
"Until now, this issue was not raised at our meetings," he said, "because there was no such need. Unfortunately, it has occurred recently, so I remind you all and ask you to remind your subordinates about the principles of confidentiality of data."

The heads of departments looked at each other in surprise. Was somebody stealing some information? Is this why the police started sniffing at the company?

Skrzynecki glanced at Stefan. This one was not cheerful as usual. His face had a grave expression, which caused something to squeeze Mikołaj into the hole. It was true that he was far from a cheerful, seductive self this week, but now there was no trace of him at all. If the Szwedas had such an expression, the matter was definitely serious.

"Do you know what happened?" He heard Kamiński's question to him.

"I have no idea. Nothing good for sure."

"As you can guess," continued the president "there was a violation of security rules. The situation is unpleasant, because there were crimes, burglaries, theft and brutal beating of the owner of the house. The victims were our clients. The case is handled by the criminal police."

"Are you saying" asked the promotion manager "that one of our employees may be in collusion with criminals?"


Damn, it's really serious, Mikołaj thought like the others in disbelief, looking after his friends. He knew that not only customers but the entire company would suffer from this situation. If this spreads to the press, her image will be severely tarnished. Who knows how serious the consequences will be.

"So we have a crisis situation," continued the president. "Because we have to deal with the effects of this situation at this point, we stop all new actions. I'm sorry I know that you and your people have worked very hard, but now all our forces must be directed to deal with the waiting avalanche. I come to the second issue here. As I said, the police are investigating. You have to show your cooperation but be careful what information you share with them. I do not wish to find any inaccuracies in the matter of protection during the investigation The officers have been informed that they will be able to receive classified data only after presenting a warrant, but they can try something with you. It is better that no one in this company would succumb to their pressure. This scandal will be hard to survive and Stefan will have enough work to try to control the damage. Don't even think that everything will be cleaned after you. I expect somebody's heads will be cut off."

Mikołaj looked again towards Szwedas. The guy won't have it easy now. Handle this situation! Skrzynecki doubted that he could do it, so he felt greater respect for Stefan, admiration but also compassion.

However, the whole situation seemed quite incomprehensible to Skrzynecki. He looked after his colleagues, they did the same. How is it possible for any employee to violate such important safety rules? For what? For money? Mikołaj was sure of one thing – it was no one from his team. His colleagues were honest and reliable. They liked their job, did it well and no one showed any dissatisfaction or even complained about the salary. But who then?

Everyone was asking this question in their mind.

"Should we inform our employees about the ongoing investigation?"

"Yes. They are also to be instructed on how to deal with the police. However, you are obliged to monitor your people more closely. I know that some enjoy your unlimited trust, but until we find the criminals you must be careful."

Mikołaj thought that maybe it would be easier if they knew what data was taken, in this way they could limit the suspects to a narrower group. These could be customer addresses and information about the systems they have installed in their homes or businesses. His department had access to this information, and the service technicians who installed the security system - sent on behalf of his department. Who else? Promotion? No, they only had statistics. Finances? They did not have details about the security system, but when an offer was introduced, its name was also visible in the customer's general data. Everyone could get to know about the technical specification with a casual chat over coffee. Technicians had detailed information on security and their deactivation, they also had access to the customer address database when the service was needed.

Damn, too many suspects. It could practically be anyone. The police will have a hard nut to crack.

And they will suspect each other.

No, Mikołaj will definitely not do this. He knew his people (maybe except Kinga, but she was too new to manage such damage). He trusted Łukasz and Ewa. Indeed, even when it comes to honesty, even Elwira would not get such figures. Therefore, he will not suspect anyone.

"And finally," added the president. "Think about who has been acting strangely lately. He was unnaturally cheerful or sad, he seemed too aroused or dim. If you associate something like this, please report it to me or Stefan."

Skrzynecki bit his lower lip.

Sure, it was important to find the culprit but to spy on your colleagues and subordinates? Report any behavior to the bosses a bit different from the norm? This is a real reporting! How could he then look people in the face if he barked at them to others? Such Ewka, for example, a week ago behaved unnaturally for a job, but quite normal when it comes to women - that is totally pointless. More than once he had to deal with more or less sensitive women and knew that sometimes they cry for idiotic reasons or for no reason. And he, her interim boss, is to report something like that to others?

The meeting was over. As he left, Mikołaj noticed that everyone was looking sad. The atmosphere at work will be unbearable now. Damn!

He glanced after Stefan, who was leaving with the president. He thought that at this point he would like to see the smile of a fair-haired man. This wonderful, magical smile even made him feel better. However, things looked so serious in the company that the Szwedas would not be able to afford such slack as before - even if it was only business. He will be even more busy, even more tired and even more lonely.

The thought of the latter particularly stung him. It is true that he wanted to end their relationship, but the weekend spent together allowed him to get to know this mysterious man a little better and appreciate every moment spent with him even more. He looked wistfully down the corridor, where there was not even a trace of Stefan. Will the Szwedas have time and the desire to meet him privately until they solve this whole complicated matter?

Suddenly, Mikołaj realized one thing - they did not exchange private phone numbers or email addresses. Their only contact was through work.


Whether or not, Mikołaj informed his subordinates about the situation in the company. He looked at their surprised faces and felt like he was assisting at a funeral he didn't want to be at.

"Listen," he said, "let's not go crazy." Let's do our job because we do it well. I do not know the details of how the data leaked, but just in case, make sure that you do not accidentally take a scrap and do not use business mail from publicly available computers. It is better to limit work-related activities to work only and preferably to this room. I don't think anyone talks over coffee while talking to someone from another department, but it's better not to provoke the bosses to take further action. We will experience this medium pleasant time and then everything will return to normal. "

Łukasz gave the impression that he did not know whether to be shocked or to laugh and Ewka looked as if she was about to fall in tears again. Why do women have to be so sensitive sometimes? Only Kinga showed no reaction. She listened to what he had to say and went back to work.

"Kinga" he turned to her "you are a great help to us, but if a Szwedas needs you full-time because of this confusion, feel free."

"Thank you, but I've already talked to Stefan about it. He predicts that this department may have a massive influx of complaints at any moment and he thinks I will be useful here," she replied without a trace of emotion.

"Of course you will be useful. Shit, I don't even want to imagine this avalanche ..."

Still, he imagined it with a bag of denunciations sent via traditional mail and an e-mail box packed with messages entitled "WITHDRAWAL". He felt his head ache. How could anyone make such a damn fuss? What an idiot or greed without a conscience did not think about the company? Anyway, to hell with the company, he didn't think about the people working at it. The company itself, an international corporation with American capital, will not even feel the problems of a small branch in Poland, but its employees may lose their jobs. Even if not everyone, some of them. The president has already announced that heads will fall, and at the meeting he almost announced witch hunt.

He knew that this case would bring the most work to his department. Of course, others will have a lot of work. Such a department of promotion will stand on eyelashes, however, to encourage customers to stay with the company and regain their trust. But Mikołaj's department will have the most work.


Skrzynecki did not intend to do overtime, but almost everyone left work when his private telephone rang.

"Mikołaj, let's go for a drink!

Skrzynecki took the phone away from his ear, Mirek was so enthusiastic.

"I can't. Work."

"Screw you! You yourself said recently that you have less work since the fourth person came. We were supposed to drink last weekend and you fell out again ... "

"I was off last weekend," he noted matter-of-factly.

"It's not my fault my nephew's baptism came out! We hardly see each other lately! Or maybe you avoid me, huh?"

"Why would I avoid you?"

"You know, because of Sylwek and because I ..."

For a good moment Mikołaj could not remember what his friend meant. Finally, he realized that Mirek could refer to his newly discovered homosexuality and sighed.

"All right, we're going to drink."

"Great! Then I'm waiting!"