Chapter 29: Something There

Harry Potter sighed heavily as he took a sip of coffee that he had just brewed. Because there was no way in hell, he was getting his daily brew from Granny's anymore. The past three months had been odd to say the least. Although, his wife knew about magic he hadn't exactly given up the charade of playing two people. Mainly, because he was afraid that Emma would push him away if she knew he was also Ford Gold.

Oh, how things had changed. Now Harry Potter was the favored version of himself; albeit, not in a romantic sense. Emma still mooned over Ford, even though she had told Harry she was completely over him.

"Oh, come on, Emma." He had told her after one tense encounter where his alter ego had accidently ran into Emma at the hospital while taking Belle for one of her numerous appointments. "You're not over him, you're lying to yourself."

"I'm not." She said, "Besides, if anything seeing Lacey Gold today reminded me of why I had to end things."

"You two are having a child together." He said looking at the baby bump that had recently made an appearance on Emma's figure.

Emma sighed heavily. "Yeah, well, it wouldn't be the first time I wasn't exactly together with the father. No offense."

Harry shook his head, even though she did have a point. He hadn't left Lacey yet, hadn't told her that things were completely over. When he had tried to tell her that he had moved on, she had had a nervous breakdown.

And for the sake of her recovery—well, he had played along like they might have a chance. Sure, he hadn't touched Belle or let her on, but he hadn't exactly told her that he was married and had children with another woman.

Belle had been in worse shape than she seemed to be when he first found her. It seemed like Regina had done the bare minimum to care for her and her physical and mental state were both precarious.

She was doing better now though. The therapy secessions have been helping somewhat, or maybe it was the drugs that had been given to her. She also looked a lot healthier than she had three months ago, she now wasn't so ridiculously pale and she had gained a substantial amount of weight.

She was still too thin though, in Harry's honest opinion.

It was odd talking to her. At some points it seemed like she was the same Belle, but then other times she was almost childlike and broken.

He hadn't told her of his duel identity, he knew he should. He knew that he needed to explain everything to Belle that he had moved on to Emma. That he was married to Emma, but he couldn't. Even the bug said not to overwhelm her, and he didn't know that she was adjusting to living in another realm.

"Did you make breakfast again?" Belle asked as she came down the stairs. She was wearing the pajamas he had bought her. It was hard finding stuff that fit her, but the red stripped jammies didn't swallow her like they had only a month ago.

He nodded.

"You don't have to cook, Rumple." She said, "I know you hate doing that sort of thing. That's why you—why I came to live with you after all."

No, that wasn't why she had came to live with him at all. When he had first saw Belle, all those years ago, something had compelled him to have her come live with him. Maybe it was partially to piss off Sir Maurice. But he couldn't help but had been impressed with the plucky brunette's bravery to sacrifice herself for her village.

He also found himself helplessly attracted to her.

It hurt looking at Belle now. There were glimpses of the woman that he had known, but he also saw the broken woman that she became because of him.

"I don't mind cooking," He said. "I merely have to raise a hand and instant presto food appears. Besides, you're not used to the technology of this realm."

Or was really a good cook, come to think of it. He had to secretly zap away most everything she made.

"I want to learn though," She said. "I find this world fascinating."

He nodded. "I know you do."

"I'm not that fragile, you know." She said, "I am getting better. It's not like when you found me."

She didn't even have any recollection of what he told her. That he had moved on. She had gone into a state for days, weeks. He had been worried that he broke her. But somehow she had came out of it and was recovering nicely. Not that she had remembered anything about him telling her that she had moved on. Or about Emma.

The bug said to take baby steps with her. Personally, Rumple wanted to take her across the town's line and see a real doctor. One who didn't prefer living life as a cricket versus a human, but Belle could barely function as it was. He could only how she'd react to a world without magic's hospital.

Plus, her health was still too fragile. She could barely stand being outside and only been released to the hospital a few weeks ago. The conditions that she was in had not only caused mental defects, but physical defects as well. He had thought of trying to heal her with magic, but she had started shaking and almost had another when he offered to do a thorough exam and healing. Apparently, in the old-world Regina had punished her with magic.

She only had bits and pieces of her old life still, though her memory was better than Emma.

God, he had been so hopeful when she remembered the flower thing. He was hoping the obliviation would be slowly but surely wearing down, it was possible, but she hadn't said anything to him about any other memories returning.

But she had been willing to talk to him as Harry. They were actually communicating which was something.

And it wasn't the stilted sort of communication that they shared a kid together thing; they were actually sort of friends. Though, she probably leaned on him because she felt like she had no one else. Which wasn't exactly true.

Graham and Hermione had been there, though to be honest they had been more wrapped up in each other than being a friendly ear for Emma to talk too.

Hermione found it ridiculous that he still couldn't tell Emma the truth.

"She knows about magic, it wouldn't be that difficult to tell her about your real identity."

"Oh, and she wouldn't be pissed." He said.

"She's going to be pissed regardless, Harry. That's Emma. That's the woman is that you married. I don't know why you are prolonging the inevitable."

He then mentioned Belle and Hermione sighed. She knew he had a point there.

"You can't stop your life for her, Harry." She said, "I know Belle isn't in a good place, but you've moved on with your life and you shouldn't feel obliged to stay with her just because well—"

Because she had been tormented because of him.

"It's not permanent," He said. "It's just till I can get her stabilized."

"What if she doesn't stabilize, Harry? She might always been unstable, remember Sirius—"

He glared at her, "Sirius was not unstable."

But he knew she was right, despite the fact that Sirius had been out of Azkaban for years, the place still haunted him for the rest of his life. And he had been in his prison for a decade and a half less than Belle. Plus, he could somewhat protect himself from the effects of Azkaban, Belle was a helpless innocent.

Hermione shook her head at him, "You need to think about the long term. You might think you're doing the right thing, but you could be doing more harm than good by staying with Belle."

"I don't—"

"You're in love with Emma, you want to be with her."

That was true.

"And you're definitely not the Big Love type."

He gave her a death look.

"Sorry, you're not the bigamist type, Harry." She said, "I'm you're best friend. I know you lived like a monk for years because of Emma."

He sighed heavily. She was right. He only wanted Emma, when he was with Belle it was more or less out of pity. But he felt he owed the girl something, after all it was his fault she was in this predicament.

"What are you thinking about?" Belle asked him breaking him out of his thoughts.

"Just enjoying the morning," He lied. "Really wishing I didn't have to go to work."

"You work too much." Belle said. "I wish you were home more often. It gets lonely here."

"You're not alone," He said.

He had hired a private healer to come take care of her during the day, who had no connection whatsoever to Storybrooke. Not that the healer could do much, save for slip potions into Belle's food since she was terrified of magic.

"Oh, Betsey is nice." Belle said, "But she's not the same as you. We've missed so much time together, Rumple."

"I know." He said.

"Do you?" She asked, "It seems like you're hardly ever here."

Truth be known, Ford Gold was making less and less of an appearance these days and Harry Potter was there more often. Mainly because he wanted to spend his time with Emma. Sure, he made sure he was with Belle most nights but—

"I'm sorry, my work keeps me very busy."

"I find it so fascinating you went into law." Belle said.

"Really?" He said, "I've always been good at contracts."

And screwing people over.

She laughed, "I've always viewed law as such a noble pursuit."

Yeah, he wasn't noble.

He told her that. "That's not true, Rumple. Emma told me about how you helped her."

He sighed heavily. Emma had a made a point of visiting Belle, to see how she was doing. Mostly when he wasn't here. Obviously, she wanted to avoid the awkwardness that was them now, she had even avoided telling him about the baby sending him ultrasound pictures to his office.

It was really aggravating.

At least as Harry, he had found out more about the pregnancy. Not that much though, Emma seemed almost embarrassed that she was carrying his child.

She had talked to Harry about leaving town, "I still own the brownstone that I was staying in, in Boston. After the school year's over, I think I'll be taking Jaime back there. If you think Boston is an easy of enough commute for you. I just feel weird staying here. I know he said we could stay as long as we wanted but-"

"You think Lacey wants her house back? She doesn't even remember it."

"Well, maybe it will make things seem more familiar. Besides, I can't do this. I don't want to burden Ford with all of this."

"The baby is his child too, you know." Harry said.

"I know," Emma said with a sigh, "And I feel bad about all this—but—Lacey needs him more than me and the baby do right now. I saw her in the hospital, Harry. She's not right. She needs someone."

"And that someone has to be Ford?"

"He's all she has." Emma said, "Moe, her father, was involved with her confinement. He's been arrested."

"I've heard." He said.

"The baby and I have a lot of people in our lives," Emma said. "You for one. You've been great."

Oh, the bitter irony.

It was only the guilt though, that kept him from telling Emma the truth. However, each day as it became more and more obvious that Emma was going to have their second child, staying with Belle became harder and harder.

There was a knock on the door that interrupted him from his thoughts, it must have been Betsey.

"I guess that is my cue." He told Lacey. "I'll see you tonight, okay?"

Only when he answered the door to the apartment it wasn't Betsey, rather it was Emma.

He was a little surprised to see her. Not that he hadn't seen her in awhile. He had saw her only yesterday, she had told Harry how she was supposed to get a scan this morning to find out the baby's gender over a some ridiculously unhealthy Chinese noodles.

Eating those noodles, reminded him of their time in New York when she had decided that they were going to try every sort of takeout in the general vicinity to their hotel.

Needless to say, lots and lots of bad Chinese food.

"Emma, this is a pleasant surprise." He said his eyes settling on her baby bump.

She sighed looking down. It was the first time that Ford had seen her since she was visibly showing. He saw that her face had turned bright red, which was ridiculous.

"I didn't know you'd still be here." She said, "I came to see Lacey."

"We need to talk," He whispered in her air.

She shook her head, "No."

"The baby, Emma." He said.

"I sent you a picture of the ultrasound." She hissed back.

"Really, you think a picture is enough? We're having a child together. I still love you."

She sighed heavily, "We've been through this already."

"No," He said, "You told me how things were going to be."

She bit her lip knowing he was right before she said, "This really isn't the place. I know what condition Lacey is in, and this would not be good for her health."

She had him there.

"Coffee, tomorrow morning?"

"Not at Granny's." She said, "I'm adverse to that place after—"

"I know," He said, "I was thinking of the Starbucks that's about five miles outside of town. You know the one."

She nodded before pursing her lips and saying, "Of course, you would torment me by taking me to a coffee place in my current condition."

"We'll get you a decaf." He said.

"Ford?" Lacey said coming into the room surprised the he was still there. Then she spotted Emma, "Oh, Emma, you're here early."

"I had an appointment later today," She said turning her attention towards his wife. "I thought I'd come see you a bit earlier than usual. We can do breakfast"

"Oh," Lacey said. "Ford, did you tell Emma hello?"

"Yes, yes, of course I did." He said. "I got to be going now, darling."

He left the house as if he was going to work. Well, he actually did have a couple of meetings that morning (well, afternoon UK time) one concerning the new proposed curriculum at Hogwarts.

"Maths?" Said Vector looking at the proposed course additions. "You can't be serious, your majesty."

"Because it's a muggle subject?" He asked, "A lot of the principles that are used in Maths are fundamental to Arithmancy. It's a good foundational course."

"I hate first years." Vector said as if this was going to change his mind. "You know that's why the school didn't start offering Arithmancy till third year."

"And to think I thought it involved more advance magical theory." Harry said.

"You never did take my class, your majesty." Vector said, "I sort of find it surprising that you have suggestions to make about a subject that you know little about."

He gave her one of his signature Dark One glares. "You'd be surprised at what I'd pick up, Professor. And it's an order that Maths going to be started being taught in years one and two. You don't have to teach it, I guess. I am just going to require that its precursor to your subject matter."

He then dismissed her. Several of the other professors found his suggestions to be annoying much like Vector. McGonogall was probably the most fascinated by his proposals.

"Wandless magic?" She asked.

He nodded. "Not everyone will be capable of doing it, but I think that if we try to develop a pupil's natural talent if they have it at an early age, it's something that would give them an advantage later on."

"It's an interesting theory." She said before adding, "You've become a lot more studious since you've graduated, Potter."'

"No, your majesty?"

She laughed, "Don't be ridiculous, Potter. You're my student long time before you became my king. But I have to say, you are a lot more focused than I remember."

"People grow up," Harry said.

McGonogall nodded. "You're more serious than I like. I know that's part of your job, and you've experienced a lot. But Potter—"


"You seem almost like a different person at times," The professor sighed as she peered down at him with her spectacles. "I know after what you experienced with—well, everything—you were bound to change, but I still occasionally would like to see that eleven-year-old in my transfiguration class."

He smiled at her sadly, "That eleven-year-old is gone."

Long gone. While he was still Harry Potter as much as he was Rumpelstiltskin both of his identities had been forever altered. In the years since his memories had returned, he had become a blend of both. Sure, sometimes one of his lives would predominant the other, but for more or less he was a blend of both Harry and Rumple. He didn't stick his nose up to dark magic like he had when he had been a young naïve Gryffindor, but at the same time he didn't turn everyone into a snail like he used too.

Though, there was one person he would definitely go full Dark One on: Regina.

McGonogall seemed to notice the dark look that came over his face when he thought about his nemesis. "I didn't mean to offend you, Potter."

"You didn't." He said, "I was just thinking how different the world is now than it was then."

"You know if you ever want to talk to someone other than Ms. Granger, I'd be more than willing to lend my ear." McGonogall said. "I've always been found of you, Potter. I don't know if I ever told you, but I knew both of your parents quite well."

"I assumed you were their head of house?"

"Partially," She said, "I was also James's godmother."

"So, then-" He said, "Did you know about the adoption?"

"Adoption?" She said then her eyes widened. "So, Albus did tell you then. I'm surprised."

"He told me the bare minimum." Harry said.

"Of course, that's so like him." She said. "What were told about his biological family?"

"I know he hated his father." He said.

Hated him enough to have his memories erased.

McGonogall shook her head, "No. No, it was much more complex than that. James loved his birth father."

"From what I gathered he viewed him as a monster, he asked to be deaged."

"Not because of Rumpelstiltskin."

Harry gasped when he heard his name.

"I'm guessing Albus didn't share names then?"

"Not really, just that he was a bad man. The Dark One."

McGonogall laughed, "I wouldn't exactly say that Rumpelstiltskin was a bad man. He did make some bad choices though, but James was able to forgive him in the end."

"Forgive?" Harry asked sort of stunned.

According, to Dumbledore's portrait, Bae had wanted all of his memories obliviated of Rumple. And it made sense with the deaging potion attached to it. When he told that to McGonogall though, she laughed.

"No, he took the deaging potion but the Potters wouldn't allow him to obliviated his life experiences. They were old fashion, always believed you had to face up to your past. Though there were some things about where James had been before that I'm sure he'd like to forget. And I'm not talking about Rumpelstiltskin."

He raised an eyebrow.

"James was trapped on an island for several years, Potter." She said, "Think all the characters from Peter Pan acting like they came out of Lord of the Flies, that's what he wanted to forget."

"But Dumbledore made—"

"Made James's birth father to be a monster?" McGonogall said, "Yeah, I'm not surprised. Albus was a good man, but even I'll admit he had a very black and white view of the world. James's father had his issues, Harry. He was a good man, or at least that what James told me, the curse he took to save James's life though, it made him different."

"It's still no excuse." Harry said, "He shouldn't have left him."

She shook her head, "No. No. It's more complicated than that, James himself told me that."

"How can you say that?" Harry said.

He had regretted abandoning Bae from the moment he let go of his hand. After finding out what his son had done to protect him, then—well, the guilt had grown even more. James had sacrificed his life for Harry. That was more than Rumple could've ever done.

McGonogall sighed. "It's complicated, Harry. I think James feels bad that he pushed his father so hard to give up magic, when he knew he didn't want to give it up. Especially when it might've been something he couldn't exactly give up."

"What are you talking about?" Harry asked.

"James probably had magical somewhere in his gene pool, and from the research I've done regarding your grandfather he seems like he was a particular potent Dark One. I think there was some latent magic there."

"That's impossible."

He hadn't done magic until he had become the Dark One. If he had the ability he certainly would've used it a lot earlier.

When he mentioned this to McGonogall though she shook her head, "I highly doubt he would know he was a capable of magic. Especially if he was a borderline squib, like I expect. It would explain his background though, James mentioned to me that he was abandoned as well. And as you know magical parents often abandon squibs."

By a father who left him to live in Neverland. Though, it were the spinster aunts that raised him that gave him those beans. Was it possible?

"It more than probable," She said as if reading his mind, "At least James thought it made more sense than his biological mother having magic. It doesn't matter really, in the end your father was able to forgive. He just regretted never being able to see Rumpelstiltskin again so that the two of them could have some closure."

"I can't believe Bae would be willing to forgive being abandoned like that." Harry said.

"Bae?" Minerva asked.

"His birth name was Baelfire, Dumbledore said he at one point was called Bae." Harry said covering up his lie.

She nodded, "I never knew he was called Bae before. I do remember hearing the name Baelfire though. Which made me suspicious about your grandfather's origins."

"Why do you say that?" Harry asked.

He had named Bae, Baelfire because it was his spinster aunts' surname. He hadn't given it much thought then, only he that he wanted to name his son after the only two people who gave a crap about him during his life.

"The name is of magical origin." She said, "I'm surprise you don't know, Potter. I've thought you turned into more of a scholar in recent years."

"I study useful areas of magic, Professor. I'm having a feeling this not magical families which I'm assuming you're going to tell me is where the Baelfire name originates from."

"It's actually a supposed fae clan."

"Fae?" He said, "As in fairies. Are you kidding me?"

"No," She said. "I entirely think it's possible that somewhere down the line, Potter, you have a fae ancestor."

So, to say the least when he met Emma for coffee, he was a little preoccupied trying to figure out the mess that was his origin.

Or the aunts.

They didn't act like faeries. Or at least the faeries he knew. Then again, he did remembered how a sect of the faes had split from Reul Ghorm long, long ago. Another pesky mystery to think about, he thought as he ordered himself a coffee and Emma's usual but in decaf.

He almost didn't see her come again. Actually he didn't, but he caught her sniff. The smell of roses with a taint hint of cinnamon. it was a rather odd combination, but he had learned the roses bit was from the perfume she wore and the cinnamon was for her constant indulgence in the spice.

She raised an eyebrow when she saw him, "What's wrong?"

"You and me." He said, "You should know that's why I called you here."

"We've been through this before." Emma said setting down and taking the decaf iced mocha with a huge sprinkle of cinnamon that he got for her.

"No, you told me how things were." He said, "I never got to add my bit."

"You are trying again with Lacey." Emma said.

"It's more complex," He said with a sigh. "You've been around her, Emma. She's not ready to hear the truth."

"Which is exactly why we should keep things the way they are." She said pertly.

"Emma," He said. "Don't be ridiculous. You're having my child."

She sighed heavily as he said that putting her hand on her belly. He knew that the baby had started kicking recently, because Harry had been allowed to touch it. Ford hadn't been.

It was annoying, this double life of his.

"I know, I know, I'm having our little girl." She said.

"A girl," He said with a smile. It was the first time he'd ever would have a daughter. It excited him.

She nodded for a brief moment she looked at Ford how she looked before Belle was revealed to be alive then her face shifted. "It's just, this is wrong. Lacey doesn't deserve this, she's already going through so much."

"And you aren't?" He said looking at her. "Look, I know you weren't bothered by the magic. Harry told me that."

"What?" She said, "He told you that?"

"Don't get mad at him," Ford said. "I had to sort of tell him because his—"

"Job," Emma answered knowing that Harry worked a high position in magical government. "I know, but he didn't have to tell you it didn't bother me."

"He sort of did, or he might be obliged to obliviate you it he didn't thoroughly investigate the situation."

"Obliviate?" Her face got an odd look to it.

"What is it?"

She frowned, "I remember being in a hospital. It's weird there were these people telling me that it would all be over soon after they obliviated me."

He frowned.

"What?" She said.

"I think that explains your memory loss," He said. "You said you woke up in that cell with no recollection of ever leaving the country."

Emma nodded.

"If you were obiviated, it would explain why you were confused at customs."

"But why would I be obliviated?" She asked, "Harry says it's alright for family members to know—"

"Harry wasn't with you," Rumple said as he revisited that unhappy memory. "It's quite possible they thought you were a mundane at the wrong place and time witnessing something. The laws back then was pretty terrible about how they dealt with mundanes witnessed them. Thank God, Harry has liberalized a lot of them."

She shook her head. "The fact he had to 'liberalize' that society makes it sound terrible. And the fact that Jaime's to attend that school next year is terrifying."

"The world has really made strides in the past decade." Rumple said, "You can thank your husband for that."

She frowned. "I don't even know how we started talking about the magical world."

"It's the reason you gave for leaving me."

"We weren't even together." She said.

"Your belly says differently." He pointed out.

She frowned, "I'm not really showing, I'm just in the slightly puffy stage. Not the full blown, you look pregnant stage. And anyone can get someone pregnant. You can even go into a God damn sperm bank and get knocked up if you want to. Hell, you can sell sperm on Craig's List."

"Okay," He said not expecting her to go on a tirade. And she was wrong, she was showing, and he loved it. He loved seeing their baby grow in her, her body changing as it grew, he didn't get to experience that last time with her. Not that he really got to experience it with her. "But this baby wasn't exactly conceived via Craig's List and you know it. We were talking about moving in together, Emma. Hell, we sort of were living together."

She sighed heavily as if she was upset. "I—I—Ford, you've seen your wife."

He sighed, "I know. I know that Lacey's condition is precarious. But she will get better eventually. And our marriage, it's not a marriage, Emma."

"You should at least—"

"What, try?" He asked, "It's been over twenty years, Emma. My feelings have changed. Lacey is no longer the same woman she is anymore."

"Like you said, she might get better." Emma said.

"Even if she does is it that hard to believe I want to be with you?"

Emma had left pretty much after that, finding some lame excuse. He hated this, what had become of their relationship. He wanted them to be them again, or at least he wanted her to look at him like she loved him.


He turned around there she was standing near where he was having no idea that the angst on his face was perpetrated by her.

"Hey," He said, "Are you okay."

She shook her head. "I want to drink. But obviously, I can't. Hey, am I showing that much?"

"Uh, no." He lied.

"I totally am. Couldn't even button my fat jeans this morning. And I got an earful about it from Ford." She said sitting down in his office.

"You talked to Ford," He said.

"He sort of cornered me," She said. "I was visiting Lacey Gold."

"I didn't know you still visited her." He said.

She sighed, "I feel guilty, you know? I screwed her husband, and the woman's pretty broken. The only thing going for her is she has excellent genes. She looks like she should be in her late twenties instead of late thirties or early forties."

Harry gave her a weird look. "That seems for a strange reason to visit a mentally incapacitated woman."

"She needs friends, Harry." Emma said, "All she has is her nurse and Ford. And Ford isn't home much during the day because of his job. Much like you're not home during the night because of yours."

He sighed, "You know, I hate my work schedule. But I love my job."

She nodded, "I know."

Since coming to a truce, they had talked more about his job. He hadn't exactly told her that he was the king of magical Britain, but he did pretty much tell her he was in charge of the government.

"Ford told me that it's because of you that the magical UK is a little less barbaric."

He laughed. "Barbaric. Maybe archaic is a better word."

"Regardless," Emma said. "What they did to me was barbaric."

"Did to you? What are you talking about?"

"I remember being obliviated." She said, "That explains why I lost my memory. And I want to know if there's any way, any way that it could be undone."

"And you're asking me this not Ford?"

"Talking to Ford is difficult these days." She said with a sigh, "Thanks for telling him that I wasn't bothered by magic."

He smiled, "Hey, if you were I'd have an obligation to obliviate you."

"I don't want to be obliviated again." Emma said, "That's the last thing I want."

"I know," He said.

"Now, can it be undone?" She asked.

He sighed heavily. It was a question he wished she didn't ask, because he knew what the more than likely answer was.


No unless he could get access to a true love potion that he could hope that could replicate the effects of true love's kiss. But he still didn't know where Regina locked up that beast, and there was no way in hell he was going to have Emma fight the beast in her condition. As for whipping up that spell with the Blue Fairy's heart that he hoped could get another possible hero to do the task—well, his theory seemed to be coming to a dead end.

Too bad he couldn't just blow up Maleficient's stomach with his mere hand. But dragon skin, especially dragon skin of dark witch's was often heavily repelled against most spells. Hence, why it needed a hero with a sword.

And while he might've been able to wield the Sword of Gryffindor in his Pre-Knowing he was the Dark One days he doubt he was considered hero territory now.


"It's complicated." He said. "There are different levels of obliviation. The ministry's spells in that era were particularly potent. Which is why they've been outlawed today."

Emma raised an eyebrow.

"I suspected you were obliviated when you were found," Harry said. "It made sense given everything I knew. Especially given some of the disturbing incidents that took place in that era."

"So, there's no hope in me regaining those memories?"

"I never said that," Harry said. "But can it be undone by a regular spell, I'm afraid not."

She sighed heavily as she frowned. "I can't believe I'm saying this, but I now sort of care if those memories return."

He raised an eyebrow, "Really?"

She nodded. "I know I told you it didn't matter. But now finding out that they were taken away on purpose. Well, it sort of makes me want to get them back more than ever."

Harry nodded. He wanted her to get her memories back too, but for complete different reasons.