C7 - The thought of the deed, not the impact of the deed itself.

"Hey, hey…" Picked up and petted gently, "You're ok, its ok. No one is here to hurt or upset you." I chilled so I can finally grasp about my shape first and work out how to undo the blur of my sight. Or if I have to be reliant on my taste, smell and hearing. A few wipes later with someone helping me; cleared that away. My sight seems fine. Now I just have to be confused one what shapes are. I look at my many limbs of clawed feet / hands. Recalling how I felt my face in wiping has no doubt to my mind I am a scaled small reptile something. The whip tail with grip holding my distrust of the one cradling me.

They smiled and laughed with my reactions, treats me fairly with one any obvious killing intent. A human looking one… but no telling unless I could stand back and see if they were winged, scaled or whatever else is not human like. My study of her expression, she looked happy that I am ok. Happy that I were in some other ways.

"Could I pass you to someone to go bath you?" they asked and I looked around to whatever was about to do that. Light bright place, soft everything around. There is other animal like things here. I just seemed not the normal hatched creatre in this batch. A hawk is whom sat on the lady's shoulder and hoped to greet me. I am offered a talon. I greeted with a nod and played about the foot that they offer. Comparing my little fingered claws to them. It is patince with me, as I let go and wing directed over all.

This has to be a no word conversation. Showing me it was safe here and full of things like itself and them people. Lowered with me, I looked about and get that this was many a ask to not be a pain for them. Uncurled my tail offer her in realizing I haven't. A greet with her and purr in thanks. She got silent from how I made that sound. I rolled about onto my feet. Danced my way with working them out. Then to gently over around the bird. Bird lifted into flight and to a very hard to even drown pool of water. Here youthful bird chicks, kittens, puppys and the range of types is sure. No threat to each other.


I coiled off and into the water to wash. Alone for at first, with the last study nod to the hawk as it returned to the lady. There is those playing about with still learning their grasp of walking; or are still blind at this stage of being newborn. I seemed the odd one out of them. Not the normal sort of thing that should have hatched. Once all washed and gooped off, there is more of them folks around here. Guiding or helping.

Yes, angel sorts. Winged humans. Kind. I like them. Even this one that approached me. I stood with four limb up and four holding my balance; looking at them with a twist. I wonder if they offering me something; not really. Directed me somewhere, yes – pointed to a spot where the others were going. I nod and walked the following. Being dried off as the further this stretch were.

I help the some around me too. It just was what you do here. They help each other, so I am like them to help too. To play wag tail with a puppy, use my tail as play for a kitten that starting to see. Hug a lonely hatching peeping in cries of being scared. I mimic their sounds and learned meaning. Yip of playing, purr of happy (how a purr should be), cheeps of birds and pitchs of speech.

So much more complex the human. Human's limit pitch range and speak with different sounding mouth moves. Aminals like birds as limited by their mouth shape and pitch is their natural word changing aspect. Cats are all body move talk and eye contact. Dogs are sort of like that but are a group understanding. Outsider dogs can't be understood unless they learn boundaries.

This tunnel section opens to a platform of folks picking up and looking after their chooses. Or being taking through to where they sort for food wise. I stayed back from the opening to watch the process a few times; yes, moved to where best suitable food is going to be and animal like types.

I walked on out and coiled with not begging for anything. The louder one's are sorted first and the flow of new-borns slows. Ending the amount born today. Batch. They have exact count of eggs hatched. They been counting since picking them over to food places.

"And now the quieter sorts." They counted with me being the last one, "Wow, what are you?" Offered there hand towards me. I coiled out and danced about their fingers as they looked at me. Put me back down at this centre spot, "You could be our first post war world creature." They hummed and off they go about something.

I worried for the few left here that needed help, chirping to check on them or greet them for a response. My mouthy chatter had remind folks there is still some here and they came in time to help them. To still be the last one untouched here; despite any noises I make. Fustrated with this being left here alone, I try other things such as climbing the smooth soft surfaces – my claws aren't able to. Getting tired too.

"Hey there buddy, are you alright?" Someone comes around eventually and patter in greeting. Yet pout with being left alone like that, "We didn't mean to leave you alone." Petting me in apologising, "Sorry about that. I beat you hungry." Takes me around different things. I do give everything a go (finding I haven't any teeth). Soft fuirt was my only choose for now. Munching away at what they pointed out with odd human mocking names.

The ceatures here also enjoying them called them other things (but all creatures despite type – cling to similar name sounding words). I only mimic creature sounds as I not grasping any way to pitch like a human yet. Not able to sound other then being weird or being that pitch anyway.

Next from food was play, sleep and grow. A pattern until aged enough to be trained for lessions by elder animals. Birds to fly, dogs to pick up commands or understand different smells. Cats in hunting or traits of use; I watched intently and felt like I learned with them. I learned by sideline… but not joining in.

The teenage years were bad for them that took playing to rough or tried to play packing order with me. I mimick what they do with what I have but I am not exactly learning to be what I am. I were able to sneak around at the sleep time; to go back and learn stuff without being watched to much. I learned I changed colours. I sink in my shadow… well and that my shadow was full of things.

There is then where I was sneak learning how to understand them with a added level of thought. Some birds were at the same level as humans – not misunderstood. It were comparing them with these angels that I finally understood how to speak like them and depth trigger my understanding of their words better. Still can't pitch like them. Don't have teeth still. I am almost still to baby like to be thought of for training.

I grew tried of this being underrated as a under class (yes, the elders thought me that way). I back to good at the mimicking body shape. Then applied my side learning with them and learned to be a bird, cat, dog, lizard and much goes on like that. In private secret time I mimicked the elders older ways… that was to easy. The difficaulty was learning to look like a humanoid. I came to be this clothy skinned, masked face and puppet like doll.

I can't walk yet or learn to speak. Those sorts of things I have to learn not here. My mind wondered if I should really stay here at all. I believe in myself to continue without the down beat of elders bad mouthing me.

Then there was that oldie side of my heart that took that away; that things are best to stay here. Don't be a typical bad mouth teen and prove the elders right in their assumptions.

I believe in me, and that my heart told me to stick around is exactly what I am going to do. Maybe I shouldn't hide that I have these abilities. Make them be proud of me with understand I am best whom I am then what I seem. It proves a point without being a total rebel.

I go back to sleep alone at the spot I have always. My feelings and demeaner only slightly changed over night.

'Today it's learning flight to shoulder landing. It is our final lession's spoke the clever birds. This is exactly what everyone was sort of saying. That today meant picking a partner. Someone of the wing humanoids to look after. It all seemed all the more true with youthful winged angels hovering around today looking at the line up. The mix of personality was clear and made obvious of whom the wanted or seemed best suited for. But the biggest argument was the animals fighting over the special angel among youths with holding a hand not yet old enough looking friend. That friend wasn't angel either. Everything wanted the special angel but were afraid of the not so winged youth.

All the children lined up and the animals were to nervous to wait for a command.

"Alright. Time to pair." I shifted to a bird of grey colouring, powerful to lift up. I avoided dangers and I didn't want to land on the special but his friend.

Here I landed without issue and changed back. I dances about their shoulder and greeted as anyone would by my understanding. Purr and lit touch.

"Wow, that was a recored." One clever bird spoke in human pitch, "Whom knew that reptile of unknown spieces was a mock bird at heart."

"I don't think it's a mock bird." The human partner voiced and those two came to greet us. this trade of partners goes on around as the friend that held this one's hand had themselves a rare golden feathered ally.

I couldn't read this child with how blank they are and lack of actions. Yet like some cat, it's about the eyes. They weren't sure about me which is fine. Were they expecting me to take them? No. They had thought of me to youthful still to have a partner picked yet. It's the insistence of this friend being dragged here was why they were here.

"It's fitting almost to much. The silence of the youth being what we thought to youthful in action to be part of this is picked with the fledging of your own."

'You seem to judge by outside then inside.' I pointed at the bird and spoke in a chirp.

"Do I?" the bird asked.

' What if this child possessed to be far great they are on the outside? Sure, they may take other ways and be interest overall. Yet this can be applied to me too, what if I can more then what I looked? Or become whatever I wanted?'

"You very intelligent despite the lack of human speech."

"They are actually talking?" the partner of the elder eagle asked, "I can't hear them."

"It chirps like the other birds." My new friend has something to say about me, "it's very quite sounds."

"childrens hearing can be better then a adult." The bird commented, "yes, they can speak in bird. Yet I have hear this one speak in other creature patterns and be understood by those. Even cat which is astounding, second most clever to bird in my opinion." Full of himself, yeah… must be his personality trait. A lot of birds have pride. This fella takes it next notch.

"This fledging you picked wasn't ready to part of this."

'Are they of the same age as those that came in?' I asked the bird.

"They should have been, yes." The bird replied, "they are of the same… you understand the concept of age?"

I say nothing, have a most comfortable and helpful laze around this one. This is my one, the one I want to protect and the one I am going to teach to fly. This is whom can learn to understand me and maybe teach me to walk like them. This is what I agree with. This whom is more special then this hued wing of gold besty they have hung around them. The gold feathered partner is ftting.

"There no pulling wool over this one and it's partner – despite what they seem." The angel lowered to height to speak to the two friend then us animal buddies.

Explaining what is needed in our care and responsibility. That it's a learning path to understanding each other. I knew that this one seemed envious of their golden friend. I let them know I understood that but gave off that they shouldn't have to be. In just the few nodding interations and how my tail fixed up hair off their face and given the impression of a smile.

They warmed up a little more with me. even a soft little nervous shared smile out of them. I purr with such award. With this proper introduction, they taken quiet a liking with me. Rid of that envy.

"If you can speak like them, does that mean you can mimic them?" I nod, "like a cat?" I climb around their arms as a cat. Purring, "Oh." Carried off to where ever next. We played the become the animal game for a while but it's always noted I was still just very youthful teenaged – so stuck in juvenile stage was how it seemed.

They had to be picked up and carried in flight. I flew beside, under or around where I could. I kept track of them and never got lost. Most of the flying sorts did but were guided by elders to the return to those that matter.

"So everyone has their partner; you be split or directed to the training classes along side those with similar types." This main speaker stopped with having to turn around to me and my friend, "What is your partner and how did…" they were shut up by the animal partner. It whispered in their ear, "right, to you personally. You could fit in any class that best suits your creature."

Gets back to continuing on. I tlit with asking what they wanted. They are tired, still growning their wings so it's of no shock. So older version is around to see they were tired; I made mock human gesture of 'they need sleep'.

"I don't disagree." Up this child goes, "this one is to be excused for a hour anyways." Taken to where the angels have been learning and living. This is where they learn to be angels and platforms to fly with or just sleeping areas. Accommodation and where food provided. Left here alone, by themselves to sleep. I adventured for a few minute and pinched foods that aren't going to be missed. Bottled things I knew is drinking fuilds at the goodies shelf (back where can't be noted). All in my shadow for storage to look after them.

Back out the kichten to check on my sleeping partner. Look after them with blanket over them. Check their temp, watch their breathing and feel their heart for abnormally. All is fine. Just tired. I would only wonder around when I sense no eyes about. I look at things around on offer and have what seemed not wanted but useful to storage. Practice weapons that aren't used normally or what seemed for now harmless matirals.

A cabinet of extra's were the most useful with just only taking overlooked things unneeded to their cause. We looking at the locked areas, this place full of things to protect them on for notice – weapons or fire preventions in a quick grab. There is a case of packed backpacks full of everything needed to survive (if you knew how they worked) around. Small bags for children and larger armouring sets for adults. Its the armour that is often woren but the bags have been untouched as of yet. This access of immediately leave is too high for my wingless partner to even climb to. I will let my thoughts settle with just resting along side them, looking after them in my watch.

I have to think of shorter ways to get up there with him, trusting him in my storage, hoping for wings, or teaching them to climb. They are my worry if these angels are like the animals. Animals have this self-serve or self and partner serve only. It's rare if animals were helping each other unless they needed to for their life or by ask of partner. Obedience. Some of this is lost with age of animals. However, in a baseline when in a catch out guard moment; will angels care for more then themselves?

"You think they be coming back from class soon?" I heard and believe they might not, "I thought they wouldn't either." I gently pat with asking if they were ok, "I am ok, just get very tired quietly. Gold is going to worry about me." they must be going by colour names when this young, "they call me grey. Someone made a point of say I seemed paler then them. That sort of stuck with." I given my disagreement, "what? You think I should be named something else?" I shurg, "It's already our name day is after the flight final graduation celebration. We go to that door up there and get our names." Oh, the room with armour and bags? They have something like that actually planned, "Although my friends," more then one other angel – group effort? " want all of us together. The teachers are unsure if my wings will sprout." From how you spoke, you doubt they do too. I going to make you believe in yourself or learn that, "what are you petting me for?" I give of what seems a snicker and pointed at him, "me." I posed strong, "strong? I don't." I disagree, "You think I can be strong?" I nod, "In being like them." I disagree and pointed at him, "Being me?" I nod, "What a strange belief."

I looked outwards with knowing it did seem strange. The room seems so cold, lifeless and empty in here. It's just us baring the check of those above looking down. The adults keeping an eye over how we acted. I haven't been able to sneak up that high to see them and their things. Could I been the labelled a name and a job the moment they get up there. It to far from protecting my partner.

"The other animals didn't think you be strong too." So he go why I was making that point, "You sure made flight look easy and professional. More then some I watched. Most of my brothers and sisters can't just ground lift like you." So he did watch me back then. He had seen me from the high perchs looking at them and how I took flight above those around me, "I thought you were going to sit on Gold." I disagree and pointed at him, "You wanted me the most? Do we seem that much alike?" I shurg to being unsure.

He gets up with looking around for stuff or people. But isn't bothered with above. He sure seems ready to warm ups, stretches. I try hard with mimicking him too. If there was a little wrong he tells about it with me. We do a run around and he would rant on with their storys. Talks of each fledgling angel as a good close friend and know all about their trades. He is talkative for someone that seemed quite in first time meeting.

He finishes off with his spot he goes to most. This was the reading section. He picked up very advanvced for his age books to be reading. The one's that the adults would read to them. He picked a few stories to be reading to me; through him and the hours here. I learned more about how to speak like him and how their language on paper worked.

The language of angels when reading was a bit more like Latin on music sheets. Denotes not just the story but how to say in tone or were you should breath amount before contuning. It's not left to be open interpitation like the human language. But has he reading, he make more pauses either with difficualty working out the word / lettering or that he didn't understand why some words were highlighted out. There are some words he lacked the knowledge of meaning. There wasn't much behind these stories to guess either.

"What's wrong?" He caught me off guard with how I were confused, "What are you confused with?" I want to know how read. So I mutter in trying to read the next part. He smiled that my interest was like his. Whispered about how to words can sometimes be just one or three letters sometimes. He gave a very flat toned laugh with understanding I am not able to speak in this shape, "Have you ever tried to mimick one of us?" I gave it a sort of, "Didn't work all that all?" I nod, "Maybe when I final have my wings through, you mimic one of us. It will be great."

The teaching was hopful and it has him changed. There is changed in those eyes. When we met, they were eyes of someone that didn't see worth or strength. There is finally something there, a glimmer of hope. I am glad.

"I know it's off topic but… do you know any secrets?" I nod, "Would tell me?" I nod, "I know you couldn't explain them or have a why of telling now. But when you can, could we?" I smile and nod and he smiled too, "Great. Because I know one that the other's don't." He lowered tone and whispered only to me, "I think once we have a name, we have to be that name. But I heard you can loss more then your name if you do something terrible. One of the teacher's here almost had their wings clipped for telling us about other places beyond not just here but beyond them."

Wow, become a fallen for telling that to fledgling? I don't understand why. There is what that repear once said… wait. What is a grim?

I don't like the idea of my partner gaining a name if he is forced to conform to one shape. It almost be better to be nameless and pick up a name through experiences.

He stopped whispering and continue reading to me and I try to mimic him. Ending the book and placing it back as the gaggle have came back from classes. They all instantly around telling how things were, how terrible it were that they didn't come back to fetch us back. The healer sorts looking at his back for how his wings should be there, that any day they are going to sprout. Like any group, the leader is golden hue wings that shared about how to call their hawk with a blade of grass. Had offered to do the same with me.

"They understand us without it."

"Really? that's cool." They were all wanting to see that in action but the adults ring a bell for eating time. It seems partners are to share places with their pets. They treated the animals like pets – responsibility and all. But I gave off a very intelligent impression; going through table manners with my partner. An oddly refreshing watch for the rest of them.

"Have you named them yet?"

"I don't think need one." My partner took it as if gaining a name meant forced into something, "One day, I think I can just ask for their name."

"You think your lizard will talk?" I ignore the blissful inexperience's of children. My eyes on how the adults reacted was my interest. It sure proved a point with them.

"They do and they try. But they can't yet. Like how I can't fly yet." Just being bold in saying that has proven there is change as it were that exact comment that lifted heads up, "I just have to wait a while and believe in me. It's what they were telling me and it makes sense."

"Would you like some mango?" I was offered by a child next to me. I study them for how they expressed it and how they seemed… off? I disagree to the offer and nod in thanks. They may have pout about my turn down but then thought about what I just done. A lot of them were mixed with how I acted unlike their partners.

They just all sounded off. This is how I was finally understanding tone reading in the books. Maybe the denote of how the pitch of words should sound as you are proof they seemed a lack of that sort. Something. This child that I picked were more human than they were.

Those around were more… bland. Bland was more acceptable. Those of higher skills in things had hued wings and often labels there talents and quality over others. The animals were sort of like that in how white skinned, fur or feathered they were. Plus, not plants and no fish. Strange. Very strange. The sense that I can alter colour and shape was fitting that I have no name.

Much how this child should have to be labelled now to be directed to something. This change about himself and new moto of being true to himself has gained the higher floors some attention. It's not unheard of for late sprouts to gain the wings after the last batch has flew the coop. It's the bold character this one has developed. There is also me as a sort of omen. He going to a big something to them and they are aware this can mean more then it looks. There lingered with a dark look, looking down at us.

My mind has been on a wonder of these thought drifting in and out of focus over time. I have been here as a partner for my chosen angels to be. Both of us continue to prefer being nameless – adding with the attention of more then obvious higher hued angels making visits with us alone. To understand our ways of thinking (seeing if we were to fit in their traits). I have finally started getting it and someone feel as if I knew about the ranking system. Colour goes to a job or level higher you are. Mat colouring is bland foot solider – white being common. Next common is those of red or copper hue tint. Then there is a system of tinting wing rank and colour job rank. Darker colour the more fit to the duty your put to.

My partner is a quiet background spy type. Book keeper or discovery maker. Recorder. There is a department for it; but none have taking interest of looking toward my fledgling friend in the slightest. I do wonder if I have to step it up for us to get that sort of job or not.

"I think I see why your wings aren't so ready yet." This angel in conversation is someone note worthy, a big deal that has all sort of folks bowed to. The colouring is clear through the cream and stretched through their domain hand. This is of no mistake; archangel. I have been acting as if not being awake… but clearly half listening, "Can I see you writing hand?" So I have picked a arch-type in waiting, "It took me a long time to have my wings. I watched three classes pass as I stayed wingless a long while. I had many partner animals that often didn't stay long."

"I think their more different then those others. Not just in a sense of being strange shaped or personality." My partner muttered, "They already have build up a personality before meeting me. which was what seems strange."

We are all alone up here, over looking out to the vast sky. I only lifted my head to watch a flight of the class take lift with backpacks. We are here to not be in the way of the ceremony. This archangel is here to comfort this fact and tell it straight with my partner. My partner noted this seen of watching them take flight, knowing they had been named now.

"I think I don't really want to be given a name to fit into like them. I would rather pick up a name that suited what I can become." It's a rebel ways of saying I don't want to be sheep. The archangel seemed worried, "I want to help others and have their respect. Maybe have something that had meaning to it, like the humans used to name each other." The arch was only then getting it, it were just another way of thinking to achieve the same goal. He wasn't refusing to have a name, it's that he want to have it with it earned. It wasn't about ranking to out of beat or any negative on others getting it before him.

It's just something he accepted as like waiting for his wings. This arch smiled at him when he given this prayer song on those that gained their name on name day. Soft song dancing a powerful breeze that glided them ever safe right of passage. This overall pride of showing whom he is to himself was as the same way he reached out to treat others. He didn't have to be told if you don't like being treated one way then then don't to others.

It all goes a long way for him to those small acts he does in the meantime before then. The next fledging were to arrive in three nights, and my partner has already said about helping out anyway possible. At the least, the three days leading up to this – this arch is going to be both our teacher. To teach us both about the other things that minors aren't meant to be told; this goes into ranking him even before gaining his wings.

These minor lessons were set as basics of the three main realms (one learned per day) it started with the harsh reality of the demon realms – where the wicked should fall to. The middle dead realm of clothus trader and strange law following (even going on telling that soul trading and how to avoid it from them). Last day being the living middle realm; which has undergone some drastic law changes since the fall of humanity happened. Having to explain some see or sense and most can't even feel your presence. The very work that goes around this last realm and how it's the truce war zone with demons. I got it all down in my writing through shadow, but in learned to read; I have seemed to made a copy of notes I had already. Just the few things wrong or haven't been told to him.

One the day of hatching, we both helped fledgings be born out of eggs (I thought… well. I guess bird wings). Here to pick up, wipe off, bath, feed, place in pen and then off to pick up the next child. Each one has the same amount of care and I had to help in directing how to carry correctly and help hand items to my partner. I believe at some point we must have both go split with the amount of children; so I mimic each process too. Having walked past my partner in perfect timing to place the last two into the group. The silence high five for a good job and back around my partner for next task. Yet it was sleeping time. So we go have private lessons with insturctors on the handling partner lesson we missed in being unable to fly. I learn the commands just fine as my partner learns the few actions I may having in those forms. How tracking works, indicators of finding something (my different tells for each thing) and overall they learned just how to good I were at being mimics of other creatures.

The elder eagle in my fighting in air lesson was trying to prove a point by caughting me. I let that happen the first few times and then turned the table over. Without a scratch on them. Unlike my leg where a talon went through. There is no apologies in being what you are – often these lessons were the animals test in strength in real circumstances. My personal test to prove I could better adpt then them.

"Are you able to do other things that isn't normal?" I were asking in landing like a proud bird on his shoulder. I fluffed up and changed colours for them then stopped at a creamy grey. I were a new smaller version once unfluffy. To scale sizing for their shoulder really (also my age).

"Still can't talk yet?" I sigh and shook no, "We can practice that with reading later."

"You have been reading alone?"

"Yeah, all the books in the room that I can reach." He admitted, "even the harder ones that you would read to us. I have been giving them a go." Greatly this got him into a one to one reading lessons. Something we both enjoy doing together – now with extra help to fix out mistakes. Then into singing lessons (I had a feeling that the music sheet writing was more a sing along) and topped off with writing. I learned too but I dailed down my skills I gained from private writing already.

The new fledges were finally having their first lessons and we helped in these demos. They wanted to get landing correctly and no fear about heights out of them. There is a lot of lessons that mirror how birds teach things. Slowly filtered the traits of these toddlers (they grow very big fast). Their aging slows with their wings growing in.

During this period of time, some sort of fever speard far and fast through them. My partner were one of them… and I stayed there to looking after him constantly. Forget what they were doing (as their methods only slowed the pregession of the flu spreading not caring those in flu), my ways of looking after someone ill had my contantly protocol over them.

I am only one reptile and the partners of the elders only helped theirs. This costed lives to leave them alone in sick lock like this. 48 fledges, 2 teachers and one outsider that got thrown in. 37 fledging left, still both teachers. The bodies I had moved to the door with covered faces. I don't know what else but a prayer one them to do.

The living sick ones are whom I watched for most. I cared for the all. Left alone to my methods by this point. Keep them hydrated, cold cloth on forheads, vomit bucket at the side. Clean up before and after new touching patients. I didn't care for being watched… my focus is them.

This work paid off with my partner gaining his wings finally as did all the living fledgings. My lack of sleep had me coiled resting around my partner, holding a hand of his in one of many arms. He rested on me more. He was feeling so much better waking up around me. We had ages instantly together… he looked like a older teenager now (not stuck in little 9 year old ways). I was larger then he could carry on his shoulder but still small to fit in a backpack. The colour of his wings were always white starting; colour fade in happens the day after.

"Partner…" I was woke up lightly but this was me pretending to wake up. I had been awake since noticing his breathing was not a sleeping pattern, "I got wings… and…" I greeted with my ways of saying I know about myself being larger, "I was going to say they seem a little freaked." He directed about the teachers, "Is it me?" I pointed to myself and that I was larger now. Finger dance showing of my claw nails. Lastly with a teethy sharp smile, "But your not scary in slightest." I pouted about that, "I guess to other that don't know you. To them, you seem like a monster." I nod slowly with a pout. I get hugged around, "Don't worry, I wouldn't let them hurt you. You just not allow to prove them right." I hugged back purring.

"We tamed a slayer… or rather, he tamed a slayer under our noses."

"That's his partner, right?"

I looked about them and let go with giving my partner a once over, I wanted to be sure he wasn't hiding pain or anything. No one scratch… that hand marks jumped from spot on the palm of his hand; pulled right to his elbow on the underside of the arm. Marking line… ruins? I hope nothing weird or wrong about it. He looked at it too with unsure expression has it bandaged up for now. I make sure it was proper.

"What was it about a…" hey archy teacher. I directed my partner about them, "I thought that was a normal lizard."

"They never fitted in the term normal to start with." My partner gets up and has a dizzy spell for being to fast. I caught him and make sure his ok. Mouth the word 'slower'. He nods and tries that slower, scuessful. But I walked around him where I was of not a issue for anyone. He greeted the arch with a hug in meeting. Ranted on and on about what a good help I was with helping him and others. The fledgings each their piece confirmed and agreed that I did help. The room being a tip and that the lost were carried off before anyone woke up. I am tied but I will stay around my partner.

"You did a wonderful job when we could be able to help. Thank you on behalf of everyone." the arch lowered to my hieght to talk to me, "You should go rest now." I looked at my partner in worry, "Our partner need a bit off food and they be fine." I looked back at the buckets around and mega disagree, "What starve everyone?" I disagree but with a twist, "I don't understand. You think you can make or cook something for them?" I nod with that, "Where did you learn that?" I may smiled lightly but even I don't quite recall when I knew to cook and why I knew how for what to cook in these sorts of issues.

"But you're tired." I was scooped partly up, "You need sleep." I do my complaining and not wanting them vomiting again, "We aren't going too." one does, "You think we are still ill even if the worse passed?" I nod very quickly. The arch looked around, "why?" I sniffed and made the mimic of all needs cleaning in here, "Why?" I gesture that the illness is part of the dirty around here. Which isn't taken lightly.

Folks from around the above around out in a mope squad to clean it all up. There hasn't been any direct touch by my partner hugging the arch. But the arch has been clever to wear full body cover. Good on him to heed the spread of contaminations.

I gently sleek off to the kichten and started cooking up a soup. A soup of basics and no flavouring added. No heavy in it. Made for everyone and super cleaned up in a hot wash before I touched or used anything. My scales didn't bother the heat on me. I was in the mist of it all chopping up veg with a kitchen knife when them lot invaded my cooking space.

"I think the lizard wants us not in their way." Noted and walked around my clean spaces. Avoided touching my above sparkling counter. Washing themselves up as fast as possible. I asked in gesture about cups or bowls. They took them out by the many from a really arkwards place in the kitchen. I hummed in thought about how bowls were hard to reach then the knives. They could read it off me, this worried thought. It's all moved on with bowling up portions for everyone. Everyone got a bowl and there is still spare food left. Even I had some for me and partner – the last two bowls to be made. Go have a settle down and eating with everyone. The good comments and just that was exactly what they needed for how they felt. Light bland and easy on the tummy. If vomited, it wasn't bad still. Fluid only with bland bread.

I think I went to sleep right after finishing. Coiled around where my partner was sleeping. Mostly everyone ill was back to sleep. The healthy folks here to do the jobs I did. I mouthed words in my dreaming, scraed of being left behind. Waking up alone in the room. Place all sorted… beding out from under me. Just the note and blanket.

'I be right back after flying lesson.' I frowned about being left behind from that. I am however thankful for one thing.

He made himself last to fly; feeling nervous about taking his first steps. I altered to be a big bird beside and showed the motions of wings ever so slowly. He mirrored me and felt more confendent. He steps to the edge about to look down… my wing lifted him from doing that and direct about those waiting for him. I fluttered in showing.

"Ok…" He dived right out there. I looked around for him and up instantly he was gliding and free. My wings clapped and I altered back to my reptile ways. Coiled in watching them learning the needed skills. I didn't what to get in there way.

"You really love him?" That arch sits beside. I tilted oddly with a questions of 'love'. It's more a brother and sister relationship. We do have out disagreements, "So not love as in mate is out of the question." He got it, "But you love him."

I nod and sign language 'brother'. The arch laughed a little, looking out to them as I did.

"You looked after all of them as brothers and sisters?" I nod but that to was the notation of I had to for them all but I had more care for my personal partner brother, "That's a confusing answered look. When you do seem to learn how to speak, could we have this conversation?" I nod lightly and looked about him. Tail check temp for any cross contamination getting to them, "I know." he moved me off – his aware of being unwell himself. I can smell about him, it's a cancer, "Could you teach him the reality out there? They don't know about death yet." I pouted but nod, "Not anytime soon but just in case I can't. I can trust you. You much aware of reality unlike the other souls because of what you are. A slayer can at least recall somethings about the other lives they lived before." It explains why gaps in my mind flex to shape instantly.

"Believe in you. Believe in deeds done by you. Happy with what you get. No look back and pout about spilt soup." I finally just scratched up to pitch earing, "It what other lifes taught me. Bad feeling don't bring them back or erase that wrong. It's being there to correct, no matter how long it can take. Do right next time. Move on with what needs to be done but always do it right by you. Sure rebel thoughts but it's stops the nasty things taking away life. Stops the soul eaters coming back."

"Soul eaters?" He muttered in shock, "what happened to them?"

"I had to stop them." I spoken honest, "it were me stop them or them eat us all and break our balanced laws. A over shadowed battle I fought alone without award or want of praise. I did to protect my what was once home. It all I had left then, all I had to love alone. I had to eat them to stop them spearding… I hated their taste and hurt me more then eating them. Me doing it broke fundamental – living can't touch or kill dead. As dead can not kill live. Me or them; to save all there. Didn't die from the wounds and pain. Just live and found humans. Spend years protecting them – redmpetion for nearly having them slaughtered (cuz I led the grim there the first time). I died tormented by grim but never folded and never given up. I gave to good think grim – wise grim among fools. Died letting go. Last thought, being true to self was almost awarding as another beings true smile. How cool to be all me and still they truly smiled a real smile?"

"You sure hide a lot, slayer." The arch laughed it was nervous and almost fear like.

"I were to tell partner too. See if he understand. Good learning, keeps heart strong and selfless. Loving but open to dangers too. Like holding rose. The thornes hurt but the look and smells happier."

"You be a great…" they paused a moment in thought, "twilight?"

"old nickname. I don't use it. Not suitable to whom I became now. I was once twilight of humanity and bringer of darkness that shrouded life. Not now, no more. Nameless now." purr and wave to my partner showing off in front of me about flying, "I wish reality doesn't hurt. But it has to for him; death is not avoidable. Now even me or angels or gods (whatever gods are)."

I stopped talking really, I had nothing else much more to talk about with them. My eyes stayed with giving prayer to my partner. Finally he is flying and tasted the clouds. Strong wings those are, there is no worry that they will last.

"Love your brother." The angel beside me muttered, "But don't take it too far."

"I knew that. It more him. We will have to worry. I am willing to fall too if he were to but if he has others in his life – put before himself. I will respect that wish of love as that true reasonless love." The angel had then peered deeply at me, "I am older in mind then body. Not that it's all there; I do have most memory. Even if I don't remember quite right, I have my place where I write it all down – so it may not be forgotten. Good or bad – they share pages in my diray's. I made a bet with myself to wonder if the amount of blank books going to be enough."

He seemed down on his thoughts and soured.

"I haven't really changed at all. Not really. I loved looking after others, making them smile. If things came down to the wire and I had to fight dirty; it were to protect others over myself. Them humans that came from vaults years after my nickname twilight have me to blame or thank for getting back to the surface. According to myself, if I had to be a monster to fight the monsters around them. I would. If I had to pretend to be a human to teach them to live. I had. Did it ever mean anything more? I guess not but I remember their faces smiling to me. I liked their happiness over my own pain."

"You're not like other slayers."

"it's what grims said to me, according to my diray's. Many grim I met and walked away from told me that or disliked me despite my wishes to never touch them. I forgotten what grim are. I don't remember noting them smiling to me. Never really much anything… just the cold spin chill."

"Death gods or soul collectors. It's whom they are and their duty on the living middle land. They have other duties in other realms… I had lie in some way of say there being only three others."

"The grim have to have there place too." I frozen up and brought out one diray, "so do the undertakers that 'record about realms.' They talk like there were many 'beyond this land of home.' So I wrote." The book away and back to watching them flutter off to another place for teaching.

"We better follow along." The arch stood. I altered to a big bird. I fluffed to be a pure white colour and looked around for anyone I could hurt in take off.I watched the arch dive off first and lightly glide. I lifted off without diving, only to dive fast in caught up – passing the arch and hovering lower down underneath all the fledgings class. My eyes on things around me but kept on listening and being around his shadow. The arch joined them looking around for me. They land to the area and I where whistled for. I climbed my way back up and gentle landed soundless to the edge near them. Stayed as this bird I walked over and head butted with my partner. I twisted with looking at his feathers, and unnaturally purred (not bird like).

"I have wings."

"I have words." I cooed, "Congratulations on having wings, partner."

"White gaint egale is your partner?"

"She" he has always assumed my gender as she, "could be anything and any colour." He looked about me with why I stick as a bird, "were not flying off until lesson ends." I looked about me and altered to a large cat of snow white fur, "Do you think not showing yourself is better?"

"For now, now I have words. Best not until we have free time to talk. I have much to share with you and show. As long as I have permission to." I looked at the arch, "I don't want you to think any lesser of yourself because of me." I looked back to him, "You are a good lad, my sweet little brother."

He smiled but he is noted the oddity of what I said. He got on with learning or helping them learn things. I laid right here, waiting or came to be partner help in a smaller form. So I would perch out of the way again. The arch took the time to take him to the side and warn him of some of the things I might say shouldn't be repeated to anyone of lower ranks. That there is only some ranks that should never know unless they needed to. Even then, there was a moment of talking about morality that ways realms work isn't like here and that there is system in place for a soul to move to the next realm.

That not all realms are safe, that I came from such one of those places by soul and were reborn here. The sort of, she remembers or has written a lot down about her other lives. 'She wouldn't be here if her soul was tainted by her live and even if it were, she worked ways to repay that'. That warning is enough to worry him, but then he seemed reflective of what I just told him. He should not think lesser of himself because of me. That's not what he thought I should have said. That I shouldn't be thought lesser of by him. I said what I did that way as he was free to dislike my true shape. That I just hope he sees the person I am and not the race.

"She's not like others of her race. Even then, her history may have been told wrong by us." shushed back to class and lingers around in watching everything. I stayed patient for him and others. Nothing they did had even crossed me as testing it. They are blank children that are inclusive for everything and it's rare or unlike them to keep secrets. I do wonder where this life is going to take us from here, just what duty are they going to put us into. Will we be a soilder for war?

It's hard to say I knew the answers. Everything will smoothed out; like me or not and duty of fight or book keeping.

"I think we can call this sparring finished for today," Hints my thought of solider, "Let's head back and have story time." The are lively bunch of children taking dive with the teachers I waited for my partner. Whom seemed a little out of it. I walked on over and checked on him gentle. Maybe what he knew so far was a lot to take in and confusing. I give him the space that he might wanted but I always lingered on his shadow. As if I could always reach out and touch him with it.

"I wanted to ask this before… but I guess from what I heard – it's a good thing I did wait." He lowered to be my eye level, "What's your name?"

"I had many names but they passed away with those lives. Whom I am now is your partner and I have yet to think of a fitting name to be called by. But I will introduce you to someone I used to be, my previous life name. My name was miss Sapphire. I was the survival teacher for the village I protected. She lived a very long life, and was very proud when she passed on. Very proud of those she taught and I still lightly remember what she liked most, what I still do. The happiness of others, selfless smiles." I offered my paw in a hand shaking gesture, "She were a warrior monster by night and a interesting teacher by day."

"Wow, that amazing. Who were you fighting?"

"It wasn't like that. It's not war I fought in. You wouldn't understand right now but believe you can one day." I purr, "Should we go back with class or were you planning on going somewhere else?"

He looked round and laughed about that the class left. The arch came around to see if there were anything wrong. Just a smile from my partner that had me smile too. Such good soul and light heart. I do worry for them and what they will come to think of me when learned I killed. For the time being, let life roll on and move to where to next.

He dived into flight from over the edge, I stayed for few second to watch where he appear from but there was something a bit to long about this time. I jumped down as I was without wings to look for where and why he dived off without fluttering up. I clawed up a edge bellow that I can tell he landed here but was moved off or something.

The Archangel hovered down here too; looked around to where we both went. Followed the path through to the place. He bared a weapon to hand and I shirnk and spy my way well ahead of him.

Finding my partner knocked out cold on the side of a wall. There are things in here watching but not on him. I am able to care for the bleeding and fold back his wings to a way that isn't going to damage them. I am taking procaution that they too may have had any damage. That arch angel steps around the door, isn't able to see through it or ignored it as if a wall there. There must be some sort of magic crossing going on here.

"Hush Parnter," I whispered to his ear, "If you can hear me, do not panic. I will get you back to the class and have you looked after." He blinked awake at me, "I don't know whom these are and what they are doing. But I have a bad feeling. I have to sneak you out of here."

He pretends to still be out of it and I faded when someone looked this way. They spoke in a dark language and made a barking order towards a callored scaled demon. Whom into was walking over to check if he was still breathing, then backed away with stating its unchanged. They ignored us again.

"I trust you and you will just have to trust me." I fade back to appearing, "I will get us out of here and I think I have a guess of what they are. Maybe… I hope I am wrong." He nods and I took around him and fade us both through my shadow, "This is my shadow where I put things. I have never trusted anyone or anything alive in here before. You best stay careful, your head is wounded. I have my old diray's you can read about my other lives in here… but be careful with what you learn. I never would intent any harm over you, partner." He pets me and I held is hand. I try hard to mock him. He smiled about how well I looked but pointed out my eyes. The silent mime of those eyes aren't angel. I tie a cloth around my eyes and nod. I go back up and pretend to be him.

They suspected nothing from the sound of it. Only that I was acting awake and moved back from them. 'staring' around silent and confused. No standing up towards them and not sure of what to do and what is going on.

"Hey the brat's awake… do you have a name?" I glared at them blankly, "You're not much a talker are you." I study them in detail and pose a very confused reaction, "Fledgling never met a clothus before." Damn them, "You can't agree with me because you don't understand me." he changed language, "Are you ok little lost angel?" that's angel language, "We will help you find your way back, it's that way." I backed off, "What's the matter? Is it what I looking like?" My harsh study seemed a reasonable reply, "We turn into cloth and mask in other realms that aren't owned by us." No one should ever claim to own a realm at all, live in one is what is should be like, "Do you trust me?"

I stood and edged around with the wall away, dodged some grasping hands and out the door.

"How the hell they know it wasn't a wall?" One commented, I dived into shadow and checked on partner. He alright but in full reading of one my very early old one's I like reading too. Talking about my human life when modern worry was about generating the right electrics. I checked on how he felt about his wings and helped with a few words. He went back to reading shortly and I altered to a bird and fluttered out of shadow and to the corridor. The ruckus of my partner disappearing had them clothus in a talking match to the arch on the defance. I landed on the arch's shoulder as a black raven.

"What's a death bird doing here?"

"To collect you pesty little clothus con artist." I spoke back, "As requested." They looked to each other and backed away. Then off there ran… servants too, "To lie like that is a trait I hope my partner doesn't make habit. Best we go back… did they take your name?"

"Never had the chance with you. Why?" I altered white.

"They enslave others by them having you name and you unwittingly agreeing to something. Con artist is what they are, nasty business in slaves. Gladly, I only ever traded in materials with them. One of few types that march trade with mock humans." I jumped right to a snake famillar and pinned it, "Evedropper…. I don't need more things to threat over. You better cause no issues." It turned into paper and I inspected it. Then burned it, "Damn magic caster sorts. We need to go find aid, my partner too a nasty gash around his head."

"Where is he?"

"Under my protection, and that's all you need to know. His awake and nosing around my books. Typical of a book worm, I hope his wings weren't damaged."

I hovered in trying to work out where to go and what to do. I would pause for the arch to either follow or lead the way. Through out to the platfrom where others are gathered about. He goes out first and had folks directed in. I have my partner put the book down and walk out my shadow and to the light around others. I walked in helping him with knowing how dizzy he is right now.

"Hey, what's a feldging doing around here?" so this is the other half of the clothus group. I made my displeasure very noticed. Hissed them back from him, "What in heaven's earth are you and what are you hissing at me for?"

"You would happen to be fake embassitors?"

"No crest on their clothes and no ring. I say distrust this mock." I commented deeply.

"You seem have some about my race." The clothus glared, "Yet I doubt I met you before." No, I can't think I had with them either. They don't stand up to being real Clothus. Just like the group of other folks in angel chained being lead out of there.

"Normally we would punish anyone to lie but under a moment of protecting someone younger, you are excused this one time only." The arch directed to me and I bow with understanding I still did wrong, "As for these clothus… we have to do what best suits both our realm systems. The failed attempt in trying to kidnap a fledgling would have been harsh punishment by our laws."

"I read something about that in your book." My partner noted, "the leather one that very well woren."

"That was a trade gift from an old friend from another life… I doubt the laws in there are the same."

"Why would you have a law book from the clothus anway?" my partner asked. I take out the one I have been writing up and close to finishing. Detailing my trades and logged crafts work. He poked through it, "Oh, you wanted be sure not to break their merchant code." I nod and have it put back.

"What are you? Part Clothus?" this con spatted out of bound of caught and went to grapple me. I protected my partner more then myself as they could break through my scales. The dagger they tried shattered in pieces over the floor between us.

"Thou shall be bound and tied under moon and sky, though no touch or break these chains casted on them." they were pulled instantly to the floor by human craft magic, "Should have continued my veruses?" I asked them, "a shame that a weak metal dagger does nothing. Not even a scratch."

He was moved away and I continue to not care about me and worry about my partner. If I hurt them in my moment of protectiveness. No, not a scratch. I brushed gently his cheek and then coiled around him. Just waiting for what next.

They have folks collect the dagger bits as evidences and asked me for a sample of my scale. I gave a very small peddled one. My partner is scooped up by the team of healers and whisked off to be sorted. I wanted to come with but I knew I could be needed here. I let him have a book in the meantime that I am away. I may have had my stare linger his direction, but I was sensible to stick around for this.

"Got any handy names of law clothus in mind?"

"I knew of them and some around them by name. Not really to sort you summon without cause." I watched as they got them locked all together in a cell, "I knew a grim clothus, I think. I can't say I knew his name but he sure were a nice trader and trusted enough to respect each other."

"That could work…" He pointed to a marble door that came from no where. I walked around it all confused that it appear there and that it stood without walls around it. I entered into a different room or place. I stepped through all the way and coiled be of eye hieght with the person at the desk. I looked around with the arch following along, "We request…"

"A jester or prince." I added, "Someone with skill to looking to a law breaking matter on heaven grounds."

The person across the desk turned around and got right on it.

"The metion of high titles makes the matter more serious then petty little clothus they could have sent instead. Overall, taking longer for the matter to be resolved that way." I muttered, "Choas has order around here but it's all backwards."

They have someone back here instantly, embassitory for heaven trading and a prince fitting to get the matter finished. They are greeted the correct mannered ways and didn't pull any tricks. Even trusted to walk back through the marble door and have the matter all sorted. I over watched it all as the con artist hissed about a failed plan to enslave a fledgling archangel type. All in thanks for them getting out of there, unfooled by their tricks.

"You can't fool a child?" the embassory laughed.

"Maybe the correct line is you allowed yourself to be fool that wasn't the child to begin with." The arch ally with me spoke for my behalf, "We have parnters that can have strange powers. In this case, one that can mimic anything."

"What you mean they failed in even caughting the child to start with?" this was nodded to as this were the understood story so far, "You all better hope there were no witnesses."

"three." A new person I haven't seen before came forwards, "Ralph here, the child's partner and my shadow puppet." I get looked at, "You own me something for breaking it."

"I accept that. I didn't know if it were good or bad." My comment spooked them, "Has no one of clothus ever met a talking reptile? Clearly you don't get out the realms much."

The real story overall was told with maybe a few misunderstood interpitations in what was wistness when I swapped place with my partner. This person was part of the angel's watching divitions – they act as seruity or silent witness to what goes on around here. They weren't aware of the breech of clothus as they were also fooled by the tricks too. It was only made appearnt that were something wrong when one had watched me be clinging from the underside of a land to watch the arch. Thinking me as the threat for a moment.

"I use to do a lot of clinging to undersides of tree branches or ceilings of things. A old life. Skills in not being spotted by the things you look for was the goal in mind. I didn't want to walk into a trap I couldn't see. I didn't wanted to be seen by those that took my partner, not given them a reasons to hurt him. I did know the I were to be followed by the other elder teacher; but I wasn't expecting him to walk in blind. I had to race ahead to find my partner… sneaking around unnoticed if I had to. Not a fool to magic – made it more obvious really. On the spot I help partner with his head and check if he wake up. Then we swapped places and I did the dealing with nasty con artist. Out us both, find teacher and get them out of tough spot. I lied to do that… but it's better then blood shed. Blood is what they seemed they were after. Not acceptable on beloved grounds."

"attempted murder, attempeted kidnapping…" they stopped and looked at the dagger, "attempted murder again. You lot are start to look like demon lunch."

"I don't get how you sneaked in and out the place despite passing a angel, four demons and three clothus. With a wounded ally and looking like a reptile." I altered to mimic my partner and hide my eyes, "Oh, that's is cool and clever. Just might have pulled off with divine luck of some kind."

"Sure." I go back to reptile, "fate, luck and chance; sure a mortal questioning."

"Don't sound ageless, lizard." The con hissed, "nothing going live with slayer posion." I peered oddly. Did a look at the arch with a shurg.

"What you didn't know you could?" He asked.

"Reborn you know. Just gone my first row teeth yesterday. Never bite anything alive before." I commented, "I don't really want to test that either. Posion is nasty stuff. I wouldn't use that, not in anyway to harm another. Cure maybe." I hummed in my out loud thoughts, "weak metal does nothing on scales anyways. No scratch and so no infection."

"What?" the con hissed.


"they." I corrected, "I can be a boy too. gender has no matter."

"Uh, they," pointed to me, "are a very youth reborn slayer."

"Hi." I say again.

"This could have be ground zero slaughter house." The embassitor muttered.

"I refuse to be so thoughtless on others." I passively hissed, "It be rude and inconsiderate maybe even a hypocrite of me to slaughter others here."

"I like it." the prince nods, "So much like twilight."

"Old names. Old lives." I muttered, "Forget that whom I was. That realm has not need kill to eat, strave as saint or be murdered by the tree."

"Lords, it is you." Lowered to me, "You found my ring for me."

"I wrote about that. Something about a priceless marriage ring that twined the royal mark and were a wedding band."

"That's it." Offered his hand and finds I am no fool, "Still to very celver for your own worth. I am glad you finaly passed over and to somewhere fitting to your personality. Such a caring type among us clothus. No door mat to be fooled."

Gets up and has this lot take over to courts there, the be under jury with these two as our court side defence. No need of witnesses or interventions from here.

Gone they were and gone I were with fluttering off to find my partner in a sick bed. I land and changed to coiled next to the bed. He seemed to much in reading.

"I like the language you use." It's the first thing he says to me and seems to read it all just find (except a few words).

"Human part clothus at times. Clothus is the more scribbled picture words. Human language is open to interptitations and classic English, German or French." I muttered with checking on him, "I have wanted to tell you all this but I hadn't a voice when we met then when I did get a voice… life got in the way."

"Is death really scary?" Bookmarked to the page and ready to ask a lot of questions. Even sitting up to allow my to coiled around him. To my head slight off his lap. He laid back and just kept this innocent causal tone. Petting me with wonderment about his thoughts.

"That's up to you. But to put someone or something to death means they will not come back or heal from their wounds. To watch someone die is a unforgetting, sad and heart aching experience. In that realm and in that life, it was all around and provided food. But knowing that food was running around a hour ago is sad. If it were someone close to you, it take a while to recover from the sorrow of loss. Human's even celebrated those when died because they feel sorrow for losing them. Death is a difficult subject to be speaking and often a taboo to you angel types. Some don't shy away from it but embrace it as a stage of the cycle."

"Cycle of the realms?" So he heard and has some little bit of understanding it.

"Yes. Souls pass over realms by coming to one, living within it, losing their realm shell and drifted / guided to the next realm. It happened to me, I remember. Any other souls don't remember. I know how I felt when I went, I told you already. She went with feeling proud of that life achievements. I was collected by a grim (as you read in one my books). They guided me here and I were born a hatching in the pet roast. You know the rest of the story from there." He looked at the book and the cover, "Yes, I bet your wondering where the material to make such nice book cover is from." He handed it back, "All the books are made of parts of something. Paper from dead trees, the leather from the skin of what was a living thing. The ink is harder to recall where I got it from… sometimes blood was used… but even than I tried to not." He frowned in some disgust about it, "But that how things were there. Here you have nice resources that don't kill or be killed to make things." He really stared at me oddly, "I don't know what your thinking."

"Does things have to be killed to make stuff?"

"That realms laws aren't like here." he didn't understand, "You don't have things they try to kill you here that originated from here." He nods with guessing that maybe something it had to be done for the sack of getting by, "food wasn't handed to me. Nothing looked after me before. I had learn to live. I had to know how to fight those things that wanted my meat. Over time, I used those skills to protect humans." he gets it a lot more but still wasn't sure.

"So what's a plant?" I gladly muttered on about what plants are. This sort of questions game also fleshed out my thoughts around thing. I tell the facts, then the darker bit of truth, then the lighter bit then end it off with my thoughts. Of course he would listen then have a open minded opinions to follow afterwards, going into the next question.

I explained about how the human language were confusing with words being the same could have a different meaning behind them. Like the word Death, it's what those become as corpses or the being portrayed to human myth which in turn also meant Grim reaper.

There is other ways of understanding phrases, when added around different context. He came up with a few that would only keep between us and meant things to us only.

We fell asleep together like this, comfortable with each other. Maybe? I did pretend to sleep for a while when I knew he woke up again. He moved a little, looked at the book again and must have fell asleep or stayed still along enough for me to drift back to sleep for a while.

"Good morning, how are…" I get woken up to be asked to get off him. I do so sleeking away into his shadow, then back to sleep.

"They always are like that. Always clingy when I get hurt." He spoke and the medical check up with him proved his wings were perfectly fine and that he head wound isn't going to be of any issue. It was only to knock him out lightly. He still isn't allowed to leave, because the swelling isn't down enough for it to be safe for him to walk around. At least they brought teaching to him, he was being focused into becoming one of the members of the security spy witnesses.

They hope that maybe with me in toe and his speciality in understanding beyond languages (we learnt that quite quickly). It were the best duty, better still is that his wings were hued in all sorts of coloured hues (tricking anyone at a glance of what ranking he was officially). That mark of an archangel was spreading in mysterious patterns around him. Like a book was being scrolled over him. He started having bandage wrap to cover them up for now – treating them like wounds.

He learning demonology and culture changes from the main races that are often encountered. Then explained in depth of how rare I am. So working out a familiar term could happen sooner. It was more a enslavement contract of a blessing kind – tie my current lifetime to him. I was worry if this would convert him to a slayer in the future or not – having to think about this contract before just enacting it. These in bed lessons have been vital teaching which warp around him and gained him his name. But it will be given when he is ready to have its or time calls on us.

"There is still going to be trick we need to learn about your partner."

"They have showed me a few but I will respect that they don't tell others about it. I wouldn't either if I could do that."

"Well that's the point, I guess. When making a familiar contract, you both share powers between yourselves or memories. With how you both are rare and speciality in your ways; I have a feeling this can make you either weaker or stronger." So it's more then just giving time to each other. A soul piece swap more like.

"Even then secretive is the way to go." He tapped beside him about me joining him since I had been light resting in his shadow, "There. There. I knew you were listening." I stepped around to walked into being hugged around me unexpectedly rough, "We should be able to leave the sick bed today."

They were trying to do test on me, not really any successes with getting around my scales. I stayed calm; letting them try to achieve what likely was needed. I were asked to open my jaw, so I adjusted and opened up. They check teeth, the amount of rows that have came in comparing with the older set are like and the newer ones. They put a few things in there, between rows. Out of the way where they will not be lost. Pet for my gentle calm, being allowed to close my jaw.

"Alright, could we have a full proper check?" maybe that was a temperament testing but they asked my partner then me.

"I think you should." My partner directed to me.

"Ok." I tapped in asking to be let got, "Health check is reasonable."

He nods and sees that I were lead off to a side pet area… yeah, I will not be fitting on the table. Not really. Nor any of the scales around here. But they thought about it, they must have larger types around. Like this scale for a horse.

I followed instructions as I were asked and (other then not being my colour) I were my natural current shape. My claws not on show but there. But over all, those few features weren't hidden from them. I did my alteration trick – being reweighted and having repeated checks. They still couldn't get blood out of me. Not even in other forms that would need a blood flow.

"You would know how your insides work at all?" asked out of sighing at the stats.

"My overall outside is the only meat about me. Inside I am more a mist, which allows me to be any shape. This is how I don't worry about breaking or snapping bones when altering; it's almost having so many tiny bones that its countless or having no bones at all." I hummed, "I found that the only damage I take is from myself, from a grim blade or from another slayer."

"Since when were you able to talk?" they backed off.

"Around when my partner had his wings grow." They go walked one over to go ask more questions with my partner about me.

"I could become even larger in a emergency; but that is exhaustion waste of energy. Often need a big meal after and good long sleep." Still muttering with those still here, "You lot are not used to a slayer like me. I had been told that I am abnormal for my speech."

"Abnormal? Are those you spoken to seen slayer's before?"

"Well they are grim reapers, they collect souls from the living for a duty sometimes for a living… it's usually hard to get them talking, must come with having to deal with corpse to often." I hummed in my thoughts, "I remember my other lives and even recorded them in writing during those times." I scratched a loss scale off… looked at it with how it turned my natural colour, "Must be coming up to a skin shed soon, that scale never stays." Away to shadow it went for a moment.

"Where did you put that?"

"my extension." I muttered, "I don't trust you lot in there. That my stuff or just stuff I have just in case." They stared deeply with me in wanting in. I pouted while staying with my choose, "I don't have anything in there that would be banned. I did check that. Haven't even any trade items I used to carry around the place."

"You traded items?"

"Yeah, I have a business log book on that. Item for item trade bargaining. Clothus were strange things. Always remember to never tell them your name, that's how they enslave folks." They made notes on that and my partner walked in, "Look, it fell off again."

The majority walked around me, yet my partner walked straight to me. I take out my scale and handed it to him. He looked through it then felt the smoothed surface. He smiled in meeting gaze.

"Skin shedding soon?" sort of laughed, "makes the 12th since my wings."

"Must be. I wondering if I should just given them to this lot or not. Might find the material very useful. Yet then again, there is power in personal items."

"You knew that your partner talks?" interrupted with walking forwards to be closer look. This being one of them witness seceruity types.

"Yeah, ever since my wings. Even before they seemed very intelligent and keen on reading with me. Then helped me during that failed attempt in kidnapping, all thanks to them."

"You don't pick a gender?"

"Slayers can choose genders but in truth have none. We don't even produce children of our own. It's still mostly a mysterious on why slayer occur in many realms. All have this shared natural look, many arms, tough skin; any realm seems to find slayer's like that. Camofluage or hiding is natural."

Most folks in the interest of study do dare to come forwards with their books to write about me and the things I would say. The added details of shapes I can take and their weight.

"Where is your mass mostly?" I didn't say but tapped my shadow, had it moved around not naturally to where light is.

"You're made of dark matter of some form?" they try touching my shadow but it resulted with just feeling the floor.

"Could I go back to reading your books?" My partner asked and I nod coiled around and sunk through into shadow. Then crawled out like being out the floor. Those that watched looked horrified.

"Best ignore my red / brown painted covers, partner. Those I don't wish shared yet." I commented sensing a book being put away. I looked to them, "See, I trust him. Not you. Not yet."

"That's seems a fair understanding. Sort like a kagaroo pouch but… your entire warped shadow." I nod, "So you colour change?" Yes, we go through all that. Did end up giving them a few of my skin sheds. A bunch of talk of what I use to eat in old life; honesty was wise here.

"You quite alright with you current diet, right?"

"yes, I prefer not having to harm or take away another to eat. I know how it feels to strave but not in this lifetime. Mango is rather tasty."

"Mango?" I used the human name and not what they call it.

"You lot need a human dictionary around me." My partner stepped out with on offer, "There we go." I danced through the pages in fast reading and passing it over to them. They were extremely delicate with my book. Must be a muesem piece to them, "I think I still have old text books. Might not have. I really need to do a proper clean out again."

"I wanted to ask why you have this in there." passed my a old dagger.

"Sheesh I can't remember where I found that." But it's one them alter rings, "Oh, I found this ring on a dead person. Not that interesting really. I thought I got rid of all them…" I hum and then another item, "that's a normal gem stone… but I given it when it were the first time I were a hatchling. Collector of souls made pocket by collecting animal souls and making money in resale of living hatchlings. Often just when off to give the hatching to a suggest family. That were a long time ago… very old. Don't remember much personally other what I wrote about it."

"Their library of books does have a lot of interesting things about them. Oh, this feather."

"I actually remember them." taking the blue hue sliver feather, "Yes, I were very hooked in sewing up them tents with holes through them. It just make me itch seeing nice fabric ruined, since I did try hard to make my own to trade. I liked her, she seemed nice for being a wary angel among those of her camp. Sad now, isn't it." I pet the feather, "Not as bright and lively feather anymore. It were quite a time back. I say passed on now. moved on."

"How can you tell from that feather?"

"You winged lot must be proud of your feathers. The hue of what part of the system and the tint the ranking. Not a true white because there isn't a such thing as true white. White and black are shades and are mistaken for colours."

"Uh, what?"

"science." I laugh, "the lack of light is a void of colour; black. The stronger the constrations of colouring in light; white. But they aren't colour – they are shades of colour."

"That don't make any sense."

"So why are cave always gloomy blacken to see through? Why is fire at the core white but leave blacken ash? Humans were very ahead of through thoughts around them, they had even travelled the stars and landed on the moon."

They were very mixed about what I was talking about for a long time, even lost my partner. I hadn't minded, it just proved my soul age to well. I yond as the medical examination had me use up a lot of energy to alter shapes. They muttered about doing some climbing and exrosicing with me. They even talked about me joining in their program as a mock of my partner. Something my partner thought would be great. I will be put through core tracking to better my climbing on abnormal surfacing.

"Do these look like yours?" I were presented the needle cloth set I gave that angel. I even nodded, "The person that owned them had ashed on duty. I am sorry for your loss." I really did freeze up and even teared up over this. Facing my grief. I found comfort in those that knew her and those around that met me too. Even the head of that team, draw a weapon on me in meeting me again – were grateful of my human like reactions. I found to have friends and that made me closer to my partner as a brother.

Greeting the two lives to cross paths, felt like a honour.

Always watched, and always they seemed to wary about me. I tasted their fear when they weren't expecting me around. Something I ignored, so it would never hinder my partner in thinking bad of having me around. I understood my ground around them, gave them the space needed.

In becoming name ranking had came with not a lot of time to be writing anything. It was a lot of strength endurance tests. Most of the time, during day classes as we all learned new skills in weaponry or better agility without wing aid; I avoided being top class despite the inhuman reflexes.

My time at night was when a worked hard alone or with my partner; pull out all the stops until time to call it night or to tried to continue. This was soilder building… I knew it from the moment we picked up bows and learned about the fashion of making it wearable.

The last few tests were more a choose in what we were most comfortable using on a daily duty run. This is why I am able to catch up to this entry. The ranking name celebrations for us both is happening when we go into the fold of watchers (that's the official name of the security witnesses), becoming one of the hooded rookie ranks for now. We are being placed among the officer ranks but in rookie status – a spot that has seen little action.

My partner has already scooted spots for us to stand; be really obvious with standing at the entry through the hall and the way blending into the shadows. They I would prefer, yet we will see. The corridor is a walk way bridge between different realms; there is not many that come through here but those that do are also often ally sorts. Our months of training to be mixed around many but not be noticed by others.

"Castor Moonlight, watcher of the open gate east entry." All in a line following in order, partner the first to take name and rank while I am the last.

I will not be given a name, but I will be silently handed my titles by scroll – which is what they tend to do towards the end of the line. I will take read of the information when moved out of the way. Then instantly on blending following around the crowds, do a few fades into mimic angels around and take move with heading to our post.