Great Meeting -What makes a nation?- (9)

*beep boop Ping*

With a quick swipe to the left the system shop menu slides over to the left and then disappeared, the only remaining Menu was the empire GUI menu and its tabs.

In any ordinary empire building games like hearts of iron 4, the total war series, civilization, crusader kings. The empire GUI are the usual military management tabs, building and construction, the economic and population management, and details, and the last one is research and development.

Each different tab would have their own sets of tab options to help the user to find specific options, or information on their empire making sure it runs smoothly.

"Here it is... The wacky system that gives us the right to rule."

Almost hesitantly Allen's voice tone had switched over to a monotone style, seeming like he wasn't really all that impressed with the thing right in front of him.

"Giving 7 young adults to rule an empire however they wanted huh?"

Eli's eyes glinted at the screen as he looks at the others, his mental thought process was in the middle of calculating the emotional reaction to the eminence power that they hold, even he was feeling a slight doubt of his abilities to do this.

Everyone in their previous life had a subtle, a nice relaxing civilian lifestyle, the closet they could be running a whole empire was being a CEO of a large business company or a Russian crime lord to a huge syndicate.

But running an entire nation? New major huge rules that they need to follow otherwise the nation may crumble, tax control, civilian happiness, the main political ideology, the economy and infrastructure, the military, so many factors and variables that I'll need a whole entire new book to write it all down.

"I get what you mean... This still feels a little unreal."

Abraham let out a quiet and short sigh, because the screen that lays before him, was the reason his quiet and safe civilian life to become an Emperor, full of political problems, internal politics and maybe potentially assassination?

"I believe we were given this life for a reason, a 2nd chance? Our wishes to be granted? Whatever it is we were chosen for this."

The tense situation in the room reeks the large room that even the audience members can feel the awkwardness. So Allen decided to an on the spot speech, another thing he really isn't good at but with how weird the aura felt, someone, needed to say something.

"I mean... Take a look at me, I even don't deny my-"

He took a short pause as he was having trouble trying to get the next word out. Then he clenches both of his hands into fists showing the outer emotional struggle to speak.

"Weakness... But I still think I can do this, I want to believe I should be able to do this, I know I can! And I also know that you guys have the confidence, the mentally fit for this position, you can do this! Yes, there will be walls and obstacles, challenges in our way, but don't give up cause you will eventually get past it! We were chosen for a bloody god damn reason are we not!?"

Then he quickly raises up a hand and points to the person behind him, to Chad as he grins with confidence and a prideful spirit.

"Not to mention we have our spectacular guides here to help us, if there is ever any troubling times then they are here to be that early support for us, the shoulder to lean against and cry on... The pillar that can help hold us up!"

Chad's eyes fluttered and he simply just stared at Allen's comment about them, including the other guides they just stared at him. Unsure what to say to them.

"Well said, Young master."

Chad's body began to shake a little seeming like he was being praised, like a father, like a big older brother, a mentor, he was going to make sure that he was going to always be there for him. His stone-like face started to crack into a smile.

Soon just one of Allen's spectator on the audience seating array reluctantly stood up slowly and started a slow clap. Others soon follow suit, with one to two to three to four and so on. With the short time span, everyone on that stand was now clapping loudly, who even garner the other audience on different seating areas.

The slow clap became faster, and then cheering and shouting was heard from the audience, the mini-speech he just pull out of his ass wasn't meant to gather this amount of praises, and cheers.

"I eh... well this is embarrassing."

Allen awkwardly rubbed the back of his head from the hundreds of eyes on him, and the endless amount of cheers directed all toward him,.

"Nothing to be afraid of, young master, you manage to move the hearts of the people, and surely."

Chad pulls his hand away from his waist and sways his hand from the right to the left side of the table pointing the other players out.

"Theirs as well."

Chad gave Allen a friendly warm smile once again, as he tries to comfort Allen and to change his mindset of not being embarrassed about these kinds of situations.

Kyrielight was rolling her head around then stops to look at Allen, with a tomboy like smile and a thumbs-up, and Allen gave a thumbs-up back to her.

"You successfully manage to win the hearts of not only your people but ours as well."

Brier was looking at all the audience seating areas and was awe on how did this one singular person manage to rile up so many people, with just only 1 tiny speech.

- outstanding... you really are outstanding.-

Brier giggled and smile, Allen to her was that he seems nice, friendly, and wholesome, but a person who always have the inner strength for his words, and since he was the first person to ever give her support other than the spiritual guide she holds him dearly.

"Seems like the child knows how to make a speech or two."

Jae laughs out loud as she tried to make it sweet and quiet for her feminine charm, she couldn't hold it in when Allen broke out his blushing spree again from the cheers.

"w-what did you say?!"

He looks over at Jae and shouted at her to him felt like she was teasing him a little, but with the loud crowds cheering above he had a hard time hearing the others, beside Chad since he was literally right behind him.

"Oh, nothing really! just simply talking to myself!"

Jae cupped her hands together and shouted out at Allen so he can finally hear her, and then she giggled once more. Once she had her fun with the friendly teases she settles herself back down to her usual self.

-just like a sweet kid...-

Everyone else around the table was looking straight up at the audience who was still cheering and applauding Allen with the speech he made, with how surprisingly effective it was.

"Nicely said, your highness!"

"Our Emperor is so sweet and kind!"

"You really have said some inspiring words there your majesty!"

Allen just kept hearing more and more cheers and praises, his head started to feel like it was about to explode from all the screaming, and compliments he was getting. But to keep up with his posture and attitude he began waving towards the audience with a smile.

After the audience had quite down again the meeting hastily resumes the conversation, and everyone gave each other a quick glance and then a nod.

"Back to our topic at hand ladies and gentlemen?"

Mook had his right arm on the table as he looks left and right at everyone around the table, and then back to Allen waiting for him to continue the discussion.

"Ok then, moving over my speech and being able to rule a huge nation."

He adjusted his glasses again and then took another long pause, to think of what to say next, because leading troops and fighting battles are one thing, leading an empire is another.

"Before we dive into this menu specifics, let me ask you... What makes a kingdom? a nation? an empire? What are your guy's opinions on that?"

Here it comes, another round of Allen philosophic questions. Though this one really does matter since this is a hidden and secret way to see how his maybe allies, maybe enemies think.

"The uh... people? and their culture?"

Brier responded.

"The official borders set between each other, and of course their people."

Kyrielight responded with that answer. Everyone around the table had a pretty similar answer to the question of his, truthfully though there technically no right or wrong answer for this question.

"Let me just say... your answers were neither right nor wrong, what makes an empire is indeed the people, the culture, and the fixed borders... But they're also the leader."

He grabs onto the side of starting menu of the Empire tab, and quietly looked down at it. His eyes were deeply looking straight into the screen as he lets go of it, letting it float back up to its original spot.

"The kingdom, nation, empire depends all on the actions of a leader, but you want to know... what makes a good leader?"

He pulls out another silent moment to let the words of "good leader" soak a bit into their minds, and to make them interest in what he had to say next.

(Incoming code Geass ref)

"Is the will to destroy... the will to create a path of destruction to achieve peace!"

This was something they didn't expect him to say, they thought he would have said some good qualities that a leader should have, but the will to destroy? What nonsense does he mean by that?