Lyra woke curled up into Mark with his arms wrapped around her, smiling she gave him a kiss on the cheek.

Though she was warm and comfortable she wanted to get ready for the day, as today she was due to have a check up at the hospital.

Carefully getting out of bed trying not to disturb Mark she tip toed to the kitchen were she was greeted by Chica.

"Good morning to you too Chica", she said giggling while petting her.

Chica soon wondered off to play with her toys, leaving Lyra to make a start on Making breakfast for Mark.

She soon heard footsteps and felt a comforting pair of arms around her.

"Morning sweetheart", he said resting his chin on her shoulder.

"Morning handsome, I made you these eggs for breakfast", she said plating up the eggs and giving them to him.

He smiled giving her a peck on the lips before making a start on his breakfast.

Lyra went away and began her morning routine before coming back and making a start on on her feed.

"Mark honey, could you get my feed bag and pump please?".

Finishing his breakfast and putting the plate in the sink he nodded and proceeded to get her feed bag and pump.

He returned to the kitchen moments later handing her the feed bag and pump.

"Thank you".

"Your welcome", he said smiling.

Lyra connected her tube to the line of the pump while Mark helped connect the feed bag to the pump before pressing the start button.

Lyra still a little tired gently grabbed a hold of Mark's hands and pulled herself towards him and snuggled into his chest wrapping her arms around his middle.

"You alright darling?", he asked softly placing a kiss atop her head before wrapping his arms around her and rubbing her back soothingly.

"I will be, I just feel lethargic".

"It's alright, that's fine", he said pausing for a second, "I'll get changed and we can relax for a bit then we can go to your hospital appointment, yeah?".

Lyra agreed, "yeah, that's fine".


Leaving Mark to go and get ready for the day Lyra made herself comfortable in the living room wrapping herself in a blanket on the sofa.

"You look cozy missy", Mark spoke smiling walking to the living room joining her.

Lyra giggled, "yeah, I am".

They watched their favourite TV programmes until Lyra's phone reminded and alerted them it was time to leave for the appointment.

"Right, come on then missy let's get you up to hospital", he said as he helped Lyra with her shoes and splints before putting on his own shoes and going out to the car.

"Your carriage awaits", he said putting on his best posh voice as he opened the passenger door for her.

Lyra laughed at his goofy nature and replied, "why thank you good sir".

The journey to the hospital was calm and luckily there wasn't much traffic. Once they arrived Mark checked Lyra in for the appointment and sat with while she waited for her name to be called.

Mark watched as she tapped her foot nervously, "it's alright", he said taking a hold of her hand.

Lyra nodded releasing a shaky breath she hadn't realised she had held for so long, "I know, it's just if I lose any more weight-", she said almost in a whisper.

Mark seeing his girlfriend becoming upset and distressed quickly wrapped his arms around her, gently placing his head on top of hers.

"Shh, it's ok it's alright sweetheart".

It wasn't long before Lyra's name was called by one of the nurses, taking a deep breath Lyra stood and walked hand in hand with Mark following the nurse to a nearby room.

Lyra's doctor greeted them both and began asking Lyra questions about her health and how she had been recently before carrying out an examination.

Through out the examination Mark kept comforting Lyra to keep her calm, though the concerned look on her doctors face made Lyra think otherwise.

"What's wrong?", she asked her doctor giving her a almost pleading look.

Her doctor sighed taking a deep breath before she spoke, "I'm still concerned about your weight and I'm afraid if you lose any more we will have to intervene, but luckily this time you haven't lost as much as before, though your very prominent hip bones and ribs are still a worry".

Lyra nodded in understanding, unable to speak as tears clouded her eyes.

Seeing this Mark quickly moved from his chair and sat beside Lyra on the bed gently pulling her into a hug.

"Are we free to go now doctor?", Mark asked softly.

"Yes, you're free to go".

Assisting Lyra off the bed Mark bid the doctor a good day before leaving the room walking with her back to the car.

He noticed helping her into the car that she was unusually quiet, "Lyra, darling are you alright?".

She shook her head as a quiet sob escaped her lips and tears cascaded down her cheeks...

Part 2 coming soon..

Chapter 9 first published July 7th