First Selection Process...

Following a massive crowd, Eden was walking alongside many other mechanics on the huge stairway, towards a massive building. Even those rich mechanics, or those who were probably sons and daughter of the rulers of some planets, or those who had anti-gravity modules or had energy wings and such, or were just anyone acted like a respectable person while walking alongside them.

Even though the number of mechs in use had decreased drastically, compared to the past, they were still able to see a lot of them lined up in the row, which was probably there, to keep everyone in check.

Today was the day, where Eden was going to enter the highly anticipated mechanic competition in the entire Dome Star Cluster, alongside all the competitors who were around him.

Of course, he was excited. After all, this was the moment where he was going to prove himself to the entire star cluster, as the best mechanic. However, there was also a different kind of feeling that has been arising from his guts that he just wasn't able to digest.

It was a very odd feeling, almost as if he was reaching some sort of conclusion. The same feeling, he felt when he transmigrated here thirteen years ago. Unrest or unreal, he didn't know.

Taking a deep breath, he tried to calm himself down.

"It was nothing back then, should be nothing right now either," Eden mumbled under his breath.

He was also sad, that he wasn't able to buy any master-level skill sets and knowledge. After all, he had no idea about how long he would have to be knocked out just to imprint a single skill set in his head. And with only some weeks of time remaining in between, it was very risky to take on new skills.

However, it was fine as well. He was pretty sure he was going to be able to make it around at the top.

Before they could enter the competition hall, suddenly every comm of all the mechanics lighted up.

At the same time, in the empty space above them, all floating screens could be seen everywhere. Everyone knew what this meant.

It was the first selection process that everyone had to go through before being able to enter the competition hall.

It was fairly a very simple process.

They were going to be asked a bunch of theoretical questions, one after another, and the mechanics were supposed to answer them. The empty screen above them all will then show them the name of those mechanics, those were able to answer most of the questions.

The question was going to be in a virtual sheet, so they were all supposed to answer it through their comm. Every action of those who were below was already being recorded by massive amounts of flying cameras. Hence, with an on-screen technology build inside them, so there was no way to cheat.

The problem, however, was that the competition only took in ten thousand of competitors in the first selection process. And right now, according to the screens above them, all the total number of participants for the questionnaire had already reached a whopping three hundred thousand and still counting.


Eden took in a very deep breath and waited for the questionnaire to appear on the screen before giving them a go. After waiting for almost ten minutes, the screen finally gave them a green light.

All contestants opened their comm and started answering the questions one after another.


[New Task.]

- You have taken part in the competition that represents the entire star cluster. Prove yourself by reaching at the top, on the competition.

- Rewards: Based upon the ranking of the host (can only go up to the third-ranking).


Eden had expected the system to give him a new task. But what was up with the limitation?

"Whatever." He mumbled and started answering the questions asked on the screen, one after another.

It started with a chain of easy questions in the beginning. However, as the clock started moving forward, so did the complexity of the questions.

After around half an hour, more than half of the contests were already starting to sweat. This was also something everyone had expected. Those that had started showing hesitation while answering should be from lower raked schools or the graduates that were only here trying their luck.

The question and answer process carried on for another hour. By the time more than seventy percent of them had already stopped answering questions. However, those who were still answering were still forced to carry on. This meant, there were still more than ten thousand contestants remaining.

After carrying around the same process for another fifteen or so minutes the screen finally flickered and names started appearing in rows. As expected, there were more than five hundred contestants with full-marks. These were also the names of the contestants, that everyone was going to focus on more than others.

Eden's name was in the seventy-ninth position. Even though the initial position meant nothing. He was still glad to know that, he was one of those that was able to answer all questions correctly.

"Welcome to the annual, Dome Star Cluster Mechanic Competition." A female voice resonated around them.

"All the competitors, whose name has been mentioned in the screens are now allowed to enter the hall." The voice continued, as the door to the hall of competition opened.

Eden was also checking on his comm, looking over the Live video that was being transmitted all around the star cluster.

Of course, the voice of the lady which he heard wasn't there, instead, it was the voice of the host, who was trying his best to get everyone looking, at the show to be excited.

Eden shook his head and continued walking. Because his comm could also show a visual display directly into his eyes like an AR display. He was walking towards the hall and looking at the show at the same time.