Chapter 11: No fight allowed

As Grievous prepares to attack the four girls he suddenly was floating up in the air.

General Grievous: Ah- what is this! I can't move!

Glynda appears near the team rwby as well as some other students.

Glynda: Team rwby I am disappointed in you all, running into trouble and even about to fight!

Yang: It was his fault! He provoked us and he was hostile.

Glynda: I will see about that. (Turns to Grievous) Now then, you must be the leader of the robot army that wiped out a village.

Ruby: Wiped out! Where there any survivors?

Glynda: Only a few made it out alive.

Yang: Then let's tear him apart!

Glynda: No! I will let Ozpin do all of the work, and besides Ozpin has some questions for this robot.

Soon team rwby were sent back to the Academy and Glynda took Grievous to the top of the Academy building to meet with Ozpin.

I hope you enjoy reading so far I will keep updating but it will take some time to make this story so, do be patient.