Chapter 52: Villan vs Villan (Part 1)

The group is now surrounded by enemies Grievous pulls out his swords out and looks for a target, Grievous looks at Cinder. Cinder talks about how Lionheart has been part of Salem's plan, which enraged Jaune.

Jaune: I'm going to make you pay for what you did!! Do you hear me?!

Qrow: Kid!

Jaune: Well?! SAY SOMETHING!!

Cinder: Who are you again?

Jaune runs at Cinder to attack her only for his hit to be blocked, but while Cinder was distracted Grievous leaps from above to strike his swords on Cinder's head

Emerald tries to intervene but Ruby catches Emerald's chain with her scythe. Cinder looks up and dashes back to avoid the strike.

Jaune keeps running and trying to land a strike on Cinder while Grievous attacks Cinder from the side or behind which forces Cinder to dodge both of them.

Eventually Jaune gets a hit on Cinder on her left arm. Angered Cinder manages to push Jaune to the ground giving her time to focus on Grievous.

Grievous clashes swords with Cinder's blade, Cinder gives a smile to Grievous.

Cinder: You know, you are a great fighter. How would you like to join Salem's army? That way we can get rid of these kids and rule this world!

Grievous thinks about it for a second, but he pops out his other two arms and begins to assault Cinder with a barrage of attacks.

General Grievous: Don't make me laugh! I would never join your army like some pathetic coward! I have toppled nations!

Grievous manages to disarm Cinder with her weapon.

General Grievous: I have slain KINGS!

Grievous kicks Cinder to the ground, as he approaches her raising all four of his swords.


As he lands all four swords on Cinder she fades away, Grievous is confused then he turns around seeing Emerald taking care of Cinder as she still got kicked.

Emerald: Are you ok?!

Cinder: Back off, he is mine!

Cinder summons her swords and rushes at Grievous, as they both clash they are evenly matched through out the fight.

Meanwhile everyone has there fights as normal as Weiss's aura breaks Cinder gets a quick look at Weiss and quickly throws a spear at Weiss and Cinder process to continue fighting Grievous.

Jaune goes to take care of Weiss, and the others either are fight or are protecting Ruby.

Hazel: OZPIN!

Hazel's voice echoes loudly in the room.

Hazel: You thought you could hide from Me!

He the tears off his shirt and pulls out two dust crystals.

Hazel: You'll pay for what you did, you'll die over and OVER AGAIN!

He then shoves the two crystals on his arms and get buffed, while this happened Grievous looks back to Cinder as she, Raven and Vernal quick went down. With Cinder gone Grievous is angry and target's Hazel.

I hope you enjoy reading so far be sure to share this story and I hope you all have a great day and may the force be with you!