Chapter 5


You just have to take responsibility! The words that had escaped Derek's mouth rang an alarm in Hansel's brain. Nevertheless, he couldn't help but ask, "Ho…How?"

Derek smirked at the question. He knew that he had successfully hunted down his prey. He closed the distance between their faces, stopping just hair's-breadth away, to avoid them from touching. Hansel retreated in alarm and Derek followed. His hot breath fanned Hansel's caramel hairs as he hid his face in his nape. His nose tickled Hansel, who squirmed in response. He wasn't going easy on him at all.

"Just engage me for a bit." Derek whispered in his ears and Hansel froze as he then gave his ear a small lick. Derek took his hand and guided it to his hard member again. Hansel went red in his face. He understood now, what Derek meant by 'taking responsibility'.

Still, he wanted to get over with this quickly. He took Derek's hot, throbbing rod in his hands and started rubbing it. Derek let a low growl into his ears, his member pleased at the attention it was receiving. He swelled up even more. Hansel was taken aback at its increased size, as if it was not enormous from the start. He started fapping it and Derek made sure to moan in Hansel's ears. His deep voice reverberated in his head and electricity crawled up his spine. Derek's face was resting in Hansel's nape and the former, frustrated at the stimulation, kissed Hansel's neck. He sucked at the soft flesh until a crimson mark appeared. He was satisfied with his work. This was clearly the act of leaving a mark of ownership on his prey. Hansel shivered due to the sudden pain; his skin seared at the places Derek was planting kisses on him. Why was he so getting hot himself when the one being stimulated was Derek?

Derek's lips travelled down his collar bone and stopped at his chest. His buds were swollen rosy, probably from all the torture they had received the previous night. He took one of them in his mouth and soothed it with his tongue. Hansel's body tingled with pleasure. Hansel was never good with words, he spoke little, but Derek had never observed a hint of pretentiousness in his voice. He wasn't playing hard to get, like the others said. It was just his nature. Derek's desire to win over Hansel grew more with the time they spent together.

Meanwhile, Hansel was stroking Derek's member but his attention was drawn by the lips which were smothering and abusing his buds. Hansel moaned, failing to suppress it. Derek released them form his mouth and blew on them. The cold air made them perk up once again. Hansel, upset that Derek was no longer touching them felt the tension in his stinging buds and unconsciously, he had pressed his chest to Derek's mouth. Derek smiled at his honest reaction. from the start, Hansel had never really rejected him. He obliged with Hansel's request and the latter shivered uncontrollably.

He pushed Hansel back on the bed and climbed on top of him. His hands slowly travelled down his abdomen while his lips had captured Hansel's mouth. Hansel panicked and held Derek's hand with his to stop them from moving any further. Derek clicked his tongue when Hansel resisted his touch. He seized the hand which was holding his and pulled it down to touch Hansel's own nether region. There were no layers of clothing on him to protect himself and his hand directly touched his own member which had turned rigid. His eyes went wide with realization but Derek didn't fail to announce it to him with a smirk, "You're hard!"

Hansel's eyes met Derek's and his cheeks reddened. He wanted to disappear somewhere, never to be found again. Derek chuckled at his reaction and Hansel clenched his eyes shut in shame. Hansel had never liked physical contacts with others, even small, friendly gestures like handshakes made his skin crawl. He had never thought in his wildest dreams that Derek would barge his way into his personal space and break down his walls. His touching was far beyond the concept of friendly skin ship. But not only was Hansel okay with it, he even wanted Derek to touch him more!? What was happening to him?

"Do you want me to take care of this?" Derek asked seductively, making Hansel's hand, which was held captive in his larger one, rub his own member. Hansel, who was already blushing, reddened even more. he could never respond to a question like that lest he wanted to die of shame after the act was done. Derek guessed what was going through Hansel's head but he decided to tease him some more until he opened his mouth. He would never be able to take their relationship to the next level if Hansel decided to remain passive. He would not make the same mistake he made with Julia. He wanted Hansel to understand what their relationship is and that he would absolutely not allow him to run away from himself. Derek was pretty confident for someone who was in denial, that he was getting turned-on by a man, not long ago.

He teased Hansel a bit more, rubbing his thing in his large hands, peeling his foreskin back to expose the sensitive underneath, then rubbing and teasing it. Hansel trembled in pleasure; his thing throbbed furiously in Derek's hand. The warm feeling in his stomach was growing and his mind was going blank with every passing second. Hansel moaned again and again in Derek's arms, nearing his climax. Though Derek enjoyed this view, he had yet to make Hansel open his mouth and answer his question from earlier.

Just when Hansel felt waves of passion would finally escape his body, Derek had his hand tightly clasped around Hansel's thickness. Hansel's body convulsed but nothing came out. Instead he was left dwelling in a pool of dissatisfaction. He opened his eyes which had been tightly shut this whole time and looked at Derek, his half-opened eyes questioning Derek why was he not letting him climax. Derek kissed Hansel's cheek and left a trail of kisses till he reached his ears.

"Do you want me to take care of it?" he asked again, licking his ears. Hansel flailed because it tickled him. but he could not let the required words escape his mouth. How could he ever answer a question like that?

But Derek was determined. He used his other hand to tease Hansel's tip while he still clutched his thing tightly. Hansel groaned in discontent. This slight teasing was only torturing him more. He felt no better than a fly trapped in honey. No matter how much he struggled, there was no way out. And Derek's actions only added to his agony.

Hansel clutched Derek's shoulders in anguish. His half-shut eyelids and quivering lips silently pleaded him to relax his grip, but Derek did not comply. Hansel realized he wasn't going to get his release until he let the required words flow out of his mouth. His eyes became teary with frustration and he finally gave in.

His thin lips parted and his hot breath brushed Derek's cheeks as he spoke, "Please…t, take care…of me, Master!"