John headed for the storage room to check for the new books that were brought in the day before. Once a week, the library receives one thousand new books. Novels, history books, adventuring books, even cooking books. John, Noble, Poxal and Jordan have been working there for three months and have finally become accustomed to their work. They've done so well that they've improved in their classes. Jordan, John and Poxal each advanced to B-Class. While Noble advanced to C-Class. Since they weren't adventurers, they couldn't do quests and get XP to level up. But even so, going up a class and in such a short period of time was a very impressive feat. They've been doing such a great job that everyone working there admired their work. But their most impressive feat was the fact that the four of them have studied and learned so much that they were the very first non-adventurers to ever acquire a skill. Deep Reading. This skill allowed them to read, decipher and understand anything no matter the language or how ancient it might be. From spirit letters to monster language. This skill was said to be possessed by only Serbus and the founder of Exforia himself. With that skill, Serbus was able to communicate with Verkonis when he came to their world. Even though a few minutes from him coming to their world, Verkonis managed to learn their language, Serbus was the only one alive at the time that was able to understand him prior to him learning their language. But the fact was that John, Noble, Poxal and Jordan didn't know that they were the only ones alive that possessed that skill. Now due to the fact that they acquired this skill, they were summoned to the palace by the king himself.
"What do you think he wants from us?" Asked Noble.
"Well, I'm sure it all has to do with the skill that we acquired." Said John.
"Yeah. That must be it. But is it that great? And why call us?" Asked Poxal.
"Only one way to find out." Said Jordan as he and the other three stood before a large door that lead to the throne room.
Two guards opened the large doors and the four were led inside. The throne room was immense. Inside were about twenty people that stood lined up on each side of the thrones. They were all dressed in noble robes, which could only mean that they were nobles of Exforia. On the thrones were the king and queen of Exforia, King Osval the Sixth and Queen Hera. On the right side of the throne were three more people. Two men and one woman.
"Your majesty. These are the four librarians. Miss, John, Miss Poxal, Miss Noble and Miss Jordan." Said a man who seemed to be the king's attendant.
"Your majesty. It is an honor to meet you." Said John as he and the others bowed before him.
"Welcome ladies. I have heard quite a lot about you. You are doing a marvelous work in the library."
"Thank you for your kind words your majesty." Said Poxal.
"Please stand. I have also heard that you have each acquired the skill Deep Reading. That is quite the extraordinary feat. That would make you the only non-adventurers to be able to acquire a skill. And what is more, you are the only people alive to have that skill. There have only been two others who had that skill. Serbus and the founder of Exforia. The fact that you four got it is truly amazing." Said the king.
The four just stood there shocked to hear all this.
"I take it that you didn't know. May I ask what your class and levels are?" Asked the king.
"Poxal, John and I are B-Class, Mid Level. Noble is C-Class, Basic Level." Said Jordan.
"What?!" Said the men in the room in shock.
"That's impossible." Whispered some.
"This is truly amazing." Said the king. "This skill that you acquired is considered an Angel Level skill. This is truly remarkable."
The four looked at each other and couldn't say anything after hearing all this.
"But let's not waste any more time. The reason we called you here is because we would like you to decipher something for us. Bring it here." Said the king as he motioned to his attendant.
"Yes your majesty."
His attendant then brought forth an ancient looking scroll that had a red seal on it.
"This scroll appeared to us one month after Serbus took the demon lord to another dimension. It appeared here in the throne room out of thin air. I know that it is from Serbus because this is a seal only he and I share. This scroll can only be opened and sealed by me and him. But we were never able to read it. Serbus wrote it in different languages that cannot be understood by us humans unless we possessed the skill Deep Reading. And now that someone has finally acquired it, we will now be able to know what the scrolls says." Said the king as he motioned to the attendant to take the scroll to them.
Poxal took the scroll and together with the other three, read through it.
"Osval. I don't have much time, but I will tell you all that you need to know. I am not dead. And I won't be dying anytime soon. Verkonis is planning to steal all my magic. As long as I still have contracts with the three spirits, my magic will constantly be replenished. Verkonis is more dangerous than you can imagine. He has already taken over many worlds. Ours was supposed to be next. My spell is the only thing that's keeping him here. But it's weakening. When it will be completely weakened, Verkonis will return to our world. He is planning on achieving a level above that of the Celestial Level. But do not fear. Help will arrive. I don't know when exactly, but twenty six individuals will come to our world. They will be the ones to save our world from Verkonis. They are our only hope. Without them, Verkonis will rule the universe. I am sorry for failing you. Stay strong. Farewell my friend."
Everyone in the throne room fell silent. It was quite a lot to take in. But the ones who were shocked the most were Jon, Poxal, Jordan and Noble.
"I see. So that's what Serbus' final message was." Said the king as he thought about his friend. He then stood up. "Everyone, after thirty years, we have finally deciphered Serbus' message. Now that we know what the message says, we need to be prepared for anything. Verkonis has been stuck in another dimension for thirty years now. We do not know how much Serbus' spell is going to last. So we have to get ready for Verkonis' return. Most of us witnessed Verkonis' terrifying power thirty years ago. And now he is about to go past the Celestial Level. Our world still doesn't have any Celestial Levels. But Serbus assured us that twenty six heroes are going to come to save us. We do not know where they are now. But we know that they are already here. As we all know, a few months ago, Exforia faced its biggest crisis since the attack of the Demon Lord. But just when we started to lose hope, ten individuals arrived and took out all those monsters like it was nothing. We believe those ten are among the twenty six Serbus mentioned. But since that day, they have not been seen again. We need to find them. And we also need to improve our strength. We can't allow them to be the only ones who are going to fight against Verkonis. Therefore, all adventurers will need to do more quests and train more. As for our soldiers, they shall be trained by these three." Said the king as he motioned to the three people who were standing on the right side of the throne to stand in front of him. "You all must know who these three are. They are Exforia's strongest. The Holy Knight, Sir Gigguk, The Unmovable Mountain, Sir Mastar and The Thousand Spells Mage, Lady Aki. They will be the ones who will train our troops. We need to get as many men to God Level as we can."
"As you wish your majesty." Said the three.
"We also have to send word to all the nations of this world. They must know of the danger that's coming and need to prepare as well. Send messengers at once."
"Yes your majesty." Said his attendant as he left the throne room.
"Thank you ladies. Thanks to you we were able to learn what Serbus wanted to tell us. Your efforts shall be rewarded." Said the king as a man came forth with a tray that had four large bags and four medals on it. "Each of you shall get two million vir and a medal that will allow you to enter the palace grounds whenever you desire. We have a library in the palace that is not accessible to the public. We also have some books that require the Deep Reading skill in order to be read."
"Thank you so much your majesty. We are truly honored." Said Noble as he and the others bowed.
"Guards, escort them out. Once again, you have my thanks." Said the king as he and the queen bowed.
The four were escorted out. It was already getting dark, so they rushed home. They had huge news for their friends. By the time they got home, everyone was already there. The four told them everything that happened at the palace. Once they were done, everyone fell silent. It felt like the silent went on forever. Finally, Evan broke the silence.
"So what now? It's obvious that Serbus was talking about us."
"Yeah. But are we really going to fight this Verkonis guy?" Asked Gaby.
"Well, that's the reason why we were brought here in the first place." Said Briggs.
"But can we really defeat the same demon lord that even Serbus himself couldn't take down?" Asked Hirito.
Everyone fell silent again.
"Come on guys. We can do this. We already have these awesome powers. Not to mention that we ten have six elemental spirits with us. Something that even Serbus didn't have." Said Nux.
"Yeah. You're right. All we need to do is follow what the king said and level up." Said Johnny.
"But you ten are the only ones from our group who can level up. Since you are the only ones who can do quests." Said Steve.
"Not quite. You all can level up as well." Said Melody.
"How so? We're not adventurers." Said Mental Quorum.
"You can register as adventurers. Even if you are already registered with another job, you are allowed to register as adventurers as well."
"Oh yeah. I heard something like that in the Town Hall." Said Spooky.
"But you will be having two jobs and will have to make a schedule for both adventuring and working in your original job. That being said, it would make leveling up quite hard for you." Said Melody.
"If that's the case, the sixteen of us will focus on leveling up at our own pace. As for the ten adventurers, they will aim for the Celestial Level. We're gonna focus on supporting them in any way we can." Said Connor.
"Then we'll go with that plan." Said Animak.
"But are we gonna tell the king who we are?" Asked Recon.
"Not yet. They know us based on our spirit from back then. Let's keep a low profile for now and focus on leveling up a bit. Once we go up a few levels, we will go meet the king." Said Briggs.
"Lady Melody. We have received an urgent message from your mother, the queen. You have been summoned." Said a maid.
"Thank you. Everyone, I have to go. I believe that this is about what was discussed at the palace today. I'll be back soon." Said Melody as she began to leave.
"Take care Melody." Said everyone.
Melody left to go back home and meet with her mother. That day, news spread throughout the whole world about Serbus' message and what was to come. Fear struck everyone as the news of the return of Verkonis reached them. But everyone decided to put plans in motion in order to stand up to him as well as put their faith in the twenty six heroes that Verkonis talked about. As for the heroes, they suddenly woke up with the fate of the universe in their hands. And they couldn't just stand around and let fear get the best of them. They had to fight. For the sake of both this world and their old one.