Detention Slip

I froze and I couldn't help myself to look, being blind is a plus point for me because I don't have to face the person, but if that person is staring behind my back, shooting red beams I couldn't help to feel like being stared.

It was something different than before, I was used to be stared and it didn't bothered me but knowing that Nicholas was staring, I wish a black hole can just suck me in.

Frozen in my spot and once again embarrassment came crashing into the door as I fell for my crush, literally

I'm making a fool out of myself. He was standing around 5 steps away from where I am and in those distance, I hope he couldn't hear my heart literally beating and pray that he didn't see how my cheeks were beet red.

'Hi...' he said.

'Hi...' it was awkward, he didn't say anything else and I was getting uncomfortable with his stare as he seems still doesn't get the message that I might not like being looked at.

'What are –'

'Are you –'

Another silence, and I heard him chuckle at how ironic is it for us to meet like this.

'Are you looking for the disciplinary committee?'

'Yeah... '

'Oh... right, Mr.Han's right?'

'Yeah...' looking up as his eyes widen and start fumbling in his pocket as he took out a piece of paper. He extended his hands expecting me to take it. But of course I didn't, I would. But it's not like I can see.

'I can't see it.' his eyes widen as he scrambles his way, another good thing I can't see his expression so as he was beet red I wouldn't be able to see either. He took my hands gently as he place the paper in my hands.

I look at the piece of paper and took it mumbling a small thank you.

'It's the detention slip, I was asked to give it to you and I thought I might find you here and haha -' he laughs awkwardly -' I guess I found you.'

'Here... since you made trouble,' you looked up questioningly as he once again widens his eyes in panic.

'Not... that I-I thi-think you're a trou-troublemaker is it's just a slip for those people who did bad things again not because I think you're bad it's really not a big deal of a slip just for certain bad people that makes mistake not that I think you're bad or a mistake, never a mistake, you're nice and cute but really nice and not bad not a mistake haha...,' that was a lot to process as he just fumbled with his words and again it seems like my face just grew redder by the second as he didn't stop fumbling with his words.

He said I was cute, really nana is that all you got after his fumbling, I mentally scold myself.

His red cheeks were visible, but he was as glad as I am as I couldn't see his beet red cheeks,' you know what I don't think you need the slip.' He took the slip in your hands as he rips it apart and then fumbles putting it in the trash can as he stumbles again making a quite ruckus.

Then there goes a stumbling Nicholas.

I flinched a bit at the sudden crash but I started smiling as I heard a groan over the counter and predicted that Nicholas had indeed fell over the counter as he was still searching for the trash can too put the slip he gave and tore at the same time.

'Need a hand?' asked politely as he looks at you sheepishly and shook his head,' don't worry Anaya, I don't want to hurt you... I'm a klutz.'

'I don't mind Nicholas beside the trash can is over there,' pointing out the trash can he was looking for, found it in midst of his falling and I prayed and thankfully that I didn't just point out a random spot mistakenly.


'Yeah...' smiling at how cute he was being, I walked my way as I felt my surrounding hoping that I didn't fall either I found my as I extended my hands and he gladly took it gently. Mentally not screaming I put up a façade that my whole mind was having a parade at how our finger, well entire hand is intertwined, I help him up.

'Thank you... I'm sorry I'm such a klutz sometimes –' he grabs the table when suddenly the staples beside him fell and were broke into two pieces as you looked at him,' every time...'

Laughing at him I both stood up, hands still intertwined.

'You -' he stood up -' are very good with your direction, you despite -' he stopped his words as he wanted to find the perfect word to not offend Anaya, and to be honest despite the silent minute, Anaya had never felt appreciated by anyone in life as he didn't want to offend her with her illness and she just laughs, for the first time in her life she laughs heartily.

'Sorry, I just don't want to offend you or something,' he looks at me and I smile.

'Thank you for considering it, but I've lived it all my life and beside it's not that bad, it might be a blessing I guess.'

'Don't worry, you could always called it a sickness or an illness I don't mind,' I laugh,' Beside I've had been worst and I guess I'm good with direction because I had to do something about not being able to see I guess I had a lot of practice.'

'It must be tough huh?'

'It could be worst,' the whole place was silent again as I also remember to go back and felt a hand is still intertwined with my own.

Looking at the hands he looks down and then he let go,' I'm sorry...' missing his hands you smile regardless, not wanting to admit.

'It's fine... what are we going to do the broken staples?' Asking concerning that it might be his fault.

'Don't worry the committee wouldn't be mad at their leader...'

'Leader...?' my eyes widen and he hums.

'Aren't teachers supposed to be the head of the committee?'

'They are... I'm like second in command,' he said proudly,' besides who do you think wrote your slips?'

'The one that you tear away...' questioning the smiling boy as he rubs his neck sheepishly

'Yeah... about that I think I could let you off the hook,' he mischievously,' besides I don't think you're bad enough to disobey, you wouldn't disobey right?'

His voice, gosh that voice.


'Good then I'll let you off the hook, I wouldn't snitch anyway... the teachers trust me enough.'

'Are you that powerful?' asking questionably at him if he could do such things.

'Perks of being a part of the committee sweetheart,' he shrugged,' beside it's my turn to look after the detention class today I wouldn't tell.'




Did he just call me sweetheart? He did not just do that didn't her. I swear I could just melt like that, what happened to the tough Anaya Moore who wouldn't fall in love.

Right now she's melting at how her crush just called her a pet name. not wanting to be a blushing mess again I ran.

'Thank you... I'll repay you sometimes.'

'Well, how about lunch?'


'You said you'll repay me... have lunch with me.'

'Why can't I just buy you lunch...?' not wanting to spend time with him, not that I don't want to it's just he would have seen me so smitten about him and I could not afford him knowing these feelings I have for him.

'I'm not taking a 'no' as answer Anaya Moore or I could just say you skip detention,' he smiles innocently.

You look at him,' you- you tore my slip.'

'Do we have a deal?'


'I hate you,' I mutter as I headed out, not wanting to be late, well it's already late anyway.

'See you, Sweetheart, oh and History is that way,' as I was going the wrong way.

I swear he's going to be the death of me

Or my heart in the matter of fact