His Doubts

"So, there's something I've meant to ask you about," I heard him asked.

We've been spending time, it was the first time I've ever gone out, Liz and Yura like to go shopping, and it was tiring and a bit hard to mobilise myself with my state and I didn't want to bother them even if they insisted.

But for the first time, I was enjoying all of this, it was a bit windy today causing the café to be a lot cooler, and Nicholas had handed me his jacket to cover myself up. We had sat in the back of the booth, and we've been sharing a lot in our times.

There's a lot of things I didn't know about him and what other people had said about him was all wrong! There's a lot of rumours regarding him, and he shows a full 180 degree, someone completely different than what I had known, well what I had heard that is.

It was like there was two Nicholas at the same. But I'm glad and bit glad that he was showing this side of him, but it made me wonder. Was he showing this because he wanted to, or did he want something else?

"What's up?" I asked, he sounded serious, "Is there something wrong?"

"No- no nothing wrong, everything is perfect you're perfect and –" he stops as he realises what he had said, "Uh…"

I could only laugh, he was fidgety today, and I didn't know why, where was the Nicholas I meet at the staff room? The persistence guy and cool guy I heard was now all rambling, another thing I've noticed.

"Nic relaxes, I'm not going to bite or anything you can just chill like before," I reassure him.

He was nervous, for the first time in his life, he was nervous.

"I was wondering, I have a project about human rights, and I've picked a topic about you." He nervously said, "I mean a topic related to you."

About me? I could not help to feel a little bit special; he could have picked out another topic about human rights.

"oh… why me?" I asked him.

"I just think you're very interesting and you generally, I think you would have known a thing or two about human rights?"

"I don't know about that, but I think I've written about it back in 11th grade and –"

"No… I mean you Anaya Moore, I bet you've been fighting for you know equality, I was hoping I can interview you on you generally, about you, about how you view the world."

Oh… now that's new, about how I view the world? Now that's sure blindsight for me.

"Out of all, you pick a blind person for your human right essay?" I chuckled.

"Oh, I just thought since you know…." He started, and I nod at him, "yeah, I just thought you'd find the world in a different perspective since you're different from some of us, I just thought that the world might have treated you a bit different."

I could only hum because it was true, being different means people treating you different, this could be interesting.

"Oh… then I'll be honoured to be intertwined." I giggle, "That is if you fit inside my busy schedule, Mr White."

That's the thing he likes about her, she could be the cute and shy girl he saw and then the teasing and playful girl next, something that made him like her even more, he couldn't help to stare at her as she was sipping her drink, dark mocha.

He would have thought she'd be those basic girls who drink caramel macchiato or vanilla latte. But again Anaya Moore was someone different, maybe the right kind of change.

He was staring at her as he couldn't help to smile with everything she was doing he was observing her with all the little details, and slowly he's feelings become more sure.

He was also afraid of falling in love since it was a commitment he had to give and to be honest he was not ready, hell he never was. But with her, he was prepared to give it all up.

He was wondering if risking all of this would be worth it, no but he knows she was. He was wondering if he's worth it for her.

"So that means we'll have this friendly date again?" He hopefully asked, he was wondering if she wanted to go again, it was fun and refreshing to see her like this and he wanted to spend more time observing her without her knowing, creepy but he couldn't help it.

"Oh, so now this is a friendly date," She laughs, "I thought we were friends?"

Apart of him couldn't help to feel his stomach drop and a sound of his heart hurting when she had called him as a friend, but she wasn't wrong, he was not ready to give her reassurance on what he was feeling, not that he knows how she felt. But why was he feeling this way?

Was he hurt because she had friendzone her without realising it? Or was it his fault for calling it a friendly outing in the beginning? Should he straight forward?

But if he did she would slip out of his fingers, he would have lost her like that because he was not careful with his words, but what if he already did just now?

But he was trying. Even if it was out of his comfort zone, he was just as blind as she was. Not psychically, but he was blind by his ego as he was not ready to admit his feelings; he wanted to blurt out his feelings.

Gosh, he couldn't believe he was acting like this, all because of the person who caught his heart.

As she was sitting peacefully in her chair, humming a little tune as she sips her drink again, he would have to remember that she likes something sweet and she couldn't help being a sweet tooth. Another thing he had notice.

No, he feared the rejection she'll give him. He would have to try baby steps, not for her sake only but his too.