Know Your Favourite Characters Better


The story of Wintern

Written by- MORPHEUS

You will now fall into the depths of the mud puddle that makes up most of the author's mind. Proceed with caution!

Hi guys! Guess who decided to show up shamelessly without a chapter? Yup! It's me, MORPHEUS again! So, before you guys decide to leave, I have a couple of IMPORTANT announcements, which are at the end of this write up (in case you're wondering, that is). >>>Right after the CHARACTER DESCRIPTIONS!


But FIRST of all, let me describe to you (even though you didn't ask) the crux of how this 'too smut' title came into being.

So, in the process of writing a title which was just a wee bit famous on Wattpad (not boasting at all :-P), I started feeling really empty on the inside. Like I didn't write a word even if I had all the plot fixed up (basically ditched the novel halfway because I'm a douchebag). Well, people are hunting for me over there, so SHUSH!

Anyway, my never-ending vacation ended when corona was basically a long way up the ass of the whole world and was fucking all of us ruthlessly. It was basically a gangbang and I was trapped in the middle of it all, with my eyes closed…AT HOME!

I just wanted to write a smut and that's all. There was no other thought behind this book at that time. Not even a single strand of hair worth of plot. Just a few scattered thoughts and a ghost writer behind a screen!

Or maybe I just really wanted to write something, even if it was whatever. Who knows? So, I sketched a small BL plot to hopefully last me for 16 chapters and planned on finishing it by a couple of months. Yes, this was back in June 2020 and we are roaming in the May of the next year!

I just chose Webnovel because I was tired of Wattpad, if that even makes any sense. But you guys started liking what I was writing and also the characters and your wonderful comments were there to keep me motivated.

In the middle of all of it, I thought to make this novel into a groundwork for a more serious title on Derek's brother Leonard (If you guys remember reading him in a few chapters), which I wanted to start writing after I graduated. And it was precisely because of this reason that I wanted this novel to be short (not of crazy 300-400 chapters) that I refused to be a contracted author when Webnovel offered it.

But I started taking it more seriously because it was fun to write and explore loopholes in my own story (again, thanks to your wonderful comments), which strengthened the plot for both of the stories. Truthfully, when I started writing this, I never imagined you guys would like it so much. I just wanted to write something and an online platform to post it on. That's all! And I really am thankful, whenever I tell you guys so, because as you all know, I'm a douchebag who deserts stuff in the middle. But your words kept me going.

SO, A BIG THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU GUYS! And a big SHOUTOUT to the people who have been here with me since the beginning, especially those who comment and vote regularly. All of your names (or username, to be more precise) pops up in my inbox every time and now I fucking remember your names by heart! Man, if this were a social media platform, I would have been stanning you right now!


Anyways, I will not hog you guys anymore and give it to you what you came here for. You can now GET TO KNOW YOUR FAVORITE CHARACTERS MORE!!!


Let's start with the MC.

DEREK WINTERN: Black haired and blue eyed, he is a beauty you rarely come across. Eighteen years old and talented with swords, he stands tall at 6'5". If you're lucky, you can spot him immediately amidst a crowd of thousands as his head is a head above rest of them. He runs a guild called BLACK GOLD guild which amasses a major amount of revenue for him at the end of each month. Looks, money, power…You name it! Your guy has got it all. And at the end of it all is his arrogant self and a splendidly chiseled body. Isn't he a perfect Sugar Daddy material?

P.S. Since all of the major conversations of Derek this far were with Hansel, his arrogance was not quite established in the public eye. But you have got your dear author to bring out his inner self, don't you?

HANSEL: A commoner and orphan with no family name, Hansel has his own charms introduced in the story (which are definitely not moaning under Derek and making him go crazy in bed, believe me!). Caramel haired and black eyes, he resembled closely to the general populace in Estonia. Though he is tall at 5'10", with his thin frame it would be hard to point out that he and Derek are the same age. He grew up with mercenaries and learned to wield a metal from them. Though lacking in strength, he is incredibly swift on his feet which doesn't let it inhibit his talent for sword at all. However, what successfully drew Derek to him was the deepest blush and a child-like innocence surfacing on his otherwise stoic face, whenever he messed with Hansel. But even when he got led around at Derek's pace often, some part of him managed to remain detached. He craves for Derek but doesn't put his trust on him.

LEONARD WINTERN: He is Derek's older half-brother and shares the "black-hair blue-eyes" trait of Wintern family with him. He is twenty-five years old and 6' tall with a lean frame and a lewd body. Incredibly feisty in his younger days, his confidence got overshadowed since the start of his married life. He holds many secrets close to his heart, having a child was not one of them.

FREDRICK LANGTERN: He is the commander of Wintern knights, taking the role after his father and the former commander. His silver hair and golden eyes and a height of 6'4", often got him compared to an Arctic wolf. His younger sister Louisiana, is the only family he is left with in the world. Twenty-three years old and a baron, he is chasing (romantically) after Leonard with all his might.

THE CROWN PRINCE: He is the only prince of the empire of Estonia and thus, the sole heir of the throne. He is socially adept and enjoys politics but quite aloof in the matters of personal life.

OLD BUTLER: Charlie, otherwise referred to as the 'Old Butler', he came to the Wintern dukedom as one of the dowries of the former duchess and Leonard's mother. With his capabilities, he earned the trust of the late duke, who then appointed him as his butler. He had looked after Leon and Derek since their younger days and knew them better than anyone else. The young masters were also fond of him but they would rather get their heart pierced than confess it. His hairs turned grey as he got older but his real age is unknown.



· First, the update for new chapters may not be that regular in the upcoming days. That is because your dear Author will finally graduate (maybe) in the next month but then, is also aiming to enter a master's degree programme in a prestigious university, for which the Author is going to burn the midnight oil!

· Second, I will try to post side stories as well as main chapters as often as I can because this book is really important to me, and I don't want to lose the lovely readers that I've finally gained. So, I'm working on a schedule that allows me to write 1 hr. everyday. I hope it will give some results.

. To read more of my stories, you can search 'morpheus666works' tag in the search bar.

Now that my life update is over, how are you guys doing? And did you like the sketches I wrote for you?

(*Silently hoping*)

