~ INFO ~

~ face claim: whatever your cute ass looks likes :)

~ full name: Min Lun Y/n

~ stage-name: Luna

~ birthday: July 1st 1998

~ age: 21

~ korean age: 23

~ nationality: Born in Australia but is fully Korean

~ sliblings: her youngest one is Min Suck who is 16 years old, her second youngest one is Min Shin who is 19, her third youngest and fourth youngest are twins, one is a girl named Min Mi Young and the other is a boy named Min Kang-Dae both aged 20

~ facts: speaks five languages, grew up learning jiu-jitsu, was a dancer back in primary school but her mother made her quit after a girl threw a shoe at her eye, made good friends with Jungkook in auditions, is bisexual, supports the LGBTQ+ community, has ADD but doesn't effect her as much as it did before, has three younger brothers and one sister, grew up in a rich household.

~ home life: nearly got kicked out when she came out as bi to her parents, her parents were religious so she knew this was bound to happen. Growing up rich came with befits like expensive cars, clothes and shoes but that was only to make up for them never being home.