Chapter 4: What About Ginny?

Ron Weasley was supposed to be the impulsive one in the trio.

Sure, Harry had done some boneheaded things in the past, but this new girl. His supposed wife—Emma Potter—out of all the dumb mistakes to make—he couldn't believe that he had supported Harry months earlier when he had been so insistent about taking a vacation.

He had been the only one who had been truly supportive. Hermione had went on, and so did everyone else, but they had thought Harry was being weird.

"It will do him good to get away," Ron remembered telling his other friend. "He can get his head together."

When he meant get his head together, he meant rethink things like with his sister.

Ginny, however, was less amused with Ron supporting Harry's schemes. He remembered talking to her early in the summer when they were preparing dinner.

"Really, Ron, you think that's going to help the situation?"

"He needs space," He said. "Professor Dumbledore was practically a grandfather to him."

Ginny shook his head. "Yet, we didn't give him space when Sirius died."

"That's because fifth year was a bit of a disaster when we ignored him."

"Exactly," His sister said shaking her head at him. She reminded him of his mother at that particular time and place. A very scary thought, especially for Harry who he was pretty sure at that point to be destined with Ginny.

He had acted like he didn't notice his best friend's interest in his sister last year. It had been easy to hide; he had enough going on with Hermione who had completely cooled things off—whatever they had been, if anything, since Harry left. He wanted his sister and his best friend to get together though, which felt odd since he was pretty sure no one was supposed to be good enough for Ginny.

But Harry was. He wasn't like Dean, or Seamus, or even Neville.

Seriously, Neville Longbottom. He asked Ginny about that and she just shrugged and said he was a nice guy.

Nice he guessed if you liked plants, he wasn't Harry. And he didn't make Ginny happy like Harry did. Which was why he was so mad at himself for defending Harry when he left.

"Ginny," He said. "I think it will do him good. He wasn't thinking straight when he broke up with you."

"He was trying to protect me," She said. "Can't you see he left because he wants to isolate himself? He's probably not even in New York, he's probably chasing after You Know Who right now."

"Harry says we should say his name," Ron said. "No reason putting fear in it."

"I know that," His sister said as she continued to chop the rhubarb that was needed for their mother's signature pie that she was working on. "It's just hard for me to say that name. I almost died because of him, you know, and I worry about Harry. He puts too much pressure on himself."

"Which is why I think this vacation will be good for him," Ron said.

"What if he finds him?" Ginny said. "No one is going to be there to protect him."

"Harry's smart," Ron said. "And I think Voldemort is too busy causing havoc here to care about Manhattan."

That was true at least. Harry could've stayed in New York forever, and Voldemort probably wouldn't care unless he decided to take over America after he got done with the UK. But he came back with Emma Potter.

He never would've thought there was a girl in the townhouse when Harry had owled them, which was one of the reasons why he had suggested to Ginny she should come.

He felt bad about it now, but how he to know that Harry's new wife would appear scantily clad in his quidditch jersey of all things. And that Harry's new wife would have really long legs.

Seriously, she was a bit of a looker, which made Ron all the more suspicious of her.

Girls like her weren't supposed to notice guys like him and Harry. God knows, Ron tried and girls usually ignored him. But then again, Harry was no longer the shortest boy in Hogwarts and he had gotten what appeared to be a fancy pants haircut, some fancy suits, and contacts over the summer break. Maybe he was enough for her?

No, Ron was pretty sure it wasn't or at least that's what he told himself. He then rationalized it was probably Harry's fame that attracted Emma to him, but imagine to his surprise when he found out she was a muggle.

Harry had mentioned it casually before they left to go to lunch that day, and Ron couldn't help but even be more dumbfounded. The fact that Harry hadn't mentioned that he had magic and they were married was insane.

Hermione seemed to take it in stride more than he did, when she drove them to the restaurant that Harry had picked out for them. "It is hard explaining to someone, Ronald. I mean, I didn't even believe I was a witch until Professor McGonogall came to the house and it took awhile to sink in. I can't blame him for not telling her."

"But he married her, it's going to come up one day."

Hermione nodded. "I know, but I think we can be understanding and not judge. He has a lot on his plate."

Yeah, he did which made the whole Emma thing even weirder. He pointed this out to Hermione and Ginny in the car. "I mean, he dumped Ginny because he wanted no distractions yet he married the first chick he picked up in New York."

"Ron," Ginny said clearly annoyed. "We don't know how they met. I'm sure it's a beautiful story."

But it was just as dumb as Ron had thought it would be. They met in a cab. Seriously?

He wanted to tell his friend how stupid he was, but he couldn't. He bit his tongue and ate the beef wellington that Hermione told him he'd like.

Quite frankly, he didn't get what the big deal with the dish was or Emma Potter. Yeah, she had nice knockers, but Harry didn't know her like he knew Ginny. He wouldn't become Ron's brother now.

Ginny tried to put on a good front, he had to give her that, but he could tell she was upset. Though she was nice to Emma, which was more than that girl deserved.

He was more than a little sure she was using Harry after they ate with each other. She seemed nervous about something, and it seemed like she didn't know a lot about Harry like how he was deathly allergic to strawberries.

Ginny knew that. She replaced strawberries with raspberries last summer when she made their mother's rhubarb strawberry custard for Harry. He bet Emma couldn't even make a decent pie.

She did try to be nice though, but there was just something off about the girl and Ron told Harry as much when they had after dinner drinks. But Harry would have known of that mentioning that Emma was his wife.

He was so protective of her too; it made Ron wonder what she had over Harry's head. Surely, it wasn't just the sex though she did look like she was good in bed.

Maybe that's what annoyed Ron the most about her that she was the type of girl that he would normally go for that would want nothing to do with him. She looked even better than Lavender Brown, who while a big flake was the most attractive girl in their year next to the Patil twins who wouldn't even look twice at him after that disastrous Yule Ball.

Harry didn't seem to mind the faux pas about strawberries though. Instead he said, "I guess we didn't really eat strawberries in New York. Did we?"

Emma shrugged, "Never crossed my mind to with those pizza and gelato. But now that we're speaking of food allergies, I can't eat apples."

Harry raised an eyebrow. "Really, apples?"

"Don't ask me why but I always break out into hives when I accidently eat them."

Harry nodded, "Interesting."

He seemed a little dazed, Ron wondered why. Then again, there had been something off about Harry since he had returned to England. He seemed a little distant; a part of Ron blamed it on the Voldemort thing. But the Voldemort thing had been lingering for a while now, and the only thing that had been really different had been Harry's new wife.

A new wife he seemed too enchanted with. Most of the dinner had spent on introducing Emma to Ron, Hermione, and Ginny. Of course, he should've expected as much, but there were a lot of things going on which he mentioned to Harry when they drank brandy together.

"Oh, trust me, I am aware that there is a lot going on, Ron. I'm always aware." Harry said his grasp clinching a little bit too tight on the brandy glass.

"Then why did you think it was a good idea to get married?" Ron said, "Let alone to a muggle. Did you even think about my sister, mate?"

The look Harry shot him was anything nice at that moment. However, Ron was having a particularly thick moment and didn't catch it right away. Instead, he took a sip of the liquor. Sirius had kept good stuff in the townhome, even if it was muggle liquor.

"Ginny and I broke up before I met Emma, Ron. It was over a long time ago. Believe me, she knows it and I know it."

"But you only broke up to be noble," Ron said. "I mean, you were going to get back together after the war."

"No," Harry said. "We weren't."

"Don't be like that, mate." Ron said, "What you two had was special, I saw the way you two looked at each other. Don't throw it away for some random hot muggle."

"That random hot muggle is my wife, Ron." Harry spit out.

"You haven't even told her about magic yet," Ron said. "What sort of relationship is that going to be? Relationships are about telling the truth about each other, and you can't even do that."

"We just got married, Ron." Harry said, "Magic is a lot to take in. I am going to tell her eventually, can't you just be nice. Emma is usually the sort of girl you're super nice to."

Ron grimaced, "I'm telling you mate, something is off about her. I only want what's best for you."

Harry shook his head. "Ron, don't."

"Harry, mate, I don't mean anything nasty about it. I'm just worried about you. You leave with barely a word for months, and then you come back married! It's a little out there."

"We all know my situation, Ron." Harry snapped. "Excuse me, for wanting to live a bit."

Ron shook his head, but let the subject drop. At least with Harry.

That didn't mean he had words. Oh, he had lots of words. And he had to deal with his mother. Oh, yes, Harry left him to do that. He couldn't even tell Molly Weasley that he was breaking his daughter's heart to his face.

There really was a part of him that wanted to deck his best mate's face right about now. Especially after dealing with his mother.

Mrs. Weasley had been waiting for Ron when he got home. "Ronald, a word." She snapped.

He inwardly groaned knowing his mother had found out about Emma and Harry, and of course she was taking it out on him.

He already heard enough when Harry left for New York. Apparently, he should've been able to prevent his friend from getting on a plane. Never mind that Harry was a bloody adult in the eyes of the wizarding world. And for that matter, he couldn't control Harry's break up with Ginny.

"Well, you could've said something to him." His mum snapped. "He's ruining his life, Ronald, you and I both know that Ginny is the best thing to have ever happened to him."

Ron nodded. He couldn't disagree with that. Both Harry and Ginny seemed to light up when they were around each other. He knew they hadn't been exactly dating for long, but some things were just meant to be. However, he really did disagree with her about the New York predicament and let her know as much.

Of course, Molly Weasley was one of those people who earnestly believed her way was the only way and let Ron know as much. "You wait and see, Ronald Billius Weasley, this was a huge mistake."

And Mum was right, it was a huge mistake Harry had gotten married.

"Don't even start," He told his mother. "I know I mucked things up, and you were right."

"I wasn't going to say that," His mother said. "I think we should get to know this Emma girl, Ron. Invite her to dinner this weekend before you go back to school. There is no going back to change the past, and we're just going to have to get used to things."

He was shocked his mother seemed so resigned and he had to ask, "What about Ginny?"

His mother sighed, "I know this isn't what we wanted, but we have to accept it for what it is. Ginny seems willing to move on."

Ron shook his head. "It isn't right, Mum. This muggle girl, I'm sure she's using him."

"Ginny seemed to think she was nice enough." Mrs. Weasley stated taking a sip of her tea.

"Mum," Ron said. "You know how Ginny is. She trusted a talking diary for Merlin's sake."

His mother sighed, knowing that he made a very valid point. As much as everyone in the Weasley family loved her, Ginny was flawed when it came to being too trusting. Even though the Riddle incident had made her a bit more cautious there was just something so innately good-natured about his sister that it seemed to backfire on her.

"She was eleven then to be fair, and she did disapprove of Fleur at first." The Weasley matriarch said, "But really, Ronald, you don't trust this Emma girl?"

He shook his head. "No, I don't. He married a girl he only knew for weeks, Mum. And you and I both know how close he and Ginny were it doesn't make sense. If she wasn't a muggle, I would be keen to think she was controlling him with a love potion or something."

"Don't you think that's a tad overdramatic?" His mother asked. "I know that Vane girl pulled a number on you, Ronald, but really? A love potion?"

Ron gave her a pointed look. "It's not right, a girl like that wouldn't like Harry for who is. I think she's using him. It's the only thing that makes sense."

"I'll admit it does sound a bit fishy." His mother said. "But he did marry her, there's not much that can be done. As I said, I think we should at least invite her to dinner, try to know her."

Ron shrugged.

"If I know what I'm dealing with perhaps I can talk some sense into Harry." His mother said.

Well, that was something.

Ginny didn't think it was something though when he mentioned that his mum wanted to invite Harry and Emma to dinner.

"What did you do Ron?" She asked.

"Nothing," He said. "Mum just asked me about the two of them."

"I really think you should back off.' She said, "If you push on this it's just going to push Harry further away and then I'll really lose him."

It was the first time, she somewhat admitted that she still had a chance, and Ron couldn't help but smile when she said that. It wasn't hopeless.

"Don't look at me like that, Ron." Ginny said, "The last thing you need to do is be meddlesome. Things will happen in their own course."

"So, you don't think they'll last either?" He asked.

Ginny shrugged. "She seemed nice enough, I guess. But I really don't know a lot about her, I don't imagine that they know much about each other. You heard she didn't even know Harry was allergic to strawberries. And Harry, he's not in a good place right now Ron, we know that."

"But he's married to her." Ron said, "That doesn't upset you?"

She shrugged. "It does, but like I said I really don't think it would last. He hasn't told her about magic, and God knows that's going to blow that cow's mind."

Ron chuckled. "Cow, Gin? And here I thought you were the mature one out of us."

Now, she sounded like the sister he remembered last summer, the one who had hated Fleur so much when Bill and his wife had first gotten engaged.

She sighed heavily. "Slip of tongue, I really shouldn't have said that. Emma hasn't been that offensive."

"Save for stealing your one true love." Ron said.

"Seriously, Ron." Ginny said. "Don't."

"But you've dreamed of Harry ever since you were a little girl." Ron said. "It's meant to be."

"Oh, Ron, please." Ginny said shaking her head. "That was childhood infatuation. Harry and I developed something real, after I got over it. He would've never really liked me if I was still president of the Unofficial Harry Potter Fan Club."

"Aren't you still, though?" Ron asked.

Ginny's face turned the same color of her hair. "Unofficially. But you know what I mean, Ron."

"I do," He said. "And you two were great with each other."

"Until Professor Dumbledore died," She said. "He changed then. Something broke in him, Ron. I know you though the vacation would do him good, but—"

"It did him worse, I know. Believe me, Gin, I'm sorry and I'm going to do everything I can to make it right."

"You can't make it right, Ron." Ginny said, "That's what I've been trying to tell you. Harry will have to wake up to the fact that things aren't right with Emma."

"And you sure he will?" Ron asked.

"Oh, I know girls like Emma." Ginny said shaking her head. "Just because we're playing nice doesn't mean I trust her."

"But Hermione seems to like her enough." Ron said.

Ginny shook her head, "I love Hermione, but Ron, she is a bit clueless when it comes to social aspects in life. Much like you."

"Hey!" Ron said.

"Well, it's true," Ginny said. "If you would've had a clue you would've never told Harry to go to America."

The dinner happened the Saturday before he was due back at Hogwarts. Ron had made sure he asked Harry to dinner with Emma in earshot, he would've thought the blonde would've been the one to spurn the invitation, but imagine to his surprise when it was Harry.

"I don't know, Ron," He said. "It might not be a good idea with everything going on."

"Oh, come on, Harry. It will be fun." Emma said.

Harry sighed heavily. "It's not that, love, it's complicated."

He knew what Harry was thinking; if Emma went to the Burrow it would be sort of hard to hide magic from her. Of course, Ron acted like he didn't come to this revelation. Rather, he acted clueless about it and told Harry that Ginny would be making Mum's famous strawberry rhubarb custard sans strawberries for him.

"That does sound delicious," Emma said. "Well, the custard part. I've never had rhubarb. It's not really an American thing."

Ron wanted to say something smart about how Emma not knowing what rhubarb was, but instead he put a smile on his face and said. "Another reason why you should come. My mum's recipe for rhubarb custard is just magical."

Okay, Harry picked up on that and the look he got was just downright murderous. Ron chose to act oblivious about it though. Instead he said, "Mate, Mum really wants to meet your wife. You know she views you as a son."

Harry sighed heavily, "I don't—"

"We'd love to go, Ron." Emma said putting an end to the subject matter.

And here they were. Although, something seemed different Emma seemed almost nervous when she walked in.

As always, the blonde was stunning, this time in a tight red dress that showed off each and every curve of her body. Especially her breasts. God, did she have a set of tits on her. Though, she sort of was asking for it, Ron thought. He knew what Molly Weasley would do when she saw that dress and for that matter when she saw Emma.

"You're one too?" Emma asked him bluntly.

"What?" Ron asked.

"She knows," Harry stated. "I thought it might be wise before she saw the clock or for that matter any random gnomes in the garden."

"Oh," Ron said. "And I'm taking it went okay? I mean, you're still with him aren't you, Emma?"

Emma rolled her eyes. "Of course I'm still with Harry. He's my husband, but it did explain a lot of things. I'm actually glad he told me."

Harry nodded. "Why don't you come in, love? We don't want you to catch a cold."

Emma nodded looking at Harry.

"It will be fine," Harry said. "No one is going to turn you into a snail, I promise. Ron is my best mate, after all. Aren't, you, dearie?"

Ron nodded. Although, he didn't like Emma he didn't want to completely freak the girl out. He wasn't a monster. " Yep, Harry's best mate. You can't turn people into snails anyway, Emma. Actually you could if you're like McGonogall or someone who's a prodigy in transfiguration, but most people aren't."

"I have no idea what you're talking about." Emma said, "But okay. I'm not scared of magic. I am weirded out by it, but like I said, it explained a lot. It actually made things less scary."

"Really," Ron said. "Because I hear most muggles freak out big time."

"I can understand why Harry didn't tell me about magic before," Emma said. "And it was a little difficult to comprehend, but as far as secrets are concerned it could be worse."

"Emma," Harry said breaking up their conversation. "We really need to go in."

Emma raised her eyebrow but came into the home and seemed to be completely enchanted by the Burrow. Though, she did not seem to pay that much attention to Ron's mother or her slight barbs towards her.

"So, Ginny says you're the same age as Harry, dear. Are you attending school?"

"I'm getting my GED." Emma stated, "Or will be."

"But no plans for the future?" Mrs. Weasley asked.

"I'm only seventeen." Emma said before complementing his mother on the pie.

"Ginny altered the recipe." The Weasley matriarch said. "You know, because of Harry's allergy."

"I heard," Emma said. "It's the first time I ever had rhubarb. It's tarter than I expected, but I like it."

"It's an English staple," Mrs. Weasley said. "You'll be eating it a lot now that you'll be living here, I'm sure."

"Actually, probably not, since Harry and I eventually want to settle in New York."

"New York? Surely, not. Harry has a life here, there's nothing for him there. Or for you, I'm sure."

Emma glared at her. "We were looking for apartments in the city. Weren't we, Harry?"

"We were," He said. "I liked the city, Mrs. Weasley. No bad memories there."

"But your friends, your family?" His mother asked.

Harry shook his head. "I like being anonymous , Mrs. Weasley. And all my family, save for Emma, is dead."

She pursed her lips. "But your dreams. Ron said you were thinking about joining the auror academy with him."

That had always been the plan. Harry and him were going to get a bachelor pad in Diagon Ally and were going to kick dark wizard arse by day and go all pub hopping and pick up chicks at night—well, Ron would pick up chicks Harry would be engaged to Ginny or something then, and would be his wing man. And God knows, there would be no better wing man than Harry freaking Potter.

But now, it appeared that that dream wasn't going to happen. Sure, Ron could still get that apartment himself—if he could afford it (doubtful)—but there would be no Harry, because he was planning on attending a muggle university in New York—apparently.

"Really, a muggle university?" Mrs. Weasley said scrunching up her nose.

He was with his mom about that. But Harry acted like it was the right choice, saying that he didn't want to live in the magical world.

"Really, mate." Ron said, "You love the magical world. Don't throw it away because of some girl."

"Excuse me," Emma said her eyes turning to Ron.

Up until this point, she had pretty much hadn't interacted with Ron at the table. However, now her full attention was on Ron and it seemed like she didn't like him as much as he didn't like her.

Ron took her dagger look in stride though and rolled his eyes. "We had plans, Emma. Didn't we, Harry?"

"You had plans," Harry corrected. "And I'm sorry Ron, but I have been rethinking my options a lot lately."

"That's a lie!" Ron said, "You've always wanted to be an auror, Harry, and you know it."

"Ron," His mother said. "Now, might not be the time—"

"The time for what?" Emma said, "For Harry to change his mind, that's NOT going to happen. Let me assure you, our marriage is real and were having a baby together."

Well, that explained the quick union.