7 (Part 2)

Now, how about about we go shopping for things for Halloween tomorrow?", she said giving a cheeky smile.

Mark chuckled, "of course my love, right this way please", he said as he held out his hand for her to take.

This made Lyra laugh as she accepted his hand, "why thank you kind sir, but may I suggest we get Chica back first", she explained pointing at Chica who had somehow managed to escape his grasp and was now running around chasing the seagulls.

"Oh God, Chica come on it's time to go bub", he spoke laughing at her silliness as he whistled for her to back.

The couple walked back to the car hand in hand with Chica following behind.

They soon set off in search of a store in hopes of finding everything they wanted and needed for Halloween. Driving around for a while Lyra soon spotted a store that sparked her interest that was decorated highly.

"What about that one over there Mark?", she said pointing across the way.

"Hey, good spotting, sure we'll go there then".

Mark Left the windows open slightly for Chica before helping Lyra out in the car and walking with her inside the store.

"So, what's first love?", he asked standing with her for a moment by the entrance.

"Well, we need plenty of decorations, food and drink, sweets and a costume for each of us", she explained.

Mark nodded in agreement as they began looking around for a shopping trolley but were unable to find one available until Lyra spotted a flatbed trolley.

"Mark honey, what about that, that would work", she said pointing to it.

"Hey, you're right, come on let's go get it".

Grabbing the flatbed trolley they began walking along the isle's in search of the items they needed. Though after a short while Lyra started to feel tired.

"You alright sweetheart?", he asked watching as she came to a stop.

"I'm a little bit tired that's all, I'm ok", she said softly.

Letting go of the trolley Mark turned to his girlfriend and gently pulled her towards him wrapping his arms around her.

"It's ok don't worry, hey, why don't you sit on the trolley and you can have a rest", he suggested.

Lyra didn't need a think twice, pulling away from Mark's embrace she sat down in the middle of the trolley trying to get comfortable as possible.

Sitting on it Lyra was getting some strange looks from people as they were going around but she just ignored them.

Getting food, drinks and sweets they only now need decorations. Both gathered decorations they liked and proceeded to head to the check out.

Though Mark had a devilish idea, and began pushing the trolley as fast as it would go.

This took Lyra by surprise but immediately began laughing enjoying the rush of excitement. "Woah, hey, what's this about?", she said giggling.

"Sorry if startled you darling, I just wanted to cheer you up after what happened earlier", he explained slowing down the trolley.

Lyra smiled, "thank you Mark I appreciate that", she said softly.

"I'm glad", he said gently grabbing her hand, rubbing his thumb across it.

Paying for the shopping they returned to the car they began the journey home excited and ready for Halloween.

Chapter 7 (Part 2) first published June 23rd