3 (Part 2)

"Now this episode will be slightly different because today I have a special guest with me, she is my friend Lyra".

Lyra moved so she could be seen by the camera and stood beside Mark but was suddenly very nervous. Mark seeing that she was nervous gave a comforting smile.

"Hi guys", she said quickly waving with a shy smile adorning her face.

Mark chuckled at her shyness and loaded up the first of the three games.

As time went on they both enjoyed playing the games laughing and jumping out of their skin at each one. Both taking it in turns to play two of them and playing together for the multiplayer game.

Each of the three games were different in there own way with multiple jump scares, challenges and puzzles that Lyra and Mark both enjoyed.

"So, thank you everybody so much for watching and as always we'll see you in the next video, bye - bye".

"That was soooooo much fun, thank you Mark for letting me join you", Lyra spoke as Mark turned everything off giving him a appreciative look.

"Your welcome, I'm glad you liked it. Hey, random question but do like cookies?"

Lyra nodded furiously, "you kidding I absolutely love them, but why though?"

"Well, I thought we could make some and then eat them", he said giving Lyra a cheeky grin.

She giggled, "I'd love to"

Mark immediately grabbed Lyra's hand carefully pulling her in the direction of the kitchen Making sure to slow and careful going down the stairs.

Once in the kitchen Mark gathered the ingredients and everything needed to make the cookies.

Looking around the kitchen Lyra saw something that made her laugh, "you were right in that video about you having five ovens when you, Ethan and Tyler made creme brulee".

This made Mark laugh too, "That is correct my friend, I am a man with five ovens".

As they began mixing the ingredients together Lyra soon came up with a devilish idea. Once Mark wasn't looking she quickly scooped up some of the mixture into her hands and turned to face Mark.

"Hey Mark, think fast!"

Mark turned back around but before he could react a ball of mixture came flying towards him splattering all over his face.

Mark gasped and looked at Lyra in surprise.

"That's how is, is it, oh it's on missy"

He quickly moved and grabbed the bowl and began firing back at Lyra.

It continued for a while until both were covered in the mixture, both Lyra and Mark giggled at each other.

"We should probably clean up and make the cookies for real this time", she said gesturing to the mess they made.

"You're right about that".

Eventually they both made some cookies and decided to play games on the xbox.

"We can play any game you want, there on that shelf over there", Mark spoke pointing to the space beside the wall mounted TV.

Lyra spent a few minutes looking through the games and soon decided on one.

"How about this one, modern warfare", she asked.

Mark nodded, "sure, but get ready to lose", he said giving her a smirk.

"I wouldn't be so sure about that Fischbach", Lyra spoke confidently.

Three hours later Lyra had managed to win 6 rounds compared to Mark's 4 on multiplayer.

"How did you do that?", Mark asked with an astonished look on his face.

Lyra chuckled, "beginners luck I guess, and you said I was gonna lose".

Chapter 3 (Part 2) first published May 25th.