Chapter 23

After successfully getting rid of the manager, Derek sighed in relief. He had never felt an agitation like this before, where what he wanted was being kept away from him just because of a few 'dumb heads'.

He turned away from the locked door and his gaze immediately united with Hansel's, who looked away in a hurry, embarrassed.

"Come!" Derek took Hansel by his hand and pulled him towards himself. The tug wasn't very strong and the knight could have easily countered it but Hansel walked into Derek's arms willingly. He looked nervous but something about his expressions and gestures made the hairs on Derek's neck stand. Agitated even more, he bit one of Hansel's ears.

"Ouch!" the sudden pain made Hansel cry. Derek however, didn't stop there. He continued abusing the tender flesh with his canines and stopped only when its color resembled blood.

The lewd sound that resounded Hansel's head as Derek licked and sucked his ears to soothe the pain, as well as his warm breath which was hitting the back of Hansel's neck, upheaved the weird tension in his body that he had managed to suppress after the carriage ride had ended.

"W-What are you doing?" Hansel asked Derek. Even though he knew perfectly what was going to happen to him, he couldn't help but feel coy. He had shared kisses with Derek several times but he never got used to his blatant advances that didn't discriminate the places and time.

"Did you forget what we were doing in the carriage?" Derek replied him with a question. He pushed Hansel back on the couch behind him and looked down at the figure of the apprentice knight with smiling eyes. But unlike the smile that had formed on his face, his overall expression somehow appeared sinister, as if daring Hansel to forget even a breath of their time together.

It wasn't like Hansel had forgotten about it, but being reminded of it again by Derek made everything flash in front of his eyes. There was nothing more he could do than blush at his thoughts. His embarrassment managed to satisfy Derek, though.

"Are you uncomfortable when I touch you?" Derek asked him, but his fingers were quickly unbuttoning Hansel's shirt.

"I-It's not like that." the knight shivered as Derek's cold fingers traced down his abdomen. He looked at the long fingers which skillfully freed the buttons from the eyelets, unaware that his heartbeat was escalating with every passing second.

"Then? Why do you object?" Derek had managed to expose what Hansel's shirt was hiding beneath. He eyed the rose buds hungrily and teased them just a bit with his fingers.

"Right now, is a bit…" Hansel's voice trailed off. There was still daylight outside, the same as yesterday when they were fooling around in the bathtub. But what time it was, was a matter of least concern.

What bothered him was the fact that he could see things too clearly. How Derek's salacious eyes met his while his lips hovered over his buds, that tiniest drop of sweat which trickled down his forehead and that slightest tinge of red which painted his cheeks - things which would have easily escaped his eyes were now engraved in his memory.

"Why? Now seems like a good time to me." Derek answered. With his hands, he quickly unbuckled Hansel's pants and pulled them down his legs. He threw the piece of cloth away from them and same was the fate of other pieces of clothing which covered their bodies.

"We will miss the evening assembly if we continue." Hansel protested meekly. He had already missed three of the weekly meetings held for apprentices before when he had wounded his back.

"I think they will excuse you if you take my name." After their bodies were sufficiently bare, Derek made his way up, peppering kisses on Hansel's torso, making him flinch with every contact. His body deprived of clothes, felt cold yet hot at the same time.

"But I can't miss the training tomorrow. I've already taken two days o-YAAH?!" As one last attempt before falling into enemy's hands, Hansel had tried to pull Derek's attention towards his words. But what actually captured Derek's attention was his shrill cry when Derek leisurely scratched his sides with nails.

"It's okay. I will go easy on you." Derek replied casually. He had no intention of heeding to Hansel's excuses. Also, Hansel's skills were pretty much the best even among the official knights. So, missing a meeting or two wasn't going to affect his future anyway.

Hansel was not consoled any further. Derek had quickly claimed his lips as if had been lusting for them from a long time. He sucked on the plump flesh, biting and licking it to his content. Hansel hissed in pain when one of Derek's hands had stealthily creeped up to his chest and squeezed his nipple. His buds hardened from the attention Derek's hands gave them.

It was not long before Hansel was trembling in Derek's arms. Like a devil, Derek knew what Hansel wanted but denied him any. He pinned both of Hansel's hands above his head and focused on his tongue that was clashing with the knight's.

Hansel surrendered to the pleasure that was growing in his lower half. Since his hands were clamped to the couch, he unwittingly arched his back to rub his growth on Derek's abdomen. But Derek was vigilant and raised his back further away to deny any contact.

Hansel groaned in agony. He squirmed in Derek's grip to free himself but he was no match for his brute strength. If they had been fighting with swords, Hansel could have put up a better fight or even won the battle against him, but he couldn't even move a finger under Derek whenever their bodies clashed.

Derek relinquished his grip on Hansel's hands when he noticed he was getting desperate for it. His hand went down Hansel's stomach and didn't stop until it met the scorching bundle of muscles that throbbed in his palm. He rubbed its tip to ease some anxiety but stopped before Hansel became thankful for it. His actions were like a drop of fresh water in the scorching heat of a desert- it doesn't satisfy your thirst but leaves you thirstier than before.

"Do you want me to stop?" Derek asked, as if he was teasing Hansel for all his meaningless protests before. But Hansel feared that if he answered Derek in an affirmative right now, he would really leave it here. He gazed back into Derek's fierce eyes that were looking into his.

"K- keep going. It's just that the light…" Hansel shivered when one of the Derek's fingers moved on the tip of his growth and gave it a flick.

"It's just us here anyway and if you are so bothered by it then close your eyes."