Fragements at a time

Going about my interactions with myself was high risk. Not just in having to stay right near the living at touching distance for the whole time he was packing. There is higher risk of being claimed as a rules breaker by the watching Clothus hung among the many mage folks. Strangers whom wisely mimic humans during any interactions with them.

They were seeking a criminal or having a guess to go about stealing this realm. Evaluating what is the single highest danger to themselves. In doing so was a blocked road of rules that mirrors their own and the many souls of past Clothus universes stolen.

The weirdness notation they keep in mind in everything a Ender is encounter and what they have to say about no slaughtering in a timeline that doesn't belong to them.

This universal repeat of not messing around with the Elder's home space. Highly warned time and again of things about to become busy as the prosecution cases of lost worlds have a defending voice.

So far the Clothus have not once believed them. Not a single one has ever claimed to know whom this respected Elder is. Some had attempted pushing luck, to back lashed by the hyperactive awareness these many gods have.

A 6th sense of memories triggered with every Clothus encounter as it is the same for them facing the inky creep fragements of ourselves.

The house that was haunted were dealt with by the priests of faith whom are outer wall agents. The rule breaker creeper was put down and sent to the dreamlands. Everything was removed. Anything and everything that wasn't nailed down as part of the fabric of the building.

Going about them being on the run, I stolen bags and important stuff from the team. Taking what was ours and being out on a run. Stolen Karen and Rick's grab bags too. Giving them a fighting chance as I would provide distraction for any normal police means to lose them.

Sadly they used the gods and the magic to track them down, so there was little time to really prevent Karen and Rick being captured. I just have to be selfish with leaving them to fates hand. Running away from the goddesses sticky fingers. I wish not to be anchor to a history because of her.

Getting accommodation and escaping alone was done many times before. Shrouding from magic was the hardest thing I have ever done this far. They really honed in the abilities of seeking lost fleed mages in the last 10 years, the MAC or outer wall has been getting political. Wanting in with nobility votes within the inner circles of the mage Islands.

I have no surprise to what is really going on among Mages as a division of royalty to public has been at highest snapping point with the lack of king or queen. Laws aren't passing like before and there been more and more suffering attached to it.

High Nobility, just underneath royalty, want a slice of taking the throne. They are unaware of the traditions stopping them. What powers one gains in memories and vesitlity of energy magic due to inheritance of the leading title.

It adds with how every single mage is on the look out for the fleed children of royalty. As house servants to the late King and Queen have been reportedly seen outside the island. The fall of everything due to no public face or guidance.

It will be sorted soon... Attaching this fragement of powers to the living. Becoming attached to feeling alive, only makes me feel more died. The accumulated energy I collected as a spirit having affect to health.

Hotel bed is well deserved. As is the shower from river swimming. Paracetamol for the headache. The discomfort of the body making adjustments as magic and invasive energy of other worlds attaches to my being.

The discomfort of talking to the fragements lost at the edges of time space. The inky freak gives itself no doubt that awareness of what God titles do for powers beyond themselves.

Its nice to get out of a area that we been around to long, to explore more hidden ferry ways or spirit crossing.

Retracing where we were as half complete soul child, the streets we learned of what outside of the island life lived by. The rules of the land and way of life everything has. Seeking lost items that are our tools of the trade, so according to ink freaks manners of speaking.

Taz will die soon... given the eyeless crow. It will be a unpredictable type of one. Most people with this bird are the ones whom die in strange places, tracked ahead of their demise. Recorded and soul carried as the way it is for all dead.

It spying me has me have to mimic one, so it may not lose the case it is on. I do not want to end up being the one seeking a dead soul whom I knew as a brother.

I guess in my afterlife line of work, I have to. But if it can be prevented, I would rather go the prevention route. Less hassle later for when things go skewed.

In the meanwhile of the app, the videogame, while my living mind plays catch up with the dying. I will play about with catching digital monsters and playing about the sights from roof tops. Seeking what sort of creeps and shadow beings haunt a quiet small town.

"Pardon my interruption of whatever you are up to..." Annoyances. I have the phone slip back to the living one with the warning to not stray a safe walking path, "Could you direct me to the nearest way in?"

I am being assumed as a Creeper from the dream doors. I pose in study of them. I act the part of playing up the melting act and just being uncomfortable to look at.

"I am a shadow of the damned, of high nobility. I seek a way to the council." I play into a gurgle as that were a brazed lie, "Fine... I am more then that. You can tell." They gave a greeting as a hunter of oath. Crystal ranking, meaning a Ender from another time place.

"Is that so?" Warp of altering back to a steady form. I do not need to return the greeting, "Which time place are you hoping to speak to? As travelling pages of the soul tomes is often restricted by the keepers." The eyes narrow, "I am only fragement of them... I would not be able to help with such access. I am to sane for that sort of thing. The inky freak quater is whom you seek for that sort of access."

"If you are a fragement of the elder. What are you doing?" I snicker to the question.

"According to the inky fool. History must have a track record. Every universe has a passing ribbon of pattern to follow. As a Ender whom does what we do, having a balance act of living, dying, death and unliving is essential. To play by the norms of other souls. I am incomplete... so my understanding of why things are is not wisdom to take with you." There is a twirl of sensing that this part is getting to disconnected to living, "Stay safe young ender... your to naive to assume such strangers like me. Be safe in taking hand of a oath guide book... chapter 18. I shall give you this once off permission. As Clothus are becoming to invaded on my territory." Leaping shadows to slam into the back of my living self, resting as a closed off section. Allow the living to borrow my power and sight as a dead one.

"Not today." Echos little hurt and almost guilty in not warning the dying of his doom. To take refugee around a car park to make the call to check family. Indecisive of whom to call.

Real time connections with making a phone call can allow the spirits types like this me to seek the other end. While on the moment of connectivity, I can flex my existence to stand over them.

"No way... this is always spooky." Rick showing his phone to his sister.

"Well, James has always been hyper aware of strange things. Why are you so surprised?" Karen looks to how Greg puts a written note to her.

The nod to answer the phone. She reads it with a little cold sweat starting. Wavering her tone in the shock, not the best time to learn that. The conversation goes exactly as planned, sudden call end. Following a text message with last known location. The closing last moment, I see that David was at this same table look at Karen. Patting her shoulder with comfort. He was about to start explaining something. He is phone ringing now. He sigh with a smile, answering with being glad that I would bother checking on them too. He wanted to say something but what I to say had to be made clear. The sad worry of what could the travel amount and losing lead in another country.

But I am a good boy, I leave my tells of junk charms where they will find them. Of the highway stops it took me to get to the airport. At which airport and the airport that I am landing at.

What I should have expected was the use of magic. Of them teleporting around my nearest location and seeking me before I would leave.

Its odd that it was only Karen, Rick and David that did this. No sight of Greg. Maybe had be held behind by the company are insurance of the return by those three, no funny business of running from MAC.

I made sure it would be Karen I met alone. Rick would knock me out and David has strong magic energy that I have no means of countering. Weak souls like I am now aren't able to fight mage duels. The cost of lost energy would bring the true god of death to nosy.

From the nonsense of words the inky freak left me and the living side. There is places with lost objects we need to retrieve. It seems that Ender's of other timelines had not needed to borrow them or has returned them from where they were found.

Its created quiet a scare among the hunters and gods. Strange caused objects in human hand reach. At the control of living human hands, not that they realized that being the case of why the tools can't be picked up by spirits like them.

Sure enough not just being faced with a god of Omens with to much time to waste. Greg shows true color, stopping my crusade of lost object seeking. A black suit of MAC. I am not surprised. Yet I am glad his worried for my health, in a fatherly way. No just because I am a royal brat.

The whole time corridor and jumping time spaces had me shut down. I am not aware or sure of what went on. Everytime we are snatched into other realms, I would become close skinned with the living me. Loosing my private self segmenting, normally not a issue of we had more soul contain within. The gaps are too big for whole awareness or awaken power state.

The last thing this part will recall is the wholeness during a broken area of space time.

When the inky mess has to kick some souls out and fix the area they left behind. Whole tomes that been repaired enough to not need interference from us. The start of those timelines being able to exist again.

Events like that cause this time cloth to become deconstructed. Sewn improperly and twisted history to hiccup. It would seem like it all started at a dawn of time to the whole souls. Us broken ones are aware of that lie. Suffer repeated history events. Watching humanity grow again.

Yet... something goes really wrong. The timeline didn't want the ender to fix itself. Instead allowed a soul of twilight sapphire to smooth it out. A crystal soul. The first born inside of time space. She is on of a kind to this fabric.

She isn't alone. Other timeline and the monster outside time space are crystal souls too. It is likely the universe has figured out how to create them, experimenting on how best to adapt in twisted history.

She is the official ambassador of crystals souls now. Someone to law keep a new soul type. A new version of God slayer... well she's a crystal soul eater. New freinds to help me and not condemn me as a freak.

By inky standards, she is sentient tool. As is the scythe of judgement is to it. A tool to protect the space time continuum of all universes we contact.

I do not look forwards to repeated history. To be soul shattered again and again. But musts need. To play my role.