"I don't believe it." Said Evan.
"Is this for real?" Asked Hirito in shock.
"We're….We're back to normal!" Said the ten.
"We're guys again." Said Johnny happily.
Sure enough, all ten adventurers were back to their original genders.
"But how?" Asked Noble. "How did you guys turn back to normal?"
"Could it be the spirits?" Asked Joey.
"Precisely." Said a voice.
"Who said that?" Asked Jack.
"I did." Said a light spirit who suddenly appeared next to Briggs.
"Wait. I can see it! I can see the spirit!" Shouted Gaby.
"But how?! I thought we weren't able to see them." Said Spooky.
"It's all thanks to your friends we formed a contract with." Said a fire spirit appearing next to SOS.
One by one, each of the ten adventurer's spirits started appearing next to them.
"Wow. They're so many." Said Poxal.
"And they're so cute." Said Katie.
"But what did you mean that it's all thanks to the contract?" Asked Dono.
"Well you see, if a certain person has the ability to use three or more spirits, then that person is able to form contracts with them." Said a wind spirit.
"Just like Serbus." Said a water spirit.
"Exactly. And thanks to the contract, we can appear in our normal forms like this." Said an earth spirit.
"By forming a contract, the magic that the spirit and the person has will be shared." Said a dark spirit.
"Therefore, by sharing your magic, we are able to show our true forms to other people who do not possess high amount of elemental magic or the ability to have more than two types of elemental magic." Said a fire spirit.
"But how come we were able to go back to the way we were?" Asked Recon.
"That's because you are not in your physical form, but in spirit form." Said a wind spirit.
"Basically, by being able to wield all six types of elemental magic, you are able to undergo a spirit transformation." Said a water spirit.
"You ten are the only people in history to ever achieve this form. Not even Serbus can do it." Said a fire spirit.
"Wow. We're that strong?" Asked Nux.
"Wait a second. When you just mentioned Serbus, you said "can" and not "could"." Said John. "Is it possible that Serbus survived the battle with the demon lord?"
"Precisely. Serbus is still alive." Said a light spirit.
"But how?!" Asked Libellus.
"We don't have time for that now!" Said Hirito.
"Yes. I believe you said you wanted to help your friend." Said a fire spirit.
"Yes. Please lend us your strength." Said Evan.
"That was the plan from the very beginning." Said a wind spirit.
"What about us?" Asked Connor.
"You guys help with the evacuation." Said Nux.
"Alright." Said Rustage.
"Does anyone remember the words to open this door?" Asked Steve.
"I do. Tisora Ugora!" Said Jordan.
The doors opened and the crew made their way upstairs. By the time they got out, the sound of the battle could be heard in the distance.
"That sounds horrifying." Said Mental Quorum.
"Tekking look out!!!" Shouted Rustage.
Tekking looked above him and saw a giant flying lizard coming down on him. Tekking quickly jumped to the side to avoid being hit thus making the lizard hit the ground instead.
"Aim at the lizard and feel the flow of magic inside of you. Focus on releasing it through your hands." Said a fire spirit to Tekking.
Tekking did just as the fire spirit said. He soon started feeling the flow of magic. It felt so natural. The lizard stood up and launched itself at Tekking once again.
"Now!" Said the fire spirit.
"AHHHHHH!!!" Shouted Tekking. He then released a huge amount of fire though his hands that went straight towards the lizard who turned to ashes almost immediately.
"Wow." Said everyone.
"That was awesome." Said Poxal.
"Since this is your first time using elemental magic, we will assist you." Said a light spirit.
"With time, you'll know how to use it naturally." Said a water spirit.
"Now, the ten of you focus on releasing wind magic from your feet." Said a wind spirit.
"Just focus on the flow of magic going through your body and direct it to your feet." Said a dark spirit.
"Alright." Said Nux.
The ten did just as they were instructed. As they let out the wind magic through their feet, the magic started lifting them up from the ground.
"No way." Said Animak.
"Are we really flying?!" Said SOS.
"Yes. By focusing the wind magic to your feet like this, you are able to fly." Said an earth spirit.
"Of course, we wind spirits are the ones who are helping you control the magic output so that you don't accidentally launch yourself to the moon." Said a wind spirit.
"Once you learn how to control your magic, you will be able to do it all yourselves." Said a water spirit.
"Sweet." Said Hirito.
"What do we do?" Asked Spooky.
"Yeah. How do we use our magic?" Asked Jack.
"Don't worry about it." Said a water spirit floating around Jack.
"We'll be here to help you." Said a fire spirit.
"That's right. We're gonna make an exception with you guys and share our magic with you so that you will be able to see us." Said a light spirit.
"But since you only have two type of elemental magic, we won't be able to keep our physical form visible to you for too long." Said an earth spirit.
"So to compensate for that, whenever we can't show our physical form to you, we'll communicate with you through your mind." Said a dark spirit.
"That way, we'll always be able to assist you." Said a wind spirit.
"Oh hell yeah." Said John giving Rustage a high five.
"Alright then. Since we got that out of the way, you guys go into Osval and help out wherever you can." Said Briggs. "We'll go out and deal with the monster army."
"Right. Good luck guys." Said Libellus.
"You too." Said Dono as he and the other nine adventurers took off towards the main gate.
As they got closer, the sounds of the battle grew louder. Some explosions could be seen in the distance. The main gate was already destroyed. Some soldiers and adventurers were fighting desperately against the large number of enemies.
"Do any of you see Melody anywhere?" Asked Evan.
"No." Said Johnny.
"Wait. There she is." Said Tekking as he pointed towards the monsters.
There they saw Melody and some other people rushing towards some monsters, launching as many attacks as they could. Behind them, a few soldiers tried their best to assist them.
"Let's go guys." Said Recon who increased his speed.
Suddenly, they saw a griffon fly towards Melody.
"Melody look out!" Shouted Hirito.
She then turned and saw the griffon about to strike her down.
"HYAHHHH!!!" Shouted Nux as he shot what looked like a laser at the griffon.
The laser went straight through its head killing it instantly. Due to fatigue and shock from almost being killed, she fainted. By the time she woke up, she was surrounded by the ten.
"Melody, are you okay?" Asked Dono.
"Yes. Thanks. How long was I out?" Asked Melody as she slowly sat up holding her head.
"A couple of seconds." Said SOS.
"I see. Wait a second?! Why are you here?! And why are you…. not girls anymore?!" Asked Melody.
"Well it's a long story." Said Evan smiling at the others.
"But we'll explain everything later. You stay here and rest." Said Briggs.
"That's right. Just leave everything to us." Said Nux.
"Wait." Said Melody. But it was too late. The ten already flew up into the sky.
"That's a lot of monsters." Said Hirito.
"Sure is." Said Recon.
"Let's get to work then." Said Animak.
"Hey spirits. We're counting on you." Said Johnny.
"But of course." Said a water spirit.
"Leave it to us." Said a light spirit.
"Alright then. Let's go." Said Briggs.
The ten then split up and started raining down their attacks on the enemy. Seeing how they were suddenly under heavy fire from the ten and their numbers started going down rapidly, the monsters shifted their attention to them and started fighting back. All the flying monsters took off after Nux and Briggs. The beasts were very fast, but so were the two heroes. The two of them then split up and went in opposite directions. And so did the monsters. They kept chasing the two. Then Nux and Briggs changed directions and flew straight towards each other. As they got closer to each other, they both launched fire attacks at the same time. Just when they were about to get hit, they dodged the fire and which hit the monsters instead. Dono, Tekking, Johnny and SOS with the help of their spirits, made a few hundred dark magic bombs that were enhanced with fire magic. Then with the help of the earth spirits, they entered the ground and started placing them all around the battlefield. Once they were done, they went back up to the surface. With the help of Nux and Briggs, they engulfed the whole battlefield with a thick dark mist that wouldn't allow anyone in it to escape. After all the monsters were trapped in the mist, they signaled to the others. Hirito, Animak, Evan and Recon flew high up into the clouds. Once they were high enough, they each held hands and let themselves fly back down, lighting themselves up with fire. The speed, gravitational pull and the amount of fire magic the fire spirits were releasing made the fire around them to grow bigger and stronger. The others flew back towards the city and placed a light magical barrier in front of the capital. By the time the others hit the ground, the impact detonated all the bombs and caused a giant explosion. Thanks to the earth and light spirits, they were surrounded by a magical barrier and also managed to pass through the ground and get out right in front of the city gates where the barrier Nux and the others placed. They quickly flew to help them enhance the strength of the barrier before the magical shock-waves of the explosion hit. A few minutes later, the dust cleared and all the monsters were either dead or dying. What's more, the explosion left a giant crater in the ground that extended for miles. The ten then released their barrier and hugged each other as they laughed.
"That was so awesome." Said Evan.
"And that huge ball of fire you guys pulled off was insane." Said SOS.
"I know, right?" Said Hirito.
"And you two. The way you tricked those flying beasts was so cool." Said Animak.
"Right?" Said Nux grinning at Briggs.
"You think we overdid it?" Asked Johnny.
"Nah. That was a huge army after all. Besides, we can use earth magic to fix that giant crater. Right spirits?" Asked Dono.
"That's right." Said an earth spirit.
Melody and all the other soldiers and adventurers couldn't believe what they saw. They have never seen such a huge display of power since the days of Serbus.
"Who are these people?" Asked a soldier.
"Are they from Osval?" Asked another.
"Could they be adventurers?" Asked an adventurer.
"I've never seen them before." Said another.
"They took those monsters out like it was nothing." Said another soldier.
"Could they be God Levels?" Asked another.
"Guys?" Said Melody as she went to them.
"Oh Melody. Are you alright?" Asked Recon.
"Yes. I'm fine. No. Wait. That doesn't matter. How were you able to use magic like that?! And I thought I asked you to stay home." Said Melody as she grabbed Recon and started shaking him.
"Relax Melody. We'll tell you everything when we get back." Said Animak.
"Get back? Get back from where?" Asked Melody who let go of a dizzy Recon.
"We have to go help out and save the other cities too." Said Evan.
"That's right. We'll be back before you know it." Said Hirito.
"What?! Save the other cities?!" Asked Melody in shock.
"Hey spirits. How many cities are left that are under attack by the monsters?" Asked Nux.
"About ten of them." Said an earth spirit. "The others were taken care of by the God Levels that were sent out."
"And do we have enough magic left to take care of all those monsters?" Asked Briggs.
"Yes. There's plenty left." Said a wind spirit.
"Alright then. Come on guys. Let's go kick some monster butt." Said Johnny.
"Yeah!" Said the others.
And just like that, the ten left to save the other cities. Melody stayed there looking at her friends flying away.
"It would seem that the world as we know it is beginning to change." Said Melody to herself. "And it's going to impact us more than when Serbus was here."