Chapter 11: Meanwhile in Storybrooke

"He'll turn up, Hermione, I promise."

That was what Graham had told her at least

He had been saying that for the past few days, and Hermione still did not feel remotely reassured. Belle's trust in that Harry would find a way home didn't help either, since she had heard her friend lament so much about not being able to travel realms for so many years.

It had been after one of Teddy's birthday parties.

Harry had gone to his godson's every birthday, despite being relatively distant to Remus.

Hermione knew this was in part because he was trying to reconcile the fact that Remus's dead best friend was not only his father but his son, and Harry had all but admitted he couldn't look the man in the eye. But he loved Teddy. He was, after all, the boy's godfather.

Of course, Remus didn't realize this. He thought Harry's distance was more or less because of Sirius's death, but rather than Harry explaining that was not the case he allowed him to think what's right.

"I missed so much." He said to Hermione when they apparated back to his palace apartments.

She frowned. "Don't."

"You have no idea what I'm talking about," He said.

"I know you're thinking about Emma and the baby again," She said, "I know it hurts to look at Teddy sometimes. That the baby would've been around his age."

He laughed, "It's not the baby. Well, it is. Buy whenever I see Remus you know I think about—"

"Baelfire." She said with a sigh, "I know. You were thinking about him."

"And the time that was lost. If only I could've found a way sooner. Why did she have to send him to another realm?"

And that was when she heard just how difficult realm traveling was, and now it appeared that her friend was trapped in another realm and his son and wife were home safe in his world.

This was confirmed by Emma's brief appearance the other day.

Honestly, Hermione had been a little shocked to see Emma and for that matter, that Emma was leaving town.

"You can't be serious," She said as Emma grabbed clothes out of the closet she had been using.

The blonde sighed. "It's for the best. I—I need to get away from here."

"I get that you're parents are too much," Hermione said trying to sound as calm as she could possibly make herself. "But what about Harry?"

"What about him?" She asked.

"Well, aren't you concerned about him?" She asked, "I mean, he's trapped in another realm for Merlin's sake, Emma."

Emma sighed heavily, "He's the Dark One. If anyone can figure a way out of this it's Rumple."

She had a point there, but still.

"I don't think you understand, it might not be that easy." Hermione said.

"No," Emma said looking at her, "I don't think you understand, Hermione. So much has happened. Too much."

She looked at her deflated belly when she said this and Hermione inwardly cringed. Before she had left to go to an emergency summit meeting for Harry, she had heard that the baby was in peril. That Emma had somehow been forced to drink dreamshade of all things. Given the flat state of Emma's abdomen, she was sad to see that Harry had not been able to save the baby.

"Oh, Emma," Hermione said.

"Don't," Emma said shaking her head. "I—I am going to try to move on. And that means putting Jaime first. He can't be here. He can't deal with this lunacy."

"And what about Harry?" Hermione asked again.

She sighed, "I don't know. I really don't know, Hermione. I'm only starting to rationalize the fact that Harry and Rumple are the same person. He kept that from me for all those months. You kept that from me. You have to understand I'm hurt."

Hermione nodded, because what else could she say?

She knew she had hurt Emma, what she had done was wrong. She knew she should've said something, but at the same time it wasn't exactly her secret to tell it was Harry's.

"I can understand that." She said, "I get why you need some space, but you have to realize Harry's not going to see it that way."

Emma sighed, "Let him see it that way. I think he'd even agree that our first priority is our son."

She couldn't deny that. She knew Harry put Jaime first and foremost, it just seemed wrong letting Emma leave like that. And it really seemed out of character for Emma to be giving up like that, though according to Belle it might've been in part due to the Charmings.

If there was one solace in the past few days, it had been Belle. At first when Hermione had arrived back in town, she had been weary about talking to Harry's ex. Talk about awkward, but besides Graham, Belle had been the most supportive person she had in this whole #SaveHarry business.

Though, her research had been quite inadequate which was why she thought a trip to Hogwarts might be in order. Sure, she'd know Harry would argue that their alma matter was inadequate to the knowledge he possessed, but she wondered if maybe one of the books in the library might given her some sort of clue to realm jumping.

At the very business, someone had to run the country since Harry wasn't there. She really hadn't realized exactly how much work he had been doing—even though he had been commuting pretty much on a regular basis these past few months.

And God knows, the pure bloods were starting their shit again and needed to be shut up. Apparently, they didn't like the newly passed curriculum. Learning muggle computer skills were beneath them, like Hermione cared what they thought.

Well, she did care since she didn't exactly have as much clout as Harry—even with her so called title—but still. She could give a rat's ass about what a pure blood thought about learning how to type, save for the fact her life was already complicated enough.

"You really think you'll find something in England?" Graham asked.

She sighed, "No, but I need to get some new ideas. It's not doing me good here. And I can't stand those people."

"You mean the Charmings." He said.

"No, everyone." She said, "I hate that Blue Fairy too. And it's not because of all the things Harry's told me about her."

He sighed, "Yes, Blue has always been."

"Shady, sanctimonious, makes my slightly manipulative ex-headmaster seem like a complete innocent bystander." She finished.

It wasn't that she hated the late Dumbledore, but after finding out about all the machinations that her old headmaster had done she was a little bit weary about the man. And God knows, he was unfit to have ever been headmaster.

"Woo," Graham said seeing the look on her face, "You really don't like her?"

Hermione shook her head, "No, if there was one thing Harry taught me, it was to be weary of faes."

The story about Blue came in bits and pieces.

To be specific, the story about what she did to Bae.

Harry had told her for years that it was his fault that it was his fault that he drove Bae away, until the night of the party where he revealed the truth about the fairy.

"The Blue Fairy?" She said, "Reul Ghorm."

"That would be the one," He said.

"She sent Bae away?"

"For the greater good?"

"Oh, Harry, that's bullocks."

"Is it, Hermione? I mean, you read about what I've done?"

She had, but it didn't justify sending a child to another realm.

"And Dumbledore wasn't justified into molding me into a weapon." He snapped.

"He wasn't," She said, "You and I both know that. It's especially appalling now, that we're older."

He shook his head. "That's how the light is, they'll always find a way to justify things. If the dark does it heaven forbid, but if it's the light. It's always for the fucking greater good."

He did have a point there, more than she had been willing to admit at the time. Maybe it was being through a war that she didn't have such a black and white view of the world anymore, but she really was quite horrified with what Dumbledore did. Sending three eleven-year-olds after an magical stone that a wannabe magical Hitler was after was only the tip of the iceberg to a long list of grievances that made her want to smack the man had he been alive, but compared to what she read and heard about the Blue Fairy, Albus was reasonable.

Harry hadn't told her much about the fairy. Most of her inquires had been after the birthday breakdown as she called it. But she really was utterly appalled, the more she dug into the fae's history.

So much that he asked Harry about her.

"You've been researching Reul Ghorm. Really, Hermione?"

"I think she's more of a threat than you originally perceived, Harry." She said, "I mean, what she did to your family and others."

He sighed, "Fairies are fickle creatures, Hermione. Especially that one. They have their own since of morality and clearly she has it out for me for being the Dark One."

She frowned, "I know. But to go after Bae like that."

"She probably thought it was in his own best interest."

But that wasn't it. At least, Hermione was pretty sure it wasn't it. There had to be more to the story, she was sure. And after interacting with the woman, she was almost positive.

The fairy seemed completely relieved that both Harry and Jaime were gone and had said as much when Belle brought her over there to consult with them—at this point, Emma had not came back to town.

"I suggest leaving well enough alone." The fairy said. "Rumpelstiltskin can't hurt us where he is and God knows what the child is capable of."

"He's a child," Hermione said looking at her.

"I know," Blue said, "But his blood…Rumpelstiltskin is the Dark One, Ms. Granger."

"It's actually your grace." Hermione said. She usually wasn't one to use her title, but God the nun annoyed her from the start.


"I'm a duchess." She said, "I prefer to be addressed as 'your grace'." She snapped, "Especially by close minded dipshits."

She was sort of surprised she said it, but then again. She had been hearing about the nun for years. Read about her, and just seeing her looking all smug in her habit pretty much confirmed everything she thought about her. It was too bad Harry wasn't here to enjoy the moment. He probably would've made popcorn when he called her a dipshit.

She even saw Belle and Graham cracking a smile, but not Snow White who had came along because—well, she was Emma's mother and thought she needed to be involved in everything.

Which was beyond ridiculous.

Even Emma's father looked annoyed at the two of them, though he had shown up there that day.

"Hey," Snow White said being the first to recover from the fact that Hermione had called the fae a 'dipshit'. "That wasn't very nice."

"It was the truth," Hermione pointed out, "Harry is my best friend and this is his home. I know he wouldn't even want her in there. Not what after she did."

Of course, Blue denied everything. "I have no idea what you're talking about, Ms. Granger."

"You sure you don't?" Hermione said.

"No." Blue said.

"Maybe you'll spill the beans later." Hermione said wanting to make a point.

Blue wasn't stupid she got the very intentional pun/innuendo. "Maybe, I should go. Snow."

"No, you said you could help." She said.

"I think Ms. Granger has made it clear she doesn't want my help."

Damn straight she didn't want her help.

"But Henry! And Emma! We have to save them save them from—"

"From who? Harry?" Hermione rolled her eyes. "I don't think so. He loves them. And your grandson's name is Jaime or you can call him HJ if you must." She said.

She actually knew the boy was adamant about NOT being called Henry. He hated that name; it reminded him as Regina who he viewed as a monster. He actually only went by HJ to appease Emma, who he knew felt bad about changing his name mid-life. Snow White though, didn't seem to grasp that fact though because she just rolled her eyes and said, "I don't know if you know this Hermione, but Rumpelstiltskin is a very dangerous person."

"Oh, I'm aware how powerful Harry is, Snow White. I'm his best friend after all."

"He's using you." The woman said.

"Snow," Her husband said trying to calm the woman down as he gave Hermione an apologetic look.

He had done that a lot, upon reflection. She honestly didn't get what Snow White's deal was. Harry wasn't that bad.

"Charming," Snow White said. "She doesn't know what a monster Rumpelstiltskin is."

"I know he's the Dark One." Hermione snapped, "And I also know he's done a lot of good."

Snow White rolled her eyes.

"It's true," Graham said being the supportive boyfriend that he was, "I'm alive today because of Rumpelstiltskin. I have my grievances with him too, Snow, but—"

And then Snow White exploded.

"Enough!" She said, "I really don't understand how any of you are defending such a monster."

"Snow," Charming said trying to calm the woman down.

This did not exactly go well.

In fact, Hermione would have to say an angry Snow White gave a pissed Molly Weasley a run for her money.

"No," She said. "I am sick and tired of people, especially you telling me to give Rumpelstiltskin a chance. He has proven over and over that he is dark, Charming. Didn't you hear what Blue had to say?"

"We talked about this earlier," He said oblivious to the fact that everyone was staring at them—and it was quite a lot of people Hermione and Graham, Belle, Grumpy, and some other Storybrooke do-gooders. The way they were starring at the couple, seemed to be in shock too. Apparently, as Belle would later tell her, the "it" couple in Storybrooke never fought back in the Enchanted Forest. "You are just going to push Emma further away if you continue to reject her—"

"Don't even say it," She said. "Emma has duties. She can't be with that sorcerer."

Charming sighed heavily and murmured something about whether or not it was too early to have alcohol or not. Given the circumstances, Hermione thought a pint of fire whiskey and then some might be appropriate, but she didn't outright say this.

Snow didn't seem to take these words calmly.

"That's it," She hissed, "I'm done."

And now, if not everyone was staring at them before (they were) Charming gasped at her.

"Oh, don't look at me that way." Snow White snapped, "You gave me the ultimatum earlier, and you just didn't think I'd have the balls to actually take it."

Okay, now that was not how fairytale princesses talked, or at least how Hermione suspected fairytale princesses would talk. At this point, she knew for a fact Harry would have a big bag of popcorn made and she probably would join him on the feasting. Although, she did feel bad that the Charmings were making this a public spectacle.

"Snow," He said, "This is not the time or the place."

She started laughing, "And it's never the time or place to defend Rumpelstiltskin. I'm sure most of the people in this room would agree with me on that."

"Damn straight, sister." Grumpy said taking this as his clue to join in on the conversation.

"Shut up, Grumpy." Both Snow and Charming said simultaneously.

"You asked for my opinion!" The clueless dwarf said offended.

"No, we didn't." Snow and Charming snapped.

"I have tea and biscuits in the other room," Hermione said trying to clue the population that was not Snow White and Charming that there was an out. That they did not need to witness a tiff between the famous royal couple.

You would've thought Snow White would've been grateful for the excuse to clear the room, but nope, instead she just glared at Hermione and said, "I didn't ask for your help."

"You got tea and cookies?" Grumpy said oblivious to the fact that Snow was about to bitch out Hermione. "Why didn't you say anything sooner, my lady?"

"It's your grace," Hermione said with an eye roll, "And I thought we were actually going to have an adult conversation."

This got her a death glare from Snow White, but most of the townspeople went for the chance to get cookies—even though, unbeknownst to them they were actually eating Harry's shortbread.

A part of her thought about telling them that as they raved about the cookie, but in the end she couldn't do it. There was just way too much drama going on in that living room, to add wood to the fire. Though, she knew if Harry were there he'd probably ask them if they wanted the recipe. If there was one thing that had annoyed her about her friend since he recovered his memories, was that he loved to antagonize people now.

You would think it would make him a bad king, but apparently not. It had been the way he controlled a lot of the population.

Still though, declaring that the general populous was eating Rumpelstiltskin's cookies seemed like a bad idea to her. Especially since Snow White and Charming continued on fighting until someone slammed the door—

Snow White as it turned out.

She had left town.

She only found out that today, in fact, when Charming found out Emma had visited. She didn't know how the town knew Emma had came, Emma herself had been discreet, but apparently they did.

Hermione, suspected, Graham might've told the man. He did feel bad for the Charmings, even though he admitted they needed to give Emma some much needed space.

However, Charming when he came to the house that she was sharing with Graham wasn't so forthcoming with this. Not that Hermione pressed him. Instead, he was more concerned with Emma.

"How is she?" He asked.

Hermione sighed heavily, "I don't think she wants you to know."

He sighed heavily, "I understand, but I—do you think she'll ever be willing to talk to me?"

She sighed heavily; from what she knew of Emma the woman was ridiculously stubborn much like Harry. In a way, it was why they were such a good fit together. She did think though, once Emma cooled off she'd at least talk to her parents. Well, her father. She honestly didn't know what was wrong with Snow White.

When she pointed this out to Charming he sighed, "I know. It's…It's hard for Snow to make sense of all of this. It might be why she left."


The prince nodded. "After that night, well, Snow left. She said she needed some space and needed to make things right."

Hermione raised an eyebrow, "You don't think she's going to go after Emma, do you?"

Because that would not end well.

Charming sighed as he put his fingers through his thick hair. "I really don't know, your grace."

At least he referred to her by her title, she thought slightly bemused. Or as bemused as one was to get with this sort of situation.

"I should call Emma, and warn her." Hermione said.

"Don't." He said, "I already tried. The number's been disconnected. I'm not surprise, since the last time Snow called her it didn't go well."

Hermione just shook her head.

"Are you okay," Belle said bringing her back to the present. The woman came to meet to discuss strategy, and Hermione was going to tell her of her intent to go to England.

She shook her head, "It's been a rough few days."

Belle raised an eyebrow as Hermione proceeded her to tell her what had occurred.

"So, you're going to England now?" She finally said when Hermione got done explaining that the leads had dried up and after Emma had came back to town and told her she and Jaime were safe she really had no purpose here.

"Yeah, Hogwarts has one of the best magical libraries out there. I might be able to find something to at least activate the portal or whatever it was Harry traveled in."

"You really think they'll have a book about portal travel?" Belle asked.

The girl had a thirst for knowledge that was something Hermione learned about Belle. She seemed so interested in Hogwarts, in the magical world.

"I think it's possible," Hermione said. "My world's magic is very different than your own, but a lot of the books they overlap to some degree. I mean, there are books about the Dark One."

Belle raised an eyebrow, "I doubt they're accurate."

"No," Hermione said, "They do get certain details wrong, but I'm hoping we can find something. At the very least we'll be no worst off that we are now."

"I want to come," The girl then said.


"I want to come with you to London." Belle said, "I want to help. I want to see this magical world that Rumple has been calling his own for so many years."