Author rant part 1:

It was the advice of freinds and family that I should post my edited versions to the internet. A story of many layers. That has taken the best part of 19 years to write a definitive version. The 14th attempt, each book is often been 29 to 30 chapters.

Volume 1 and the short snapshots of Volume 2 is James's story. Well only the of his story that is a slice through other stories. A sort of confused first book. I am still proud of it, some sections and chapters were originally written in 2008. Yet... my earliest story that started them all was from 2006.

I am happy to make any edits if grammar is wrong. Or criticism of the uses in anything. I did write this with not intentions of offense and without realizing I was going to post it online.

With that all stated once more.

This first rewritten collection is just the start. I plan on bringing out other connected stories in the subtitle names of 'boundaries'. Each book was likely written as a stand alone stories. But the more into reading and writting I became. The connections of these characters started showing up in strange ways. Time places clashed or the characters crossing past places they shouldn't have. The became to big to just some stories.

I have yet to figure out the mystery of my own books. There are times I have written something that didn't make sense at the time, only for years later I would be writting something that closed that gap. Unintentionally.

A great example of this is - The Diary of a lost soul happened because of the thing written in a short story of this novel. The short chapter about how Mark and Josh met. The goop that saved Josh's live. Yeah. That thing. It managed to cross over to the rest of the world. The original story of the diaries was written about swine flu. But in context of this universe I created - it was that goop which then explains other things within the unfolds of that book story line.

The machine in the habitats under the water. One of the Damned short stories. It's from the same factories as another book which will be coming out in the new year. The same factories that the parts for other folks you may know about in the dairy of a lost soul storyline too. Those books were stand alone until now.

The universe most certainly gets stranger the longer I write more things. I am looking forwards to the survival of the future ahead.