Chapter 1

A frown formed upon the Duke's face as he looked out of the window of his study. His eyes settled on the distant training grounds in the east where a crowd of knights had gathered. While some of them rushed to bring injured knights to the medical facility, others were still engaged in clashing their swords against his younger brother, Derek's.

As he was eyeing the whole scenario unfold, a knock brought his eyes to shift momentarily from the training grounds to the door of his study.

"Come in." The Duke's low voice rang in the large study. The door opened with a clack and his butler stood at the other side of his desk in a moment. As the grey-haired butler watched the duke looking out of the window, he delivered the news he came to report. "The second master is training early today. Three knights are gravely injured while fifteen have minor scratches and cuts."

'Of course, Derek was creating a ruckus, after all, today is her death anniversary.' The Duke thought.

"Where is Fredrick?" the Duke asked with a sigh. The silver haired knight was the one who usually stopped Derek from going on a rampage.

"Sir Fredrick is on a two-day leave, Duke." The butler replied.

"Right, I forgot." The Duke walked away from the window to sit in his armchair. If not Fredrick, then who else can stop Derek right now? The Duke wracked his brain for an answer. At this rate, the knights might go into unrest.

"Send Hansel." The Duke ordered after contemplation.

"But sir, Hansel is a new recruit. He can't handle the second master in my opinion." The butler protested. Hansel was recruited as an apprentice knight of the dukedom only the day before. When the knights who train regularly with the second master couldn't stand in front of him for more than a minute, then it would be like making a Deathwish for a new recruit.

"It's okay. I've seen Hansel fight. He can take Derek on." The Duke assured the butler, "Send Hansel to Derek and dismiss the other knights from training for today. Compensate the knights who are injured and give them a week of paid off to recuperate."

"Yes, Master." The butler bowed to the Duke before taking his leave.

When the butler shut the door behind him, the Duke sighed again before getting up from his armchair. Today was the death anniversary of Julia, the Duke's late wife who died during childbirth. She was also Derek's first love. Julia was the only child of Marquess Bernini, one of the wealthiest man in Estonia. Their father, the late Duke of Wintern, wanted Julia to marry into the Wintern household. But Julia was three years older than Derek and here's where the problem arose. When Julia became of age, Derek was only fifteen. So, under the pressure of the late Duke Wintern and Marquess Bernini, Julia agreed to marry Leonard Wintern, the eldest son. Of course, Derek protested, but since Julia was not in love with him and did not oppose the idea of marrying Leonard, the marriage was confirmed.

The relation between Leonard and Derek became strained since then.


Meanwhile, the butler announced 'the leave for the day' to the knights in the training grounds. The knights heaved a sigh of relief and dispersed quickly before Derek could protest.

Derek's blue eyes narrowed at the sight of the old man, and he ran a hand through his black hairs, frustrated.

"What is the meaning of this, Charlie?" he demanded, seething at the butler. The deathly aura emanated from Derek but the butler did not even flinch. He had taken care of both the masters of the house since the day they were born, and absolutely nothing about them could surprise him now.

"The Duke ordered this." He answered calmly.

Derek clenched his fists in frustration. "So, are you going to practice with me now? Because I'm in no mood to stop at all." He seethed, drawing the sword close to the Butler's neck.

"I will be your training partner today." Derek was startled at the voice which came from behind his back. He turned around immediately, only to find a young man unbuttoning his blue uniform blazer. His caramel hairs and black eyes were common features among people of Estonia. His height was average and he was not very muscular. In every way he was lacking than the knights selected as Derek's opponent for training. Derek was unimpressed.

"You are going to be my opponent? Pfft- " He broke into a chuckle. No matter how you look, Derek was at least twice his size.

The young man didn't retort and finished unbuttoning his blazer silently. He was unaffected by Derek's eyes scrutinizing him. Derek saw him throw the blue colored dress on the ground and the next moment his sword threatened Derek's neck. The butler had already excused himself from the training grounds.

Derek's eyes went wide. It was the first time someone's sword grazed his neck. He was taken aback but reflexively leapt backwards, slapping his blade aside. The young man closed the distance within a second and cut at Derek. Derek parried but he skillfully mutated the cut into thrust. He cut and thrust at Derek relentlessly and Derek could do nothing but only parry. Despite the difference in size and build, the young man was driving Derek into a corner. Every time Derek would try to put some distance between them, he closed the distance with agility. He showed no openings to Derek. His attacks were focused at vital points and Derek knew his blade would stab his body if he loses his concentration even for a second. The young man was not giving Derek any chance to counter-attack. Derek who had been fighting the knights since dawn was getting exhausted without even a second to relax his muscles and breathe.

The young man threw an overhand cut and Derek parried high. With every ounce of strength left in him, Derek pushed his bade backwards. The young man stumbled receiving the sudden strength and lost his balance. Derek extended a hand to him to save his fall and the young man caught it, but since Derek had little strength left in him, he fell along with him.


Both of them fell on the ground, and Derek's fall was cushioned by the young man.

"Ouch! Oww- " The young man cried as his head hit the ground. But Derek remained on top of him, collapsed from exhaustion. Both of them gasped for breath, their heart beating fast. Derek noticed the young man's body felt softer. Maybe it was because he had no muscles and was skinny. He also had a nice body smell. Somehow Derek didn't want to get up.

Nevertheless, Derek supported his upper body with his hands and raised himself a little to look at the young man's face. His closed eyes opened as Derek's raised body blocked the sunlight falling on his face. His black eyes peered into the blue ones of Derek. Derek noticed how his face flushed red due to the strenuous exercise and contrasted his pale skin. His thin lips quivered, trying to utter but not a word came out. The young man averted his eyes, still panting for breath. His eyes moved down along with the bead of sweat trickling down the young man's neck. Derek gulped watching his white shirt, which had become transparent from sweat, cling to his skin.

"Uh, Second Master, you're heavy!" the young man finally broke the silence. Derek gasped in astonishment. The face he thought was ordinary, was somehow making his heart beat faster. Let alone the fact that he was a man, why was he even giving attention to a trainee's face?

He got up in an alarm and scratched his head, bewildered. This was a feeling he had lost when Julia decided to marry Leonard. Maybe it was because it was the first time someone could take him on in a sword fight. Yeah, that must be it, Derek decided.

"You," He asked the young man, clenching his eyes shut in frustration, "What is your name?"

"Hansel." The young man replied in a word, getting up from the ground.

"You're going to practice sword with me every day."