Chapter Twelve

My leg turned out to be fine. There were just a few minors cuts that were healed quickly with the healing slave. But I still couldn't get the image of my mother out of my head. Why did she look so weird?

"Eve, she wants to see you," Cad said yanking me out of my thoughts.

I looked up and saw the cowering girl behind him.

I smiled at her and she ran over to me almost knocking me over in a bear hug. I giggled and nodded at Cade over her head. He got the message and walked away. He had told me earlier he needed to brief the other on the situation at hand anyway.

I saw the group circle up and knew that the little girl shouldn't hear that. Luckily we were near Cade's tent so I carried her inside. She jumped off of me and stared at me for a bit.

"Thank you for saving my life. I was so, so, so sacred!"

"You're welcome kid," I said smiling.

"My name is Nova, not kid," she said in a duh tone.

"That's a beautiful name," I said, "My name is Evelyn. Nice to meet you, Nova."

"Nice to meet you Evoolyynn," she stuttered purposely.

I laughed at her antics, "What are you doing to my name?"

"I don't like it," she stated.

"Ouch, that's harsh," I said sassily.

"What does harsh mean?" she asked.

I laughed and she looked mad. But the way she scrunched up her little nose made me laugh harder.

"Whatever meanie," I'm calling you Evie- Weavie"

I stopped laughing as I heard some shouting outside. I didn't sound like regular arguing during a meeting. No, it sounded like The Town had arrived. My heart rate sped up.

"What's that?" asked Nova.

"Um, nothing. They're just fighting over which ice cream flavor is better," I lied through my teeth.

It looked like she bought it. I mean kids love ice cream right? And I mean, we're only allowed to have it like once a year here, so she must love it, right?

"Oh, they must be silly then. Cookie dough is the be-" she stared quickly stopping herself, "Wait, you're tricking me aren't you? Tell me the truth, Evie- Weavie!"

I sighed, even a child could outsmart me. But I couldn't just tell her the truth, could I?

The screaming got louder and my heart pounded. I prayed that Cade was okay. I needed to gather my courage to see what was happening.

"Okay, Nova. I'll tell you what is going on if you can sit silently until I tell you to talk. Okay?"

She nodded furiously and covered her mouth with her little hands.

I took a deep breath and braced myself to open the flap of the tent. I slowly peeled back the flap. It was exactly what I thought. More war. There was more blood. More dead bodies. More fighting.

I located Cade and he made eye contact with me. He weaved through the crowd and over to Nova and me I. He slipped into the tent tracking blood with him.

He leaned into my ear and whispered, "We need to leave now. They are looking for you. I know a place we can go."

I nodded, knowing that protecting Nova was out priority now. We couldn't stop to think about others. It sucked, but it was the truth. I felt disgusted thinking about it. But for once I needed to put myself first. Even if that meant others, including my parents and Al, died.

"Hey, secrets aren't nice!" Nova yelled out.

"Nova, you have to be quiet. The bad guys are out there." Cade said calmly.

She gasped, "I'm sorry Cadie! I won't do it again!"

"Cadie?" I asked sassily.

Cade glared at me. Right, not the time for jokes.

I bent down to Nova, "Cade's right. Soon I'm going to pick you up and Me, you and, Cade are going to go somewhere special."

"Oh, like hide and seek," she said.

"Exactly!" I exclaimed.

"We need to go, Eve," Cade said urgently.

I nodded and mentally prepared myself.

"Ready?" I asked Nova.

She nodded pretending to lock her lips and throw the key away. I smiled and picked her up. She promptly wrapped her legs around my waist. I nodded to Cade and we both sprinted out of the back flap of the tent.

I was rather sure nobody saw us, but I didn't slow down and neither did Cade. He was much faster than I was with the extra weight of Nova but I didn't care. It was easier for him to lead that way.

Nova hadn't said a word so far and I was thankful for that. I knew there were bound to be guards out here.

Soon enough we were running into the woods. I was getting tired and I knew I couldn't run much longer. Thankfully, Cade stopped running.

"We can stop running now. There are no guards or cameras in here. They're always sent her to patrol, but are too scared because of the snakes." Cade scoffed.

"Snakes!" Nova exclaimed.

Cade laughed, "You'll be fine Nova. Evie and I will protect you from the snakes, isn't that right shortie?"

I nodded biting the inside of my cheek. Why did it sound hot when he called me Evie?

"We have a bit of a walk from here. I'm sure exactly how long, but I'm guessing a few miles at the least."

I set Nova down when she began to squirm.

"I don't wanna walk that much. It'll hurt my feet. And I'm hungry."

I tuned out of Nova's babbling and began to walk alongside Cade. I couldn't believe what was happening. Now was the first moment I had to process it. I still didn't even know if my parents were alive. Sure, they weren't the best, but they were still the people that raised me. They were my parents. If they were dead who was gonna walk me down the aisle? Who was gonna spoil my kids? Who was going to show me how to be a mother? Tears streamed down my face.

I looked over at Cade and he gave me a sad smile. He knew how I felt.

"Evie-Weavie, are you crying because your mummy and daddy are in Heaven too?"

I looked down at Nova and full out sobbed. She launched herself into my arms and cried too.

"I miss my mummy," she said.

" I know," I said pulling away and wiping my tears, "But we have to be strong like our moms right now Nova."

She grinned as I wiped her tears, "My mummy was so smart and strong. Even my daddy was afraid of her sometimes." said Nova.

Cade laughed, "I'm scared of Eve sometimes."

I glared at him, "Did I ask for your opinion?"

His eyes widened, "Noted."

Nova giggled, "You are scary."

I smirked, and she booped my nose.

"All right, this has been touching, but we need to keep walking," Cade stated.

I pulled Nova off of the ground and we started walking again. To where I didn't know. But I was happy to have Nova and Cade at my side, even if we didn't make it much longer.


We finally reached a beautiful cave in the middle of the woods after hours of walking. A couple of miles in Cade had to pick up Nova and carry her the rest of the way. She was asleep now, as it had to be way past her normal bedtime.

She softly snored as we walked into the cave. Inside was all kinds of supplies. There were sleeping bags, food, clothes, and even food. I set Nova down and then Cade and I stepped outside the cave.

"How is all of this stuff here?" I asked slightly concerned.

Cade ran a hand through his hand, "I found this place when I was first banished. Surprisingly, I wasn't fast to just join the group of misfits. I was so angry and sad, so I found this cave and bought a bunch of supplies to it. I eventually stopped staying here and started staying with the group, when I realized they weren't monsters like I previously thought. But it still wasn't easy living there, so I still came here often. I still do sometimes, hence why the stuff is still here."

I sighed, "This is crazy. What are we going to do?"

Cade and I looked at each other for a while. Neither one of us knew what to do.

"I mean, I guess we're just gonna have to stay here until we can think of somewhere else to go. Although, it's not like we know of anywhere else," Cade clenched his jaw, " They set us up for this! What are we even supposed to do? It's not even worth it."

I nodded. He wasn't wrong, but giving up would be even worse than trying and failing at this point.

"Hmm, I remember a certain somebody telling me never to give up. Maybe that person should take their advice"

He looked at me and smirked, "How about you make me, shortie?"

"Maybe I will," I muttered leaning into Cade.

Our lips touched and something ignited in my as my lips moved against him. It was hope. I knew with him I was safe. I knew with him I knew the truth. I knew with him we could do anything. He grabbed my waist and pulled me closer as I tangled my fingers into his soft hair. This was perfect.

We both slowly pulled apart and grinned at each other.

"Bet golden boy couldn't do that," he said smugly.

"Cade," I groaned, " I know that he's hiding something from me, but it can't be that bad, can it?"

"It actually can be Eve."

"Whatever Cade. You're just jealous."

At that Cade was not short of blowing a gasket.

"I'm not jealous. I'm simply telling you he is a bad person." Cad said.

"I don't believe you, Cade!" I shouted.

"He framed a murder on me, Eve! And you know what? He was planning on doing the same thing to you if you went wrong as I did. Do you remember how they couldn't remove that part of your brain? Yeah, they did it on purpose just like they did to me. They were trying to make us the perfect weapons! They were doing tests on you and golden boy was being your friend to make sure you didn't go crazy. Happy now Eve?"

Cade stormed away into the forest leaving me alone. I groaned and kicked the dirt. How could Al lie to me like that? How did I even know Cade was telling the truth? But what would he benefit from lying?

I screamed in frustration and anger. Screamed because Alastair lied. Screamed because Cade left me alone. Screamed because my parents could be dead. And screamed because I was so confused and tired.

A small voice made me jump, "Are you okay, Evie?"

No! I wanted to yell. I'm angry, scared, and sad! I don't know whom I could trust and The Town is going to find and kill me!

"Yeah, I'm just looking for Cade."

Nova looked around, her eyes wide trying to see better in the dark. I felt bad having to lie to her, but I couldn't bear to tell her the truth. Because if I said it, that meant it had to be real.

"I can't see him," she said, "Maybe he just needs to take a walk. My daddy would do that when he couldn't sleep. Oh no!"

Nova quickly slapped her hands over her mouth.

"What?" I asked.

"Daddy said I wasn't supposed to tell 'cuz it could get him in trouble. Promise me you won't tell Evie- Weavie?"

She held out her tiny pinky to me.

"I promise," I said taking her inky in mine.

But why did that promise seems to be about so much more than about her dead dad?

Nova yawn loudly, 'I'm tired Evie-Weavie. I think Cade is okay by himself. He's big and strong so he can kick the bad guys. But if I kicked a bad guy they might squish me."

I laughed, "Okay Nova, I bet you're right. Let's go to sleep."

We walked into the cave and I wrapped her up in a sleeping bag, throwing a blanket over her too.


"Yeah, kiddo?"

"Will you snuggle with me until I fall asleep like mummy used to do?"

I felt tears invading my eyes, "Of course I will."

I snuggled up next to Nova and hugged her tightly. But it wasn't just for her. It was for me too, I need somebody right now. And surprisingly she was the one that was here for me.

I was just about to fall asleep when Nova whispered, "I love you, Evie."

I forgot how quickly kids got attached to you I guess, but I did feel like I had a connection with her that wasn't just normal.

"I love you too, kid"