The Real Man is Apologizing First

"Actually, I never seen you with anyone" Sylwek noticed. "It's weird you're not seeing anyone."

"I have no such need."

The teenager looked unconvinced. Actually, it is not his business whether Mikołaj is seeing someone or not and he should not pry his nose into the affairs of strangers, but looking at him, Skrzynecki had the impression that Sylwek did not want to remain a stranger. He loved Mirek and was anxious to establish the best possible relationships with people from his world. It is true that in the eyes of Mikołaj he was still a kid, but since Mirek chose him as his partner, it was appropriate to treat him as an adult.

"It's complicated," Skrzynecki sighed with a sad smile.

Sylwek gave the impression that he would like to ask something, but he is not sure if it is appropriate. Observing his internal struggle, Mikołaj drank his beer again and added:

"I was seeing someone casually. It's not working out now. We rest from each other."

"Did you fight?"

"You could say."