Chapter 9: An ambush!?

Due to how much noise the droids are making this either wakes up some grimm or make them start hunting.

From here there is around 1,000 B1 battle droids and just 200 Super battle droids in this forest. But even with that many the droids get ambushed by four usra and much more grimm. The droids get torn apart and about 2/4 of this army is down already, but the rest of the droids take aim and shoot the ursa.

The four ursa take major damage from those blasters as the shots dig deep into their skin and armor. But the ursa's are durable and continue to rip and tear tge doirds

Even though the droids have the fire power there was just to many grimm to shoot and the rest of the droids get overwhelmed and got destroyed.

This is were Grievous hears the news about his droids being ambushed and he is mad he decides to head out to the forest and take care of it himself and to let off some steam.

As Grievous went to the forest he just kept walking forward killing anything that got in his way with his lightsabers

Minutes went by and he must have kill dozens of grimm in this forest as they kept coming, more and more try to attack the General only to meet the same fate.

We head by to the rwby team and they now hear some grimm screaming and crying and Ruby was concern about someone being in danger and so she runs back into the forest as Yang, Blake, and Weiss looked back and saw Ruby run back to the forest.

Yang yelled at Ruby.

Yang: Ruby, what are you doing!?

Ruby couldn't hear Yang and just kept running.

Yang: Come on guys, we need to follow Ruby!

I hope you enjoy reading so far I will keep updating but it will take some time to make this story so, do be patient.