Titty Baby **** Chapter Seventy-Six

Troy was drunk and I was serious as a heart attack, he took me for a joke and walked past me like I didn't have the chrome at his dome, "Get the fuck down Troy, I'M NOT PLAYING!"

"Girl if u wanted to kill me u wouldn't have told me to get down, the only reason u would shoot me would be because u scared, I could kill u IF I WANTED TO, WHY THE FUCK U KEEP PLAYING WITH ME?" He slurred.

He held his jeans with one hand, a glass of Hennessy with the other and stood gap legged, his arrogance angered me so much, GOD I WANTED TO SHOOT HIM! I knew if I put the gun down he would kill me, I was crying so hard but he looked---concerned rather than mad. I HATED HIM! I just started pulling the trigger uncontrollably in a rage! The gun clicked repeatedly without discharging, he leaped forward and tackled me to the floor. I still held the gun tight, he loosened my grip and threw it while laying on top of me. I began to kick and sobbed while he reminded me killers didn't cry.

I wanted him to just kill me! He was fucking with my emotions and toyed with me as everyone else had! I bawled! "GET OFF OF ME!" I began to yell and he was so drunk he could barely hold his head up.

I felt close to a seizure or whatever the fuck u call it and knew I needed to calm down! He was drunk as fuck! I knew I could get the best of him, I didn't know who I owed but I felt like I could consolidate all my debts in one bitch ass nigga.

He was a dominant ass nigga, his 11 said so. He wasn't a 7 that needed a 4 to be completed but an 11 by destiny and I had to battle that son of a bitch's character to defeat him, just like Trenton the voices said as he began to breathe heavy on top of me. "NIGGA GET UP!" I yelled. He shushed me like a damn baby! He just laid there, "Be still," he said after a few minutes. He was going to sleep!

I knew if I could roll that nigga off of me I could get away, either way his solid ass needed to get the fuck up.


He said nothing but laid there still, finally he moved and said "my bad."

"I HATE U!" His unconcerned demeanor parallelled my anger! I hated that muthafucka for real! I almost leaped forward unknowingly, he had almost fallen backwards with his drunk ass while taking off his jeans. He laughed, turned around and picked me up. I was afraid he would drop me, I folded my arms against his chest trying to break loose but he was so strong. When he snapped at me I wondered what kind of fucking gator mouth muthafucka I was dealing with! "Put me down," I yelled as he turned around and threw me on the bed. He was at least 6'2 and his arms were protruding with strength, too dominant in every aspect. How had I even given this nigga any control?! He was kissing on me trying to open my legs and pull his boxers down, yet breathing hard, I HAD JUST TRIED TO KILL THAT NIGGA! Fuck it, I just wanted to die! He was trying to penetrate me through my panities and was hard as fuck.

"U so wet," he whispered while kissing my shoulders, I was so afraid of that nigga's mouth! I would not let him inside, he moaned while rubbing my clit telling me to get further in the bed.

My head was thumping, I could almost hear trains coming! I felt like I would stroke out, but didn't know what triggered that effect, it was strange. I closed my eyes tight and tried to calm down tuning out whatever he was saying at the moment. I realized I was mad as hell and it wasn't healthy. I could feel Troy's hands on the insides of my thighs and his finger inside my canal, he smiled again like he had won. "How dumb do u think I am," he asked.

I briefly remembered how he watched me at the club, he hadn't even watched Christy. He had capitalized gaining my acquaintance. Why didn't he want to kill me? Unlike with Trenton he wasn't afraid of my lust, at the same time I hadn't just put his dick down my throat either. Troy wanted me but was sex enough for him to neglect business? What explanation had he given his bitch, I still wanted to know!

He had ripped my panties on one side, I tried to grip them to prevent them from cutting me while he tugged them, the scent of his liquor was almost pleasant and I was almost becoming inebriated from the aroma while he tried to separate my legs further, was he always fucking horny? I'd known he would fuck me silly after his session with them niggas and I had even listened for a females voice but only heard a bunch of arrogant muthafuckas getting fucked up. He had said under no circumstances was I to come out of the room. If he was protecting me, why? I was learning money meant nothing when u had power. Trenton had to have power of some kind, I needed to know what it was. I had even saw badges with Trenton's picture for Brink's, had he orchestrated a heist? I wondered what else had been inside of that shed!

I had to call Pam, she knew everything?

Troy was sucking on my neck and my titties, did he need a mama? He devoured my nipples as my babies had, "I CAN'T BE YOUR FUCKING MAMA!"

His hand was around my throat so quick and I couldn't breathe, I knew if he pressed harder my neck would break, after he hadn't let go and he paid no attention to my nails clawing his wrists I began to say the Lord's Prayer. He was furious! He said nothing! I had never saw anyone that angry before, my feet kicked with spasms and I felt wetness underneath where I laid. I remember seeing a bright light, and hearing distant voices, I thought I was dead.

When I came to he paced the floor, his nails had clawed my neck so deep and when I swallowed it felt as if glass was inside of my throat. He held his head on both sides staggering across the floor, I tried to sit up. Suddenly he came back to the bed, "FUCK! IM SORRY---IM FUCKED UP! IM SORRY BAE!! U CANT SAY THAT SHIT! WHY U EVEN SAY THAT!?" He looked like he would almost cry. I had laid back down out of fear, my ribs were bruised from the pressure of his knees. I cried silently and long while he expressed how sorry he was, "I don't know what happened, I, Im sorry for real I am. Please, just---okay I'll open the door, u can leave. Here are my keys! DRIVE MY CAR! U can leave it at the crib!" My ribs felt broken, it was agonizing to breathe. I had nothing to say, I tried again to get up. It had almost been the end that time, had he held animosity because of the gun?

"I just wanted---man, that nigga u married is a foul ass nigga, he gone kill u if u go back. I was suppose to kill u the night u touched down. FUCK!!! I can't leave u alone, though, I'll kill that nigga first! That nigga the whole reason my T-Lady---don't leave."

Nothing he said could stop me from going home, I found the strength to stand up, embarrassed I had---well, u know. I looked back at the bed, "Oh! Don't worry about that! He began to snatch the sheets, off. I said, "I just wanna shower" through my tears, "and then I'm leaving." I went inside of the bathroom and looked at the walk-in shower, but hadn't trusted standing up, so I turned on the jets in the jacuzzi, and got inside after it filled halfway. I could hear Troy on the phone, I knew he was calling Terrica, I heaved as I realized I kept making the same mistakes, I had qualities them niggas needed, Twan had saw me for me, and he had known he would die I was sure. He had chosen to spend his last moments with me and the kids, as he was. He hadn't shaved or had a haircut, we were his concern. Back then I wanted the Twan I had met in the park, but preferred it the way it had been now that I saw things clearer.

At that point I had even prepared for Troy to pull the trigger when I stepped out of the bathroom, so I enjoyed as many memories as I could, I could hardly recollect any from childhood, only Daddy's crusades, spiritual on both accounts. He had good qualities somewhere, something had turned him wicked. He had gotten tied up with a group of people and before Mama tried to leave with Kerri and I, they burned down his church and I remembered how I saw his faith in God leave him at that moment, my childlike mind could not comprehend.

It was quiet in the bedroom, he had fucked me up, I tasted my blood. I spit the rust colored fluid into the jacuzzi, picked up the soap and washed my body. I just laid there without strength to get up. Before long the door opened and Troy came in naked. He climbed inside of the tub squeezing water from a towel on my face, it mixed with my tears. He then kissed me.

"I hadn't changed those sheets since my Mama died, I wouldn't even go in that room."

He kissed his purple handprint, and rubbed my belly. I went limp. I wanted to die.

"Why u think that nigga married u? I would have married u too, for real though. That nigga Twan was smart, I give him that much."

"WHAT! Leave him out of your bullshit!"

He looked angry suddenly and fisted my hair but climbed on top of me, trying to pry open my legs, my weak grip loosened and I felt him between my legs, dick harder than before. His hand was underneath me and the water splashed while he fucked me maliciously, I surely waited to die.

He mumbled while he stroked me still drunk, why even bother saying pull out, I thought. I was already sore, but I had actually craved him to soothe me. I dug deep in his back, he allowed me to and quickened his pace, his wet skin rolled up underneath my nails. I soon saw his blood roll down his side and into the water. He lifted my legs to his shoulder and pounded me, I held my breath and closed my eyes, but opened them and could see his gold teeth through the water. His hand was around my neck again, I had held my breath until I couldn't anymore, the bubbles were floating upward. He just kept going. "FUCK," he said before throwing his head back, did he even care? The tears burned even in the water. As warm as it was, I could feel his hot semen fill me up. I squeezed him, I was so dizzy but my orgasm was so intense I needed to let him know. Suddenly he jumped out of the water, snatched me out and carried me to the chaise. He squeezed my nose and blew into my mouth. I choked up the water I had intentionally consumed.

I was so sore all over. He dried me off, I had no strength, I missed my children badly, I just cried. What would it take for me to just die I wondered. He carried me back to the dead woman's bed I laid naked for days.

I remember the sun appearing, through the sheer drapes, I remember it going down. I remember seeing cars come and go. I remember seeing the Cruz.

Troy would leave but only stay gone a short while, he would try to console me. It seemed my condition was putting wear and tear on him. One evening he said, "I'm going to get some weed, Ill be back, do u want anything?" I ignored him as usual.

I called Pam when he left, I was in tears and wondered why my emotions were sooooo out of whack, I was a hard bitch! To my surprise she answered, nervous to hear my voice, however relieved.

I had to gain composure to speak but I said, "Pam, I need to know something PLEASE! What happened with that girl! She is in that vault!"

"Nothing, I mean, just Trenton loved her," she said a bit too casually like she knew."


"WHY DID HE LEAVE HER IN THEEEERE?" I was so emotional.

"I don't know he had no one I guess, only Twan. No mama, and Nate well--that's another story. Trenton didn't see eye to eye with Tobias, never did. When he became FBI he would turn Twan on to---something went sour. He had Twan put money in an account in his name. He made a woman he was sleeping with an account holder with Twan and she wiped it out supposedly, I aint even got no business---. It was 3 million dollars I believe. I don't know what happened but Trenton gave a bunch of men some suits and they pulled something off."

As she spoke I remembered Redd talking about robbing Terrell, he had come into a lot of money. He had in fact come home and given me a large amount, I hadn't questioned where it had come from I was happy to get it, shit he never gave me shit! I should have known, I had lost it...The officers were not playing the night we were arrested, they hadn't seen no money, Breakdance hadn't either.

Redd had to have known I killed him, but how? He had even told them and truly wanted me to tell them my role. Terrell knew something!

Pam continued; "---still in the account but Twan dead if it is, he can't get it. I heard they found her dead in her home, she couldn't leave it to nobody especially not how she got it. I told Twan not to even get involved, he just got greedy."

If Redd had money where was it? He had cocaine, kush new clothes, shoes---car I had put in my name, where was the fucking money? Had he robbed Terrell? Who was the woman, I needed to know! 3 MILLION DOLLARS?!

As I spoke about money, Trenton texted "I see how u want it, u will be served divorce papers next week."

I could hear children in the background and thought about Shan and Netta, they were big girls now, I would have loved to see them. I heard Troy's car coming around the driveway so I told Pam I was sorry, I hadn't meant to keep on bothering her but I needed to know, it was killing me. She said she somewhat understood. As I prepared to end the call, I heard "Twalla, his name was Daddy too!"

"She paused for a moment and said, "U just be careful out there, my son knew how to choose good people if nothing else."

Maybe Sabrina had been ok once, women tend to give men power, we had the power they needed.

I heard the door close and thought about what Pam had said. Troy was surprised to see me sitting up, he walked in holding his pants at the waist. "Damn, I can't believe u up, u wanna smoke?"

I said yes. He got happy and kissed me before looking at the side of my neck, it was now black on both sides and all of his bruises were visible. I'd known to leave Pam alone if I wanted no harm to come to my children and wondered about TJ2, how much did Trenton really love his child?

I had almost figured out everyone had a motive, but what I couldn't figure out was what role Troy played in it all. Yea he was a hit man and Trenton had sent him after me, hadn't he? Or had he just told him I was with her that night, he knew.

"What happened to the money from the heist Troy," I asked.

He looked intrigued, "Who the fuck u been talking to?"

"I just know things, my---Twan put money in an account for Trent."

"U don't know that, T got bonds somewhere. Leave that shit alone."

Now I had to wonder if he knew the 3 million was in his mother's account, and if he didn't he would never know. I refused to believe he hadn't, he needed me for something. Pam had only mentioned Social Security benefits when Twan was killed, if he had access to that much money he died for it. I was figuring out what our future was and also knew he had left a will somewhere.

So had Veronica. Twan had also been her hitman, hadn't he? They both had had motives the night I was released, Brown had Twan waiting for me while Trenton waited as well, they knew I had nowhere to go.

I needed strength, I wanted to go find whatever it was Trenton removed from the vault because it damn sure wasn't his sister. I was also on a mission to find out more about Nathaniel Carter, I'd concluded Trenton Carter his son, wasn't about shit. He had a long record, but Trenton Myers didn't.