Great Meeting -Empire System- (11)

Everyone had turned their attention away from Allen and back to the floating Empire menu system that lays before them, with the text and titles of each tab clearly label for their respective tasks and management.

"We have four options on the table that we can talk about, which one should we all agree on discussing first?"

He gazes around the table quickly to see who was the first person to speak up, then after a short period of silence Abraham was hovering a finger over a tab button, then he glances towards everyone else.

"Why not this one first then?"

Abraham's finger hovers only a few inches away from the Military button tab, seeing this everyone just exchanged glances and weird looks.

Someone was going to eventually point out the militaristic option sooner or later, but Abraham chose the sooner ending.

"Why not this one first? We're going to end up discussing this part eventually... why not skip over the minor stuff and go for this option?"

He knew everyone else didn't one to be the one to point out that touchy tab button, cause it may seem like they are eager, or have a hidden agenda, whatever it is none of them wanted to be the first on that subject.

"Most intriguing, Emperor Abraham... I thought a person like Emperor Eli or Empress Kyrielight would mention this first since everyone around here knows."

Jae quietly said to the others as she gave both people she mentions a quick glance, and then a light giggle.

*gasp* "How rude of you."

Eli gocked at Jae's comment about him, but it really was more of a joking way, and not really giving a crap.

"Just because you think I'm blunt, doesn't mean I don't know how to read the room, you bloody princess wannabe."

Kyrielight grunted, feeling a bit offended on Jae's accusation about her, She turns up to look at her Spiritual guide signaling her to say something back to Jae.

"Your highness, I would please ask of you to reframe from impolite remarks... you may give yourself a poor image, not just as a leader but as a poor female figure, even as a tomboy In my arrogant opinion I think I already see some wrinkles."

Boudicca reacted to Kyrielight sign and responded directly at Jae, her voice was calm and clear like she was mocking her while not truly openly revealing that she was.

But the conversation didn't end there as Natasha was going to get ready to say something back, and it may worsen the relations between the two.

"My, my, for a tomboy woman, and her country assistant actually have a form of intellectual thinking is indeed most surprising, wouldn't you agree miss?"

Natasha just slowly leans forward with her upper body, trying to get the same head height with a mischievous smile on her face.

"I cannot deny your statement, Natasha."

They both smiled and giggled towards each other, while the other two just stared at awe and shock at them, for Allen he couldn't tell if they even register that comment properly.

"You... you... You bitch! Take that back you slut!"

Kyrielight clench both of her hands into a fist and slams it on the table, with an angry expression she wanted, no, demanded an apology from Jae.

"Hm? Alright... My apologies Empress Kyrielight, no hard feelings?"

Once again Jae giggles and then another invisible spark flew out from them crashing into each other, creating a weird vibe aura around the table.

"Ma'ams May I ask of you two to put an end to this? We still have important things to discuss."

With how serious and intense that these ladies were giving off, Mook didn't enjoy the pressure that was coming off of them, so he just wanted to end it there.

"I'm fine with that."

Jae responded.

"Fine... even though her apology was an only half-ass."

Kyrielight snared at Jae but agree on backing out from the spiritual feminine clash between each other.

Allen's head tilted down and he facepalms himself from the interaction between the two females around the table and let out a long deep silent sigh to mentally refocus himself for the main purpose of the floating holographic menu.

"Ok... I agree with Abraham's choice of the military tab option first, Who wants to say no?"

Allen spoke out through the hand that was still on his face as he tilts his head back up in eye level with the others, he saw and heard no objections from anyone else.

"The military tab button it is... let's dive into this? eh- hehe."

He tried his best to bring up a friendly little cheerful attitude to the table, but with the previous awkward vibe that descended before them, it was kind of difficult for that, and when no one else was in the mood for it.


- [ System Empire Military menu ] -

[ Support facilities ]

[ Troops summon ]

[ Personnel Equipment/Armaments ]

[ Tactical Map ]

[ Global Map ]

Five subcategories for the military tab of the System Empire menu, one for specific kind of structure for soldier's needs, and wants, the equipment they use, the tactical map for wartime situations, and the global map.

For right now the global map can only show information in the Tribe class kingdom, he has crash-landed on and the general shape and details of the island he was on. >>(Join my discord to see the map)<<

"I assume we already know what tactical and global map means right? So no need for discussing those two."

Allen tap on the highest button which was the support facilities, since this wasn't that he didn't take a peek at the first time he went looking through the system, and he was sure that everyone else was curious as well.


[ System : Empire : Support facilities ]

[ Spawn-able support facilities/structures : locked ]

[ Not high enough level : Not high enough technology Era : Not.enough resources ]

The system stated that it was locked for Allen to spawn anything into the world, from those three requirements, the levels, not enough resources, and especially the technology Era he was in, which was still the stone Era.

Locked but not hidden, he saw primitive tents, that was made from simple sticks, and wooden poles covered by thick wool fabric cloth, to stone barracks, or an archery range.

As more as Allen scrolls down the list, and the tech era the more advance he could see the structures look like, wooden trenches, stone bunkers, radio communication towers, radar center.

But around the ending part, the phrases and titles used for the buildings sounded a bit sci-fi? But even in the Era advancement stated at the end of the road, just like a game of civilization there the future Era.

[ Shipyard construction hangar bay ]

[ resources #??? : Future Era : Price #??? : lvl #??? ]

[ Locked ]

[ Teleportation Array ]

[ resources #??? : Future Era : Price #??? : lvl #??? ]

[ Locked ]

[ Advance mechanized Machinery Factory ]

[ resources #??? : Future Era : Price #??? : lvl #??? ]

[ Locked ]

[ Plasmic Shield barrier batteries ]

[ resources #??? : Future Era : Price #??? : lvl #??? ]

[ Locked ]

[ Advance Medical Hospital ]

[ resources #??? : Future Era : Price #??? : lvl #??? ]

[ Locked ]

-Jesus christ man... if the technology is based on our world? Does that mean... Humanity can build stuff like this in the future?-

This was a real mind fuck, a real surprised, something mind-boggling for him, Allen being a real nerd for gaming and when it comes to sci-fi stuff he couldn't believe his eyes.

He knew that even during his old age he wouldn't be able to see technology, and scientific knowledge of that scale, there could be a slight glimpse or an early prototype of an experimental technology before he officially dies, but he wasn't so sure.

When it comes to technology and being a civilization, there is a scientific scale that was created that can determine the levels of civilization, by type 1 to 3 civilizations and from the amount of energy they use and can manipulate all around them, and humanity we know today is around 0.7 on this scale.

Types 4 and 5 civilizations have been talked about but those are beyond our levels of thinking, and understanding, but there is a type even further than the 5 which is label as the omega civilization stage, or the civilizations so EXTREMELY highly advance that they can be known as the creator our of the entire universe.

( More scientific knowledge, it goes from type 1 control of the entire planet energy. Type 2 Control of the entire solar system energy. Type 3 Control of the entire galaxy energy. Type 4 control of superclusters -Multiple galaxies- energies. Type 5 Control multiple supercluster's worth of energy. )

And type omega is the potential stage of "Gods of all universes"

"You guys seeing this shit right?"

Allen exclaims with his face with surprise, happiness, and frightening feelings of the kind of structures he was seeing in front of him.

Everyone was with him, they couldn't tell if this was fake or real, since it was only the year 2020 when they were brought into this world, having technology of this level is what amazed these people.