The whisperers.

For as long there has been worlds, there are some constructed to be experimental with how fair those laws have to be. There had to be worlds that what tested the limits of these base standard of those laws. There has always been those souls whom been reborn in strange forms to experiment these limits.

Places of pain and hurt are often always been filtered to become titled as a version of 'hell'. Many creative ways to imply pain to others, as there are endless worlds that embrace other basics like wisdom, knowledge and memories. Worlds that only concerned about answering questions like what defines the meaning of beauty and the crippled. Strange wedged pieces of existence that losely coexistent on boundaries of veil sight.

Most overlapped sections are used as crossing and never habitual for sentient existence. Low soul density of which acts as ways to 'passover' to the 'new' life. Lost knowledge due to the lack of souls that would think to try collecting resources from strange areas.

These lost areas had been only been recently frisked for tons of profit by a infamous group of folks. Beings that are called whispers, each existed in these key center realms and worked together within laws to help any whom ask. Some of these whispers didn't look anything strange or acted differently to the worlds they live in. Yet they all knew things that another whisper was told. Most were respectful sections of their societies.

There is a whisper angel that will come of age and become a chief merchant trader. A young fledging that is never faze by what they traded with or by whom that traded deals by. They have a counterpart demon is only a little imp. He too has a future to be a merchant whom will be the business link to deals beyond hells grasp.

Both of them have the future set to be the only trade link for any goods to directly send between eatheral worlds. As of this period of history, all objects must be processed through the middle (living) worlds in order to untaint the realms they enter from. By them with the help of other unseen whispers, this walk through middle worlds would be necessary. The unseen whispers are a veil hidden network thay can take object through the law requires and not require belief from humans.

"I hope the kid is doing right by our rules."

The worker denims are tight on the grey iridescent skin. The thin features of this demons body has no hair and is natural sheen of glistening health. He has fleshy dinosaur like wings that pull tightly in a tucked folds. Twisted black horns that suited a goat on either side of the head. He posed his claws to mess around with condensation of vaper in the air. The white pupil widening as he is dazzling the vape into shapes. He closed claws as his mind is interuppeted by the comment, narrowing into his feathery toga partner, mostly black background with a sliver of white.

The friend of feathers is more human-like bonus of having bird wings. This guy could suit for any underwear modeling and have women swoon at his feet at ease. He expressed his concern for their living contact with pained look eyes. He held a sort of strong but delicate way of standing. Someone whom would carry other people burdens without a second thought. Strong to win most bare handed fight yet approachable to talk to. Fairly protective aura hung in the air around the blessed angel partner.

The pressure of conditioned air is a protected pocket that allows this angelic partner to withstand the harsh humid conditions of this unforgiving hellscape. The toga is hung in neat folds and stark cream bright contrast to the demon in a dirty denim. The bird wings he held had a silver taint on a mostly greying fluffy soft feathers. There is a hue hint that was barely visible to the light source around them, as of this moment was unclear to rule as his role rank.

"I have worries more concerning whispers." The claws are opened once more, "I heard rumours the abyss whisper was wounded in battle recently. Went missing in action along the godslayer circle. Worse was that the damned whisper when walk about across a curtain and has when silent."

"The skin and face was recovered by the oath hunter whispers. They had also returned back the healed slayer whisper." The angelic punched the demon in the arm, "Clearly you didn't listen to me earlier."

The began a list of trading racial insults to each other but smoothing into a laughter as they could not keep up the appearances of hate with each other.

They were almost different race from each other yet at heart were brothers. Hardly another around them noticed that the laughter was light hearted at all. Passerby simple see a demon and a angel arguing, that's enough to run far and fast out of battlefield. Not a uncommon problem to walk into the two wing types battling it out.

"Trax asks forgiveness and pleads to be noticed."

Meek little body of a imp, a floor crawler whom can't lift the head high enough to look at the two directly. A ex-sinner whom stayed within realm of pain past his cleansing soul needs. There are many of these sorts. Its a one in a lottery chance that one for this sort to grow into a named lord or even become the title of a demon God. Yet journeys of souls come often from humble road bumps across the flaming highways.

"We have nothing to give. So what is it you have?" The angel directly deals in soft small talk. The demon whisper was inspecting the organ worth of the imp and if he had any market requests for specialist spell crafting.

"Trax has to give item." The little body shakes off a bag that was held by its winged back. Bow with moving away, "Trax must tell whisper that Lord Amsoday sends his regards for you not murdering him." The two whisper stare a while with a eventual taking the pouch. A strange apple within contained in vacuum glass. There a long start with looking at the apple by both. The imp shivers scared of this reaction. Curled in pose of being ready to die.

"The snake whom tricked Eve... sends his regards. Very interesting. Is there anything else, Trax?"

"Trax must move away now. Go on to find other." The little wings unfurled and stretched.

"Then leave. We have no interest in you any further for now." A forehead planted firmly in thanks and scratched the floor on the scramble to get away quickly.

"It would have to be the nightmare whisper for not eating Asmoday." The two stare either at the apple or the little imp trail marks. The silence of long thought as things are processed.

"Delivery of trades." A long claw sticks out from the wall behind them both, almost a miracle that the bag hung wasn't snapped off from the wire curve edge of such giants claw. The two take the satchel with care from the claw and passed the apple in the case, "Eden apple... yes. The wanderer off the edge would like it." the thin pinch gentle took the prized apple and fades away. Neither of the two wing folks want to make any passing thought about nearly being spiked by the nightmare giant creature that interrupted them talking. Nor will they give any witness any sense of showing they had fear for that creep.

The two wing folks look about the traded satchel with organizing whom was take which trades. It didn't always have to be fair or even, only what was allowed and necessary to trade back home. They have sorted out a third bag, full of trade for the living contact going to need on his travels through realms with them picky god followers.

"I pondered of the kid is scared of things that he should be." The demon whisper doing small talk as amounts of drinks and things is being sorted. The other strange liquids being inspected. The angel sighed in knowing a answer.

"With inky chilling close by to him... asking him favours. Being scared only happens at a primal level of wanting to live, not with the supernatural."

Gentle nods of accepting, not the human way. When you agree to something but not with exchange of soul or name included. Its a answered in a agreeing to disagreeing gesture. Everyone knows it means you just agree with whatever question of opinion was asked and not whatever twisted soul trick a clothus or demon can pull at. It is the simple mistake a newbie wanderer or a visitor like a god follower falls for.

The supply at the moment was not worth taking back yet, neither had any interest to leave this corridor yet. Watching for anything that would trade with them. Slow business in this area, yet their needed here. The sense of a stronger signature of another whisper nearby. The stare in that direction, waiting for a presence arrival.

"What is in that direction that has your interests?" The glance to the stranger coming forward from around a bent narrow of corridor. The soil of the opening sprinkled over the walkers clothing. A oath hunter likely and not one whom has traded with a whisper before. The angel continues vigilance of the craven of hot smoothed stones. It be the demon whom starts interact a basic greeting to the ask of trade.

"Ranking, oath maker." The demon commanded. The cover of hiding the weapons and armour is shown, following a greeting of crystal ranking. The long amount of gestures smoothing into the one that did matter. Making no fool of these two trading wings, whom both look at the Clothus in a more annoyed manner. The oath Clothus took a few steps back from the reaction, not expected such a hostile reaction, "Forgive our annoyance. We have had a few to many disagreeable meetings with your race. It does not mean you, yourself, is a bad soul."

"Yet as standard, there is no name or soul exchange. We only exchange souls that seek help, not for slaving." The search back to watching the area, a duty both wings share as they spoke to the oath trade. The Clothus a little uncomfortable with how vigilant these two are, got on with what he approached them for.

"I am hoping to trade for rations." They took a pouch of coin from there chest belt, originally tied to a chest piece armour buckle.

The armour isn't a complete same set, a fragements here and there. Some was parts of sets were standard segments of armour accessed from normal oath hunter guild houses. There braces they worn were made of some sort of leathered skin from a strange blue scales, almost fish like. The hood and balaclava that hide their face is the skin of a damned. None of the bits in are great condition. It is likely that parts had to be replaced between travels to other soul density areas.

"Whats your fancy? You a fruit eater, flesh eater or one them aura eaters?" The demon taking charge of the exchange more as the angel studies the spaces around.

Given how much quieter and energy was building up. The sense of static pushing away unstable spirit shapes. The angel settles with knowing that sense before, knowing the life aura approaching that distance. Not the living contact but a parental guardian from his home world. A angelic agent whom is always sent to find him for something. The one whom is mean to be his teacher or mentor.

A strong soul whom holds authority and is a trusted advicer to some the famous gods. A archangel whom often needs holy supplies or confirmation of lost Frontline fighters. Their walk this was had a pushed bless affect which would scare off harmful intent by lower imps.

The air become cool in a comfortable temperature, which shivers the clothus. The seem a spread of mositer and humidity. A light source turns the corner, glimmering the armour plate clad. With a thin viser and assuming harmless beings would scatter in the presence. The loud bell tolling stomp closed distance with the little fluffy downy feather fledge.

"I have a message to pass to you. One of you... since your able to contact the living faster."

This archangel is covered in complete silver plated kit that weighted down every limb. He has a scarf with sewn patches of army signals and god marks. Silvery long tied back hair and a veteran held expression. He lifted a helmet setction and kneels to the children's height. Doesn't even give knowledge of the demon or the oath clothus.

"What message did you need to warn them of?" Keep up with the indifferent too, playing it safe to act unchanged to around.

"Tell the omen follower to find his lord among the hellscape, that the bird took flight down to find some sort of lost object or knowledge among demon kin. Seeking myth of another whisper. I did tell the god to trust me to ask you, yet the Lord was to swift and set with to seek." The grey feathers bow in understanding to pass on the message, "Give this pouch to this follower." A pouch of guidance charms, "And a gift to a child. The lord of light and protection wished to gift his protection over the pure royal."

"To the prince... yes. We understand. A child bless by fey and now by light." The small angel smirks a little, "There is no worrying about them." A sort of sense of relief carries and adjusted off once more, "Is there anything else while you are here?"

"Rai seeks a gemstone, large and uncarved yet."

"Something the size of a head and what colours? A certain shape?" fluttering hands at guessing sizes and dimensions. These guess seem random but it was clear by the mirroring that both demon and angel were able to have exact guesses at the same time. That these measurements weren't a guess but likely a whisper else where feeling out stone shapes.

"A platter dish is to be carved from the crystal, it has to be pure so it does no taint the food. It is to be a clear and rough edges." The mime around stops. The exchange with the demon had ended with the clothus running off. A demon whom stands his ground without threat toward the arch general, simply taking over the study of the area.

"The plate will be given by the living when they stop by." The nod in agreeing to this and with a stern salute. The energy around the archangel fades the way he came. Back to eyeing around the place.

"What a fussy man?" As huff towards the golden hue feathers back. A single feather shed and flutters... nearly touched ground and turned to ashes. However the demon is quick to manipulate vaper of water condensation to capture the strong feather. It was fluttered gently to the angels grasp.

The grey right wing is unfurled out, underneath of the downy fluffy cover is a collection of feathers that had not belongs to him, a sort of collection of other feathers from angels. A mix of vivid colors and others softer hues. A mix of metal sheens and a variety of shapes. This mid length golden red hue of cream is slide into place among others. The grey fluff of young fledging doweny is wiped back over to protect the larger feathers.

"I respect his sense of duty. To find me would be something many would refuse to do. For a young fledging like myself, I can sneak past many strange creatures that would eat more larger angel solider types. He being kit up like that was necessary for travel here."

The demon flows the vaper into a glass tube and seals it with a cork, frowning about his folks too. He knows that they could be ate by the plant life that guards the passage ways. That a little weak imp himself crawls just like that little fella Trax does. The whisper demon just has minor fame for being a responsible delivery imp among lower imps.

They are as restricted by age as the living is. Raising recognition and fame as the more folks come to find these two for trading or delivery. They both will one day have to give up freedom as children to act they was of war against each other. As ridiculous as they find it to fight each is, it will be asked of them.

"Why does that fledging always sneak off in such strange dangerous places?" The helmet casted off upon entering the cross way back to holy lit grounds. Marble stone buildings are full of mixed ages of growing fledging. This general handing his kit to his under study, having a dismissive shake with not wanting a answer to his question.

"Sir, the Lords and lady's of the Court have requested you while you were gone. They had stated that the arrival of living will be soon." This should be the first time the archangel will have heard of the news however due his trade with the soft grey feather downy whisperer. Such bits aren't surprising nor news to him. The under study seems excited and proud to gained this information earlier then other undergraduates. This general pats the young lad at the shoulder.

"Fetch the gold buckle satchel from my office room. It is in the chest by the wall." They excitedly stood, holding the chest plate and flying off.

The archangel lingering here a little longer with watching the hidden pathways he came from. Watching the little fluff trying to quietly sneak past undetected, cross armed.

"What does the teachings warn about?"

"To stay within the protection of the holy grounds." The young one is not wrong with this answer yet it was ignoring the more obvious answer.

"That the lord sees and hears you, no matter where you go." This young one wasn't going to correct the archangel.

The whispers share the same type of issues, including being misheard or hard to be seen by the pure soul types. The more whole or untainted a soul is; the less likely that that soul would see the damaged ones.

"And yet you still manage to be mysterious and sneak off to dark places. Even if you were requested, I doubt you be would noticed easily. I am even understanding why they choose me to guide you." Stern words told to the little chick, "Regardless of teaching or not, I would like you to come greet the living. You would make a good guide for them."

"This version of me isn't required." The archangel jolted with hearing that, "There will be a whisper among them... but I do need to greet them. I will have to guide them among this realm. But there will be another to keep them safe when they leave here. If the news is true, then they will walk the flaming highway and met with the local whisper there too."

"Mysterious as always." picked up the child with ease and carried off toward preaperation. To protect visitors like the living god followers is a big deal around here. Souls with flimsy fate are a disaster to handle. Too emotional and changing to constantly: unstable unlike that craft put into the creation of angelic soldiers.

"Ah, here the rat we needed. Show up around here on the clock as the contact promised." The hard climb of getting back through narrow passages had meant that the informat they are talking about is contact with another whisper. Likely a client, with dissatisfied collectors, "A nameless twit that seems to know where to find the junk for Amsoday." There long start of wonder if these punks are for real or not.

"Where is the apple of Eden?"

Trax little crawled broken shape spills over the floor. Package theif gangs. Middle low class whom kill weak imps and get gutted by higher themselves for the failures of lowers. There was no business to have with a gang of idiots.

"Pull the brat out the floor." The leading lackey commands and the biggest brut is whom snatched up the collar, hang the demon whisper in the air. Being lifted at this height give a great view of the cavern area and its best shaded sections. Area where a giants eye blinks staring down on ants. A area to the left where one the whistler blowers was snatched and gentle place on the floor... dismemberment in the organ trials. The demon whisper stares blank with waiting about the actions of the darkness around... connected with a sense of solemn duty.

"Be gone and drop the imp child." A command that touches deep in fearful fluttered hearts. The demon whisper is dropped and left alone with the thing in darkness, "This crystal is to be expected..." a larger bluntly mass uncreaked and rough dirt, "the living will find you before the angel and after the angel."

A lot of nodding with agreeing. Strange tendrils of stone spider leg limb placing threads, cloth and beads. The little imp child demon so well embossed of strange items was now protected and covered in wards that allowed contact with the living. Granted strength to carry the stone God bowl crystal. The area becomes brighter with the leave of the strange whisper beyond. Back to business for the imp whisperer.

A prolonged meditation in seeking out the energy of life... to roll the stone.