A White Flash

『...I'm going to sit down and eat now.』[Nova]

They continued to cheer, even as he sat down at the table his friends were at.

『I really don't know what's going on. You want to switch places, Rai? 』[Nova]

『..What? The hell's wrong with you, man?』[Rai]

『You beat those two dudes down, not me. You should get a title.』[Nova]

『Damn straight I should. What the hell? This totally isn't fair.』[Rai]

『Yo. Chill out. More than those flunkies, he's the one who tamed the "Immortal Cold Lily".』[Andrew]

『Gaaaah! Just as I think I've caught up, I've fallen behind again!』[Rai]

Rai made some weird noises that drew some attention.

『I'll get a girlfriend before you, Nova! I swear!』[Rai]

『..You're an idiot, right?』[Leo]

『..Huh? You too, Leo?』[Rai]

『..You just declared that with the entirety of the freshman class listening to you. If any girl becomes your girlfriend, I'd be damned.』[Andrew]

Rai looked around, to find that a good portion of the girls was looking at Rai with faces of disgust.

『...I.. really fucked up this time, didn't I?』[Rai]

He turned to Nova for some words of strength, only to find him devouring a rice bowl.

『...Yup. This is a really good meal. Oh, man. You guys didn't get your food yet?』[Nova]

Rai decided that if he put his face down and pretended not to exist, people would forget he ever said that.

『..How could we? I think my appetite is gone..』[Leo]

After Leo said that, a grumbling noise was heard from Andrew, drawing Nova's attention.

『...I don't want to get killed by the "Kitchen Spirit".』[Andrew]

『..What is the "Kitchen Spirit"? I think you've talked about this before.』[Nova]

『In my house, we are all told stories about Genesis Academy's "Kitchen Spirits".』[Andrew]

『Mine too! They're supposed to challenge you with a ridiculous amount of food, then if you finish, they reward you. If you don't, they punish you.』[Leo]

『And.. Didn't you finish it, Nova?』[Andrew]

『Yeah. Why?』[Nova]

The lunchroom was dead quiet.

『What was the reward?! You've gotta tell me! Not even my ancestors have never seen anyone finish it before!』[Andrew]

『I.. Uhm. Oh! Yeah. I've got 100 merits!』[Nova]

『NO WAY! You're basically… first in line for the male freshman rep!』[Andrew]

『Male freshman rep?』[Nova]

『Yeah! Every year, there is a showcase between all 4 years. It gets judged, and each of the years will get certain prestige for their placement. Although, it's almost always in the same order of Year 1, 2, 3, then 4th.』[Leo]

『And there's a female rep?』[Nova]

『Yeah! Males are called "Gladiolus", females are "Gardenia". It seems that Anastasia girl is most likely to become a Gardenia. There was.. Some kind of rumor or legend, too. I don't think it's that important.』[Andrew]

『So, it's based off merits?』[Nova]

『No. It's based on votes. The more votes the better. Although, in that regard, he wasn't far from the truth.』[Leo]


Leo was startled by Andrew's sudden noise.

『Hiii~! Don't kill me..』[Leo]

『I'm not gonna kill you, you idiot.』[Andrew]

『..I'm with a bunch of weirdos.』[Nova]

He continued eating as they all became the center of attention.

Before he finished, a student approached from behind.



As Nova turned around, he saw a white flash, then a loud THWACK noise rang out throughout the room.

The entire room became a deafening level of silence.

『What was that for..』[Nova]

When he turned back, he saw the face of a student almost brought to tears.



Suddenly, an ominous intent filled the room that seemed to drop the room's temperature by a few degrees.

「This feels like the time that Sarena was about to kill someone.. Freyana?!」[Nova]

「..She's kind of scary too..」[Reischneid]

Thean's shouting brought Nova back to the situation at hand.

『...Damn you! You know why. You cut into the middle of my fight with Jack and tarnished our reputation!』[Thean]

『No… I just subdued two idiots who were causing trouble for everyone around them.』[Nova]

『You dare to call me an idiot?! Then, this is a matter of life or death for me! If I don't defeat you, I will no longer call myself a Bayron!』[Thean]

『Huh? I don't think it's that serious..』[Nova]

『No, Nova. This is a matter of pride now. If you refuse, house Bayron will have it out for you. If you win, they won't pursue the matter.』[Andrew]

『He's right. Either way, you have to accept!』[Leo]

『Then, what if I surrender?』[Nova]

『You dare to disrespect me? Even now?!』[Thean]

『Haah. What a bother. I'll take you on then. Don't say that I didn't warn you.』[Nova]

『Then, let's go to the training yard right now!』[Thean]

『Well, whatever. What about that Jack guy?』[Nova]

『Jack? He's going to be there as well. What else?』[Thean]

A student shouted from across the room.

『Huh?! Why would I be there?』[Jack]

『Because they beat you too did they not?』[Thean]

『Well, yeah.. but..』[Jack]

He glared at Jack from across the room.

『What did I just say?』[Thean]

『..I'll do it!』[Jack]

Leo leaned in close enough to tell Nova something without anyone else hearing.

『Nova.. In this school, many people exert their political strength on others of lesser stature. House Bayron is a lowest rank upper house- almost at the level of the 7 great houses, or a top rank middle house.』[Leo]

『..Got it. I don't have a house, so leave it to me.』[Nova]

A hand placed itself on Nova's shoulder.

『Hey. Don't leave me out of this. 』[Rai]

『Oh? You're going to face us too?』[Thean]

『Yeah. Sorry if I spoiled your plan of jumping one dude with two people.』[Rai]

Thean's face grew red.

『..I'll.. I'LL KILL THE BOTH OF YOU!』[Thean]

『Damn.. Why did I have to get roped up into this..』[Jack]

『Don't worry, we'll make it quick.』[Rai]