Chad War Vol. 4

"Well then, it is war." said Koro : "PREPARE YOURSELF FOR BATTLE, THIS WON'T BE EASY!!" 

And so the free stando resistance prepared themselves for a hard battle, not even a battle, a war.

In Genko's mansion the people of Simpia were preparing themselves for war, everyone had unlocked his inner simp the day after Genko became 'The Lord of Simping' and an army of simps was formed. You had the 2nd brigade under the lead of Armando Triguan, Herlia Armando's inner simp was the boss of a temporary hospital since Simpia didn't have one beforehand. And then the best simps of the country in the 1st brigade ruling under 'The Lord of Simping' Genko. 

After days of preparing 'The War of Simpia' was about to start on the plains of Pervius, which was located south from Genko's Mansion and North from the old simping doujo, it was right in between these locations the battle was about to start. People were nervous, others were hyped, many different people were about to fight in a war. The one camp defending Simpia, the other invading Simpia. They all knew one thing: blood will be shed, this war would take a lots of lives, this would be the fight of their lives, and it's about to go down.