Clashing Flames

『The more and more I learn about Nova, the more ridiculous I think he is.』[Oswald]

『I think we can agree on that.』[Sarena]

『To be honest, he'd be a monster if he was born to nobility.』[Oswald]

『Who said he wasn't?』[Reischneid]

『He is?』[Sarena]

『He might be.』[Reischneid]

Nova began to anxiously eye Reischneid.

『What are you talking about, Reischneid?』[Nova]

『You're the descendant of the First King. There's no way you can JUST be a commoner.』[Reischneid]

『Is it.. My mom?』[Nova]

『...No. I was the king only in name. I ditched the name to be with the ones I loved.』[Reischneid]

『Then.. The entire current royal family..?』[Oswald]

『A friend of mine. He's the king you all know of as the first. My political advisor and best friend. Lucifius.』[Reischneid]

『My god. I.. don't think we should tell anyone.』[Sarena]

『Of course not! Come on, kids. If I wanted people to know, I would've stayed king!』[Reischneid]

『So, even though my father is a commoner, he had the blood of nobility?』[Nova]


『Then.. Wouldn't he have awakened his seed in a similar way?』[Nova]

『..Do you know what your father does every day?』[Reischneid]

『..No. He just sends money every month.』[Nova]

『Then... Let's find out. I'll be at your side all the way, partner.』[Reischneid]

Nova stood there speechless.



『Thanks. Let's do it, for the truth and our dreams.』[Nova]

『Couldn't have said it any better myself, kid.』[Reischneid]


『Yes, master?』[Nova]

『We're always here for you too. Don't forget to rely on us.』[Oswald]


He moved his gaze to Sarena, who quickly averted her eyes.

『...I guess it can't be helped.』[Sarena]

Nova smiled.

『Then. Let's begin our training!』[Oswald]



『Since Sarena taught you her trademark technique, I've got to teach you something nice too. Unfortunately, I'm a caster- so I can only teach you something simple.』[Oswald]

『Her trademark technique?』[Nova]

『Yes. It's the spell that gave her the nickname "Witch of Hell".』[Oswald]

「How many nicknames does she have..?」[Reischneid]

『If its her trademark technique why did she teach me it?』[Nova]

『It's her way of acknowledging you. She's an awkward person in her own way.』[Oswald]

Nova glanced at Sarena, who has already turned around and ignored everything that Oswald said.

『So, master can be cute in her own way.』[Nova]

She walked further away, before crouching down and quietly mumbling to herself.

『Alright. Good job, Nova.』[Oswald]

Oswald held his thumbs up.

『Alright, I'll be teaching you a Mana Shield.』[Oswald]

『That sounds.. basic?』[Nova]

『This is a caster spell with no circle, cast, or chant.』[Oswald]

『Then how do you cast it?』[Nova]

『I'm sure Sarena taught you about imagination having a lot to do with mana?』[Oswald]

『Yes. I have to use my imagination and intent to direct Reischneid around.』[Nova]

『It's that same concept- you're going to imagine your mana all around you, and put certain properties on it. They say that a mage is measured by their mana shield.』[Oswald]

『So, is it so necessary that you have to teach it to me?』[Nova]


『Actually, he just wants to make sure you don't get hurt.』[Sarena]

『Oh. Okay. Thank you, master.』[Nova]


「Why is my student so amazing?」[Oswald]

『The difference between a good mage's mana shield and an amateur is like night and day.』[Sarena]

『Isn't it just based on mana?』[Nova]

『No. Using the same amount of mana, a good mage can stack multiple effects and use his mana more efficiently.』[Oswald]

『With the amount of mana you can control, you can keep up a shield for maybe an hour- if inefficient. With good control, you can have it on all day.』[Sarena]

『We're going to teach you how to stack maybe 2 effects at the same time, and maintain your shield while fighting.』[Oswald]

『WOAH! I thought you said we weren't going to rush him?』[Sarena]

『Well, I made a bet with Hanzo, and Nova's going to be fighting Rai in next week's training.』[Oswald]

『Oh? What's the catch? Nova has 2 teachers, isn't that enough of an edge?』[Sarena]

『So does Rai. Do you remember Derenne?』[Oswald]

『..That bitch?』[Sarena]

「Woah. I'm not sure if I want to know what's up with that.」[Nova]

Sarena sighed.

『Okay, Nova. We're going to beat this into you.』[Sarena]


Nova was.. worried.


Nova sat cross-legged in a white room.

『Today's the day.』[Nova]

A slight invisible film hovered around Nova.

Projectiles were coming from all sides of Nova. Physical and magical.

『I've spent all of this week training my mana and mana shield technique.』[Nova]

『It looks like your teachers finally got the exact growth rate for you. No more surprises for them, huh?』[Reischneid]

『Yeah. I've been brainstorming a bunch of plans to beat Rai too.』[Nova]

『But, the fact of the matter is- neither of you knows each other's kit.』[Reischneid]

『Yeah. You'll be my ace in the hole.』[Nova]

『You sure that'll be fair?』[Reischneid]

『Yeah. He has a "guardian" of sorts too.』[Nova]

『..A deific manifestation?』[Reischneid]


『Then, to keep it fair- I won't tell you any info about how they work.』[Reischneid]

『Just the way I like it.』[Nova]

『Man, you must really hate this Rai kid, huh?』[Reischneid]

『Not at all, he's like a brother to me.』[Nova]

『I see.』[Reischneid]

He stopped talking.

An alarm started beeping.

『It's been an hour of training. I've done it!』[Nova]

『Not bad, an hour of mana shield with those two augments.』[Reischneid]

A man walked into the room.

『It's time to get started.』[Hanzo]

『Hey, what's up, Nova!』[Rai]

『Nothing much, just ready to win our fight.』[Nova]

Rai smirked.

『...Oh? Then let's do it.』[Rai]

They moved to a room with grass and vegetation everywhere.

Sarena and Os were already waiting.

『Wasn't there a 4th person?』[Nova]

『Yeah, she's over there.』[Oswald]

Oswald pointed over at a big rock that hid a woman wearing pink pajamas.

『Is she.. hiding?』[Nova]

『Yeah. She's pretty shy until she goes.. crazy.』[Sarena]


『Eh, don't worry about it- let's begin.』[Hanzo]

『Huh? Alrea-』[Rai]



He quickly formed a needle.

「Using his Extend already? Isn't it too early?」[Nova]

He stabbed himself somewhere in the leg.

「That's not where it was be-」[Nova]

In a short 2 seconds, Rai was already in front of Nova.

『Shock Burst!』[Rai]

Suddenly, Rai's arm was coated in a sparse layer of coiling red lightning.

It flashed to his palm and hit Nova.

..Or at least it seemed to.

A moment later, Rai was sent flying about 60 meters back.

In midair he managed to hit the ground a few times, fixing his position.


『No way! The "Queen" herself taught him her special attack?』[Hanzo]

『Looks like even virgins have their boy-toys.』[Derenne]

『Woah! When did you get here Derenne?』[Hanzo]

『Just now.』[Derenne]

『I see you're still as much of a bitch as always.』[Sarena]

『You two, focus on the fight. This is where it heats up.』[Oswald]

As he said that, a barrier was erected all around Rai.




Multiple red scales appeared on Rai's skin, before his silhouette was engulfed in flames.