "Even I am prey among preditors." Tail poke best bits and feeding off that. My eyes glared on this bag, "You dragged your own demise around, grim. Very humour. Next you be hang man."


"This." My paw poke bags, "hunts you."

"That?" I have my tail pick a head up from around lay it by the bag in comparing. Satisfied I have my tail puppet the jaw.

"eat the death gods." I play, "Eat them souls they shepered." The head was knocked off my tail and I pick it's eyes bits out. Eat them, "want to try or afraid of living among the dead?"

"Excuse you."

"Would you like to eat an eye or are you scared that it change you to one of them?" the dog seemed in repeating me.

"I knew what it said this time." The grim huffed, "But why would it?"

"Fleshy." I peel stakes for tomorrows dinner. Dug a hole for the useless to go in, "Back in three weeks. Out rotten from soil." I scoop soil to cover it all up. "more rotten better tasting."

"Uh…" they stood with backing clothus to the tree. While a local challenger reptile stomps it way for food. I try to appease it with throwing it chucks. Just slides off them and made them more mad. Does the whole 'bigger and badder' 'I claim here'. I shifted just my shadow and only my shadow to point to them. Only the reptile to see all it's show. How my shadow gained eyes and mouths. My face turned to it blank like a clay mask. It took a meat and ran for it's life. I give my face a normal reptile look. Go eating a stake with inspecting the group.

"I claim land." I announced, "My land, my hunting grounds and my sleeping spot."

"Sheesh, whatever look you manage has them…" the clothus froze with the grim going over that direction. Passing me, how I moved away from their touch and being defensive around how they dared to come close to me. The grim ignored me and goes to my reptile hisser. Came back with throwing a scale around my feet. I picked it up and see it throned through.

"Great shame, throne hunters are nasty business. No means to fight them. Fire resistant plant evils."

"Really?" he goes to test that and I made sure to go hiding in my tree before he comes back from that. He may have lite up that section but the flame is killed out as if it hadn't happened. He muttered about how clever the fuilded may by the plant waxes the leaves and wood t stop it keeping lit. Death hasn't claimed anyone or anything today here. Gumbled with passing to his bag, gutted the thing locked in the bag and has a tamtrum sit down.

There is a lot about this grim that mutters about how there isn't anything soul was that is unquie. As if there were nothing this land could offer towards praising this land for its worth.

"You're not seeing with clear mind." I commented to the grim, "There is unquie quality is all things. No one tree is the same, no species are the same. No twin looks or has the total same. The only time something is the same is if human technology cloned it." He peered at me with a long frowned silence, "No print or claw is that the same of their neighbours."

He so innocent, such untainted sight that blinded by it's minds expectations. He just sees things and I see lives. Blind doesn't see people expect those shaped like them; freedom see all shapes as people. No tree ent could talk to them as they are to deaf to listen. When the hear the words they not paying attention to words and nothing in taking the meanings. Tones of how things are spoke at them die with the cold misunderstanding.

"You're crazy."

I hissed slow and lightly. Expressed of my pity towards them. The light of the daylight is falling, it's exactly they been waiting for. Time to move away from here. They don't care about the sky; looks the same to them, as they assumed.

"Closed minded folks, all you afterlife folks seem all the same. No outlook to look forwards with yourselves. Motivations often to stab someone else or have something someone else has. Never things you make yourself and never anything abimition bigger then the rest. Unless your trying to assaianate someone above you; you seem no other goal in your lives. A shame."

"And you don't?" my eye lingered with watching the moving breeze and the final close of fake trees… things getting ready to sleep. Ent's picking root spots to enjoy. How they picked themselves up and packed up to soon ready to move. To beauty to watch the red twilight… they can't care for it. Ungreatful.

"I don't hunt for sport. I hunt when only needed. I was dreaming of owning and building my own home by brick I made. To be something for others to see through this fog. Show you where the reality and beauty can be same." I hummed, "Once trade can pick up, I have enough to trade for the correct matirels. I could start living on the land then killing around it. Just maybe, if I were lucky. Become a teacher; help them with not skills to become their own beings and not sheep."

"Why?" this grim stood in argument with me. Hissed for my words and only made it harder for me to speak my next piece.

"The smile's and happiness of others; geinue free smiles. A smile that pulls from true inner soul. They are awarding feeling to have earned from someone else." I purred with dreaming on, "Nothing wrong about making others feel happy. When not being ripped off or faked."

"How does any fake a smile?" He laughed while cleaning up. No respect for the thing he killed. Broken is how I should have thought of the dwellers afterlife. It hurts me. Had me reflecting what things I haven't seen yet.

"Sorrow… you never seen one." I hummed, "I haven't one witness a selfless act of love; so I guess it makes sense not everything is easy to find. A action to do something for someone without control, reasons or understanding for why. To stop someone being hurt, despite their status or personality."

"The day that happens, I win the loto." A clothus laughed.

"I miss humans. Despite their strangeness; they were onto something. If I could turn back time or have another chance; I would save them."

"What? Why? They ruined things here."

"They had order among the chaos of animials. They did things to both harm but protect us all and this green planet. They understood and had deeper meaning then just existing. It's not everyday that someone could say that confidently and with real unbroken honesty. Just living to exist. A sorrow. A sorrow I will build to break out of monotony. To exist with more and be more."

"You're dangerous." I huffed at how helpless these lot are.

"I hope someone else says my words with true emotion one day – among your kinds and show the light in darkness." I peered to the sky's, "Virgo tonight… how pretty she is." I stood and stretched and folded cloth uncap the sky to them. They look up and peered disappointed about me, "the moon's many crators. How mars and venus show… so different tonight. I look forwards to the next phase of the moon."


"haha, yes. Phase. I don't have the time to explain the science." I sharpened up my claws on higher older bark shaving the dry old itchy tree bits for fire making later. I pray thanks to this tree and hug them. Climbed on down to the ground; take out my extra tucked limbs for a stretch. Roll to click my spin out.

"What are you?" The grim pointed at me.

"A thing not afraid of a grim threat." I stood eye level, "Hardly worth my time now. Time you run along child of ghostly nights. Never come find me again. You may find your mask pinned to trees for decotrations."

They frowned around each other and do have the prince to offer his hand.

"No little jester. I am not a puppet and not a slave. I will not except buting callored by a fool."

"Insulting." He peeled back and back to his posy properly. Off them faded into darkness and out of moon light's speed.

I stared to the grim still here. Folded up my shape to a mock of my past life; jokingly do a dance. He stepped forwards in shock. But finds I turned into a tree; spooked with how unreal I seemed. He walked onwards to fade in darkness. I stuck around in this tree form to watch what came out from the fade and pull the death eaters from the soiled graves. A monster made of other things parts. Trying to build a body.

It peers at me directly claws reaching to poke around me in a cold senseation. Looking at taking my arms. How that there were a mistake for it to dare test me!

I shifted to my worse and slaughtered it into bits… breaking it to as small as possible and eating away the energy that keeps it alive. prudging it from ruining this land.

"No monsters should exist but me." I bury this body too, "Please understand, I do this so no all suffer. We don't need things to share such a tortured existences. Please let me be the bare that burden. So this land can move on, get past this grieving."

How I beg to the winds and spoke at sorrow. I thought I were alone but my heighten sense picked up on a terrible thing that wants to take that challenge; to eat my meat.

This prolonged fighting has brought more then scars over my body. The foul energy that made them has been melted in my stomach; changing my forms from just being that reptile here. I feel not death, illness, wary pains or tiredness. I feel all the more alive, hungered for more. More negative energy. I can't change out of this nightmare form; large as a car and more then just my three jaws of simple teeth. No, I have many types of teeth and many versions of jaws stacking like a sharks mouth. Gained more eyes and all that can see or alter to see more that is there. the ground thunders im my wake and my tail shatters fragile things around it.

The air lifted around me, a smoke to the wind I faded. Tracking down the death eaters. Bits they become bury underground from where they stood once. Nothing were any bigger then me; how I overwhelmed the death eaters; wiping them as a race from this earth. Picking many new matieals from them. taking their equipment. Taking their energy.

"What are you talking about?"

My path crossed a grim eater fooling a grim to protect them from me. I loomed as a cloud and many clawed hands from the shadows. The grim looked around distracted; for the death eater to be swollawed whole and buried where it stood. My longed centipend shape thundered in a circle around the grim. I hide my underneath and posed as a innocent on my surface.

"You're not whom spoken to me." the grim looked around for the death eater and brushed around me back in wanting me to move out the way, "Where is that one and what of their soul?" The death eater's are not soul made. They are the feelings and fragment broken ones. They are now a part of me, so I may be their shoulders of burden. Be the thing to hold their burdens. No grim can hear my thoughts.

Best leave this grim be, a low rank.

I marched out of my loop and clattered my ways onwards as mist. Being the area silence… slowly muffles the sounds of living things. So they sing as the night were no different. Erasing that arkward silence. Breathing this world of the noses of midnight life singing – a light goodness sweeping the far reaching I became.

Taking the horrors of sorrow from the grounds. I weighed more as the nature of lift freedom. Triggering the land clean up of the radiation; converting the deadly powers into stones and those stones to be buried into the sink holes… lifting the vault doors and opening a welcome of lost humans. flooding the old spaces and building back from scraps… evading the sight of the afterlife.

The winter was coming to the end as do the amount visitors from the afterlife… as law by seasons change. Even grim get banished during the brightest sunny summers.

I became the bug that protects the humans from the afterlife and that of the afterlife from them. I made nightmares for demons and bad luck to angelic sorts. The clothus met a choose of being dusting into dust warnings or leave the areas. Grim are met with the horror of my convertions; a monster that they battle to get to humans. The humans aren't going to be secret forever; just until they can recover.

Until they may be the one's to share my new burdens. So we maybe equals. Like the ai among them in plastic body form; equals now.

"Monster I dare to speak and not threaten." The grand master of them and my old friend, "I seek to reason with why you stop our duty."

"Old friend and murderer. Haven't I shared a story of the bird that took humanity? The bird that guided grim to human tombs." He backed with been spooked with me, "This is my redmpetion for those I wrong. My chance to wear their burdens… so they can recover. So they can pick up out of the ashes of the history. Freedom to breath on the surface. Free."

"You don't want the repeat of grim taking lives to soon." He reached hand and I lowered to stare through him.

"You remember my nickname right?" I asked.

"No… I don't think we met."

"Oh grim, I were left to a tree by you. You forgotten my nickname. Quite fine, it's not the only names I wanted forgotten. There are names I want reminded." I spat a few things to his hand,

"See, the first time I were me. told to keep that gem and return to that grim. You aren't them but their mentor." I pulled the necklance off,

"the feather of a lass I helped fix tents. The skull of my life as that terrible death guide bird and the ring of the fool that tricked me. the fool with such hissy demands. He still in that ring he is, demands blood often." I swept them into my storage as if mist to his hands, "those are what my history. Things I claim to help make me. Now I have chance to redeem humanity and stand to stop you grim from breaking our order. This land is had enough."

"Enough what?"

"Greif." I spoken through him and it changed him, "wept with when humans were gone. Wept over those things died by the power. Wept in the how the afterlife spills our guts. Anger for those whom enslaved the living to the dead. You lot are meant to be out place to go when we die; we don't want to be trapped here in our ruined corpses."

I did cry, the flow of emotional tears like the damned of bottling my sorrow of loss. I am finally feeling the effect. Finally I think I can recover from the emotions past of scars and open wounds.

"You promise me grim, make me a promise you not going to break."

"No. I don't do promises."

"Make me a promise for the benefit of lands either side of the abyss of passing."

He frozen in how my voice isn't real but that of my inner most honest one.

"You protect and guide the dead in passing. Let the living be free and only let them worry of you and your duty when the final hours on in their breath. Worry only for the dying and never touch the living." I felt exhaled of this dark burdened negative energy and it marking the grim… it marked all grim of this promised curse.

Felt like a dying wish; I am so tired now. it's their turn to protect the living. I have to get up and get on with… guh. My legs aren't working. I must not go to sleep. No sleep.

"I have to make sure I don't break this promise." He moved away off he directed grim and into the shadows. I shifted to a mock of a human, crawl my way to a healer. To be helped… give them something back.