C11/2 - Tower of segments

I altered into a bird and mimic them. They do this flutter up and dive into shadow. Then a new sky appeared out of no where. A grey sky of wispy white smoky clouds, it grappled around us until there was a breeze draft that pulled the sky clear of this cloud. Flying above a patchwork of land, of many versions of what death looks like. Most staying around making this system work; living in a undead way.

"See, the upside down for us is Death's realm. Here are where grim come from. Sections are a mimic of what realms best to offer. There being 132 different seasons and a system of 12 averagely." It fluttered next to me and dived into a alley.

Here I turned a few different times for a look. I settled for a ghosty shape. A elongated thin body of bandages. The face were simple my iconic eye featured mask, a staple from my trading background on the paths. There is one clothing item which were more a coat where my many of belts held my tools of trade from. Even the trustee shovel were visible among the mix of weaponry I got from my many trades across Sigil (that path place I was just talking about).

"If I made trade of fresh demon meat I get from hunting demons; make whole sale to you crows at trade." I offer my shoulder and it lands there, "No hurting lovely grim. Report the bad folks."

"That's all that matters to an animal… but… you need id and papers. You're going to have to apply things on papers, make scribbles about." It muttered for a while and I stopped listening with walking out the shadows. Looking around and getting a hand for what area this is. Call it house fact hunting before making it home.

"Make paper contracts to state I am no evil thing to kill folks here." I stopped the crow rambling, "There are law here, like how humans have laws for their local areas. Don't murder those not in my contract, be the good Smartian, respect those around me with the same I share to myself and obvious be gentle around the culture around here. Have all in writing, have a id and eventually become a citizen lawfully."

I stepped around a new area corner, a sort of high street of information and social gathering of sorts. Holiday or just passing through for supply; folks range around here as only grim. Which is interesting.

"Wow, you're a new face around here? Need some directions?" I scanned this what seems a youthful child, "Uh, you looking for someone?"

"Just looking around for now, maybe finding someone to help with paperwork. The crow tells me I should find the offices. I just got a little distracted with the noise of others." I listened in the long pause of silence, soon broken by me next comment, "I maybe a demon hunter but I have no job here. I am just looking for somewhere to stick around, wondering the path for too long. No other dead realms would offer any comfortable living."

"Oh, now I get you. You were a walker and now you trying to settle down a spot."

"Makes business find me easier or my prey." I looked around again and back to the confusion, "If I am bothering you, then I will move on."

"Why do you have a shovel?"

"So I can bury the few that need it. Not all things like being left out on the floor to be scavenged by freaks. But I guess the dead don't have that choose; quite a issue. Whose to say they be picked clean before being buried…got have proof of the deals done." I finished studying this area and took a more normal gesturing, "What about you, Grim?"

"Wow, only the living lands call us that. Rare for a foreigner like that to come here." They gestured in follow and I gently walked at their side, "Got a name?"

"I have names… I don't share them. You can just call me hunter, tradesmen or Mut. I will not be enslaved by those names."

"Practice from those that walked the path way to long. What is your main reason for settling?"

"Getting tired and often to alone. Always the same fools that what to cause trouble when hidden for rest or just other similar issues. Due to my race, I am unwelcomed. In spite of my clever ways, I can seem humanoid like. Talking like you. They only see the animal I am. I find it rude."

The gentle lead of being walked through this town section; I am directed to arms dealers and information brokers. Passed those that will be interested in my line of work and those I will have to report to once a death occurs (this be subject to what realms this falls to and their advice when time comes to abduct such names from those society). There is those in the legal departments we stop to fill forms with – simple asks that are relevant to staying here – following with being given a death guide book with has the rules and advice of living here. From doing this, I was left alone by the crow and the youth.

To walk around this realm, it as if walking the many doorways out from the path… a realm's death figure is shown to be always here. Some very common to how death would often be viewed and the more rarer ones being the highlight of looking around. Even the birds here have factions of whom is just a common soul carrier or the alternative of the god portray.

Ranking by the same laws as the grim do. I am able to apply as a hunter to both the crow society and the humanoid society. As both share the same need of clients to be sorted.

Making a network is prove the easy part, but getting someone to recommend me or take me as a pawn for the job is another point altogether. This works fine as a starting sale sword; I care about finding a nest first. A spot for both birds and humans to feel welcomed but gives me the basement as my sleeping room and storage area.

"Why would I call you 'Mut'?" I am asked generally.

"I have a nack for being like a wolf sometimes. I am a very clever shapeshifter that specialty goes into hunting those for reason and price. I am not going to kill if requested to just find. I can be quite and unseen. I can be there armed to the teeth through their front door. Subject to how you want to find this person or thing. Some will view me a assassin and other will just take me as a coward spy. I care only the quality of my work, make sure they don't come back to hunt me back. Walk through hell and back for total strangers if I need to. Become stronger that way."

"You don't under sale yourself. What sort of price am I looking?"

"Depends on who and I want a why. If it's a demon killing and eating souls, then I will do in understand its to protect souls and take little cost from you. You want me as some part of a revenge plan, expect that I work both ways and whom know what the cost of that will become. The cost of revenge is never a nice price to pay."

"Oh, I like you. I put you as a recommendation towards the boss." Everyone talks of having a higher boss bt I haven't quite pinned down who everyone talks about, "There always in need of a few demons dealing with. As you would know."

"No personally, but I understand the point." I looked to something walking this way, "If there was anything else, then I should not be in your way." I bowed a nod, "I haven't any clients at the moment and just house haunting for now. Once I have a address, I cross paths again. I have an idea of how to find you." The bow shared and I stepped onwards with house searching.

Many realm fragments have ticked my basic boxes. Bird and human friendly with a large basement or top lockable room. The style has to be welcoming and my neighbour need to not mind me or customers. Looking to the highstreets becoming a option.

"Hey!" I lifted a arm to which a crow with mail in the beak is offered to me.

"Thanks, post carrier." I bowed with thanking the bird. Off it flew. I looked at the letter outside and around. The seal being the official high society stamp… letter from authorise. I looked around with who would be watching me and have it slide to storage. Go have a seat where I can shadow focus reading it. Listening but not my sight to any attention.

Accepted stay as citizen and licence hunter status. But must speak directly with the following name of where to get work. Funny, I have just spoken to everyone but one on this list. I have to make my due time to meeting such a leading titled being. It seems the birds (given the feather in it) want their high ranking to met me too. I have the feeling I will be meeting both at the same time, just the hunch.

"Pardon me, I am looking for a hunter." I zoned back to being normal and stare at this stranger… give them a scan and greet accordingly, "Ah, great. How cold tell?" They take a seat.

"I am not humanoid as I seem. I rely on more then sight. I mean no rude words but I am new to speaking in general, so do excuse me often for blunt comments. You folks don't like blunt." I scanned again, "But you just the message giver. You here to direct me?"

"Yes…" they seemed off with how much I caught them off guard, "Just follow me and all weapons away… if you please." I nod and sink them through to storage. Taking the shovel off while standing and it too disappeared like nothing. I have a lot of weapons; which soon dulled my overall appearance without them. This were fine for whom I was meeting, "Wow, you a shapeshifter?"

"Correct. Do not mind me." I nod and let them be the guide. I listened with how locals muttered on how rare to see this person; being a respected title as well as being dull message giver boy. I followed along with blending around like the other silent mask folks lingering around here.

The official building is one of the few skyscrapers here, will housing the universal records of souls whom are for the status of 'died' or 'dead' . I heard that this is one of the very few places that contain such powerful and scary books. A tradesmen in passing had once told me about the opposite tome, the tome of reborn or living souls. Those books are in heaven and these death's tomes are in a purgatory. Very important to learn locations if I am to be a demon hunter. Prove that I know what i am doing to those whom will want to employ me.

Stepping through feels like what humans call the impossible space science. The library of many books shelved on every section of wall possible locked rooms of the book that can't be tampered. Other rooms open to public check is the book of veils. I don't know what veils have to do with dead names, but it seems very important.

There seems to be some sort of category system, not that I get it. The folks whom work on these levels are librarian jobs. Its impressive because I cant read any sort of titles on any the binders. If anything, this whole building is book worms, grim repear, and actual death gods for all realms. Even this realm of grim have a Death god... whom everyone likes calling 'boss'. I really don't know whom.

Such to first greet me the moment I walk in, is the leading bird of them all birds in this realm. The voided feathers and colour changing eyes that peer into oneself. Landing to my offered arm out, I bowed in greeting with it.

"You would be the werido hunter that speaks to us as well as humanoids." It speaks human more times the bird (being godlike makes that happen), "A interesting case."

"A interesting race after all. As you will have heard from somewhere. I am not hiding anything from you or your partner."

"Yes, the only slayer to act human and dog." It stares through me, "I know why here; one of the few places that accepts weird things like you or me. But why at all?"

"Wondering the path can toll on many, having been around it for a long while and losing contact with those I loved in my previous life. It seems right to move on and make a new home. Make this new life another page turner without being to drastic in reasoning." The bird waved the common message giver away, my friends flew off among the many and hops in fluttered direct.

"Follow me, in bird." I nod and jumped into a bird. Fluttered in following. Fearless of how I fly, strong and controlling as a hawk would. Not the average bird to find here but I can be mistake for a crow through colouring and pattern of flight. Climbing the highest to reach a open chambered section of desks. The boss bird landing where he belongs and I land on a random banister. The guest seats were taken and maybe of not my matter.

"Brought out hunter along?"

"Yes…" I have the bird nod and I fluttered to land through shadow. Stepped out in bowed greeting to everyone here as a plain masked puppet something, "This is hunter, a rare case and well equipped to doing the jobs. Bring them here alive or not."

"Yes, I would think you overheard me before. I don't ask for much and hope to settle during my few holiday breaks."

"A self-employed hunter at that… and merchant… anything else?"

"butcher, I guess. But I have no intent in harm on those I will be living around. Why would I, is what often need to be asked."

"So a translator, a sale sword and ghost?" the visitor asked.

"Very easy for someone that lived on the path since before the three god wars. The reported demon eater."

"They are tasty, I have to admit. But I can't be dicing everything that moves. It's a animal trait I no longer see why I would. Have to be considerate on those poor souls that get slaughtered."

They huffed a little uneased.

"Speaks from one animal to another; it's a understandable once having to live around humanoids that deem it a law." The crow muttered, "A form dog is no different to a fox by our standards."

That helped the mood instantly and so I were handed a list of names.

"I must ask, as part of why I do. What's with these folks? Why do they need hunting down? How wold you like them delivered to which address?"

"Oh, ok. I think I getting the whole business vib being normal with everything you do." I openly read the letter while having it unreadable to those around me. scanned several times and folded away, "You read?"

"I read, write and speak. Languages comes naturally, as does the accent." I looked at folks, "Why them?"

"Soul eaters and all one big cult." The bird stated, "the little ones are do as you please. The more status ones… have them brought to the heaven courts in a possible to talk and hoping unharmed manner."

"I will do what I can, but you always have the few that want to make it harder. I once had to stop one from killing themselves – broken arms to blame me. A shame that the other's that judged them didn't see why I would." I clicked a joint out with my right hand, "Is there anything else?"

"A time limit. The court date is in a year time."

"You are gracious. Fine, as soon as possible it be done within a year. No harm over the higher status and do as please with the little foot soldiers. I leave no stone unturned but make no marks to leave behind." I bow, "I know how to find you all when needed."

"What of payment?"

"Well, I am house hunting. If you have any good recommend spots, that would be nice. I don't need anything else. The minor folks are added payment. I make sure souls pass on and not out to haunt you."

"All talk but no do."

"Oh, don't worry. I can be in several places at one time… no snot nose children are going to bother me." I smile with creaking as a feature into the mask, "Do please excuse me, I have some laws to look into. Can't go crossing over and breaking someone's laws now."

"One very considerate spy assassin." I heard whispered.

"A considerate dog in sheep clothing; one whom obeying the govern laws of realms. A ghost must be traceless and unseen but can't be a criminal for break gravity or whatever the norms would be." I laughed so gentle and stepped off away. I sense the conversation was doubting me and my methods being unclear to how good I am really.

But with this sort of job; I am going to go lowest first and then stop mid way. That capture the big names and slaughter my ways back down again. There isn't much detail to say about how short this job was. I found three demon lords and five Clothus – the titled gang leaders with hand in the business. The rest under them will live another day and take the news of their bosses as luck it wasn't them. The lowest screw balls were respected with a duel to the death or were in fact murder out of self-defence. Having stealing proof records of their cult crimes and proof of face value – crossing to snap the occasional neck of the henchmen to far to be saved from their ways.

Those low lives stripped down to a pile of skin and bones; given bural to their correct homelands. Meat tested then butchered… then on sale as crow meat. Organs being the higher market pricing. Any money or value that sale able; mine now. Rings that shown whom they were… will be museum cased on display in my new home. As proof of their life taken by me.

Just as I promise to deliver; 4 months since starting. I am around the angelic courts waiting on news for when the trail for cultist will be happening. Having been sitting here for only a day, I had been left to reading alone and waiting here.

"Hunter, you would have those we asked for?" I lowered the book slightly to look at the bird asking the questions.

"Yes, I have the eight leading names under my care. You will have heard these lot missing for about 12 weeks now."

"This be really including lord spikes?"

"Yes, the difficult child."

"May you please follow me to where to have them." Flutter in where to follow. I jumped into black fur dog and pelt my way into the courts waiting gallow area, the bird lands where the prisoners will go, poking there. I walked through the wall that keeps prisoned in side. One by one, I have humanly chained to the cuffs provided in the box. Turned a bird and landed on the evidence table…. Pulled paper files out of thin air onto it. Be scowled at for a long time… then rings of their title. In a row. The last touch is the list of names affected by my work or found to be implicated into this too. A bunch of detective work really. Hop off the table and back to a dog, tail wagged in looking at folks.

"Hunter, could you please go sit at the gallows like normal folks?" The bird tells me and I jumped over the fencing and over a few seats. Lay there waiting, "Perfect. It looks like no damage either." It peered at the imprisoned ones, "Lords and cards, you all on trial for dealing in the sale of souls."

"That's why I am here?" One exclaimed, "Get me out of this, I have nothing to…"

"Shut up." Another Clothus hissed, "You the one that recruited the guards for the job and knew it."

"Why you back stabbing?" All I had to do was growl from where I sat and have them all silenced.

"I wouldn't upset our hunter." The lord spike of hell is a gentlemen in false faces, "If it had found me, when I am under full cover. In a realm where I thought I would be excluded from this matter… wouldn't you think that there was more to it then just a dog that hunted you down."

"Not a insider, I made sure of that." One of the one's that is a high title for the murderous of reasons, "Whatever that thing is, it's a mastermind above me."

"Red face? You a Clothus?" Yes, a rare uncaptured assassin is under my paws. Would be here for many things then just this.

"So, you know the minor titles bellow them." the bird hopped over to my shoulders, "those we thought you bring…"

This pull of big titles as made this court have to make this a international wider case. Moving the court dates. They be back in my care until then. I will not have cotton wool over my eyes about that. Sunk back to my shadow. I had collect them before they be taken from my grasp and settled back in the gallows as I were asked. Sticking here to speak to boss bird.

"Still alive and easy to find. I took the lives of those even lower then them. Follow social orders, as you would understand. Not all were aware of the full plans either. Those I can find too, but they would be innocent of this case. Homework was key to finding them." I muttered and settling here, "Ghost as described."

"What sort of house you looking for?"

"Two floors. One being public access to set up trade shop. The other floor a windowless lock area. I hope for a location that isn't bothered by the clients I have to deal with or me as a neighbour. My trade stand open business for all that can fit through the door without breaking it. Human or animal; I have no discriminations. You already know how I ask for my work. Names, reason then payment talk after the job is done. Nothing out of pocket unless revenge is the reason. Even then, I am considerate about that. Making my own judgement of keeping to laws."

"How do you get away with murder?" the bird asked.

"Circumstances. They attack first, they mean it to kill and try several times before I dare poke them. I stick to location laws too; if there a no blood spill order, I prefer it there. Most times, I never has to come down to any murder. Just a nightmare for both parties to suffer."

"Lovely, your just so dandy." It hopped along to sit on the boss's shoulder, whom has taken a seat next to me.

They spoke of matters at length of how to deal with my payment. Humble that I am to ask for simple things and just the over all talk of guess I will get paid by the trade I make with things. All the evidence I collected was boxed and collected by my other side. Taped to ensure no tampering or swap arounds. Placed a business card as part of the evidence. The note of this is whom to ask for prisoners and their connected evidence.

"You just want two rooms? One closed off and the other open for business?" I perked up with looking to the boss peered over to me, "You said that you don't mind what neighbour or roommate (if such required) and don't mind the location as long as it good for those around and the business."

"Yup." My tail swishing back and forth for being good boy, ears perked with listening to him very carefully.

"How does living around a top floor of one the skyscrapers sound and having trade in the international market floor?" Safe and interesting place to have a constant stream of new faces. I already love this idea.

"Sounds perfect. I don't mind the flight up and the dive down." panting slightly to the excitement, sitting up and tilted with mirroring his look at me. My tail patting the bench with soft rhythm.

"There going to be a lot of paperwork in this." The crow spoke in warning.

"If I can reangle Lord Spike out of the hell court, which by the way has it own complex social ladder of rules." I peered, "I read all of that and found a way to steal him without anyone noticing or a scratch on them."

"If someone was to had a reason to hire you to kill a god, would you?"

"That's nasty and messy. Just imagine that chaos for the lack of their god influence. I could try but what price to pay… I could ruin order and law. It's best to leave gods a little, warning or go through other means that isn't messy. Say take said god through court. I can make that happen… and it be harmless to the influence they make over realms." I stopped muttering, "I would always start with a conversation to the god, talk about how to sort things peaceful like. I do so uninvited but peacemaker."

"Would you warn me of this if someone ask it of my head?"

"I would of course talk them out of it or see about making peaceful rest with themselves first. If that don't work, it be a nice quite conversation. Just you, me and the werido that would try that."

"Oh good. What of eating habits?"

"I go hunting off realm and follow the correct laws. Beside, small hunt job are filling enough. Enough to sale surpluse to hunger birds. Don't worry, I do tell where I source all my meat. Names if must be asked. Title rings on display and up to negotiation of trade. Often the little folks are forgotten anyways. Those are respected with a memorial; because I will remember them if other will not."

This all settled for the boss, and gives me some papers to sort this all out with and names of those that want to talk about jobs. In the time it take the courts to turn over this cult case, I had finished all my paper's to be accepted into the skyscraper community. With them finalize, I will be moving into my room after the court is goes there the evidence. Everyone has to attend, I do mean everyone. Even gods and Nightmares have face here.

"I had hired something to do this job. Something that looked for a home in trade of what was simple service. What I got was what I thought but not what I expected. I would have thought some lower titles were the cause of these soul stealing trade, instead I am informed they are puppets, unaware or are of what they do. It's those above them that forced them."

"All this from whom you hired?"

"Along with all the papers submitted by them; authentic and untouched documents."

"Are they a dweller of a hell?"

"No. In fact they were wandering before applying to joining our society. Now accepted and law following to the letter; more then many others. A thing then a whom. It's not being rude when they have no gender."

"Is this thing here in court today?"

"Yes, they are."

What a boring formality, I think this is the part about this new job I hate more. The long muttered debit ensued and the move along to the next order of business. Following through piling the weights of sins and saints on a scale. Judge with court would be best suiting then taking law from that perspective and follow through that system like a machine. This process take 4 hours. A 30 minutes break. Then depending on the system 12 hour to 3 days to be sentenced and finished.

"This court finds all guilty and serve 12 weeks each in hell service." From what I heard – this was work as the torture provider of sinners. A soul hurting job even on the heartless types, "The custody of the convicted will be handed over by a hell leader himself." This figure of the devil himself stood, "Will the current barrier come forwards with this trade." I hop down and jumped over fencing again. Shook in fur and skipped over in greeting. Stepped around to turn a humanoid – chains of the sinners being physically handed over to the devil.

"It's rare to see something that can do that." Devil has no issue of taking the chains, "Good dog you are. If you free at anytime, I might have some ants to stomp for you."

"Depends on why you want them stomped… but this isn't a place for such discussion." Spoken and nod, "Goodbye for now. Whom knows what next talk brings." I shrink back to a dog and jumped into a bird. Fluttered back to my seat. Nested right on the spot, "I will confirm that they are under my custody." The devil has them pulled around on show from out of the darkness I did shroud them. But one of them is pulled out from the group, "But what you really going to do with this murderer?"

Red face is a renowned for killing gods in situations that require them, a hired hand for any gods to use as back stabbing others. Very ungodly like, but not all gods are the same.

"A lifetime service." Pulled back into the group and dragged out the courts crying.

"Hunter, you get exactly what you were due pay with the extra award. The table over by the wall is where you can pick payment type." I hopped over to where this was being directed. A bunch of bags of coin type, a few titles on offer, a few items… nothing at first glance I wanted. But giving the vast amounts a second look – I see that a title comes with owning a very interesting bonus. I hop over and tap at it… read through what the title meant. just made my job easy with being excused in places. I picked that and fluttered to a more fitting spot. On the fence, looking on to the court between here and the gallows behind me.

"Say, how did you manage to get spike out of hell courts?"

"I made him book a holiday, then sort of just kidnapped him during it."


"I think that bird was being honest. If something that shape shift come after me like a ghost, I would seen being kidnapped as something it do."

"When handling difficult titles, comes with having patience and a long conversation in peace. If things can't be sorted peacefully, then I have to take it through courts. Try killing and I will put up my defence. When it has to come to murder, it done with making peace to the soul of the victim. I don't want to be hunted by my prey. But expect to be, if having to deal it demons. Makes my work easy." I scratched my under beak in a long pause, "I am fair where I am aware I should be."

"Quite a creep, aren't you."

"That's just how you folks see me. I don't care for human formality like that." I bow, "If I am no longer required here, no more papers about this case needed signing and all your evidence goes to where you want it. I should go."

"You are no longer required for this case, but…"

"there are three other relating cases that you could help us with."

"Given names and why."

"They are connected to the murders cause by red hands. Associated or whomever. They need questioning." This was offered with a paper of names. Three as said and minor at that. I had my other side plucking them from their realms into storage.

"Here now?" I asked.

"Yes." I pulled them out from no where and to the hold cell. This is all sorted in minutes and has these folks sent to mixed time – service to hell. I have papers signed about taking them, my other side sort their absence from what they were up to. I were allow to pick up a smaller amount from the table (I took mixed amounts of each coinage). Off I drifted out the courts with making short visit to traders around here; new stuff to make charms with. Out I go, looking back – pouting with knowing I wasn't allowed to stay here. Makes me miss my humans… the smell hard to take when they didn't want me anymore.

Getting back to the grim order is easy now, passing through the few realms I would avoid without this new titles. This cut me through to the tome room and it were just the flight up from there. Stopping to pick up a room key and room copy agreement. I haven't any room mate now – but I will in possible future.

Subject to whom would want that. I have an unlucky numbered room, on an unlucky floor. 13th. But hey, whomever shares with me is well warned about the room number containing a thing like me.

I have what seems a human flat; kitchen, two bathrooms, two bedrooms and a communal living area joining it all together. I picked the left side. Stacked up all my spare junk around and was finally able to work out inventory (the first in a long while to update my books again). To also make suitable display case and shelving for spare stock and test it for when I do set up down stairs. Placing items in the case to work out of to make they shine. It was just a lot of fiddling really. Four nights of arranging furniture in my bedroom (vaults and all the book shelves in one wall) the the rest of the room arranged with one mattress and lots of comfy pillows I made or traded for. Blankets that I liked. Bedding to be comfortable with. Regardless of what shape I am when I am sleeping. My room door has it's own locks (I am allow them if I am room sharing).

By the fifth night, I made myself presentable for the morning. Stepped out a businessman from my room. Picked through my mail, nothing worth much but notices for things. Go sort it back in my room. Have a drink of water, have it left to the counter side of the kitchen. Leave a note for any room mate to read about not going into my room and the place being of normal clean always. To step out of my flat and lock the door behind, I watched those of neighbour flats step out a zombie shuffle to elevators or stairs. I study the over all population and noted the ones looking at me too or just stood out from the crowds.

"Say, you the new neighbour in room 12?"

"No, 13 which is next door to 12." I study this tired skinned but sickly pale sort. Causal normal everyday clothing and looks ready to kick the bucket.

"Welcome to the creep floor and good luck in 13. Most folks die there."

"Just more things to find then." I sigh, "I wondered why such a furnished flat looked used at some point. Thanks for the welcome. Not many do… most will not when they have ideas about me."

"I knew what you mean. They nickname me, Pestilence" One of the four horsemen, "You don't look bothered."

"No, I have been around the paths a while before moving here. Not much fazes me. I am not humanoid as I seem. Often stealing looks of other beings to try to blend, just to talk to anyone. It a very lonely life when everything around you fears what your race is."

"We should have a good talk over a drink sometime. But like everyone here, I got work to do."

"I wish you well on another day, neighbour. I maybe away often but around here or my shop on the trades bellow." I take out a card and write out some information on how to keep touch, "That talk over a drink sounds nice another time." He smiled like being in pain of something and trades business cards. I take his and add it into my new people book – because keeping track with whom gets hard in this business of no name trade, "See you around, Pest."

"See you Mut." Off they shuffle down to the elevator like everyone else. I walked over to the banister and leaned with looking down.

"Are you trying to be a suicidal jumper?" interrupted with a new… reptile type bird.

"I can have wings if I wanted." I voiced, "You a hell bird or nightmare death?"

"Wow, your spot on unlike others. I was a dweller of nightmare… got killed in a realm I should have and now live around the banisters. Keeping ideas from jumping." I laugh and turned into a black feather hawk, "Hey, I know you. You're the new bird with hunter class. No wonder you spoke to me. Animals don't care for appearance unless it a threat. Predators don't sense threats from others of their own."

"I was a dog in my last life. I died protect the one's I loved. Stayed with them by their side when they went to hospital. Watched them leave me there. A long section short; I wasn't allow to stay with them and wondered around all lonely. Got sick of being alone and just picked up a job. My best traits to hunted demons that intended harm over humans. Eventually settling with finding a home here." I scratched the side of my head, "I can pretend to look like them and make a living. Pay for my own house. If you heard someone needing a place to stay a short time. I am the new resident of 13."

"The slaughtered flat."

"If something really tries that, I will eat them. I have no care for morals when in self-defence. Loss hands like that. Tasty crunchy bone and chew muscle meat… mmm." Wing waved in front of me, "I haven't ate yet today, sorry."

"Well isn't that tough."

"I sale meat sourced from my hunting job. Sale to birds like you and crows. My trade stand will be bellow. I was about to go set up. Want to follow?"

"Nah, but thanks."

"Well, up to you. A coin a meat meal potion. Three for particular cuts or organs. The veins on the house, free."

"Oh, good deals. You convinced me for a visit later."

"See you around, reptile." I dive off and avoided others in aerial fancy ways. Fluttering to a few floor before that to pick up packages sent to me…. death threats in a box which backfires (I get to use the goodies for trade). I picked up my new shop key, sign it off by sneaky shadow writing.