Police in the Company

Well, maybe boy will fill better, but Mikołaj wasn't ready for such declaration.

"He's like a brother to me too," he said. "Maybe even more. I wouldn't do such stupid things with my brother, don't go to pick-ups and talk about certain things. As long as you make him happy, I have no reason to interfere."

"Not everyone would come to terms with the fact that I was doing this, well, doing his friend..."

"Are you saying that you are… um… active?" He asked without even trying to contain his surprise.

"E… well yes. I thought Mirek was telling you such ... things..."

Mikołaj remembered Tenerife, the day his friend had told him he was fucked by a complete stranger. That confession and the expression on his face made Skrzynecki undertake this experiment himself.

"Relax," he assured quickly, "it has nothing to do with me. Everyone according to their needs."

Sylwek, who for a moment looked as if he were expecting a blow, smiled with obvious relief.