Nova's Conviction

They seemed to be the first ones at the lunch room.

『Looks like everyone else is still unloading, huh?』[Rai]

『Seems like it.』[Nova]

The entire room was a clean and elegant place, with chairs and tables made of expensive looking wood.

They lined up in front of a large window that seemed to have nobody there.

There was a large menu hanging above them written in white chalk.

『Lets see the options… Super Mega Beef Bowl?! Ultra Udon Set? The Sub?! What are all of these options?! Why do they sound like they'll bust my gut?!』[Rai]

『Look! It also says "Finish it all, or face the consequences."』[Leo]

『Maybe I'm not so hungry after all..』[Rai]

Nova was already walking toward the window.

『Nova?! What are you doing man?!』[Rai]

『If you don't finish the food, the consequences are more of a deduction.』[Nova]

『What.. Are you talking about?!』[Leo]

Nova stood proud and called out into the empty kitchen window.

『Hello! I would like to order an Ultra Special Beef Teriyaki Set!』[Nova]

『No! Nova! The consequences are different for each year! Just wait till tomorrow!!』[Leo]

『..I'm ready.』[Nova]

A large tray about the 3 feet long slid out, with rice that blocked Nova's view, beef teriyaki the size of a 1/8th of a cow, a soup bowl large enough to be a single serving along with a mound of pickled vegetables about 6 inches tall emerged.

『Thank you.』[Nova]

He grabbed it and made his way to a table.

As he sat down, he heard a sneer from the kitchen window.

A voice that wasn't clearly male or female chuckled at him.

『You kids always overestimate yourselves. The day one of you may clear this challenge is the day that I die.』[???]

Nova sat there, with his eyes closed.

「I circulate my mana all day, every day. There is no way I will lose like this. Treat it like a battle, Nova.」[Nova]

「Oi.. Are you.. Getting serious, Nova?」[Reischneid]

「Yeah, I'm going to go all out for this.」[Nova]

「..Don't lose.」[Reischneid]

Nova's eyes shot open, and he began to dig in.

『Wait.. What is he doing?!』[Leo]

Nova's mana began to skyrocket, and Rai's legs even started shaking.

『Kid.. Are you insane?!』[???]

Nova kept eating at a ridiculous rate.

『There's no way! He won't last long enough.』[Leo]

Nova was beginning to sweat.

『Nova! Are you insane?! What are you doing?!』[Rai]

He said nothing, but before long, the food was already half gone.

『...You're the first to get this far. You can stop now.』[???]

Nova didn't stop though. He kept eating.

『Nova… NOVA!!』[Rai]

『Rai! We have to stop him!』[Leo]

『..Please! Stop! You're the first to get this far!』[???]

『Nova.. I'm going to end this!』[Rai]

As Rai began to step up, Nova began to burn in a blue blaze.

This caused Rai to stop in his steps.

『Nova..! This is the weight of your conviction.』[Rai]

He clenched his fist and turned his back on Nova.

Rai let a single tear climb down his cheek.

『Goodbye.. My brother.』[Rai]

Moments later Nova put down his chopsticks.



『What are you going on about? Just let me eat my damn food.』[Nova]


With Rai now blushing a hot pink, Nova managed to successfully finish the rest of the Ultra Special Beef Teriyaki set.

『Bwah. That was delicious.』[Nova]

『...You're the first to have completed this challenge.』[???]

『Thank you, it was a great meal.』[Nova]

『Please, come into the kitchen.』[???]

A door snapped open.

『..Did he seriously complete that?』[Leo]

『..He's a monster. An absolute beast.』[Rai]

Nova made his way into the kitchen with a tray.

When he looked to his left, there was a girl with light brown hair with green wings standing there.

『Hi. Thank you for the delicious meal.』[Nova]

The girl bowed over and over with a flushed face.

She spoke in a very quiet voice, so that only Nova could hear.

『Why did you go so far to finish my food?』[???]

『Because, if someone cooks for me I'd never let it go to waste.』[Nova]

Her flushed face only grew redder.

『My name… is Freyana.』[Freyana]

She motioned for him to move closer, then pointed at her ear.

「Lend her my ear?」[Nova]

He turned his head so that it was easier for her to speak to him.

Instead of her saying anything, she kissed him on the cheek.

At that moment, Nova became one in the spiritual and physical plane.


He stood there. Speechless.


Freyana looked at him in the eyes, before averting her gaze and running off.

「...I don't know whether that was a really good reward or not..」[Nova]

『..Nova? Are you okay?』[Leo]



After Nova ate, they all returned to his room hungry, except for him.

『What happened in there anyway?』[Rai]

『I'm also curious.』[Leo]


His student ID had a ping, which he checked out.

According to his store page, he had another 100 points.

「..For completing that challenge?」[Nova]

As they were about to settle down, a knock appeared at the door.

Nova got up and opened up the door.



『I..I brought your friends some food.』[Freyana]

『T-Thank you.』[Nova]

They both averted their gazes away from each other.

『Well.. I'll see you later.』[Nova]

He took the normal sized trays and brought them into the room.

『Hey gu-』[Nova]

Rai stared at him with a gaping mouth.

『Y-y-you? T-talking to a girl?』[Rai]

『..Shut up.』[Nova]

『Who was that?! She was really cute!』[Leo]

『..The girl from the cafeteria.』[Nova]

『Did something happen..?』[Leo]

『...Here. She came to drop off some food.』[Nova]

『Sweet! I'm starving!』[Rai]

『Aha! So something did-』[Leo]

『I'm taking your food back, Leo.』[Nova]

『NO! NO! PLEASE!』[Leo]

『Good. Take it.』[Nova]

Nova sat in a chair, and sat in silence until the two left.

『..Man. You really aren't good with girls, huh partner?』[Reischneid]

『...Never have been. I can't say no to them.』[Nova]

『Who said you had to say no to them?』[Reischneid]

『What do you mean?』[Nova]

『When I was a hero, I ended up marrying many different women who loved me.』[Reischneid]

『I'm just going to forget about it.』[Nova]

『..I mean, sure. Skip over my story. 』[Reischneid]

Nova gave an apologetic look.

『Sorry, Reischneid...』[Nova]

『I'm gonna go to sleep. Night Nova.』[Reischneid]

『Right now? It's literally right after lunch...』[Nova]

『NIGHT NOVA.』[Reischneid]

Now it was Nova's turn to sigh.