Great Meeting -psychological warfare- (4)



"let's go!"

The never-ending cheers from the spectators up high in the audience seating bay, made all 7 of them cover their ears from how loud it was. They were standing on the outside of all of this cheering so it wasn't harmful to their ears but now they are in the center of all of it.

"This seems more like a damn sports festival than a grand ceremonial meeting!"

Shouted Kyrielight, even with her years of going to sports events, such as big soccer matches(Or football for non-American readers) or large baseball matches, and maybe a few times to the Olympic games to watch her favorite athlete compete with her family when she was younger.

What was different this time was that she was on the receiving end of these loud cheers.

"We need to signal that Pope to stop the cheering!"

Mook finally spoke for once, his voice sounded gentle for a man, with a little sweetness hinted into it, and he also had a slight French accent.

Everyone else surprised that Mook spoke out because he mainly kept to himself the entire time they were here, guess it only took the overwhelming pressure of the crowds to make him talk.

They were all in an agreement, as they slowly began to look at each other with blood-curdling eyes. They scoot out their chairs and stand up to look at the NPC pope with multiple death stares.


The NPC pope was busy waving out at the audience and then felt a small deathly shiver going down his spine. He glances down at the now angry players who were giving him a huge amount of bloodlust and death stares.


He tugged on his clothing and started to signal the crowd to quiet down.

"That's way much better without all the cheering and endless compliments."

Eli scoff and was the first one to sit back down on the chair, he ended up placing his feet onto the table cross together and leans back into his seat.

All the other players soon follow after Eli took his seat.

"So first meeting of this strange new world huh?"

Allen was trying to make small talk with the other players and was twiddling his thumbs.

"Y-yeah, And our first week."

Brier responded to Allen's statement with her usual quiet and shaky style voice. Allen in return gave her a smile.

But was soon dropped by Jae giving out a cough, and she fixed her posture to seem more business and professional like.

"Lets not start off with the small talk, and move onto the more practical, and important topics."

Jae was the first person to take the initiative with this meeting, hoping that she could catch people off guard and guide the conversation into her benefit.

"Emperor Eli... With your behavior and personality-wise right now, I'm surprised IT even gave you a spot here, you are ill-suited for that spot... On the other hand, just the 6 of us would have been fine by me."

Jae glared at Eli who was nonchalantly sitting down all relaxed like if this was some kind of vacation.

-This fool is way too lenient with himself, this is our first chance to evaluate each other as potential threats or allies, and this is what he does? Disgraceful.-

While hiding her hands below the table she clutches her clothing squeezing her hands.

"You say that like you can judge me from simply saying 1 sentence Empress Jae, but you and I are on the same boat here."

Eli reels his legs back off from the table and places them both down onto the floor.

-This bitch is trying to start something here from that starter... I gotta put out that early passion and extinguish it-

"In what position do you think your in right now? Empress? That's just a silly title for right now, so please continue humoring us, so don't let it get to your head."

Eli slams the table with a light force to cause less of a scene, and not try to cause the audience to an uproar, the last thing he wanted is to start a war between the audience, and avoid the nuisance.

"Matter of fact, what qualify you as the person leading this conversation? Do any of you agree?"

Eli sways his left hand going all the way around the table until he reaches the right side of the table. Telling that there were 7 of them here, and no one agreed on her leading this.

"So don't go acting high and mighty on us... Empress Jae."

Eli confidently smirks while staring back at Jae feeling like he has won so far, and the one who was leading this.


Jae kept to herself from her plan of taking control of how these conversations will go, but her plan ended up crumbling right in front of her eyes.

"If I were to choose the person least likely suited for these positions."

Mook was tapping a finger on his chin, his eyes slowly scanning the others then he points to Kyrielight.

"Her... Empress Vlad Kyrielight is my choice, I would agree with Empress Jae on her choice but Empress Kyrielight, you're to rampant, your emotions is too loose, and you easily resort to violent confrontation... More like a barbarian than a royal ruler in my opinion."

Even with mook soft-spoken voice and gentle domineer, his words were incredibly harsh on the person he was calling out.

"He does kind of have a point."

Abraham spoke out to input his own opinion on the statement.


Kyrielight indeed wanted to sock mook right in the face for labeling her with such words, her assistant coldly stares at Mook, her hands were behind her back tightening them with each second.

"You sound like a fine gentleman, Your Highness Mook, but you-"

Boudicca was cut off by Kyrielight, she raised up a hand telling her two things, I got this, and to back down.

"Ok pretty boy, let me tell you this, unlike you I have the strength to back up my claims, I am able to protect my Empire, but with you I suspect that even a drop of blood can frighten you, you bloody toad eating Frenchie... I am perfectly fine with how I will lead my empire, but for yours? I feel pity for your people."

The conversation was already getting quite heated up from what Allen saw, Jae was after Eli and is going for each other throats, same with Mook and Kyrielight.

The only remaining two who haven't even gone after someone already was Allen and Brier, but the peacefulness was about to come to a close.

"I also gotta say, what is up with you Empress Brier? You know that your shyness is a major weakness here, yet you still don't bother to even hide it correctly, How will you lead your empire like that?"

Eli attention was switch over from Jae to Brier, he didn't like how quiet she was acting, quiet people are usually the most dangerous, and usually the ones scheming in settings like these, so getting called out early on was his plan to stop any strategies from her.


Brier responded all scared and confused, she didn't expect her to get called out on such things, hoping her usual quiet self wasn't going to be picked one.

"I- I uh... Um... I may-maybe shy but we all know who is the.... um... most troubling person here."

She tried her best to retort back to Eli reply to her, but still being shy it wasn't really the best comeback.

"Troubling huh? Alright... Ok..."

Eli mockingly shook his head to the left and right in a way he was agreeing with her but not really, it was more teasing then agreeing.

"Empress Brier, I do not have any problems with you but, That is indeed a weakness and that is something you need to fix by yourself... You can become stronger and show greatness, just ignore that savage emperor."

Jae spoke out again toward Brier a bit furious with her tone of voice, but this really came from Eli.

"You can't say that to a woman! Another bad thing I see from you is that you show no signs of respect!"

Kyrielight barks at Eli, still mad at him at the earlier incident that happens in the hallway.

"Is the tomboy? No barbarian decided to speak up to me? Empress of the tomboys?"

Eli retorted back to Kyrielight, feeling the heat of the situation getting tenser by the second.

"What did you call me?"

"Troubling indeed... Emperor Eli..."

Brier wanted to back up Kyrielight but she knew that she couldn't do it, not with the presence that Eli hangs over her.

Abraham was looking between each person and saw that Allen was keeping quiet, too quiet with how chaotic things has been going on.

-What are you trying to do?-

Abraham wonders as he squinted his eyes toward him.

"Hold up people, out of everyone here."

He raises up a finger and points straight at Allen like he was accusing him of something.

"He hasn't said a single word yet, Would you like to explain? Emperor Allen? With how things are going you seem surprisingly calm and collected... It's odd."

Allen saw that everyone was now looking at him, waiting for an answer, or some form of explanation.

"Well then... I guess I really should be saying something?"

Allen cleared his throat to freshen up his voice, then he examines everyone around the table going from his right to left.

"Emperor Allen, Player 7 was it? We had an earlier encounter but I must say that my first impression of you wasn't very great, I mean out of everyone here, your overweight, your looks are... below par, I have no idea how you manage to get this... Now please, give us a reason."

Jae spoke out before Allen could even say a single word back to the group. Allen was caught off guard with the outburst of Jae's comment on him, as he was about to open his mouth but he ended up closing it again.

"What did you expect from a person like that? No clothing can fix his overall appearance."

Mook decided to add a little more spice to Allen wounds, since his physical appearance, they assume he was the next easiest target to take down, besides Brier but that was more tricky than they originally thought, with Jae protecting her like a friend.

Allen's eyes began to drop and close up as he leans toward onto the table, and he use his arms for the pillow so his face wasn't going to be too uncomfortable, then he let out a loud and slow yawn. "STUPID AND LAME!" Allen's voice echoed throughout the meeting room.