The crossing over to the clothus realm from others is by a open "air" bridge that always breaks past time of the outer universe. All they have is all there is. It must then stem that they stole things to survive. So... now they stole to much. About time I fetched those things back. Play them at their own chess.
The very consequence of laws not working here plays into how normal all it seems. But to see whole panes of lava as glass is strange. That water is treated like lava. A sheet of lava ice. A bubble puddle of water lava. The whole way things are built are without concept of weight, gold like roofs on lava glass pillars. As fragile as it gets in most places. Yet no matter the lean of such buildings, they do not drop like a heap of trash that it is.
This world has no logic... not govern by a tome at all. Without a book of logic, then you can't have the foundations like time, life and death. Walking in circles they are. The same repeated conversations, the only way they change is the slight twisted each new circled of repeat. So how does one break rules when there are none to follow?
The answer is surprisingly the same for any and all worlds. Soul. Yet these souls are like my own soul voice where destroying is they style. They would even have the nerve to break heaven and hell for what they want. So these souls universe trouble makers whom been kicked out of their concepts tomes and abandoned. The longer they hung around this way the more a new foundation was started. But without sense of accepting what there is and how things are - the resulting foundation was torn. Five cities. The middle fifth being chess board at the center.
They are still fighting foundational concepts. Even in arugment of what or how time should be. Example artifacts from other universes and timelines in case to prove arugment of what should and shouldn't. Hung about like trophies for those whom are brains enough. Literally. The Brian is in a jar beside this one fellow. No concept of bacteria, infection or death. It's actually disgusting without acting germ theory.
In honest, I just walked the whole lengths of their realm. Wall to wall... city through city. I seen it all. The good and bad that the lack of laws brings. Gives me clues on how to repair stuff at home. But here... they need broken things.
Maybe. If broken is all there is. Broken should all that there be. Maybe?
The proud owner of apartment complex that were once the house of the gate owners. Unlike the rest of how clothus built their other cities. This was really the closest classic building to something I would imagine a human would make from real sense of floor planning. There is traces of mage casting, yet nothing that disrupting way of nonsense here. Maybe the wood banisters of the main grand stairs being more alive and grown into shape.
Going by what I overheard by the folks whom live here, the owner is gone. Likely dusted - which as death as it gets here. They say that very gates to other worlds were once creatures. They are described those as how I imagine that precursors of God eaters (as Twilight is now the more adapted version). But given the something happened to the bridges, all that these was left were corpses that the clothus walk over.
In my continue to be raiding the place. I have seeped through a locked hidden door. The other places were clothus infected with clothus nonsense. This door had Ender language, brill touch at the plate. Someone's office. This place is shelved of nothing but what I would imagine to be tome books. Upon opening one. No.
These books are a more compendiums of creatures from lands beyond time and space, that much I can understand of the imagines and vague wording. I lack the local understanding to properly connect to these books. The authors of such books is... gone. 'James'. Why does his name keep happening? So was his soul not from a concept of existence within a tome?
Crimson souls. So there is a book of souls here. But the ideas are based that they retained colors... property of stone. We have a hidden realm of stone people. Are they also like this crimson James?
A book. A diary. Mmm... Its going to take me a few lifetimes. I might as well help myself to consuming all this knowledge. Eating names into my current timeline... adding more into the unfinished portions of the soulless compendiums. Maybe the knowledge will taint me, influence to return some that were lost.
Forgetting that time has no concept here. That sort of just happened before I could continue finishing my thoughts. The owner had issue learning the clothus too... stolen school books. A full fledged education into the clothus world. University College graduate text books here. Versions before he influenced the clothus into standards.
Jasper James... a timeline not of my tomes creations. A crimson reborn on a forsake version of gods breaking rules and there is no Ender influences. I hope in having as much as I do, he may return reborn by my tomes influences. I wouldn't mind considering it another tool under my supervision. Twilight and other other shattered soul James are lonely folks. That undertaker has disappeared with her time branch leaving my grasp.
There is a curious odd little window pane at the wall of this office, the world beyond. Another realm. It is however oddly nostalgic. There is humans. There is creatures like that of the 'compendium of unorthodox creatures' - written by Jasper James and associates. There is demons and angels. A court of truce. Ah, there is them undertaker but they aren't of influence of that world. The clothus are police between demons and angels there. They are using the clothus laws. There are gods of that world. I can tell that much from the allowance of miracles. Prayer... works. This is only but a window. Maybe there is a way into there. Should I be walking away from my realms so far?
Mmm... They will pull my soul back when I am needed.
It be a nice holiday.
They will scream at me later. They scream anyway.