Spirit Magnum

Every being on the planet froze. Both armies could not move a muscle. Some soldiers on both sides began sweating blood as pure terror filled their bodies. The Moe Crew, as scared as they were, moved forward.

"Stop right there Verkonis. You have no chance of defeating all of us." Said Evan.

"Why is it always you that ends up triggering him?" Asked Dono as he swatted Evan on the head.

"What?! I mean, we're going to stop him, right?" Asked Evan as he rubbed his head.

"SILENCE!" Verkonis' voice echoed across the valley.

Everyone's mouths were shut. Verkonis floated above the valley. He began to scan the area, looking for something. He then looked at Briggs.

"So you defeated the Fatalities." Said Verkonis after noticing Excalibur on Briggs' back. "Impressive. They were infused with my magic. If I were to have fought you before, you might have actually had the chance of defeating me. But it's too late now. I have power beyond any of you can ever imagine." As he said that, he waved his hand across the valley.

Every being besides the royals, the Moe Crew, their friends and Guardians fell to the ground.

"What happened? What did you do to them?!" Asked Recon.

"I killed them and took away their life force. It's an incredible power. To extinguish a life forever with nothing but a wave of my hand."

Everyone shook in fear. They all looked around them. They were surrounded by corpses on every side. Billions of bodies for as far as the eye could see.

"You have no comprehension of how strong I have become." Said Verkonis. He then snapped his fingers.

The Moe Crew and the others found themselves in Osval during the last Winter Festival. They saw everyone working on the Christmas tree. Verkonis snapped his fingers again. This time they saw themselves in New York in the Moe Café on the day the crew were transported to another world. He snapped his fingers again and brought them back to the valley.

"Now look up there. See that star?"

Everyone looked up and saw the star he was pointing at.

"That's the galaxy Hateia. There are over five hundred sextillion beings in that galaxy."

He then snapped his fingers again. As he did that, the galaxy disappeared.

"There. I just destroyed it."

Everyone fell on their knees feeling extremely helpless.

"I have transcended beyond the concept of reality, space and time. I control everything." Said Verkonis with an evil grin.

He then extended his hand towards them. In that moment, the succubus queen disappeared and reappeared in his hand.

"Mother!" Shouted Melody.

"Oh. She's your mother? I had no idea." Said Verkonis faking surprise. "Then this is going to make it so much better. Tora."

As he uttered that spell, she disappeared from his grasp.

"WHAT DID YOU DO WITH MY MOTHER?!!" Shouted Melody as she got up.

"I sent her to get a hot bath at the center of your sun."

Melody shouted in absolute rage and tried to launch at him. Evan and Nux immediately jumped up and held her down.


"Oh don't worry. I will send you after her soon enough. But first, I think I deserve a break after so many years. So how about you all put on a show for me?"

As he said that, he flicked his finger upwards. Ten magic circles formed on the ground and out of them, the Fatalities popped out.

"Forgive us master. We failed you." Said Herios.

"Don't worry. It was all an unexpected miscalculation on my part. Now you have a chance to redeem yourselves." Said Verkonis as he pointed to the Moe Crew and the others.

"We're just going to take you ten down again." Said Hirito.

"I am afraid that is not possible." Said Ifrit.

At that moment, the Moe Crew's transformations came undone.

"Oh will you?" Said Herios as he appeared in front of Hirito.

Herios punched him with everything he got. Hirito was sent flying into the air. Herios followed and continued attacking Hirito. The rest of the Fatalities followed and did the same to the rest of the Moe Crew. The crew could not even dodge. They were under a constant barrage of attacks. Finally, the Fatalities knocked the Moe Crew into the ground. They were hit so hard that they were sent all the way to the core of the planet.

"Well done Fatalities. Your powers are quite impressive. You are truly worthy of being an Alpha's generals."

"We thank you master. We are not worthy of such praise."

"Now for the rest of you…" Said Verkonis as he looked at the royals and the others.

They were all frozen in fear of all that they just witnessed. They knew that they were doomed.

At the center of the planet, the Moe Crew laid there in a pool of lava. The Elemental Gods shielded them from the heat.

"Wake up! You need to fight back." Said Erebus.

"W-We c-can't." Said Animak who couldn't even stand.

"W-We d-don't s-stand a c-chance against h-him." Said SOS.

"If you don't fight back, the entire universe is doomed." Said Leviathan.

"W-We can't e-even t-transform anymore." Said Johnny.

The Elemental Gods went silent for a bit. They were all thinking about their next move. They knew what they had to do.

"There's one more thing that can be done." Said Gaia.

"There's always one more thing that can be done." Said Johnny as he cast the Sanctuary and healed everyone.

"Don't you think it would have been nice for all of you to tell us this before we got our asses sent to hell?" Asked Nux.

The Elemental Gods physically appeared before them.

"What we are about to do is not something that can be easily done." Said Aeolus.

"There was only one time in the entire history of the universe that we considered using this as a last resort. But we were stopped by the Alpha." Said Aurora.

"It's an act that will grant you unimaginable power." Said Ifrit.

"But there's a catch, right?" Asked Tekking.

"Indeed. It will cost us our very lives." Said Erebus.

Everyone fell silent. They knew it was an incredible price to pay, but they also knew that they had no other choice.

"What is this power up?" Asked Animak.

"Fusion." Said Leviathan.

"Saw that one coming." Said Nux.

"The ten of you will fuse into one being and unlock the Alpha Mode." Said Aurora.

"You will have power on par with Verkonis." Said Aeolus.

"To put it simply, you will become the third Alpha in existence." Said Erebus.

"I have a question. I keep hearing about this Alpha guy, but since Verkonis came here, he never even tried to do anything. Is he one of those gods that just doesn't care about what happens in his universe?" Asked Hirito.

"No. There is more to it that you do not know. But I am afraid that you will have to ask him yourselves as we do not have the time to talk about it." Said Ifrit.

"Indeed. You all need to fuse now." Said Gaia.

"But you six will die." Said Dono.

"It is a small price to pay in order to stop that monster." Said Leviathan.

"We would die anyway as Verkonis is powerful enough to end us all." Said Erebus.

The ten heroes looked at each other and nodded.

"Tell us what to do." Said Briggs.

"You will need to transform back into your Spirit Forms and fuse by uttering the sacred spell, Moferia Croxur Storvos." Said Aurora.

"What will happen to the Spirit Realm when you all die?" Asked Evan.

"The Spirit Realm will be left in your hands. We apologize for leaving such a great responsibility to you, but we do not have any other choice." Said Aeolus.

"And you ten have proved to be worthy to rule the Spirit Realm." Said Gaia.

"We promise to take good care of it." Said Recon.

"You all have our thanks." Said Ifrit.

"Now quickly. We do not have much time. Verkonis is planning to kill your friends." Said Aurora as she looked onto the surface with her spell.

"Right. It was an honor to fight alongside you gods." Said Animak as he bowed. The rest followed.

"Likewise, Moe Crew." Said the gods as they bowed as well.

The ten heroes transformed back into their Spirit Forms. The gods began channeling their life forces into them. At that moment, they turned into particles of pure magic and entered the ten. Some particles though, moved to the surface and flew in two different directions.

"MOFERI CROXUR STORVOS!!!" Shouted the ten.

The entire planet began to vibrate violently. While this was going down, the Fatalities were making their way towards the royals and the others.

"Well then, at this moment you all should realize that there is nothing you all can do to stop me. So, I will give you all one last chance. Surrender to me and join me." Said Verkonis as he walked behind the Fatalities.

The royals and the others looked at one another. They felt helpless against such a terrifying power. They knew that they had lost completely. But even though they knew that they would die, their spirits soared high.

"We will fight you to the end." Said Joey.

"We will never join you. Not even if you torture us to death." Said Melody.

"We will stand against you as the last piece of resistance in the entire universe against your tyranny." Said Osval.

"We will never back down. We will oppose you till we take our last breath." Said the Setran Emperor.

Verkonis flared up for a moment, but calmed down immediately.

"I see. Useless insects till the end. As you wish. Kill them." Ordered Verkonis.

"Yes master." Said the Fatalities as they launched at them.

As the Fatalities came for them, the surface Moe Crew closed their eyes and held each other's hands. They began to tear up as they waited for their demise. At that moment, the planet began to shake. They thought it was the Fatalities preparing to attack. Suddenly, some magical particles entered the sixteen heroes. They felt as if something opened up inside them.

"Call out the spell." Said a voice.

Without any hesitation, the sixteen cried out.


A massive shockwave was sent out that pushed the attacking Fatalities back. Verkonis' eyes widened. He couldn't believe what just happened.


"We wouldn't tell you even if we knew." Said Mental Quorum.

"We are going to tell you this though." Said Libellus.

"We aren't done yet." Said Gaby.

The sixteen heroes transformed into their Spirit Forms and launched their own attacks on the Fatalities. The Fatalities were taken by surprise by what just happened and did not get a chance to dodge nor defend. They took a massive blow from the surface crew. Verkonis was enraged. He let out a massive shockwave that separated the two groups.

"I will end you myself. And then I will find out where you keep getting this power from even if I have to check every cell in your bodies." Said Verkonis as he rushed at them.

He was about to place his hand on Poxal's face and blow him away.

"POXAL DODGE!" Shouted Katie.

"I can't! He's too fast!" Said Poxal with absolute terror written on his face.

"DIE!!!" Shouted Verkonis.

At that moment, there was a great explosion.

"POXAL NO!!!" Shouted everyone.

The dust began to clear. They were all waiting to see what happened. They were praying that he somehow managed to dodge Verkonis. As the dust cleared, the Fatalities, the surface Moe Crew, the royals, the Guardians and even Verkonis himself could not believe what just happened. A being dressed in white battle gear, with white flaming hair and surrounded by a white aura stood in between Poxal and Verkonis.

"It can't be. Deius?" Asked Verkonis as he stared in utter disbelief.

"I have no idea who that is. But if this is your reaction to this neat trick, then I guess we are on the right track." Said the being. "Now step aside, will you?" Said the being as he waved his hand.

With a single wave, Verkonis was sent flying away.

"Are you okay Poxal?" Asked the being as he extended his hand to help Poxal stand.

"Y-Yeah. Thank you." Said Poxal as he took the hand.

"W-Who are you?" Asked Melody.

"IMPOSSIBLE!!! You can't be Deius. He wouldn't dare face me!" Said Verkonis as he stood up from the rubble.

He looked at the being and began scanning it.

"What?! You're one being, but I sense ten life forces in you." Said Verkonis.

Everyone's eyes widened.

"Guys? Is it really you?!" Asked Katie.

"Bingo." Said the fused Moe Crew.

Verkonis let out a great shout of frustration. His aura went berserk. It was so strong that it began to affect everyone. The fused Moe Crew placed a barrier around their friends. The Fatalities could not withstand the sheer power behind Verkonis' aura and were turned to dust.


"Who knows? Maybe that prophecy is true after all. Have you considered that Verky?" Asked the fused Moe Crew.

"This is amazing guys." Said John.

"Yeah. I can't believe you guys fused." Said Hiding.

"What do we call you anyway?" Asked Spooky.

"Well let's see. We're basically the third Alpha in existence."

"How about Yugojuu?" Asked John.

"Oh. You mean the word fusion and the number ten in Japanese." Said Hiding.

"I actually like that." Said the fused Moe Crew

"Yugojuu it is." Said Rustage.

At that moment, Verkonis slammed Yugojuu's head in the ground.

"You are nothing! YOU HEAR ME?! No matter what trick you pull off, I will still come out on top. I AM THE STRONGEST BEING IN EXISTENCE!!! You will all bow before…"

"Oh shut up will you." Said Yugojuu as he switched places with Verkonis. "Here. Have some dirt."

"AARGH!!! YOU DARE HUMILIATE ME?!" Said Verkonis as he shot into the ground and launched both himself and Yugojuu into the air.

He then grabbed Yugojuu by the throat.


Verkonis shot out a large red and black beam of energy from the palm of his hand. It went forward for hundreds of miles, clearing everything in sight and leaving only destruction in its path. Everyone else was staring with their eyes wide.

"Ha. I have to say that for a lowly creature like yourself, you proved to be quite an annoyance. But that's it. Nothing more. Now you know where you belong. In hell."

"It's not my time just yet." Said Yugojuu as he appeared behind Verkonis.

He then grabbed him by the back of his head.

"My turn. Xir."

With that, Verkonis began to twist and shrink.


"You're finished!" Said Yugojuu as he kept unleashing his attack.


Verkonis kept twisting and shrinking until he disappeared into nothingness. Everyone went silent. They all stared at the spot in front of Yugojuu where Verkonis was just a moment ago.

"Did they do it?" Asked Melody.

"It would seem like it." Said Steve.

Yugojuu waved his hand in front of him.

"He's gone…" Said Yugojuu as his hand fell to his side. "HE'S GONE!!!!" He shouted with relief.

"Verkonis is dead!!!" Shouted Jordan as he and the others began to hug with tears running down their cheeks.

"Oh am I now?" Said Verkonis as he appeared behind them.

Chills ran down everyone's spines.

"GET OUT OF THERE!!!" Shouted Yugojuu as he saw Verkonis.

The crew rushed to grab the royals and the guardians to get away from Verkonis. But it was too late. Verkonis placed his hand on the ground which caused it to open up, revealing hundreds of deadly spikes. The ground then swallowed the royals and the guardians and closed up, crushing them to death.

"You monster!!" Shouted Melody.

"You there. Now I remember you. You kept running your mouth and kept defying me since day one. You even helped Serbus when I first came here. You were a real pain. I forgot to give you my thanks." Said Verkonis.

At that moment, his eyes turned red. He stretched out his arms towards her and put his palms together. Melody was then frozen in place.

"MELODY!!!" Shouted Yugojuu as he rushed to her.

At that moment, Verkonis spread his arms apart and with that move, split Melody in two.

"NOOOOOO!!!" Shouted everyone.

Yugojuu rushed at Verkonis in a mad rage. He kept attacking him but Verkonis kept dodging.


Verkonis then grabbed Yugojuu by the throat and started punching him. The planet shook with every punch. With each hit, Verkonis increased the speed of his punches. At that moment, their sixteen friends rushed at Verkonis and at the same time, landed a blow on him which separated Yugojuu from him and sent Verkonis back a few dozen meters.

"Not bad. You actually pushed me back. I guess you have some power after all."

"Yugojuu, are you okay?" Asked Katie.

"I'm okay. He's going to pay."

"He will. But we can't rush into this. We need to strategize and go at him together." Said Noble.

"Exactly. If we're not careful, he's going to use our rage against us and take us apart one by one." Said Gaby.

"Besides, we outnumber him. We can take him out easily." Said Chibi.

"Outnumber me? Are you sure about that?" Asked Verkonis.

He then stretched his hands. The ground began to crumble and open up. Ten clone groups of the Fatalities came up from the ground.

"I believe it's the other way around."

"There's no way." Said Yugojuu.

"Don't worry. We'll handle these clowns. You take care of Verkonis." Said John.

"Yeah. If you defeat him, his toys should die too." Said Katie.

"Leave these guys to us. We'll get the job done." Said Spooky.

"Alright. Don't die." Said Yugojuu.

"Right back at you. Now go kick some demon lord butt." Said Libellus.

Yugojuu went straight for Verkonis. He flew right through a few dozen Fatalities, taking some of them out in the process. When he got to Verkonis, both of them got in a major brawl that kept shaking the planet. The rest of the crew began fighting the Fatality army.


Yugojuu casted a spell that was meant to bind Verkonis with chains of light and darkness. Verkonis then pulled out Percium and cut the chains, sucking in the magical energy instead. He then swung the sword towards Yugojuu. Larger chains then came out of the sword and caught Yugojuu.

"I completely forgot about this sword. It really is quite special."

He then floated towards Yugojuu.

"I love the choice of spells. You probably don't know this, but theses chains right here, are strong enough to hold the Alpha himself. I mean, this spell was what originally defeated me. And you had no idea. Ha ha ha ha!!! Don't you think this is funny? The same chains that defeated me once, are the same chains you tried to use on me. But look at you now. You're the one chained up. And the chains are stronger than ever. You have no way of breaking them."

He got even closer to Yugojuu.

"You've all been huge pests to me. Made me waste so much time and resources on this little rebellion of yours. But you were a fun toy to pass time with I suppose. So now that the game is done, let me ask you one final question."

Verkonis then placed the tip of his sword at Yugojuu's throat.

"Any last words?"

Yugojuu was about to retort, but before he could do that, Excalibur began to shake in its scabbard. It then flew out of it and cut the chains, setting Yugojuu free.

"Impossible!" Said Verkonis.

"There are a lot of things that are possible Verkonis." Said a man that was floating above them.

Excalibur and Percium, which left Verkonis' hand, flew towards him and landed in his hands.

"Me being here was supposed to be impossible. But here I am."

Verknonis' eyes flared up. He couldn't believe who was standing before him.

"Serbus?!! You should be dead."

"Among other things. But today, I choose to be someone who is going to be a part of the team that takes you down."


"Oh yeah. About that… Arius Zect!!!" Serbus uttered the transformation spell and transformed into his spirit form.

Verkonis could only stare in shock.

"Thanks to my friends, the Elemental Gods, I was able to acquire the remaining 3 elementals. I'm sure that's what happened to your friends as well."

Yugojuu looked at his friends who were fending off the Fatality Army.

"Speaking of which, I should probably lend them a hand. But first…." Before he could finish, Verkonis launched at him but Yugojuu stopped him.

"Keep him busy for a second." Said Serbus.

"Will do."

Yugojuu began clashing with Verkonis. Serbus stretched his hands forward and started letting out a massive amount of magic. A golden aura surrounded him that kept expanding. The holy swords Percium and Excalibur began to float before him. Terium flew from Yugojuu's scabbard and appeared before him as well. Then, out of Serbus' hands, seven golden strings spread across the globe at an incredible speed. A few seconds later, they all returned to Serbus with the remaining seven holy swords. Serbus' eyes then began shining with a bright golden light. The area around him began to distort itself due to the incredible magical pressure that Serbus was emitting. Suddenly, Serbus spread his arms apart and quickly clapped, sending magical shockwaves towards the swords.

"Valoria Norva!!!" Shouted Serbus.

At that, the ten holy swords merged. Massive beams of light were sent flying from the swords' direction. Everyone who was fighting, had to stop and see what was going on. Finally, the light surrounding the swords began to shrink and float down towards Serbus. He stretched out his hand and grabbed the light. At that moment, the light dispersed, revealing a beautiful, dark purple broad sword.

"Is that…." Asked John as he stared at the sword.

"We finally have it. The Regalia has finally been formed." Said Serbus as he held the sword.

He then pointed it at Verkonis.

"See here Verkonis? We just made another impossible thing, possible. And remember this. I will carve out your heart with this sword."

"You will do no such thing!" Said Verkonis as he flew past Yugojuu and tried to strike Serbus.

Serbus took the Regalia and swung it towards the mad demon lord. A large tornado engulfed Verkonis. Serbus swung once more and with that swing, the tornado stopped moving. It just stayed in place. Everything in it was frozen. Including Verkonis. Serbus pointed the sword at the tornado. A giant meteor fell from the sky, right on top of the tornado Verkonis was in. In that moment, Verkonis' eyes flashed and the meteor stopped. Verkonis broke free of the time prison and blew away the tornado. With a touch of his finger, the meteor split in two. He then launched one half towards Yugojuu and one half towards Serbus. Yugojuu blasted away his meteor and Serbus cut his. As the dust cleared, they both looked for Verkonis and saw him floating a bit further away from where they were. He took a look at the Fatalities he created and saw them being pushed back by the sixteen heroes.

"You all have proven to be quite the annoyance. So much that I actually have to work hard a little. Since you all like to play so much, then how about I give everyone more toys to play with?" Said Verkonis as he raised his arms.

Dark mana clouds formed in the sky. Red lightning started to shoot out of the clouds and strike the ground. Suddenly, the dead demon army began to stand. In a matter of seconds, the billions of demons that were killed by Verkonis when he displayed his massive power, were brought back from the dead.

"There. Now that will keep you busy while I search for a way to the Spirit Realm." Said Verkonis.

Yugojuu and Serbus flinched as they heard that.

"Oh. You think I haven't figured it out? Deius doesn't have the guts to face me. And I have taken the magic of your precious Earth. Which only leaves one more place that could rival me in terms of magical energy. The Spirit Realm. And I won't rest until every little bit of mana in the universe belongs to me."

"Ha ha ha." Chuckled Serbus.

"What's so funny Serbus? You think you can stop me now? You had the chance once." Said Verkonis mocking him.

"Verkonis. How many times do I need to prove to you that the impossible is possible if you will it?" Said Serbus.

Serbus then pointed the Regalia towards the valley. Flashes of light began falling from the sky and on the valley. Soon, the valley was engulfed in a bright white light. When the light began to dim, Yugojuu and the sixteen gasped at what they just witnessed. The World's Army as well as Melody, the Royals and Guardians were brought back to life with the power of the Regalia. Including Gigguk who perished when Verkonis escaped the dimensional prison. Verkonis was boiling. He couldn't understand why it was that every time he would gain the upper hand, his enemies would grow in power as well.

"How did you do that?" Asked Yugojuu.

"I fused the powers of the holy swords Altravia and Grivia. As you know, Altravia summons an army of angels and Grivia summons an army of undead. By fusing both powers, I got control over life and death. So I brought everyone back."

"Well well well. Looks like we're back to where we started aren't we?" Said Yugojuu.

"Listen and listen well Demon Lord Verkonis. There is nothing that you can do that is going to bring us down. We will always rise again and fight you. Again and again. We will stand against you." Said Serbus as he and Yugojuu landed in front of the World Army.

Verkonis stayed silent. His veins were popping out of his head. He just surveyed the valley and looked at all his enemies. His gaze stopped on the sixteen heroes. Verkonis then let out an evil grin.

"Got you."

Verkonis then stretched his hand forward.

"It all ends here. Kill them all."

The demon army let our a giant war cry and began charging. Serbus and Yugojuu floated above the World's Army and turned to face them.

"My brothers!!! Do not fear his power nor his might. Look around you. You are not alone. You fight side by side with one of your own. Strengthen each other. Prove to this tyrant that we can make the impossible possible. Fight! Fight for your family. Fight for your country. Fight for your world. And fight for a better tomorrow! If you do that, I promise you victory. Let this battle be heard to the far ends of the universe!" Said Serbus as he raised the army's morale. They were all strengthen by his presence and his words. They all let out a great war cry.

Serbus then stretched out his sword towards Gigguk. Percium then appeared in Gigguk's hand.

"I believe this belongs to you." Said Serbus.

He then turned towards the incoming demon army. He raised the Regalia.

"Now, ATTACK!!!" Shouted Serbus.

The World's Army began to charge. Zomok came out the Regalia but left behind his magical presence, allowing the Regalia to stay as it is. Zomok went ahead of the World's Army and let out a huge roar in the direction of the incoming demon army. His roar was followed by a great gust of wind that blew away thousands of demons, clearing a path for the World's Army. Serbus then turned to Yugojuu.

"I'll assist them. You go take care of Verkonis. Finish him off."

"Right." Said Yugojuu as he charged for Verkonis.

Verkonis who saw him coming, charged for him as well. They clashed at the same time the demon army and the World's Army clashed. The final battle had finally begun. Verkonis and Yugojuu were moving at immense speeds. They battled all across the globe. Their battle was so great, that even the people in the Setran Empire could see them coming and going.

"Just give up! You're never going to defeat me!" Said Verkonis as he slammed Yugojuu into a large mountain range, decimating it in the process.

"I could say the same for you!" Said Yugojuu as he charged back at him.

He grabbed Verkonis by the head, flew upwards and in a matter of seconds got to the moon. The distance from their planet and the moon was the same as the distance between Earth and its moon. The only difference was that this moon was twice as big. He then began dragging Verkonis across the surface of the moon, face first.

"How dare you?!!!" Shouted an enraged Verkonis.

He then teleported out of Yugojuu's grasp and appeared behind him.

"You'll pay for what you just did! Eramu!"

As he cast that spell, Verkonis created fifty clones of himself and surrounded Yugojuu from every possible side. Each clone began charging up magical energy into its hands.


Each clone shot out a great red and black beam at Yugojuu. There was a massive explosion. The explosion began to spread and affect the moon as well as the planet, but suddenly, the explosion vanished.

"You really are insane. That could have vaporized this entire solar system."

Verkonis then appeared behind Yugojuu and chained him with black magical chains that stopped Yugojuu's flow of magic.

"This is why you will never be on my level. First of all, that attack wouldn't have vaporized the solar system. It would have vaporized the entire galaxy and in return, inject me with all the magical energy available in this galaxy. Secondly, that was a diversion. I knew you were going to counter that attack and send it to a dead dimension. Now, do you want to see what else I am capable off?" Said Verkonis.

He then attached the chains to the moon.


That spell opened up an enormous wormhole behind the moon that began to suck the moon in. And with it, so was Yugojuu. The wormhole was so big, that even the people from the planet could see it sucking in the moon.

"By the time you find your way back here, no one would be able to stand against me. Not Serbus, not you, not even Deius. I will rule over the universe. I will recreate it the way I want to. Every being in the universe would either bow before me or perish."


"But don't you see? I already have. Farewell my archenemy."

With that, Yugojuu was sucked in along with the moon and the wormhole closed. Verkonis then flew back to the planet and landed on the battlefield, in-between the two armies. Everyone stopped fighting. With a wave of his hand, everyone in the World's Army fell to the ground struck down by a great gravitational field. Including Serbus and the rest of the heroes.

"Yugojuu is gone. I have sent him to the far ends of the universe. He won't be coming back anytime soon. This world and everyone in it belong to me. There is nobody that can stand in my way now!!! HA HA HA!!!" Laughed Verkonis.

The demon army began to cheer while the World's Army was filling up with terror. They couldn't believe what they just heard.

"T-That's i-impossible." Said Serbus struggling to stand.

"Oh but Serbus, don't you know that anything is possible if you will it?" Mocked Verkonis.

He then looked at the sixteen heroes.

"I have one more thing I need to do before I begin my rule over the cosmos. You sixteen seem to have direct connections to the Spirit Realm. I need to get there." Said Verkonis as he walked towards them.

"S-Stay away!" Shouted Katie in absolute terror after seeing Verkonis walking straight for her.

At the far ends of the universe, a rogue moon was floating in the depths of space with Yugojuu chained on it.

"I need to break free of these chains right now!" Said Yugojuu as he struggled to break free. "What can I do?"

Yugojuu stopped struggling and closed his eyes. He began concentrating on the flow of magic in the dark chains. He knew that the dark chains were sucking out his magical energy which is what was keeping him from breaking free. As he concentrated on the key points where his magic was being sucked out, he tried to stop the flow of magic coming out of him. After a couple of seconds, he succeeded.

"Great. Now to see if I can somehow reverse it."

By concentrating on his magical core, he began to reverse the chains' functions. He began sucking out the magical energy from the chains. Suddenly, the chains crumbled.

"That's better. Now where the hell am I?" He said as he began to look around.

He looked in every direction but couldn't make out where he was. He then looked behind the moon and his eyes widened with shock.

"I don't believe it. This can't be real."

At that exact moment, Yugojuu realized that he was witnessing the universe expanding. He saw stars, planets and galaxies forming right before his very eyes.

"I am at the edge of the universe. I was literally sent to the end of the universe."

He could not believe what he saw. The raw power needed to do such a thing was beyond anything anyone could ever imagine. The sheer vastness of the universe was hard to think of as it is. But to think that there was more being created with each passing second was not something that any being could do.

"This is absolutely incredible. Even with the power I posses right now, I doubt I could create more than a thousand galaxies at a go. But to constantly expand the universe with each passing second… Who could do that? Wait. What am I doing?! I need to find a way back. I need to kick Verkonis' ass. I hope everyone else is okay."

Yugojuu then created an orb of light just like Aurora had. It showed him what was going on back home.

"Yugojuu is gone. I have sent him to the far ends of the universe. He won't be coming back anytime soon. This world and everyone in it belong to me. There is nobody that can stand in my way now!!! HA HA HA!!!" Laughed Verkonis.

"Laugh while you can Verky. Because daddy is coming home."

Yugojuu then released the spell and began looking around him.

"I see. Home is sixty-nine billion light years to the north. Close enough."

He then turned to the moon that belonged to his planet.

"Surtur." He casted a spell on the moon that shrunk it to the point that it could fit in his pocket.

"Let's get a move on, shall we?"

At that moment, Yugojuu zoomed away. As he flew away, a being with long golden hair and white royal robes floated from behind a planet and smiled.

"Get him."

Yugojuu flew back at such incredible speeds that space began to distort. Planets, stars and moons moved out of their orbits as he flew by due to his speed and shockwaves he was emitting. But as he passed them, they were put back in their place.

Back in the Valley of the Abyss, Verkonis began walking up to Katie.

"I think I'll use you to get to the Spirit Realm. Don't worry. This will only hurt a bit." Said Verkonis as he stretched out his hand towards her.

"SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME!!!" Screamed a terrified Katie.

"GET AWAY FROM HER!!!" Shouted Serbus.

"KATIE!!!" Shouted her friends.

Katie closed her eyes as she saw Verkonis reach out for her. At that moment, a great gush of wind was felt and a tremor was felt all across the universe. The gravitational spell that was cast on them was lifted. Katie slowly opened her eyes after noticing that Verkonis did not touch her. As she opened her eyes, she did not see him anymore.

"What happened?! Where is he?" She asked her friends.

None of them answered. They were all looking in one direction with complete shock written on their faces. She then turned to look at what caught their attention and realized what was going on. She began to sob out of relief.

"T-Thank you. Thank you so much Yugojuu." She said.

Right before their eyes, Yugojuu was flying all around the planet, while beating Verkonis with everything he got. Verkonis had no chance to react. He did not see nor sense Yugojuu flying down from space. Yugojuu flew directly towards him just as he was about to touch Katie and backed up by the absolute power and speed he got while flying back, kicked Verkonis in the face with so much force that the universe shook.

"GET HIM!!!" Shouted the World's Army.


Yugojuu was enveloped in a bright golden aura. He didn't stop attacking Verkonis. He wasn't going to give him a chance to recover. Verkonis tried as much as he could to defend, but nothing worked. Yugojuu the took Verkonis by the throat and flung him in the air.

"THIS IS THE END VERKONIS!!! SPIRIT MAGNUM!!!" Shouted Yugojuu as he released every last bit of elemental magical energy he had.

A giant golden beam of energy shot out of his hands right at Verkonis.

"THIS IS FAR FROM OVER!!! URDO MAXIMA!!!" Shouted Verkonis as he shot back.

Both attacks hit each other. They were evenly matched. None of them were backing down.


"Let me guess. You were going to say it's impossible, weren't you?" Said a person as he stabbed Verkonis through the chest. "Remember what I said? I said I was going to carve out your heart with this sword."

At that moment, Serbus pushed further into Verkonis' chest and brought out the sword through the other side. Verkonis' heart was on the other side of the sword.

"NOW YUGOJUU! DO IT NOW!!!" Shouted Serbus.

"But you…"



Yugojuu poured out every last drop of magical energy he had left in his body into his Spirit Magnum. His attack shattered Verkonis' attack and hit him and Serbus head on.

"NOOOOOOO!!!" Shouted Verkonis as the attack hit him.

The sheer power behind that attack shattered Verkonis' and Serbus' magical core. As the attack kept hitting him, Verkonis began to disintegrate until all traces of him were gone. While the attack was still going, Serbus turned back and smiled.

"Well done, heroes of the universe."

The attack finally stopped. The dust and all the dark mana clouds cleared. Verkonis and Serbus were nowhere to be seen. Yugojuu was the only one still left floating. The demon army began to disintegrate as well. He just kept staring at the place where Verkonis once was. The Regalia floated to Yugojuu and placed itself in his hands. Yugojuu then raised the sword to the sky. The World's Army let out a great shout of absolute joy. They did it. They actually did it. Verkonis was gone. The tyrant, the great calamity, Demon Lord Verkonis has been defeated. Yugojuu gave out a sigh of relief and floated down. He was out of magic. As he landed, the fusion spell of both him and the Regalia came undone. The ten heroes of The Moe Crew looked at each other and smiled.

"We did it." Said the ten.

They punched the air and together, they all collapsed out of exhaustion with their friends, Royals, and Guardians running towards them. The universe was saved and the ten heroes needed some much needed rest.